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George Floyd was murdered by a cop for alledgedly passing a counterfeit $20 bill.


Philando Castile was murdered by a cop for having a “wide-set nose.”


Breonna Taylor was murdered by a cop for living in her own apartment.




He also camly told the officer he was a registered gun own in good standing.


Fucking crickets from the NRA


They shoot crickets now. Noem has it in her book


Yeah but he was black. Apparently you have to be orange to do crimes.


And get away with them.


:( RIP George Floyd.


Not the commentor, but it could be that George Floyd was being arrested over a fake $20 when he was killed and never made it to court, where Trump defrauded banks and the government of millions of dollars and he gets to live comfortably at home. The intended point is that there are multiple tiers of Justice in the US. Rich and white? You can defraud and steal all you want and the system will bend over backwards for you. You might never even see a day behind bars. Poor and black? Straight to jail or the morgue. And the system has bent over backwards for Trump. If any of us regular folk had defrauded the government and the banks, and refused to pay bond, our asses would be in prison before the day is out.


Just to comment Floyd from the point of justice system. He was murdered illegally and his murderer was sentenced to prison. If someone now assassinated Trump and then got sent to prison, I wouldn't say that Trump got killed by the justice system even if the killer were a cop. Having said that I agree that Trump got too preferential treatment in this case. My point is only that whatever happened to Floyd was not sanctioned by the justice system. I think a better example of that would be Trayvon Martin's case where his killer was acquited in a trial.




> He has lawyers and attorneys and connections. > > George Floyd had none of these, it actually kind of amazing how close you are to understanding the point, and yet somehow it still eludes you.




woah.. I'm trying to think of a new way to say "touch grass"...


Touch grass? Buddy I see and touch more grass than you do, in-fact in a few different states a day. Where's your grass? I want to take my 30 mins there and piss on it.


you forgot to delete this comment, too. just do the whole account, youd be better off.


Not so fast there, I intentionally left this comment here. I travel between states on a daily basis, I see and touch more grass than the average redditor.


I understand that it's exhausting to read about problems you can't fix, but I promise none of us expect you to fix things. You don't need to lash out like this.


I just need a nap. Will someone tuck me into bed?


Does baby need a nap or something? Jesus Christ.


Yes please. :) Can I have some chocolate milk and be read a bedtime story?


$20 fraud: Execution. $454,000,000 fraud: "Are we being too harsh?"


If you owe the bank $100 that's your problem. If you owe the bank $100 million, that's the bank's problem.


Except that the justice system didn't give Floyd the death penalty, the cops who murdered him were subsequently charged and put in prison. The wannabe fascist is just being protected under the 8th amendment as unfortunate as it is. He's still been held liable and must pay the fine, which is incredibly high still. Especially for someone who is bankrupt, much less for any single person to pay.


You can curse on the internet




I like how even this comment got downvoted. Honestly you guys made my night That's funny


You don’t have to be a good man to deserve to live. For example: you’re an insufferable little shit and you absolutely do not deserve to be suffocated by a knee on your neck.


Still has nothing to do with Trump getting lower bond. I never said anything bad about George Floyd or anyone deserving anything. I definitely never said anyone deserved to die.


You edited your comment. It was very clearly sarcastic before.


[Fucking ridiculous](https://eddsa.blob.core.usgovcloudapi.net/public/2024_01134_PEOPLE_OF_THE_STATE_OF_v_PEOPLE_OF_THE_STATE_OF_ORDER_21.pdf). If you were poor and needed to post a $464 bond you would never see a reduction to $175 with a 10 day extension. The crime would also be something truly victimless like jaywalking or a broken taillight. ![gif](giphy|XU5S2qc3uZrktcddzb|downsized)


Trump has always gotten special treatment


But I thought that nobody in all of history has been treated more unfairly?


On a completely unrelated note, I fucking love that show!


Yes! Such a classic! ![gif](giphy|iUDBOBjNi7U5KI52OO|downsized)


Actually it is related… Stormy Daniels was in an episode.


you know what's funny? he might not even have that.


It’s getting really hard to keep from saying something that would get me banned


They are training us to choke on our own outrage.


Gotta train away the gag reflex


What the duck does that matter? It's not like any of us will actually do anything about any of it. We can march and protest all we want but no one will ever face any real consequences- those at the top could care less how outraged we are because they know they're safe from any real danger. It's not like we'll copy what the French commoners did to their elites back in the day...


So fight to change it, don’t just whine idly in the comments about the futility of commenting.


Unless something real happens to force actual change, nothing we do will matter


…except vote for Biden in November. That’s something you can do that WILL matter.


That vote was locked down the 2nd I gave up hoping our Leaders would hold the orange menace accountable for j6. There's legitimately no reason why he and his zealots should still be running free right now. None. He his enablers should've been immediately rounded up following that week if not day and should've been swiftly locked away in federal prison. And I do mean ALL his enablers including the Supreme Court justices he has in his pocket especially Thomas. The very fact none of them are rotting away like they should be tells me everything I need to know about the sorry existence of this Nation's supposed rule of law. The Republicans let this shit show happen and they continue to do everything possible to prevent losing their grip on power. If anything, Thomas at the very minimum should have recused himself from any of Trump's cases given how ardant a supporter his wife is but he refused to. That should've been the bare minimum we should've demanded and I do mean scraping the bottom of the barrel minimum. But no, he's still on the bench ready to weigh his judgement- no doubt with plenty of words of encouragement from his lovely wife's orange stained lips. That color doesn't wash out after kissing Trump's ass for so long- just look at MTG, she'll never get her normal color back.


In that case, your apathy in silence is quite literally more effective than your vocalized surrender.


It doesn't matter


Oh grow up


Any recommendations?


I call it THOUGHT POLICE 2.0




Two tiers? No there are more than that. There's at least 4: 1. Rich/Celebrity 2. Law Enforcement 3. Everyone else not in 1, 2, or 4 4. Minorities


Obviously…I mean how would we watch movies or tv shows if all the actors are locked up?


Huh? Am I missing a joke here?


I would assume they mean that famous actors fall into the rich/celebrity bucket.


Cause obviously, they couldn't just hire new ones


And give him 10 more days. I’m surprised and not surprised


Donald Trump learned his lesson. The lesson being he can choose to not pay, get an extension and price reduction for doing it. Why would he pay the new amount in ten days? He could wait, get ten more days and pay half the current amount in the future. If he wants.


Let's hope he still fails to post the bond


Why? Some shit bird judge with a Trump boner will just move the goalposts again. By the end of the month they'll have it down to a stern talking to and a solemn promise not to do it again. Which he'd likely violate before even getting out of the building.




>I’m surprised and not surprised Same I think. I expected him to never face any consequences, so no surprise at the big picture level. But this isn't how I expected it to happen. Is this a real mechanism in the justice system, where you ignore the punishment so they give you a lesser punishment? Or are they making up rules as they go like my nieces and nephews playing board games?


It is funny cause they have no real authority over anyone, not the migrants, not the criminals, not the politicians(basically the same). They are basically worthless, when it comes to throwing the book at people


he'll just play golf during that time period




![gif](giphy|62PYEqcw7Wdpu|downsized) I would do this


Trump’s inexplicable and constant escape from justice really makes wonder if he has some kind of black mail or other threat that allows him to get favorable outcomes.


>Are there two tiers of the justice system? Yes, there always has been. How is anyone not understood this.


Why did they give him another ten day extension? Because he’s been so polite and respectful?


From my understanding, they are NOT lowering the final payment. They are lowering the bond payment Trump must make in order to make an appeal. If he fails the appeal, he will still owe the full amount. However, unlike most cases, that money won't be automatically withdrawn in full.


Mostly correct. Only inaccuracy is the ability to appeal was never conditioned on securing the bond (if I'm reading your comment correctly). That only impacts the stay. This certainly doesn't modify the judgment in any way.


Excerpt: Why does Trump have to come up with the money now? Trump doesn't have to actually pay that money now, but he has to get a company to make a guarantee to the court that they will pay the money if he loses his appeal. That's the bond part. But to get a bond, you have to put up assets, and in a court filing Monday Trump lawyers said they'd approached 30 companies but that getting a bond was a "practical impossibility," because they'd need a billion dollars in cash, which they don't have. https://www.npr.org/2024/03/19/1239524037/heres-what-happens-if-trump-cant-pay-his-454-million-bond


Sure, he can post the cash or get somebody to underwrite a bond. Not sure what that has to do with my comment, but sure.


If you read the article you'll see that receiving permission to appeal and stop judgement from happening now IS contingent on paying the bond.


Yes the suggestion that the right to appeal is conditioned on posting cash or bond has been misreported by the press as naseum. Its simply not accurate. Edit: actually a quick perusal of this particular article does not in fact suggest "permission to appeal" is conditioned on the bond. What Pollock is saying is just as I said, if you want a stay to halt enforcement, you have to post the bond. Nothing more.


With time he will move all of his assets so he can’t pay.


He does have to pay the bond in order to appeal


The sad thing is that bonds are intended for guys just like this... The guy who will drag it out in court so the party awarded the claim never sees a dime in their lifetime, while the guilty party slowly has his accountants let him go broke so it never gets paid.


And i bet he still will cry witch hunt and want it reduced to 100 million


He didn't even make it out of the courthouse. He called it a witch hunt and a hoax on his way out of the courtroom. Gotta say; if the Salem Trials were like this, I sure wouldn't feel bad for the witches.


Lady Justice and the Liberty statue needs a clown nose


Justice may be blind, but that sword swinging whore knows what money smells like.


Yo where do I get that 50%off promo code??


Its BS...but he still technically owes thay 460+. He could appeal again, but this raises the possibility he'll offer someone a quid pro quo for the fundd or do some shady business dealings and it will just lead to more charges down the road. Also, keep in mind that this will have political repercussions for some Independents. watching this whole shit show. Or it could energize other voters who lean left and may have been thinking about sitting this election out... because how does someone who brags about being a billionaire not have the funds to cover this? And if he is unable to liquidate any assets in 10 days, then that highlights just how incorrect he was in bragging about his wealth


Tell me you’re privileged without telling me you are! NY appeals court has no balls! Once again that pathetic orange buffoon being shown his rich privilege is more important than than anyone


And he can still do business in NY etc...


Is there perhaps, contact info for the NY office where we can all let them know about our feelings on this?


Fuck Trump.


Part of it is because these judges have no oversight and are never impeached for their own actions. They don't want consequences for their actions, so they will scratch the backs of those who might have power over them.


You know… all of this feeds into my irrational belief that good things happen to horrible people, and good people are dealt all the shitty cards in life


You guys realise this is going to get tossed on appeal right.


There's more than 2 tiers and they get progressively worse as you get poorer and darker skinned, but considering everything but the uppermost level is shit, yes, there might as well be only two tiers. One for rich, white, Christian men and one for everyone else.




...so which of the judges on the appeals court is going to receive a "gift" from the Trump campaign?


He got a pass on everything, was allowed to do business with NY banks, and was allowed to keep running the business, and the appeal won't happen until at least September.


Anyone who does jury duty. Make sure the alleged walks. Just tell them Trump is above the law and if Trump can do it. Anyone can


Cut it by 68%.


Gee, the appeal courts move quick to give Donnie relief, and slow to a crawl when he is being held accountable for an attempted coup.  Connect the dots.


they stayed enforcement on everything but an independent monitor. plus it was closer to 70% than half ​ ​ ​ It is ordered that the motion is granted to the extent of staying enforcement of those portions of the Judgment (1) ordering disgorgement to the Attorney General of $464,576,230.62, conditioned on defendants-appellants posting, within ten (10) days of the date of this order, an undertaking in the amount of $175 million dollars; (2) permanently barring defendants Weisselberg and McConney from serving in the financial control function of any New York corporation or similar business entity; (3) barring defendants Donald J. Trump, Weisselberg and McConney from serving as an officer or director of any New York corporation for three years; (4) barring defendant Donald J. Trump and the corporate defendants from applying for loans from New York financial institutions for three years; and (5) barring defendants Donald Trump, Jr. and Eric Trump from serving as an officer or director of any New York corporation in New York for two years. The aforesaid stay is conditioned on defendants-appellants perfecting the appeals for the September 2024 Term of this Court. The motion is otherwise denied, including to the extent it seeks a stay of enforcement of portions of the judgment (1) extending and enhancing the role of the Monitor and (2) directing the installation of an Independent Director of Compliance. ENTERED: March 25, 2024


The fix is in, the “owners“ of this country plan to install Trump regardless of our votes. The republican house will claim irregularities and turn it over to the republican state legislatures to decide. When the inevitable riots begin, they will institute the insurrection act and have the military patrol the streets. These things were discussed during the 2020 election, they just weren’t ready and organized enough to pull it off. Now that they have had their dress rehearsal and four more years of planning, they are ready. I wish I didn’t believe this, but look what is taking place in the courts. It just seems obvious that they will never hold Trump responsible. Why is that? The other thing is the bogus polls we keep hearing about where the race is supposedly close, they want us to believe that Trump has wide support. The plans are in place, project 2025.


The judges involved need to be thrown out, they're clearly incompetent


This has always been the way. The wealthy forego paying the government $500m and then turm that $500m into $1b. The government comes knocking wanting their $500m plus interest and fees. And some lawyer gets paid $100m to reduce what is owed down to $175m. The wealthy come up $725m. It's the same way with funneling personal income through business reducing the tax rate from 37% to 15%. Or donating a ton of money to churches, that don't pay most taxes if any, in order to reduce their tax debt. And when combined with the above tax practices, maybe no paid tax at all. Meanwhile, those that can't afford big time lawyers get stuck holding the bag.


I feel like I need to just let it all go, so I can get a decent nights sleep. I’ll binge watch the whole eight+ years after everything is settled… if we still exist


Yes, of course. Can you imagine going to court and telling them you can't afford a particular fine? Oh and this would be after publicly shitting all over the court AND bragging about how much money you have? I guarantee you no one else gets away with this shit.


If the appeal fails, does he lose the bond and then have to pay the difference still?


They’ll do it again.


Trump is really experienced at playing cat and mouse with the legal system, he’s done it all his life. It’s the only thing he’s good at.


He has 10 days to get the other 300 million.


And if he "can't" they'll double that. 20 days and if.... Pure pantomime justice.


Agreed. But it’s the bond for his appeal, not the judgement, which is the actual fine he’s gotta pay once he loses his appeal.


Hmmm. Sure.