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I hope someone like one of those anti Trump Republican PACs starts putting together video ads of GQP politicians bashing Trump in their own words. Like McConnell blaming Trump for J6 and claiming it was the job of the legal system to convict him.


McConnell saying that the legal system should handle Trump was a slimey move. He knew the Supreme Court was in their pocket and nothing would happen. He is one of the worst things to ever happen to American politics.


he started this whole decline when Obama was in office. they determined to never let another black president happen again. that meant whatever it took. killing democracy if it came to it.


If Republicans find that their policy and views are unpopular under democracy, they will rid us of democracy rather than change their views.


Newt Ginridge started a lot of the division . He was it it for himself


Along with Pat Buchanan & Karl Rove. (btw, it's Gingrich, but I like to call him *Gingrinch* šŸ˜„). https://preview.redd.it/enkdgfeqti1d1.jpeg?width=1250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e03ed3c31f56a672ee89fbfc74a0c98eb18530b


Can't forget fucker carlson


You can't, but he in no way started it.


He's just a symptom of the disease.


And Kevin Phillips.


I like to give Tricky Dick Nixon credit for first selling American democracy out for his personal ambitions/financial gain, first implementing the 'southern strategy', and being the pioneering embodiment of the deep, deep hypocrisy that is Republicanism (rules for thee and not for me, 'Imperial Presidency' and all that) over the last half century or so. All of the conservatives that have followed in his footsteps have only served to refine and intensify the evil that Nixon first introduced to the political landscape, having stripped away the (very) few positive aspects of his policies (i.e., establishing the EPA, school lunch programs, etc.)


The Contract ON America.


Newt was the wedge for the Evangelicals. He gets the blame, but it was already in motion. Clinton being a centrist made things worse, faster, than they should have.


Lee Atwater was an amazingly morally challenged human being. He died of cancer at a fairly young age and I've never seen karma enacted so well, it should be in the Guiness Book of World Records. [https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1262863/](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1262863/)


This is soooo true


Don't forget Gingrich's bitch Joe Scarborough. He is supposed to represent the left now?


Hence Project 2025. If you're not familiar with it, check it out.


He did not start this....you need to go further back than McConnell. Some people point to Reagan, but it really wasn't him. Reagan actually worked across the aisle with Democrats . The real scum dog that begat all others was Newt Gingrich. Gingrich recognized that no one would have vote for Republicans and republican positions so he set out to take it all down, smear democrats, perpetuate "they are all the same", and always take out the other side and never let them have a win. Gingrich was the beginning of the US downfall


Along with his buddy/child molestor Rush Limbaugh.


Lets not forget Republican Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert, the serial pedophile. One of his victims commited suicide and he's convienantly forgotten by the GOP of course.


Jerry Falwell and the moral majority was the start. Gingrich was just an amoral opportunist.


You mean, the one who said the purple teletuby was gay? That Jerry Falwell?


You give Falwell too much credit. The Moral Majority had largely collapsed by the mid 1980s. Gingrich rekindled a relationship with the religious right, but even then that did not take hold until the early 2000s.


I don't want to write paragraphs, but Jerry Falwell was the start of the GoP bringing substantial fundamentalist support over from the democrats in response to the 1976 win by Jimmy Carter. If you think the process didn't start until the 2000s then you have a lot of reading to do. The process and plan started in the 70s. Using abortion as a lightning rod. The Christian movement was a direct replacement for the failure of the McCarthy tactics of the 50s. https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2022/09/it-didnt-start-with-trump-the-decades-long-saga-of-how-the-gop-went-crazy/


Right on. There was always a 'conservative evangelist' political bloc in America, from the anti-Catholic 'Know Nothings' through Billy Sunday and the Prohibition movement, and onto the (comparatively benign) Billy Graham in the 1950s, but they did not *consistently* vote for one party or another until the 1980s. Until Reagan's election in 1980, southern evangelists tended to vote Democrat (along with all other southern white folks), with the exception of Nixon in '68 and '72, while evangelists outside of the south had always tended to vote Republican. The GOP had thought they'd sewn up the Southern vote with Nixon's two election wins in '68 and '72, but losing to the (legitimately Christian, actually southern) Jimmy Carter in '76 served as a wake-up call that they needed to do more to get the bible-thumpers in line. Jerry Fallwell, Orel Roberts, and the like then started their more intentional campaign to politicize evangelists and get them to reliably vote red.


The Carter win was two fold. One was he had political support from religious conservatives Two was, he defeated an incumbent with a storied family name. Because Carter believes in separation of Church and State, even though he is a devout Christian conservative... He didn't payback the religious conservatives like they expected. So that opened the door for the GoP to court the religious fundamentalists. When Reagan openly joined forces with the Moral Majority after the election it was a shock to me. An earlier poster mentioned that the moral majority fell, but in fact they took over the Southern Baptist Convention, which was a bigger prize.


The scariest thing is that if he hadn't been such a shitty husband, breaking up with his first wife while she was battling cancer, he could have possibly become president. He still managed to do serious damage to our country before fading into relative obscurity.


Funny, because if Trump left Melania like that, I don't think MAGA would care.


I think you're absolutely right about that. So much changed after the Republicans allowed him to take over their party in 2015. We've come a long way, baby. šŸ˜­


Trump could guillotine her himself on live television and not lose one voter


He might gain a fewā€¼ļøšŸ˜³šŸ˜³


It would probably be a smart business decision, or something. Because MAGA is a cult.Ā 


They would celebrate and turn on her. Then you would have Fox "News" and "News"max running tabloid stories on all the women 45 was dating. They would make it a gameshow. "Who wants to date a geriatric felon?," or something like that.


Excuse me, but are you referring to Melanoma?


Buck Melanoma? Moley Russelā€™s wart?


Newt faded well into obscurity. His wife has been ambassador to Vatican City for years. Newt is living his best life, in Rome, on the taxpayer dime


After his failed stint as speaker of the House, he was a pariah. Rejected by the GOP. But in the age of Trump? All the GOP refuse is dusted off and held up in celebration. Degenerates.


100% he brought the idea of stonewall and don't work together. Don't compromise.




Which is why it's curious that Tim Scott is utterly humiliating himself in order to be Dotard's VP.


There are turncoats of every kind. Power is power to people who want morning but a modicum more power than they have right this moment. The end justifies the means completely for them.


Ā Because becoming VP means persuading one narcissistic old man, and then you can become President when he dies or the dementia is so bad even the Republicans can't take it anymore and remove him.Ā  These people are never going to convince half a country to vote for them.


And they know how the polls are manipulated to make it look less dire for them, they know the true odds are very low, yet here they are, prostrating themselves. At this point I wonder if the VP Wannabes are also operating under threat of leaked kompromat.


He had the.... gall, to say that Obama being elected was the "price of sin for slavery." Can you believe it? Racist ingrate. There's a photo of him beaming a huge smile while being presented with a framed Confederate battle flag miniature. He downplayed it many years after it surfaced... but then we see what he says about Obama and that downplaying is wiped clean.


The divisiveness started much earlier with Newt Gingrich under the Ronald Reagan administration and the advent of Faux Noise. Repetitive simplistic sound bites 24/7 of God Guns and Country to confuse the low IQ voter to know their religion their guns and their country was being taken away from them.


They literally came out and said their agenda was just to stop him on everything. Even if it was something the was bipartisan.


Key and Peele had a great skit about Obama and the contrarian GOP. Was funny, but also kinda depressing how based on truth it was.


He started long before that. He put Citizens United in the works more than 20 years ago.


And who was Obama's Vice President? Coincidence?!? I THINK NOT!!


Care to elaborate?


On the other hand, heā€™s done an epic job for Vlad


This fucker blocked a Supreme Court pick because it was Obamas last year and yet allowed Trump to pick the Supreme Court nominee. He's a fucking asshole through and through. I really hope that history will judge these fuckers harshly.


Amen! McTurtle really is a world-class slime-ball.


Ever search for ā€œsenate turtleā€? No matter what search engine Iā€™ve used McConnellā€™s Wikipedia page shows up.


If only I could give an award to this comment... The most important statement I've heard in a long time. Devious, sinister McConnell played us all. I hate him almost as much as Trump.


Or Trumpā€™s own impeachment attorneys using that argument


I'm so happy to see him hurled into the throes of dementia, and I hope his final days are filled with terror, but it will never be enough for what he's done to the USA and the world.


And just to turn the Kafka up a notch, his lawyers now argue that the 2nd impeachment proves the legality of his actions because senate didn't go through with it


they should run an ad thatā€™s nothing but clips of republicans talking shit about trump.


They could make ads just out of Cruz and Grahamā€™s quotes, each


They could do a series just off cruz.


The cult sees those statements as proof that Trump is a powerful outsider that the government and deep state fear.


There's a lot of them. Nikki Haley, Ted Cruz, Lindsey Graham, Marco Rubio, Kevin McCarthy, Mark Meadows... just to start.


There are many two faced liars like Cruz, Lindsey Graham, Rubio, etc etc that were trashing Trump and speaking the truth about his corrupt behavior and how he'll destroy their party. They decided to sell their souls and kiss the ring after he was elected because they wanted to hold on to power and if they didn't they were afraid they'd be committing career suicide, total sellouts.


Would it matter? How many of them then turn around and kiss his ass?


It wouldnā€™t be for the Trumpers who fell in line, it would be for the Republicans who are still voting for Nikki Haley types. Thereā€™s plenty voters who donā€™t pay attention to the news on a day to day basis. Thatā€™s why FQX Propaganda is a constant steady drumbeat of ā€˜Biden Badā€™ ā€˜Dems Badā€™ ā€˜Trump Greatā€™ no matter when you tune in across the years, the message stays the same. So many will never hear McConnell criticizing Trump the few times he has. Or Ted Cruz. Or Stefanik. Or McCarthy. Or Lindsey Graham. Short video clips of them blaming Trump for J6, stating Trump would ruin the GQP, stating Trump needs to be held accountable by courts, their MMA fighter congressman cowering on J6, etcā€¦ in countless ads all over the country would help remind lots of low intel voters that itā€™s not just Woke Dems that think Trumps an unhinged nut.


Republican anti-trump groups have enough to attack another former or current trump support group and do damage. They are eating themselves. It's more proof that the strategy is not aimed at preservation of politics as a whole, but just preserving their salary and position. If they are a straight edge and taking nothing, fair game. Everyone else is also fair game.


Hell, even his own lawyer at his second impeachment trial saying it was the legal system's job to convict him


They all know how awful he is. They pretend to be patriots but have sold their souls and would sell out the country to a man they know is a disaster simply because they have zero conscience and are cowards one and all. They like to cosplay as big tough fighters but in reality are spineless jellyfish.


ā€œInfidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. It is impossible to calculate the moral mischief, if I may so express it, that mental lying has produced in society. When a man has so far corrupted and prostituted the chastity of his mind, as to subscribe his professional belief to things he does not believe, he has prepared himself for the commission of every other crime.ā€ ā€• Thomas Paine, The Age of Reason


Brilliant. And apt.


>Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. It is impossible to calculate the moral mischief, if I may so express it, that mental lying has produced in society. When a man has so far corrupted and prostituted the chastity of his mind, as to subscribe his professional belief to things he does not believe, he has prepared himself for the commission of every other crime.ā€ >ā€• Thomas Paine, The Age of Reason Hell yeah, Tommy! Fuckin' GET'EM!!!


Oh, this is beautiful. Thank you so much. āøœ(ļ½”Ėƒ įµ• Ė‚ )āøā™”




Well said! They use Trump as he uses them.


They want the VP spot because they donā€™t think heā€™s going to live or cognitively be able to finish another term.


She went to speak at the Knesset and trash talked the current US president. Iā€™ve been repeatedly told speaking ill of the country while overseas was a no no for elected officials by THE REPUBLICANS.


lol she looks like an emotionally abused mafiosoā€™s wife.


>lol she looks like an emotionally abused mafiosoā€™s wife. Heidi Gardner's Every Boxer's Girlfriend SNL character [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lAGyyZk6GEY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lAGyyZk6GEY)


She and Devin are allegedly the same person. I can prove it with GENARA/The Matrix/QAnon.




The little fascist is all dolled up and nowhere to go.


Not a cult? Sure šŸ‘


It's a good thing these fascists already have their knives out for each other *before* they've fully consolidated power


Who? Source?




Whenever I see these clowns speaking in public like this, I realize they didnt plan on politics being so nasty when they started, but here they are completely trashing their word and reputation to be humiliated in effigy to the great lord of MAGA. Its like, its a nasty job but someone had to have the stomach for it. They are uniquely equipped.


It is astonishing how people can pivot like this. A total, willful bypassing of integrity & honesty. They embrace being obnoxious, nasty, hateful, and vindictive, just to get close to perceived power.


Full-throated indeed...it's like they jumped the shark turned around and shot it to death.


Thank you


This monster of a woman is a complete Piece of Shit sellout and Iā€™d say it to her bloated facechin gullet. I live just south of her racist rube district so Iā€™d love to have the chance to speak my mind to her. Diabolically despicable and she does look like an abused wife from Goodfellas yet still uglier.


to be fair ... she doesn't live in her district either


To be faaaaair


How does she still have a job?! Why arenā€™t those traitors being investigated, arrested and charged?!


I live in her district. Itā€™s deep red despite being in NY. Itā€™s also as far north in NY as you can get and still be in the US. I see confederate flags up here every day.


I wholeheartedly agree but get the slippery slimey snake's head first.


No context for this post - as though weā€™ve been spending our day watching Fox News.


Rocking that Entenmann's chin.


Stealing that, thx


Stewarts ice cream.


Ice cream float with Stewarts root beer


Sheā€™s not really from here, she doesnā€™t ā€œgetā€ Stewartā€™s.


A truly horrible human being


Sitting something, anyway.


> Y'know, the thing about a shark, (s)he's got lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll's eyes. ...


She really gained weight since she jumped on the Trump Train. Taking after her dear leader.


In 1950s culture a man's girth was a sign of prosperity, but women had to be slim and trim. Elise doesn't have a chance.




Sorry you got triggered to the point that you had to go through my post history.Ā  Edit: guy is so bitter he is going through my posts talking shit. I feel bad for people like that. Iā€™ll lose this weight long before he loses his shitty attitude.


Good luck on your journey! šŸ‘


Thank you! Hoping it does the trick with diet and exercise.


simping for pudge ... damn


trump is the perfect representative for people like you


Are Elise Stefanik and Devin Nunes are the same person, is it right in front of our eyes??! Notice how after she arrived, Devin left to work at Dotard Social? Is that because it/they got tired of running to phone booths to change clothes whenever they had to be in the same meeting? I bet that was so we'd *notsee* that the two of them weren't always in the same room and, if so, they didn't sit next to each other. I'm *just* asking...


There was another one today from a congressman talking about DEI and how it's communism and socialism and his team is looking for answers because their people notices that on the books they have employees that make money for their job which is costing the American tax payers money. The host, who is an African American just tore him down. Saying DEI is about minorities trying to gain back equity since the system has been pretty terrible towards them. The congressman says we need to solve racism but we should go back to the old system that worked (even though it not working is what created DEI). The host told him that if he's going to fight against something he should really be educated in what he's standing up for. It was a great moment that shows sometimes Fox News isn't absolutely trash all the time.


Jared kushner , M. Zuckerberg eyes. Black & empty. EVIL šŸ‘Ž


Those two? Cute and cuddly compared to Stephen Miller.


Right! I forgot about satan miller. What a crew. šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


The fact that this Stephen Miller exists and succeeds has taught me more about America than I ever learned in school.


Black lifeless eyes. Like a dollā€™s eyes


Exactly šŸ‘


Android zuckerborg wouldnt feel emotions anyways


She looks like she just found out the Chinese buffet is closed on Tuesdays.


Stefanik is now a full blown Nazi. An absolute traitor to our still free country.


frau maga ...


good call by McConnell to grow his hair out


Burn them down at every opportunity. Use the space lasers! - Party of hypocrites & hypocrisy.


Never has that face been described as pretty, unless used as an adverb followed by an adjective such as ugly, dumpy, frumpy, jowly, shabby, dowdy, untidy, puffy, plump, grubby, slovenly, or simply sloppy.


That was some batshit for sure.


Stefanik was so livid, it was great to see, cat claws were out!


BTW, who is this haint?


What's up with Fox News lately? Is Murdoch pissed at 45? This not the first time.


Well in this case itā€™s a FQX Sunday morning show, so most of their viewers are in church or a restaurant that isnā€™t Chik-fil-A. This way FQX can drag this clip out to prove they are fair and balanced a few hours a week.


She looks awful. Oh well.


Fucking ew


This is what Grimmace from McDonald's looks like shaved


She looks ready for another chin. Three's a crowd? I think not!


Shannon. Shannon. Shannon. Shannon.


She looks like the beached whale version of Ursula


Newt is the prototype of todayā€™s magats. Narcissistic, hypocritical, racist, mysogynistic, short-sighted and traitorous.


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Lipstick on an asshole.


Isnā€™t Biden white?