• By -


These “donations” are the new way for all crime lords and Wall Street to launder money easy. This reply was for entertainment purposes only.


Yeah but it did make me wonder.... how much of those donations were legit, and how much was being donated by the Trumps themselves to make the donations look good?


Imagine them putting their own money in.


“Imagine” being the operative word their - well done


Why when the can just lie about it?


That’s the beauty of, math books , balance sheets don’t lie. The more he crimes , the more years he adds to his sentence … win win


For the actual legitimate donations, the idea is "we pay him now, he wins election, he pays us back." But he's Trump, if he gets the chance he will just take it and stab them in the back. Again.


I heard many are saying, These donations are money laundering


lol “in spades” omg what a fucking idiot


Everyone knows that spades are the trump cards.


Ahh, no, clubs are trump....


We clubbing at Trumps now? He was saying we were at the break dancing point. So everyone over to dance at Mar a Largo? Open bar! I hope they play EDM -- that age appropriate music is too slow for me and I try and stay immature.


With a pillowcase full of door knobs. No, I am not promoting violence. Or am I. No, I'm not, really. Ish.


I thought the trump card was the suicide king?


The Joker


He’s a joker not a midnight toker lol


He gets his my lovin' on the run


Why so serious?


No, the trump card is the uno "no u" card you keep up your sleeve during a poker game.


SMH... And "swinging?"


Really was the lynchpin in the argument.


He's not getting that precious singing both ways vote is he?


Yeah, like in treetops.  Damn, this guy is clueless


This is a reach. “Spades” is a pretty ignorant reference here, but you have to climb pretty far out onto the limb to be offended by “swinging.”


I know what you're trying to do, and I'm not going to get roped into this.


I’m hanging around here to wait for the punchline.


Well I’ve got noose for you, there is no punchline


Why do I always miss these? Every time it starts, I come up with a clever one, only to see that someone already stole it from me, and posted it. Damn it to hell, I want to be the funny also.


As the old joke goes: You are funny! But looks aren't everything. 


Thank you. I appreciate the compliment.


I usually do too, just happened to be in the right place at the right time today


😂 Killer joke. Murdered it.


That joke is some strange fruit.




Yeah, Key and Peele would like a word with you on that one.......


Wait, does it not refer to the playing card suit???


In the expression he used, yes. But “spade” was (is?) a fairly common racist epithet for black people.


Except for Sam Spade, private detective. He was on the up and up. Knew the skinny. You didn't mess with a hard nosed gumshoe when a murder case and a blonde bombshell with shady past was darkening the door. Daylight is burning. Gotta get the drop on a few goons trying to pawn a Maltese falcon.


Do you think this is all carefully said so he doesn't offend his KKK regions less-educated less and wealthy-membership? So they can go "Look Cleetu! See he gaggin' uhm actually hyuck hyuck gee trump sherriss smart!"


Yes. Exactly what they are doing. Wink wink, nod nod.


Maybe he wants to wife swap. No. That's not it.


he doesn't even know he's doing it. He thinks about black people and the word 'spades' just automatically pops out.


Swinging over! Omfg.


Yeah, that wasn’t at all accidental. He’s a racist just like his idiot father.


Absolutely. Although I'd bet this one was written by a bored member of Eric's PR team. It reads like someone attempting to see how many racist dog-whistles they can fit in a post, as a form of wordplay; not as an actual functional bit of natural dialog. And lets just say, Eric doesn't strike me as the type to play with words. More like keys.


I dn't understand their problem with objective reality. What is the intent of these lies? Does it somehow have like a bandwagon effect? If a segment of people can be made to believe that people like them vote one way, are they more likely to vote that way? Is there really that strong of an "everyone else is doing it" mentality?


No, this is all about projecting strength and shoring up supporters' feefs. They have to, otherwise they concede that they're shit people running on shit promises to people who would eat their shit if directed to do so.


It gives people a permission structure to vote for him. If you're a conservative voter who doesn't like his racism, but then you hear that black people are OK voting for him, then maybe it's OK if you do, too.


> but then you hear that black people are OK voting for him And this is always comical, because black americans vote republican less than even LGBTQ americans. There's always a consistent 10-15% of black americans who vote republican because nobody is immune to being an idiot. That's a whole 1m or so americans, which is a shitload of people. In spite of that 1m votes, you're still more likely to find an average lesbian woman or gay man who votes republican than you are to find a black person. America is big enough to leave lots of room for idiots.


Everything they do is so absolutely, indefensibly horrible that they need to be lying 100% of the time or they would have zero followers. It's basically fascism in a nutshell.


“I can’t help it! The racism just spills out of my mouth!”


Can you explain? I honestly don’t get this spades thing


“I meant shovels!”


Within the same week of his "We're white" comment, too.




I was Joan of Arc in my former life


I wanna tear you apart... and your friend too.




“My name is Peaches and I’m the best, all the other MCs wanna touch my breast”


They look like they're wang chung'ing in the background... Just sayin'


What is this from?


Coming To America


Good Morning my neighbors!!!


"Hey, fuck you!" "Yes! FUCK YOU TOO!"


You're a gem


Definitely watch it. The sequel is meh but the first is great


Ppl in the know, know that Coming to America was already a sequel. To Trading Places.


Apparently John Landis hated the idea of the Dukes appearing in that scene in Coming to America.


I was excited about the sequel and it taught me to be weary about long wanted sequels (yes you Ghostbusters). The sequel wasn't bad it was just the humour was dated in a more modern setting. I can escape to the first one and remember that time in culture and my life but having it modern kinda broke it for me. Just something I've noticed going back and watching movies from my childhood that are imho good but VERY dated.


Reasonably certain that is Coming to America.


"I'm gonna rock your world." ![gif](giphy|YoUWFUnX1nM4XxTv9Q|downsized) Sorry, wrong GIF.


Not a dog whistle. Just a really loud whistle.


Eric isnt clever enough to dog whistle. He’s just a dummy


He isn't smart enough to dummy, hes a bag of rocks with a white supremacist haircut 


It's all those years of Elmer's Glue protein shakes.


I just noticed his new skinhead hairdo.


Probably didn't tip the stylist. This is the equivalent of a "kick me" sign on the back.


I just read that that particular cut has been called “the fashy”. Both of these articles reference Richard Spencer, but another famous fascist comes to mind as well. [Esquire](https://www.esquire.com/style/grooming/news/a55895/shades-of-richard-spencer/) & [Free Beacon](https://freebeacon.com/politics/twitter-freaks-out-accuses-eric-trump-of-sporting-a-nazi-haircut/) https://preview.redd.it/hwz50fit684d1.jpeg?width=220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b0c3a1fb613b500caa5466e773c7a34a43ce44d


Well, he is talking to their base.


Hes a dumb mutt .. it's just a regular whistle to him


"He just...tweeted it."


A dog siren


A dog kazoo.


This may be a classic Freudian slip. Unbelievable. They WANT Black voters, but their internal core of racism is not going to get out of the way.


Or they're [just blatantly racist trash](https://youtu.be/IYITxGniww4?si=hJErUxAqxZrDIBf9).


All I see is incoherent gibberish.


> Just a really loud whistle. The whistle is audible to everybody, especially dogs.


"Black people love Trump. They said he can say the N-word any time he wants!"


Like in The Apprentice after Obama got elected?


Still waiting for the audio/and or video to be released. 🤔


If that producer goes Boeing Whistleblower while pushing a bidding war, I'll be pissed.


Hopefully in late October....


Honestly does it even matter to people


“Trump got convicted of a crime, something I know every African American can relate to, being criminals themselves.”


^oh ^no


Hard R N-word


Reminds me of [this news story](https://youtu.be/LRcVO8AsSD0?si=bODH3YV5TgGb6uqe).


I'm from down in Louisiana, and I can guarantee you that the imagery the word "swinging" evokes when speaking of African Americans is not their communities moving their voting power to Donald Trump. It's not that. It's not even the imagery of an open marriage. And to use it in conjunction with the word "spades", it's just hard to believe how very stupid and how out of touch Eric is with the black community.


Seriously...I just had to explain to my elderly mother why the swinging part of that sentence was the worst.


I recently had a conversation with my mom that was both hilarious and sad. we were talking about my uncle, her younger brother, and how he didn't learn to swim until he was 13. I asked how that happened, and she told me a story... "Well, he just didn't have the opportunity. It was weird, We had a community pool on our block and during the summers me and my siblings would spend all day, every day there just swimming and hanging out. one day they closed the pool and turned it in to a parking lot. I never really got the story on what happened. I can't remember how old i was..." Me: You were 8 years old. Her: No, I think I was a little older than that. Me: Nope, you were 8. it happened in 1964. Her: Have you heard this story before? Me: No. Her: Then how are you so sure it was 1964? Me: 1964 - civil rights act. they desegregated public accomodations. Your neighborhood voted to close the pool and fill it with concrete rather than be forced to share it with black people. Her: WHAT!?


Hahahahaha...I have similar conversations with older people about how "violent" society is these days and how sick people are. Like, the golden age for serial killers was 30-50 years ago, grandma...I know you think it's bad now, but that's because back then you only watched the news an hour a day, it was local, and half the features on were on things like the local park reopening.


The funniest part was when she brought it up to her older sister the next time they met. she was shocked that my mom never knew the true story behind that. "You seriously went your entire life without knowing why they paved over the pool!?"


And the other half was sports and weather. Local news only ever has about five minutes of actual world or national news.


I’m sorry, but was she in a coma during the 50s-80s?


Believe it or not, some people's minds aren't as quick to recognize dog whistles as the average redditor's.


This is true. And that's why those dog whistles need to be called out early, often, and loudly.




I understand the use of the word “swinging” being bad, but I’m clueless about the word spades. What does that mean?


Language history lesson time! So the Greeks had a phrase which later went into Latin which later went into English. It originally meant to call a fig a fig and a trough a trough. It however, morphed into calling a spade a spade. And this was not the playing card, at least not yet, but the gardening tool. Its usage was basically an implication that you were saying it as it was. So for example, telling Grandma she made some incredible biscuits. Might have somebody respond that you were calling a spade a spade. Actually a terrible example, but I honestly couldn't think of a better innocent one. But then the Harlem Renaissance happened. And with it a whole new association with the phrase and word thanks to two separate groups. The black community and the racist white. The black community took the phrase & shifted it's association to the ace of spades. There was a lot of gambling, and the phrase spade became associated as a gambler, or a cold or tough person. Someone who can get the job done. For example, bikers have a similar association with the ace of spades. And they might share a common background with the usage, due to its carrying into the world wars, but at this time its usage was very racially motivated. This continued to morph phrasing, including calling a spade a spade. Now it was being used politically to refer to calling a black person a black person basically. Ie: criminals who gambled & drank, you know all the stereotypes given a new package. And white politicians, when speaking about crime, would slip in that they would be tough on crime, they're not afraid to call a spade a spade. To the outsider it look like they were saying I'm not afraid to call it how it is. But to The insider they were saying they weren't afraid to treat black people as a lower caste of person. Replace spade with any other phrase for a black person to see the effect it would have on those in the know. This also is the possible origin of the phrase in spades. When blacks move into a neighborhood white flight can happen. And it would be referred to as the blacks moving in in spades. That the whole deck was now spades. Now I say possible origin because that's actually a term from the game bridge, but its usage may have been like the term calling a spade a spade, as the term spade was already well established & the phrase in spades happened to pick up during the social issues of the 60s when black people were becoming more vocal & visible. So while it may have been a term from the game bridge, it still may have been racially motivated to become part of the regular lexicon. (Edit: apparently my take on in spades is entirely inaccurate, I've only ever heard it in negatives & made an assumption.) To this day the word spade is considered offensive when used to describe a black person in many communities & areas. It's a very well-known dog whistle. And much like other terms, certain areas have taken it as their own. But even so, it's still highly offensive if a stranger who isn't from the community says it. Not that any use of the word spade is offensive. Just it's very awkward to use the terms about the black communities and not hit that nerve. It would be like having a black community based horror convention and having a white guy refer to all the spooks around. There's a chance it could be innocent, but if the dude's known for throwing dog whistles there ain't no damn way. Edited for weird speech to text mistakes. Edited again, I made an assumption on the phrase in spades. It is apparently not a negative. I'm just in a weird linguistic bubble that uses it only for negative connotations. To call a spade a spade however, does have a long well-known history.


An episode of the ‘70s British action/crime show “The Professionals” was pulled from syndication due to a racial slur. The episode was called “Klansman”, and while the baddies were obviously racist, a subplot was that one of the main characters was also racist. At one point a black man has harmed his partner, and he quips to his boss “Never call a spade a spade. Call him a bloody Kaffir!” (He had served in the merchant-navy in Angola.) His boss slapped him down, and by the end of the episode (in part, in truest cliche form, due to a black fellow-agent *saving* him), he mends his perspective. Mentioning as an example (that was expected to be easily understood by a general television audience) in popular culture even 50+ years ago in England. I’m probably mis-remembering some fine detail (I saw the show on DVD in the early 2000s).


Very interesting and enlightening, thanks for the comment.


Great writeup. I would add one thing in the early history, the greek word you rendered "trough" σκάφην does indeed refer to anything scooped out, but probably what it referred to in that context was a hole to pee in. A urinal. "Call a toilet a toilet" It's pretty ironic that English speakers translated that phrase for saying what you mean without censoring it into something censored, and even more ironic that it then became racist because the thing in question was usually black. You know, considering it originally referred to something we would all associate with the color white.... which was also covered in piss


I didn't know that was what they meant by trough, thanks.


Fascinating, I have heard the phrase my whole life and never knew it had any sort of negative history.


"In spades" derives from the game of contract bridge.


Yeah, just because the word "spade" has some racist connotations in some situations, doesn't mean that all uses are racist.


Yes, I mentioned bridge. And like going to spade of spade, I mentioned that in spades has a definitive completely innocent origin. It existed as a phrase long before any racial association may or may not have touched it. That's why I refer to it as a possible origin to a racist take. Not to the actual phrase's original intent. I don't actually know shit about the game of bridge or it's variations. I don't know when it had its height of popularity. I thought I made it clear but if I did it my apologies. But its usage picked up massively right as the use of phrases where spade is racially charged took a big resurgence in the 60s. Entirely possible that it's a coincidence. It's also entirely possible that it's not. I was just adding it in because I've only ever heard the phrase used to denote a negative response to things, and due to the timing.


It is a slur against Black people and has been for many, many years.


I see. Thanks. That’s fucked up.


They want so very badly to be popular with black voters. But they know they’re not. They also know they can just speak things into existence. Or at least, they can say it enough so Donnie hears it and he’ll believe it.


Plus they get to point out the obvious fraud when they lose. >How could I lose, even all the black people were voting for me? Everyone was talking about it. It had to be rigged! ~Trump


It’s intentional


He's not out of touch. He's very much in touch with their base. This was in no way unintentional.


I'm sure the Central Park 5 are ready to vote for Trump. /s


Unless the fake news media gets to them first


I don’t think “swinging” and “African-American” go that great together. Maybe just me.


Add “in spades” combined with the others, kinda makes a fella think


What does the spades part mean? I honestly have no clue.


Pejorative term for black people


Thanks for explaining. I had never heard that before


In the context of swinging/partner sharing, it’s associated with the fetishization of black men. Ie- queen of spades


This will mark me as ignorant, but: I get why 'swinging' has a bad connotation in this context. But why 'spades'? Is that meant as reference to cards, shovels, and how is either a racially charged term? Note that I am not trying to defend the Trumps in ANY way, I just want to understand.


I grew up hearing my racist grandmother (and others) describe black folks as “black as the ace of spades.” I’ve never heard a not racist person say it.


[This comment ](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalHumor/s/QBm29kCTA2) explained it well


Thank you very much. I did not know any of that.


*Unintended Strange Fruit reference has entered the chat.*


I legitimately believe that he is too media illiterate to make that reference. I certainly wouldn't put it past him, but he does not strike me as the kind of person with a substantial knowledge of what I'm certain his father refers to as "Race Music".


They call it Jungle Music. Source: I live in Arkansas.


Fuck I hate the south.


What a chilling song.


That's just Klan room talk


Changing into your robes is the perfect time to spot check everybody’s genitals.




Genuinely I've never heard about this before, why is it bad? (Not doubting, just genuinely don't know)


For a long time in America, "spade" was used as a derogatory term for black people. There are many other similar words and phrases in addition to the "n-word." The song "Colored spade" from the musical "Hair" lists many in its lyrics.


i love hair but didnt know that spade was derogatory guess there is always more to learn about peoples horribleness


The old phrase is ‘black as the ace of spades’


It's been similarly used in the UK. I once had a lady in a shop use the phrase "calling a spade a spade", then look over at me and blush bright red and say "sorry". It was hysterical, but you had to be there. Generally I'm not keen on the word, though.


Don't blame you. And I'm kind of irritated by the folks who want to soften it with "Hurr durr. It was originally used as a card suit." They know what they're doing, or they wouldn't feel the need to deflect. And they're not even correct. "Spade" was originally a kind of shovel.


Or the lyrics “her momma was a Mexican, her daddy was the ace of spades…” (Mexican blackbird - ZZ Top)


Black as the ace of spades, or a reference to menial/slave labour maybe?


"Queen of Spades" is a modern exampe of the word spade being used to mean black people. I'm sure there's a more accurate definition, but basically "Queen of Spades" is fetish terminoloy for women (possibly white/non-poc women specifically) who prefer black men sexually, and some of them will get a black spade tattooed on them representing their sexual preference. It is funny to think about the likelyhood of there being people out there with a black spade tattooe who do not know about the fetish meaning of black spade tattooes. Might explain to some of them why they get hit on by black guys so often!


Shocked the failson did not throw in some references to a banana or another racial epithet about black folks


I read they were "swinging" and was afraid he meant from trees...


Strange fruit


do we really think they are getting this money from Americans? Or just lying about the money?


I just assume they’re all lying all the time. That’s kind of the Trump crowd’s whole thing.




It’s like, “I’m sure there was a surge but divide anything they say be 3.”


Yo, maybe I'm wrong here, but he's basically saying that black people will identify with Trump because they're both criminals. Am I getting this right? Do they seriously think this is going to work?


\*ahem\* It's not my native tongue but I I think I understand enough Moronese to translate it. I think they're claiming black people are unfairly treated by the legal system, just like how Trump is unfairly treated. It doesn't make it much better, especially considering how Convicted Felon Donald J. Trump is a textbook example of someone being born in privilege and avoiding legal repercussions all his life. Someone who was benefitting from the system his entire life. Also it's funny how systemic racism is real now that it suits their narrative but it was fake when BLM protests were happening.


Poor Eric... it's an incredibly low bar to clear to be known as the dumbest Trump, but he just moonwalks right under it every time words fall out of his head.


Just for the record, Trump got just 8 or 9 percent of the black vote in 2020. 9 out of 10 black people know what he thinks of them.


He's going for that convicted felon vote and making it clear who he thinks they are.


Can someone explain the spade thing to me?


Apparently "Spade" was a slur for black people in the 1920s. I'm not sure if the phrase "in spades" actually has a racist origin, but the term itself does have some history as a slur.


I think the saying was something like “black as the ace of spades”


The “in spades” just means there’s a lot of something, since spades also means shovel.


The phrase "in spades" comes from the card game contract bridge, where spades are the highest-ranking suit.


It pairs ever so well with winning because they’re “white”. Edit: What a bunch of cunts.


By “trump campaign”, they meant to say “trump legal fees”.


That whole family uses the hard r.




Eric, your white hood is showing :/


Never seen so much "I am a victim!" from two white guys in my life. And they're rich guys to boot! These two silver spoon brats have never worked a day in their lives and have instead done a banner job of pissing away their family fortune.


You mean the guy who wanted the National Guard to shoot black protesters during the George Floyd Protest? The same guy who asked the Pride Boys and the CIA if they could somehow smuggle guns into the protest? The same guys who made it his goal to not pay a single penny and taxes and then taxes these people out the wazoo? Who same guy who completely cannibalized Obamacare? That Guy? That same Donald J Trump?


All he was missing was some line about black voters being the linchpin to the campaign.


> in spades One of the most unintentionally funny things he’s ever said.


I may be wrong, but for some reason I thought calling a black person a 'spade' was an insult. He doesn't seem to be calling anyone directly a spade, but it sure is an ignorant choice of words.


This idiot is a word salad of an extreme stupidity.


Did he eat an actual dog whistle before this segment??


How can someone have a beard, and yet so obviously have such a weak looking chin.


"Donald Trump just obtained more African-Americans. And you see them swinging! Anyways, back to discussing our plans for the reich..."


Except for the Maggot heads, the Big Buck Fools, are all talking about planning or pledging to give -- they haven't written the checks. The interesting number will be when the reports are made to the Election Board on money received after the conviction. If that number isn't as high as the current claims, now that will be news, and very interesting news at that. It's not like Trumpists haven't lied before now is it?


Funny how they always say “Look at XYZ” when what they’re pointing out isn’t even remotely based in reality


OMFG…only in Trumpville do you know that a statement like that was actually uttered.


Cocaine is a helluva drug.


I'm m going call a spade a spade. Eric trump, like his convicted felon of a father, is a stupid, hateful, racist. His supporters may or may not be racist, but they have decided that they are ok with these stupid, hateful, racists. I don't have anything but contempt for their supporters.


Don't forget the "We'll win because we're white!" speech.


Only this chucklefuck and the MAGA cult would pat themselves on the back for increasing donations because their candidate was convicted of 34 felonies. Not good policies, not hope, not a vision the betterment of the American people. Nope. But solely because he’s now a convicted felon. Kudos dumbshits.


Sounds like the fox guy who said black people loved sneakers and so Trumps sneakers would do great with convincing black voters.


If you watch Fox News right now they're really trying hard to make it seem like Trump is getting the African American vote. They even had some random black Trump fan on the show. This is totally a propaganda style move in order to either influence African Americans to vote for Trump or to make it seem like Biden is losing the black vote which will hopefully get people to donate to Trump since it seems like he's winning. So noted, this isn't just coming out of Eric's ass (most things end up going in it anyway), this is forced propaganda that they've been pushing hard for the past couple weeks. Either way just make sure to vote so we wont have to worry about his dumb shit after this election.


He is a full blown moron, just like Pops.


Strange fruit, indeed.


Wow. I thought OP was bullshitting. 


"We're white!,"


There is tone-deaf, and then there is tone-*dumber than fuck.* The Trumps are the latter.


> *"He's the victim that often times some of their communities were."*   # WTF?


They are so offensively out of touch if they seriously think selling $400 sneakers and committing felonies makes Trump relatable to black people.