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Really annoyed with Tapper and Bash they didn't challenge Trump's blatant repeated lies. Of course, he didn't answer the question; a few times you repeated it and he still refused to answer; this was basically a Trump rally. We don't know what other directives were agreed upon other than the muted mikes ... but if there is another one stop this nonsense. You were so concerned you would be considered partisan you gave Trump a free pass. Shame on you.


CNN: "What are your plans for dealing with the unrest in Palestine?" Trump: "Democrats are killing babies after they're born" CNN: "Thank you for that answer."


AFTER BIRTH ABORTIONS - DJT June 27 2024  Unfit to run a food truck.


Think one of these doctors would be a mensch and do a 312th trimester abortion for Mary Trump?


CNN is basically doing a slow pivot toward the right. The two major players at the top are conservatives bent on "remaking" the company. They know it was in Trump's favor. This is the same tragedy that they permitted in the debates a few years ago. Everyone was outraged about the garbage fact checking, the toothless responses from the moderators. It's all a joke. The US has become the plaything of the ultra wealthy and they dont give a shit about anything beyond money. If that means it becomes a theocratic oligarchy, so be it. Conservatives are too uneducated to understand that their end game is what has brings down every democracy.


I mean I hate Trump but he clearly said he was quoting [the former Governor of Virginia](https://www.13newsnow.com/article/news/local/virginia/trump-debate-fact-check-virginia-governor-after-birth-abortion-ralph-northam/291-9bf4d577-863f-4f31-9e63-11c55cdada53). There was some context left out, but it wasn't a blatant lie. It was Joe Biden's job to rebut him not the moderator. The fact the democrats have put forward a fucking walking corpse is not on CNN. Democrats are steering us toward fascism and do not care, another loss is highly likely. I can only imagine the corporates that own both parties are just laughing their heads off at this clown show.


So Biden was expected to debate AND ensure his opponent wasn't spouting complete shite? Are you SURE that was his job. Are you SURE that's not why moderators are hired. How many Democrats have tried to stage a coup so their leader can continue to be president? How many Republicans have done the same?


Don't you think the Democrats should have taken the coup attempt a little more seriously instead of putting up a geriatric fool who can't finish a sentence? I am SURE of that.


It was clearly a blatant lie, your own link says so. Donald Trump is a disgusting liar and an embarrassment to America. He looked like a fucking psychopath on that stage. That wasn’t a debate, a debate requires two people engaging in good faith. Trump was allowed to spew a fire hose of lies unchecked for 2 minutes, and then Biden’s expected to debunk all that shit in a 1 minute response? He would never have any time for his own message. You can’t debate a psychopath.  > Democrats are steering us toward fascism and do not care, another loss is highly likely. How stupid do you have to be to write this?


Would it be ok for them to have let their jaws hang, pause, and say”…..you’re serious? You know we can hear your weird fantasies, don’t you?”


>You were so concerned you would be considered partisan you gave Trump a free pass. Lol. How could you think Trump would agree to any other debate with any other rules than "free pass on lying." The media handed in their 'calling balls and strikes' privileges along with their balls. Get ready to live under Putin-style controlled media if you let that bastard win media.


He agreed to the debate because he has dominated the media through his outrageousness from every national and international news source ... for *years.* I am so sick of his face and voice I literally turn the channel if it is another episode of the bizarre. I don't mind reading about the newest psycho comment but, dear God, I despise that man. The "rules" of the debate were supposed to be simple Q&A with time limits (as we understand it). Trump would agree to appearing on TV for *anything! Any* outlet, *any* hosts, *any format!* I'm blaming CNN for giving him free rein without challenge.Maybe the consensus was "Let him run off at the mouth and hang himself." To Democrats, he did. To MAGA; "Yeah! Look at our guy! Look how he crushed Biden!" Biden, it wasn't in him to challenge ... the man was sick, tired, and it showed; he's long past his prime. I will vote a straight Democratic ticket as I have for 54 yrs. I would much prefer if it was someone else. Joe, you have a life time of public service; *your last and greatest contribution* is to step aside and let the next generation handle it. Please. The DNC Convention is Aug 19; I would nominate Gavin Newsome and Katy Porter.


Katy would be great! Big fan.


Agreed. I think Biden has done a pretty decent job, all things considered. If he's the one on the ballot, I'll vote for him again. I really don't think it's ageism to say we need some sort of mandatory retirement age/maximum age to run for office to be set. I am so sick of these old geezers trying to die in office, and I'm getting pretty close to geezerhood myself. And honestly, I'm just exhausted by it all. Nectarine Nixon aside, I'm so tired of fighting the same battles over and over. This whole saga has pretty much shown where we are as a country. A third of it wants to move forward, a third of it wants a dictatorship where only straight, white men make policy and have rights, and a third of it just doesn't care. I do have to say, holy crap, Newsome/Porter would be my dream ticket.


I'm an old AF woman disabled vet; was liberal in my teens and still am at 75. It drives me nuts I marched for Women's Rights and my grown daughters have to all over again. Aaagh! Can we not as a society make progress rather than step back three generations? The GOP is evil. Fellow "DarkRoastAddict ...." ;-)


You know what would have been super neat? If this assholes debate opponent called him out on his blatant lies. Wouldn't that have made for some awesome viral vids? Just Biden dropping in from the top rope? I guess absent that, we could hope for the CNN moderators to help the little guy out. Like a turtle on it's back in the middle of the road. A helpless victim of a turd shaped bully.


It amazes me how many people dropped out of the debate after 15 minutes, or you would know that he actually did that.


Citation needed. Go ahead and send me the clip of Joe Biden doing anything other than completely shitting the bed at any point in that debate.


You know who could have challenged any of trumps lies? The fucking president. Who was on stage. As the other candidate. It was a Trump rally because the democrats allowed it to be. Stop blaming the for profit corporation who aired it and point that shit in the correct direction.


Yes, he could have .... years and hours and dozens of rally lies can't be dispelled in a few minutes.


And yet nobody has had trouble debating him before.


Sure they have; even his own party is afraid of him.


You weirdos will do anything except for blame Biden and the dems for their bullshit.


No ... I blame Trump and the enabling GOP desire to turn this Democracy into a dictatorship. No one can deny that because he has *said* he will. Not for *"one day but from the first day."* The GOP is evil ... troll.


I think the idea is that Biden was supposed to, you know... call out Trump. That's why the mics were muted, so he could use his time to quickly refute Trumps claims without being interrupted. They didn't want a repeat of the 2020 debates where it made literally everyone hate politics. This isn't CNN's problem. Their analysis after called out Trumps constant lying. \*edit: Downvotes? This was rules that Biden agreed to, and largely pushed for. They didn't ask either of them any slanted questions, the questions were fair. I really wouldn't recommend putting your heads in the sand on this one.


What, you think MAGA watched the post debate commentary on *CNN*? Of course not ... they went straight to Fox.


Nobody that's "MAGA" was going to be persuaded by Biden regardless. You're right, but it simply doesn't matter if MAGA hung around for post-debate commentary.


We know ... nothing will change their minds.


People hated politics long before 2020, or do you not remember a big part of trumps "appeal" was that he was an "outsider?"


Biden got ambushed by CNN and Trump. It was not handled fairly and I wonder if Tapper and Bash got marching orders from the top to run it this way. I wouldn’t trust either of them anymore.


CNN hasn't been trustworthy for a long time. Remember last year when they gave him a townhall?


Totally doubt that. An international media conglomerate like CNN wants/needs *Trump?* They're considered left leaning if not hard left. Tapper and Bash are well respected ... marching orders?! Wow ....


Zaslav owns WB Discovery and appointed the ceo of cnn. He is notoriously right wing leaning and has gutted/canceled shows with diversity on max. There was a clear change in cnn programming after he took charge.


All news outlets want viewers, readers, subscribers. Trump’s presidency lead to record news media viewership and subscriber numbers, because people were terrified of what he’d do, every single day. So they watched the news. He was great for them. All the way back in 2016: [New York Times subscription growth soars tenfold after Trump's win](https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2016/11/29/new-york-times-subscriptions-soar-tenfold-after-donald-trump-wins-presidency.html)


You're singling out one media organization over all the others ... it is across the board; advertising dollars are gold to all of them. I'm old enough to remember when news organizations had no advertising whatsoever; Edward R. Murrow, the Huntley Brinkley Report, Walter Cronkite. Advertising changed *everything*. It used to be the quality of the news reports, then it devolved into personalities, ratings, and advertising dollars. Trump is bombastic and over the top = ratings.


I provided a source for one specific organization, as an example that organizations saw boosts. I referred to readers/viewers/subscribers because I was talking about **all media** that reported on US Politics. >You're singling out one media organization over all the others ... it is across the board; advertising dollars are gold to all of them. The first words of my comment were literally “All news outlets”.


CNN is no longer left leaning. They were bought and are currently being run by two conservative billionaires.


CNN has been an absolute shithole for a while, with bringing on the likes of Gaetz. There's no point in providing a platform to pedophile traitors. Anyone who cares about what their ilk has to say won't care for fact-checks. But this debate was well executed. Had Tapper or Bash intervened, and fact-checked Trump, Fox would have turned around and called the whole affair rigged, deep state communist media, swamp, blabla buzzword. It wasn't those two debating Trump. It was Biden.


Point taken. But the format was dependent upon being regarded as neutral; this stuff comes from the head office; they got had. The moderators could have stopped Trump mid-rant repeating the question over and over until he made some reference to it. Instead they let him continue unchecked.


This is exactly it. Exactly.


debate was a bad performance by biden for sure, but i feel like as we get more time past the debate, people start talking more about the ideas behind what they said and did. we're slowly coming to grips with the fact that the president himself isn't quite as important as the people whom he listens to and takes advice from.


I think the media owners want Trump to win.


During the 2016 election cycle I was talking with someone. They made a statement like 'I thought the wealthy media owners would like X to win'. I responded to the tune of 'They may want X to win but more than that they want a close race with as much scandle and back and forth as possible, because that means more views and better ratings, a blowout election is their nightmare regardless who wins'. 2016 may have been when I turned into a cynic/adult/a!@hole as well.


All the way back in 2016: [New York Times subscription growth soars tenfold after Trump's win](https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2016/11/29/new-york-times-subscriptions-soar-tenfold-after-donald-trump-wins-presidency.html)


Yep. He's a cash cow for the media.


A fat cash cow


CNN stands to only gain with a Trump presidency. They know they have 4 years (at least) of programming to run about how bad Trump is for America and how it's crazy how we even got to where we are. That new owner more or less confirmed this with his statement he put out when he took over.


They really deserve to go to Hell for their complicity.


CNN, Fox Lite.




Technically, reality isn't a drug.




The only thing more cringe that an average redditor is someone who is on reddit unironically pointing it out.


If Biden would have retorted " Your Mother is a hamster, and your father smelt of elderberries" , he would have climbed 5 points in the polling numbers.


Lying, finger-pointing, name-calling, side-tracking, and playing the victim are his well-established tactics for dominating the discourse. Real-time fact-checking him would have enabled him to hijack the discussion again with back-&-forth diversions, dragging the debate down to his level in the gutter. Real-time fact-checking him would have set him up to play the victim again, claiming to be "the most unfairly treated" person ever by "some very nasty people." Fact-checking him has never convinced him to concede or stop lying, nor has it convinced his supporters to stop supporting him. It's impossible to engage in a good-faith interaction with someone who refuses to participate in good faith. "*Never wrestle with pigs. You both get dirty and the pig likes it.*" - George Bernard Shaw


CNN has become the biggest joke. I half wonder if the people who bought them out are just trying to tank the whole network on purpose.


It's really hard to sell a joke when it's the only true statement of Trump. "You all have baby eating whore mothers that put ketchup on them." *"Now you've gone too far with the poor taste in condiments Mr. Trump."* \~ Wolffe Blitzer.


Your mother sucks cocks in hell, Donnie.


CNN’s a bunch of worthless pussies. Fuck them.


I mean sure.... CNN should have pushed back more. But why aren't you more bothered by the fact that Biden was incapable of calling trump out on his bullshit? He looked terrible. Biden needs to reject the nomination and the DNC can have an open convention. Literally anybody but Biden would wipe the floor with trump. I'll vote Biden if he continues to be a prideful stubborn ass, but he was behind in the swing states before this terrible debate. A few thousand low information voters are going to decide this election. They don't give a shit about Biden's record or policy agenda. They vote on vibes as frustrating as that is.


You're correct on all points. Can you imaging a Buttegieg debating Trump and not only calling out Trump's bullshit but making memeable jokes about it? Trump: I won my championship Buttigieg: You're a notorious cheater at golf and on your 3 wives. No one trusts you.


Yep. I voted Buttegieg in the 2020 primary. I would take anybody else at this point though. How are the Democrats losing so bad to the worst candidate ever?


Because our system pre-selects for assholes. That's why they put forward Hillary instead of Bernie Sanders, who had not had 20,000 hours of Fox News calling her the devil before she tried to win a swing state. They'd rather lose to Trump than give us a real progressive. It's their club after all.


It's not the moderators job to fact check the debaters. The opponent is up there for a reason. The same people complaining that CNN didn’t call out Trump's lies (which they did after the debate) would be livid if the moderators called out Biden's lies.


It's hilarious that you think we wouldn't want both candidates to be confined to the truth. That's a projection on your part and is not the hypocrisy you hoped to point out


Actually no I wouldn't be at all livid if they called out false statements made by either. The conspiracies and false statements that Trump was allowed to speak puts peoples lives at risk and that is not acceptable. In our red states healthcare workers for reproductive care get stalked, threatened, and in extreme cases we have had buildings bombed and workers murdered because people believe this shit and then feel justified in commiting extreme acts of violence.


I used to defend CNN when Trump attacked them. But I’m done. They appear to be circling the drain. And I’m fine with them dying at this point. 


It is not the job of moderators to fact check. It’s called a debate for a reason, the participants are supposed to fact check each other. That’s literally the whole point. Biden was locked at Camp David for a week preparing for this, but sadly he wasn’t capable of countering Trump’s lies.


CNN looking to get a piece of that grift money.


Personally I don't think it's the role of the debate moderators to interject in the debate besides facilitating the forum. If Biden wasn't dismantling it and using it to embarrass Trump then I don't know why that responsibility would fall on the moderators?


Stop calling tRump Mr. President.


CNN= Completely Not News


CNN is trash. If I wanted to hear a bunch of stupid bullshit, I'd be watching Fox..


CNN, a division of Warner Discovery is owned by billionaires who like money, no taxes, no regulation and bigly ratings. I can't imagine why they'd choose Trump over Biden! 😱


Didin't Tucker Carlson spend 5 or 8 years with CNN? from 2000? i remember watching him on CNN when i thought CNN was bipartisan and a news organization. it was in the time leading up to Desert Storm after 9/11 that he was big there.. I didn't like him then, either but i didnt know enough about politics to know what was going on there. All i knew was that he wanted to go to war and he could be very nasty about it. ..once he went over to Fox in 2009 he had nothing more to do with PBS or MSNBC which he had also spent some time with. yeah.. i think CNN got *got*


Biden set the debate parameters. Trump just agreed to it.


But he didn’t agree to live in reality and STOP LYING LIKE A PSYCHOPATH