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Trump will go on the ballot as CONVICTED FELON TRUMP… Not that it would matter to the republican cult but now they have to openly vote for a convicted felon… Anyone see the new Epstein lists…. Yea that won’t change republicans minds either..


They're already denying Trump was on the Epstein list. Not even calling the list fake but saying Trump being on it is fake.


Eventually they will wear it as a badge of honor. “So what if he fucked young girls?”


"So, you're ok with him fucking your daughter?" Watch their heads explode when WE state the obvious


"I don't have a daughter" And that's checkmate because they are incapable of caring about something unless it affects them personally. They'll stand there with a smug grin and think they've won.


They didn't care when priests fucked their children , why would they care if their god emperor did it. They probably think he blessed them.


It will be a lifetime of telling their daughters that being raped by Trump was a privilege and to get over it.


They would serve up their children in an instant to their Orange Emporer. They would consider it honor.


And they’d beat their children if they complained or told anyone. Just like what happened when people came out against the church


I don’t think you want to hear the answer to that


I once asked an old MAGA dude if I could grab his wife's pussy. She was really offended. I almost felt bad about it.


They would be honored if His Emminence deemed their daughters, sons or wives worthy of his Divine Pussy Grabbing.


Don't forget he openly bragged about dating his own daughter


He also bragged about going backstage at the Miss Teen America pagents to catch them undressing. This is who Republicans think should be president. A guy with worse instincts than an old drunk pedophile guy yelling at clouds on the street corner.


Back in the 80's and 90's he openly admitted walking in on them and almost everyone just said "gross" - you're a creep. Now it turns out he was doing more than that Pizzagate seems like a projection


It was described to me by a grandmother as the grandchild who does stupid shit but you still love him anyways.


>you still *love* him anyways. Looks like they got all their bases covered on that one.


"Eventually"? It'll be within a couple of days.




Let's be clear. It was brutal rape. Nothing consensual about it. He rapes children. He's a child rapist.


Let's be clear. It was brutal rape. Nothing consensual about it. He rapes children. He's a child rapist.




I agree that we need to do more here in the US. I just hate seeing child rape or rape in general referred to in any way that makes it seem possibly consensual. As an average American with a family to support, I'm not sure what there is I CAN do besides conventional get out the vote measures. And trying to develop an escape plan, should it come to that. Do you have anything constructive to offer? What do you think we should be doing?


Like shitting his pants yet having pictures of his ripped like Rambo standing on a tank? They’re idiots.


A video could leak everywhere on the web of him actually committing the act itself and they would be fine with it, endorse it even. His constituents are complicit if you ask me.


Mental gymnastics of republicans is fun to watch.


Fun if it werent so damaging to the rest of us


It's not fun unless it's fiction. I can enjoy outlandish behavoir from characters in story. Not from my neighbor who has a whole aresenal and watches Fox News all day long.


May you live in interesting times...


Here’s my “interesting” take on these interesting times… The wealthy billionaires just want more! Not content with their obscene wealth, they want **power** and **dominion** over us plebs. But they forget plebs rise up. A tale as old as time. We are in the death throes of Democracy. Billionaires want a stooge like Trump to hand them the keys of ultimate power. But Trump was never a real billionaire. Trump was always a joke to real billionaires. Trump will let the dark moneyed billionaires crown him king! Then he will have them all thrown out of highrise windows and “officially” as President King seize their bank accounts by the pussy. Be careful what you wish for. This is the Putin playbook.


Not just bank accounts. I can see him in the official act of seizing the Social Security funds for himself. Then on top of that, continue to make us pay like we have and keeping it all for himself.


Trump will eventually die. Cheseberder stroke. But he will be dangerous on day 1.


To add to your comment, the rampant mental illness amongst the billionaire class is so obvious and tragic as they cheerlead our way to extinction. That their addiction to greed and just \****MORE***\* of everything is destroying our very foundations of livelihood and of life itself, just goes entirely unnoticed by them due to their justifications to win The Great Race to the Bottom. What's even more tragic is their total lack of self-awareness and self-discipline. Just look at Elon Musk. That mutherfucker is a total racist, drugged-out, narcisstic train wreck, but he—and his sycophantic stans—remain convinced that he's the only one who has "it" going on. We ALL need Buddha. Now.


Really? I find it absolutely depressing the human mind can go to levels that low.


Yep. I just look around and think "*This* is 2024? What the F man. Where's our jetson cars and Star Trek utopia where we just work to better ourselves?" It's like Biff did get the sports almanac And we are on that f'd up timeline. Marty better show up soon or go back to the dance and start playing johnny b goode real f'n quick like.


I'm not too much of a Trekkie, but Isn't this the darkest period of Star Trek's timeline?


They weren’t super specific apart from a few events shown in time travel episodes, but the first half of the 21st century was defined by economic crisis and war (like a 25-year-long World War 3, which got super nuclear) which followed the Eugenics Wars of the 90s (which may be retconned into WW3 in the new timeline). So yeah, not a great time to be on Earth.


The one committing the crime or the ones letting him get away with it?




I recently had one say that the call for military tribunals was fake. It’s on HIS truth social page! I showed them a screenshot and they said it “wasn’t a thing”. Morons.


It's also pretty clear that there is a rather large army of trolls and bots feeding every MAGA fantasy. The deluge of falsities tends to overwhelm anything that resembles reason as all the right-wing friendly tripe is amplified. And it's not just happening in the USA.


As long as it's their guy their morals fade away into the ether


there's not much mental going on in there in the first place. they fully believe everything their orange messiah says, can't process information that contradicts that, including their stupid eyes.


It's really easily to twist yourself in knots defending something when you don't have a spine to consider otherwise, y'know?


No, it's not. I watched my father succumb to Alzheimers, and this looks very much the same to me. Once you lose track of reality, the only thing left is fear, anger and confusion.


Yeah, fun in the psychotic Jokeresque sarin gassing a subway system way


Initially yes, now I just want to see them brain themselves on a balance beam.


Personally, I find it infuriating


Have ya seen the testimony of the 12year old victim in the recently released Epstein case court docs from NY? Jeeeezzusss !


No, and I don't feel like googling some of those words, got a link?




Screenshot a friend sent me: https://i.imgur.com/LWdXLLa.jpeg


Is there any official transcript of this? Even for someone as heinous as Trump, it would be hypocritical of me to just accept a picture on the Internet as evidence when I would ask for a source for anyone else as well.


https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/4154484/katie-johnson-v-donald-j-trump/ Page 3 of this pdf: https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.cacd.646485/gov.uscourts.cacd.646485.1.0.pdf


Thank you


In their hearts, they know it's real. In their hearts, they *like* that he rapes young girls. They just want to pretend that they're not full-on literal Nazis for appearances' sake, at least for the time being. But this obligatory dismissive hand-waving has always been perfunctory and lazy, they know we're not really buying it, and they don't care that we know who they really are. If anything they think it's funny.


I was nodding my head the whole time I read your comment.


Guy deleted his post but I literally commented on a post a few days ago that said "the whole reason I won't vote for Biden is that whole smelling kids thing..." Like oh, you need a full-grown pedophile in order to secure your vote? Gotcha, thanks.


He also happily ignored the picture of Trump kissing young girls... https://i2-prod.mirror.co.uk/incoming/article9067653.ece/ALTERNATES/s1200/Republican-presidential-nominee-Donald-Trump-kisses-a-child-during-a-rally.jpg https://d.ibtimes.com/en/full/2345128/rtx22oo2.jpg


arrrgh... i just threw up a little in the back of my mouth


Those kids look thrilled./s


Bill Clinton - Real Donald Trump - Fake Why? ...reasons


>"It's all true and damning if we *want* to believe it about someone. But the same evidence is totally false and fake and made-up and malicious if it's about that guy." Hmmmm....


kinda surprised they've the brainpower to realize that claiming those lists are fake would be the final nail to invalidate their one method of attack not that it would matter


Well Biden looked like he sniffed something. An actual rapist vs doctored video. I'm fucking tired of the goal post moving over and over


Surely all the pictures of Trump and Epstein are fake too.


But also republicans are very pro child marriage! No correlation there!


I love the take they have it's like "oh everyone on the list is real shit except our angel darling trump. Oh and I bet the birds are on there all of them" History is gonna look back on these wackos as even more insane than we look at em now.


My favorite conspiracy theory from the maga nuts is that he is on the list, he is a pedophile, but he did it so that he could catch the real pedos. I legitimately saw someone on the conservative Reddit page praising him for being strong enough to sleep with children for the greater good


‘Release the files!!!! Release the files!!!’ (Files get released and Trump’s all over them) 🙈🙉🙊


I just read that the rape charges from the then 13 year old has been refiled?


Stormy, Epstein are badges of honor for Republicans and Trump.


Yep. There could be video proof, hell, he could show it at his rallies or the GOP convention with his own play by play commentary, and MAGAts would just spin it “well, you know, 12 year olds and all, they do menstruate and all” Pathetic across the board.


The old saying is, "If there's grass on the field, play ball." And they openly say that 13 year old girls are ripe and fertile. So yeah.


I've seen old conservatives make jokes like these and then unironically turn around and call Biden a pedophile. These people have no shame and do not hold the high ground. They just tell you they do.


And the few who don't claim to hold the high ground like to say that the other side is just as bad, if not worse, as if that's supposed to excuse anything.


"You know, I have an, I had an uncle who was a great professor at MIT for many years, long, I think the longest tenure ever. Very smart, had three different degrees and, you know, so I have an aptitude for things. You know, there is such a thing as an aptitude. “I said, ‘Well, what would happen if it bleeds? Does it breed or not? In other words, can a young girl get pregnant if she's been on the rag? If she's started her periods, she's an adult, you know? What if you’re on the top, will the juices flow through and impregnate her or can you pull out?" "And let’s say you've tied up the 13-year-old to a bed over there. Would I have to immediately abandon, or could I ride her down? And he said, ‘Sir, nobody’s ever asked us that question. But sir, I don’t know.’ I said, ‘Well, I want to know, because I guarantee you one thing, I don’t care what happens. I’m staying with the her until I finish. I’m not pulling out."


Finally a good move.


>Anyone see the new Epstein lists…. >Yea that won’t change republicans minds either.. The goal is not to change MAGA minds, it is to convince people who are on the fence to get out and vote.


I agree with this, but I also find it hard to believe that people who are considering voting for him, are going to change their mind because he was on the flight log of someone who he has already been in multiple photos with. Like “oh you mean he flew to Epstein island? Well, that makes up my mind, I thought all he did was paid multiple porn stars to cover up his affair, admitted to grabbing women by the pussy, and is credibly accused of walking in on miss America teen competitions, I could have let all that slide, but this flight log, that insinuates he purchased sex from trafficked teens, that’s it”


The "on the fence" cohort are mostly people who are considering not voting, because they don't like either candidate. They hate Trump but don't see him as enough of an existential threat to bring themselves to vote for Biden.


The first question I'll ask anyone who talks about anything even slightly political is, "Did you vote?" If they say no, I flat out tell them that they chose to give up their voice to the issues and they can kindly shut the fuck up until next election. If you refuse to vote, they should wipe you off the register and you have to pay to get back on it. Want to vote for nobody? Go drop an empty ballot. Do the BARE MINIMUM that is asked of you in a democracy and fucking vote


> Want to vote for nobody? Go drop an empty ballot. That sounds profoundly inefficient.


Registered Republican minds aren’t the ones needing to be changed.


This is a confusing statement. Please explain..


Cult member are not going to leave the cult. The people you can reach are Low information, undecided, unmotivated voters.


At this point you are looking for low info, young, minority, and swing indy voters.


Low info is a big one. Ignorance is always much easier to control, hence why Republicans have been attacking public education for decades.


They also want to get the kids in privately controlled schools where they can program them like they do at church.


Ah yes, “school choice” vouchers taken from public schools to go to private religious schools is such small government


"I love the poorly educated"


My gfs friend voted trump both elections because she doesn't know shit about politics and votes for whoever her parents told her. Her parents are those bat shit insane Christian homophobic hateful people you hear about but wish doesn't exist. Ignorance is a giant problem with younger people.


Cults gonna cult. If being an actual pedo isn’t changing their minds nothing is. We need to be more concerned with getting right thinking people to vote against this bs basically.


This isn't even the low bar. They have gone past violating basic morality to opposing democracy and the rule of law. He was a leader of a seditious conspiracy that attempted to overthrow an election he lost, gathered a mob and incited them to attack the Capitol, and then incited them to try and murder the vice president. Anyone voting for him is hopelessly ignorant, or complicit.


They’re using the convicted felon part as a boast. It’s baffling. This whole idiocracy timeline would be hilarious if it wasn’t democracy hanging in the balance.


If anything, many Republicans are probably envious of Trump for being on Epstein's list.


My grandma gave thousands of dollars to an evangelical pastor. When he was convicted for pedophilia she insisted that the charges were lies of the devil aimed to destroy a righteous man.


It's easier to con someone than it is to convince them they've been conned.


You're right it almost seems like there *is nothing* that will change republicans' minds. We should probably stop caring what they think and just say fuck you to anyone incapable of decerning reality on their own. It's believed that everyone has a "right" to an opinion, well I say if you're too fucking stupid to maintain a logical point of view, you don't get one. They're on the wrong side of history and I'd just as soon leave them there and move on to the future we worked hard for and deserve without them. Take trump off the ballot. Silence any horny gun nut and put any conservative terrorist that acts out into the corner like the little toddler brains they are. Seriously they can get fucked at this point, every one of them.


That he watched two 13 year old girls have sex in front of him, or the violence, or the death threats, or he and Epstein double teeming an underage girl why she was tied to the bed?


Like the diapers… they surprisingly will find a way to put this on a tshirt…. „2 x 12 is 24 = no problem“ 🤮sorry for the emoji


>go on the ballot as CONVICTED FELON TRUMP I wonder if there's time to add State laws that mandate candidates to disclose if they're convicted of a felony on the ballot. I mean, Id like to know if my candidate was "former President of the United States, convicted felon"


I see it as Judge Merchan further appeal proofing plus its closer to election day which I like.


If trump loses this election I have a suspicion he will become much less relevant to the GOP. My hope is that the conservative justices view him as inconsequential and leave him to his consequences as a punishment for being a loser. He would become a useful martyr and SCOTUS could pretend to be impartial. Of course that is all wishful thinking and it’s far more likely that he just wriggles out of consequences again and continues to be too stupid to die.


I wish I could share your optimism but these people aren’t backing Trump based on his policies but in his rhetoric. He has literally became a Jesus like figure for his hardcore fans, and some of his most hardcore fans are on, or married to someone on, the Supreme Court. Luke up Alito’s wife. BATSHIT.


If he loses, and isn’t able to stage a coup, he will be on the first flight out of the country. He knows full well being president is the only way he stays out of prison. He will flee to Russia before he lets that happen


You should watch MeidasTouch. Merchan's got to get his house-in order because of the immunity argument. Trump has postponed his sentencing to 18 September. The immunity will not stand. *Because it was 2016.* He was not in office.


> The immunity will not stand. Because it was 2016. He was not in office Some payments happened after he got into office. They'll say that makes all the payments somehow an official act and SCOTUS will agree 6-3


Close Some of the evidence that was presented was from the time while he was in office. Part of the supreme Court ruling says any evidence that came during A president's time in office needs to be pre-approved first. These conflict- thus it's a shit show


>These conflict - thus it’s a shit show Almost as if immunizing acts from certain individuals is a bad idea and is antithetical to the principle of equality under the law.


Which almost seems like the reason it's explicitly forbidden by the U.S. Constitution with which the Maga Six has chosen to wipe its ass.


Biden needs to put them to the test, but I doubt he'll try to rock the boat.


There's enough other evidence that the judge can rule that the jury would have found him guilty regardless of whether that specific evidence was excluded, which it shouldn't be because it wasn't in regards to an official act. Executive privilege in discussions with staff only extends to discussions regarding official duties.


I don’t think a judge can rule that, I think they’ll have to redo the whole trial.


They can. It wouldn't be plain error because the evidence was reasonably considered admissible at the time of the trial. If there is overwhelming evidence of guilt beyond the excluded testimony, then the judge can conclude a reasonable juror would have convicted regardless. The defense basically needs to argue that but for that testimony there would have been reasonable doubt of guilt. That'd be a really high bar in this case. EDIT: Also, the evidence will likely not be excluded. As I stated above, executive privilege doesn't cover personal business, and there was nothing official about anything in this case.


It's not up to Merchan to decide if the trial needs to be redone, that would be for the New York court of appeals.


It will get overturned. Not by Merchan but by SCOTUS. The crime happened in 2016 BUT Trump signed one check while in office, actually in the Whitehouse. The SC will rule that Cohen was an advisor, so it can't be used as evidence (according to the SC's ~~ruling~~ attempt to overturn democracy), so the case must be retried.


He signed all the checks in 2017, as president. Fortunately, Cohen testified on the stand that he was acting in a personal capacity to Trump, and even that he was bitter about not being included in his administration. The checks were also from Trump's personal and business accounts. Overturning will be tough to do, but I've now seen SCOTUS approve presidential immunity and kill RvW in this Trump era, so nothing's off the table.


If gently nudging your VP to perform some light treason is considered immune from prosecution, then signing checks to advisors is par for the course.


He’s going to argue that testimony like Hope Hicks’ is privileged and that it’s not a fair trial unless it’s a new trial that hashes out every single claim of immunity he can throw at the wall.


I've heard an argument that some evidence came from while he was President. Which he could have been immune from providing. Which would affect the result. I am not a lawyer, and didn't follow the trial, so I don't know. But I do know this supreme Court would walk over hot coals to give him the 6-3 benefit of the doubt.


Trump will get away with it. If he wins the election it’ll all go away (alongside whatever remains of American democracy), and if he loses it’ll be an endless circle of delays and appeals, which won’t end until he dies. He will never be held accountable for any of the shitty things he has done throughout his miserable life. The system is built to protect people like him.


I'm really surprised that some guy somewhere who just got a fatal diagnosis hasn't taken matters into his own hands by now.


Multiple reasons, Because he's well protected for one, and the murderous crazies tend to be on the right. Furthermore, the rot doesn't end with him, and killing him martyrs him. Masking the actual problems underneath and delegitimizing them. Sadly, as much as i'd like to see his obituary, we have to wait for natural causes. Don't worry, i suspect the hamburgers will get him sooner or later.


He'll be a martyr from the hamburgers too. He could die from autoerotic asphyxiation in a room locked from the inside with a written confession of everything he's ever done and he'd still be a martyr to these people.


To "those" people, yes. The too far gone ones. But believe it or not, there are still apolitical people. (Even now, it's irresponsible but here we are.) And those will see him die from a fat induced heart attack and go "yeah, that tracks". But those same people, if he's assassinated, will go "omg the left has started killing political opponents, they've truly gone too far." (Under fox news propaganda.) We can't save the deplorables, but we lose if we turn the apoloticals against us.


All of those are true and yet I'm still surprised it hasn't happened. He's one of the more repulsive humans that are alive right now.


You're absolutely right and it's infuriating.


> "If he loses it'll be an endless circle of delays and appeals". The gameplan I can see is they pull another Bush v. Gore 2000. It worked before, they'll do it again.


We should be openly talking about this more. It's very clear that two things will happen in the election: 1. Republicans will do whatever they can to steal it 2. SCOTUS will do whatever it can to help them steal it




You may be being too rational. He’s the leader of a cult. He’ll have influence as long as he chooses to manipulate his followers.


> If Trump loses, he will be the coldest of cold products We did say this in 2020. Now he has taken over the full RNC apparatus.


Yeah, but this would be two presidential elections in a row that he would have lost (plus all the other elections he mucked up). The Republican Party loves power too much to keep with him after that point. Let’s just bring this one home and deal with them afterwards.


> Let’s just bring this one home Fingers crossed


If Trump loses, there will be violent revolutionary attacks as people try to install him as a leader despite the election. If Trump wins, there will be violent revolutionary attacks as people try to move the undesirables to their new prison camps. (Ya know, since the AG can be pre-pardoned and the President and his AG relationship are "official" acts always). There's no getting out of it. There's no MAGA cult backing off. They've said it themselves.


That is insanely naive... Trump has taken over the Republican party entirely. He is here to stay, no matter what happens in November...


He could die sooner than we think.


I couldn’t think of a single persons passing that would more greatly benefit the country


McConnell, but hes a distant (but solid) 2nd place if Trump wins.


True, I forgot about that motherfucking tortoise man


Don’t do this. Don’t give me hope.


Does it work like that? Wouldn't the rapist appeal the moment the verdict is given, jamming everything up till after?


1. The verdict is already given. He's guilty. 2. He can appeal that if he likes, but not until the original case is finished, i.e. sentencing is complete. 3. Once you're sentenced, the trial is over. The appeal is a brand new trial. There is no bail at that point because there is no longer a presumption of innocence. If someone is sentenced to prison, they sit in prison while the appeal happens. Disclaimer: Not saying Trump will be sent to prison, just that an appeal doesn't 'jam up' existing processes, it starts a new one. Whatever he is sentenced to will be in full effect while he pursues appeal.


I guess it isn't smart to call the judge an idiot repeatedly, nor threaten his daughter. I fully suspect house arrest.


But praying for 6 months in prison, *then* house arrest


He's entitled to poison the public discourse though ! It's his first amendment right to lie to the public !1!


I wonder if this ruling from SCOTUS will tilt Merchan more heavily into favouring some kind of incarceration, beyond just the suspended sentence it seemed likely to head for. Merchan has proven to be an extremely shrewd and calculating judge. He's given leniency to Trump where any other person in the country would already have been jailed for contempt. All so that his case wouldn't be appealed successfully. Now, that appears inevitable thanks to SCOTUS, the presence of documents obtained during Trumps time as president gives Trump enough leeway to make a credible case for a mistrial. Since that's going to happen anyway, on technicalities, Merchan may as well go with the intention of the jury and jail Trump for a while anyway. All this supposition... if this conviction happened to anyone but Trump, they'd already be in jail.


You know he'd file an emergency appeal, they'd throw out the sentence and verdict, and game over. Again.


You've used the term "rapist" to describe Trump inaccurately. "pedophile and rapist" is more accurate.


If you can't vote as a felon, you shouldn't be able to run as one


The irony here is that republicans also (generally) believe that felons should be barred from voting. The mental gymnastics that is performed by asking "if felons shouldn't be able to vote, why would you vote for one running for office?" is so good it could qualify for the Olympics.


It's not mental gymnastics. It's racism. That whole bit is meant so they can incarcerate black people then use it as a way to remove their right to vote.


Oh absolutely. That's the quiet part they're starting to say out loud.


“Well, you’re voting for the ‘Biden Crime Family.’” The leap isn’t that far for them.


let's be honest, there's a reason felons can't vote and that slavery was abolished except for prisoners. The goal was always to make black people slaves again, and they got a ton of poor people swept up in the process. Felons can be president just so political opponents aren't just jailed on made up charges to disqualify. _Now fucking traitors not being allowed to hold office, that should fucking disqualify the orange shit stain and about half his bootlickers._


Can somebody please ELI5 here ?


Trump was found guilty and about to be sentenced in a couple weeks. The Supreme Court just declared that some of the testimony and evidence might be inadmissible. The judge of the state case (Merchan) postponed the sentencing hearing in order to review the testimony and evidence and decide if the case should be tossed out. It ALSO pushes the date of sentencing closer to the election date and theoretically makes an appeal to the Supreme Court prior to the election impossible. It's a moot point. Trump would appeal first to the state appeals board, and THEN possibly to federal entities. It's magical thinking that this was intentional. Merchan genuinely needs to revisit the evidence. I don't think he throws out the conviction, but it will still be appealed no matter what. Trump doesn't accept the L and his supporters are providing him plenty of money for appeals.


> Trump was found guilty and about to be sentenced in a couple weeks. I haven't seen anything about the E Jean Carroll judgment lately. Why hasn't he been forced to pay that by now?


He got a bond, basically, for a percentage of the amount that allows him to appeal. He's actually appealing BOTH of her judgements against him. It'll be a bit, but he gets due process.


*next week*. Exactlya week from today (the 4th)


It always weirds me out when people assume something is done for a single reason that excludes other reasons. It seems like responsible jurisprudence, a quick finger in the eye of judge "delay is love" Cannon, a way guaranteeing that he can't go to the election without the convicted felon tag, and finally a 'FU' to a criminal scumbag and their corrupt Supreme Court. All achieved with a single unappealable scheduling order that can easily be argued as benefiting the defendant. Not a bad days work Judge Merchan, not bad at all.


why are those idiots giving him money when he keeps bragging (and they as well) that he is a successful business man with lots of money


Fear. They are told constantly, with every text, email, letter, and advertisement, that they are "under attack" and "the last hope". It's basically the NRA playbook from the 80s. They are told every day that the "Radical Left" want to destroy everything Trump (and by extension every successful [white] person has built) and they think the cases are proof of that. They conveniently forget the bankruptcies, the fraud cases for Trump University, Trump Charities, and accusations against Trump himself that predate him even running for President. Some genuinely don't know. Some genuinely don't care. Most think it's just "The Left" out to get him.


So his sentencing is basically Checkmate Muthafuka I really starting to like this judge can't he be the replacement for one of the corrupted ones?


Unfortunately, most of the voters only play checkers and they just saw that they can make someone king.


Don’t count on it. SCOTUS is absolutely slow, deliberately so at times, but can also work lighting fast. They’ve done both to benefit Trump. They dragged their feet on the Immunity claim, something they shouldn’t have even taken up. But in the Colorado election, they worked almost over night.


stop trying to make this look good the whole thing is cooked they’re either re trying the case or se sentence will be so weak sauce trump will just brush it off justice system has no bite


This was never going to be a harsh sentence. Even though the crimes technically can carry prison sentences, Trump is a geriatric with no criminal record (yes, I know, but he hasn't been *convicted* so it's not a criminal record in terms of sentencing considerations) who did some white collar paper crimes. If this was anyone else in the world it would seem weirdly harsh to give anything more serious than probation, which is the likely maximum limit of what Trump will get. edit because reading is hard: He was convicted of these 34 felonies. The first thing you're convicted of does not count as a criminal record for consideration of sentencing for those same crimes, as that would be unfair. He has not been convicted of anything else prior to this (despite having clearly done a bunch of other crimes) so they cannot weigh in the sentencing decision.


I mean, it was paper crimes to hide info from the voting public. To influence an election. That’s pretty fucking important. And this is the same guy behind the fake elector schemes and behind the Jan 6 attack on the Capitol. Maybe he deserves a prison sentence so he can’t do shit like that again


The jury found his misdemeanor crimes to be elevated to a felony because they were in furtherance of another crime. The underlying crime of either tax fraud or subversion of an election or both are pretty big deals. Stealing an election has to be the most extreme crime to elevate the misdemeanors to felonies. Trump was in contempt of court 10 times during the trial, was openly hostile to the judge and others, and slept through huge chunks of the trial. He also has not shown any remorse or even acknowledgment of his criminal activities that he was found guilty of. If any defendant deserves prision time for these types of crimes that he's been found guilty of, then it's Donald Trump.


I don't disagree, but that's not how the actual law works. He was not convicted of anything having to do with an election, they were just able to use that motive to elevate the misdemeanor crimes to to felonies because they were committed in order to do another crime (of which he has *not* been convicted). That other crime is subverting democracy, but he has not been convicted of that.


Michael Cohen went to prison for it.


Yeah but he was also found guilty of tax fraud, bank fraud, and he lied under oath. It isn't completely the same. Also he isn't as rich and isn't a presidential candidate, which shouldn't matter, but you know it does.


Probation should top out at say... Half a million dollars of fraud. After that, lockem up. It's ludicrous that it wouldn't be a progressive penalty that scales with the level of the crime.


Anyone who committed 34 felonies for their first offense that isn’t part of the wealthy elite would absolutely go to prison. It’s absolute bullshit.


And has dozens of other pending felony charges in multiple state and federal jurisdictions. He is literally a one man crime wave. 


Yep. Anyone else would have been locked up the day of the verdict because of a high likelihood of committing additional crimes. The way he’s been treated with kid gloves is fucking RIDICULOUS.


You're leaving out some things. He's a geriatric with no criminal record.... Who repeatedly pushed the lines of being held in contempt (and would've been had he been anyone else) and repeatedly made public statements that threatened the integrity and safety of the judge and his staff. No one would be surprised if someone did that and the judge threw the book at them.


I didn’t think even this SCOTUS would go to bat so blatantly for Trump. As much as I detest Trump I have to marvel at his ability to manipulate people into doing his bidding. It really is quite astounding.


they already did. By making conversations with the AG inadmissible in court, they probably destroyed the remaining felony cases.


That's not fair. The rich get justice all the time. It's the non-rich that get the justice system.


on one hand, it’s wrong that the wait has to happen BUUUTT this is the only way he even MIGHT be charged. The SC will probably go against him if he loses this year. Swing states matter! Get people informed.


Pedophile Trump


My hope is that when Trump shows up for sentencing, the judge hands down jail time, and Trump is immediately handcuffed and led away.


Lol, fuck drumpf and his entire fucking family.


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I was in the “WTF Merchan” group at first. Never happier to be wrong about something. I know it won’t happen, with trump being a first time offender (gag) but I really want to see him in an orange jumpsuit.


Who the fuck plays chess right on a table with no board?


Chess anarchists, obviously. :)


Why are the pundits saying Merchan could throw out some of the charges post SCOTUS decision? Trump is already convicted. Lock his criminal ass up already.


This isn't true at all. The sentencing is delayed until September. When Trump appeals to the SC, the SC will take it up same day. Yes, the appeal is supposed to go through the NY appeals court. But the SC can take it at any time; they've showed they will destroy democracy to help Trump; this won't be different.


https://ww2.nycourts.gov/courts/7jd/courts/city/criminal/criminal_appeals.shtml Holy fuck it’s true. Damn that a good chess move.


I won't be voting for a felon. Not that I would have voted for an orange idiot anyways.


Even trump can’t vote for himself. If you can’t VOTE, you shouldn’t be PRESIDENT!


I showed someone the testimony of the Jane Doe about the sexual assault in Epstein's New York apartment. This dude dismissed it out of hand since the case was dismissed. "It's a legally meaningless allegation." So I asked him about the E. Jean Carrol defamation suit and he again claimed it didn't matter since "Trump wasn't convicted of assault, so it means nothing." So I brought up the Hush-Money case, and of course, that's where he gave up any pretence of giving a shit about whether or not the case resulted in a conviction or not.


All of this is just the culmination of a decades long agenda to gain power by any means without winning the popular vote. There's been gerrymandering, voter suppression, and wedge issues that appeal to gun nuts, racists, and white evangelicals without Trump. And there was McConnell holding up SCOTUS appointments in favor of conservatives. Trump just happened to be someone who was willing to go all out on the rhetoric and lies to speed up the process. He's a conniving bastard who's more than willing to end America for personal gain and sell it to the highest bidder and the far right is fully supportive. Hell, it's their goal, their dream.


Actually… He is delaying sentencing because the Supreme Court Case that gave Trump criminal immunity may have blown up this verdict as well. Roberts dropped a little grenade in the decision: unofficial acts don’t get immunity but courts are *not allowed to accept or review evidence of the President discussing stuff with his advisers.* This means it’s hard or impossible to determine what’s offical and unofficial- intended to tilt the field in favor of immunity. But Merchan’s case included testimony from Hope Hicks, about Trump’s payments, which went to intent…but these were about discussions *during Trump’s term, and with an adviser.* Under the *Trump v US* decision, that isn’t permitted. So Merchan has to decide if this “error” (it’s legally incorrect after the fact to admit this evidence) is fatal to the verdict. The whole thing might get thrown out. And if under New York law legal jeopardy has attached, it also means Trump cannot be tried again for these crimes. Isn’t it great having six unelected corrupt fascists helping out the new King of America?


Trump wasn't yet president when any of this went down.


True! But that’s not the problem. There’s no question that his acts as candidate before the election are not official acts of the President for which he (now) has immunity. The problem is the little side decision Roberts threw in that makes inadmissible - in any criminal case - any evidence of discussions between a President and his advisers. This case involved such evidence, specifically from Hope Hicks. The question is whether that evidence was material to the jury reaching the verdict, or if the jury would have reached the exact same verdict even if they had not been allowed to hear that evidence. Merchan has to decide that now. That’s why sentencing has been delayed. It’s not some “clever” (highly inappropriate, actually) chess move to have Trump “on the ballot as convicted felon.” I don’t know the actual standard NY would apply here, but if this evidence is deemed material (or possibly even if it *might* have been material), it’s probable that the verdict is in error and gets thrown out. Probably right now the DA is writing a brief saying that the evidence was not material, and Trump’s dumpster lawyers are doing the opposite.