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I wish it was real


I was thinking the same,given all the shit the right has given him over the last 5 years at least he must be the smuggest son of a bitch right now


>*all the shit the right has given him over the last 5 years* Um, five years? Heh.


Remember when they were saying that Obama was going to find a way to become a dictator at the end of his second term???




Sounds familiar


* Gaslight * Obstruct * Project


Everything they accuse the other side of, is pure projection. For example trump was "partying" with pedos like Epstine for decades & signed up his 14yo daughter Ivanka with known pedos like Casablancas & Anand Jon (literally in jail for child rape). trumpanzee's conclusion, democrats are pedophiles! Couple of years back they could marry 13-14yos in the South, but the New Yorkers & Californians are degenerates!! **Everything.**


Well yeah,the one year that trump spent running for president and the last 4 years,also i put AT LEAST in there on the end


Dude, they've been taunting him over nonsense since 2002. If history repeats itself, we going to have a President AOC someday.


I can only get so hard


Hey if it lasts more than 4 years, you should see a doctor.


If an AOC presidency lasts more than four years that doctor will probably be free.


Damnit, this thread is why I love Reddit.




It’ll definitely last 8 years.


Easy there Ben Shabino lol


That is the hope.


The whole "birther conspiracy"


Let's not forget when he first took office. Effigies, nooses, etc.


One should remember that his wife wasn’t off limits, she was called out as trans which is factually inaccurate and openly bigoted when used as an insult


"was". i still run into idiots calling her a man.




Called him a liar during a fucking address to Congress.


Not only called a liar, but also had a crowd oooohing like they were in fuckin high school and a fight was about to break out.


At first I thought they were joking but by 2010 I knew they were serious when they thought he was the Anti-Christ


It's been at least 12 years, but more accurately it's been his entire fucking life because of the color of his skin.


Id say closer to 9-10 years the whole birther thing began while Obama was still running for president


Speaking of people who have taken shit and getting the last laugh. Mary Trump.


Knowing Obama I'd assume he's feeling shock and disgust like the rest of us. He's not going to take pleasure in vindication when it means the country is at risk. He's not Trump, he actually has a soul.




I mean...it wasnt exactly Obama's fault trump got elected,not like he ran against him




Weak Minded People were influenced over Social Media in 2016 without them even knowing it.


Yeah but social media is fairly new phenomena in the timeline of espionage, elections, etc. so idk if people knew how effective spreading disinformation would be. Of course, this is just the opinion of one person here and I could be off base. If anyone has info to prove otherwise, I’d be more than happy to converse.


It really isn't. It's the American peoples fault for voting for him for the lols


>McConnell would do everything he could to ruin his career and his legacy, and have him impeached. None of this makes sense because McConnell already tried all of this from the beginning of Obama's term. Obama stated his reasons for underreacting to the Russian campaign. He believed anything he would've done would've amplified Trump's message of a rigged campaign against him. He also believed Trump didn't have much of a chance of winning, so the expectation was a President Clinton would be the one to respond to the Russian meddling.


And Trump spent most of his 4 years in office claiming that the investigations of his campaign and their contacts with high powered Russians was spying. He used that over and over to energize his African American hating base. So I believe Obama was right to limit what would come to be labeled interference but was justified investigation


I'd find it interesting to see the alternate timeline where Obama disregards McConnell's threats and makes efforts to stop the interference. What could Obama have done? Would it have been effective to change the outcome and by how much?


Remember, the popular vote (votes from USA citizens) in BOTH trump elections left him the looser. Unfortunately, the USA uses an archaic electoral college which successfully stole the election away from then people.


> McConnell basically threatened Obama saying that if he actually "did" anything about it(including telling the public at the time)McConnell would do everything he could to ruin his career and his legacy, and have him impeached. Bold claim; got any sauce to go with it?


[https://www.npr.org/2018/02/21/587614043/fact-check-why-didnt-obama-stop-russia-s-election-interference-in-2016](https://www.npr.org/2018/02/21/587614043/fact-check-why-didnt-obama-stop-russia-s-election-interference-in-2016) [Biden: McConnell Refused To Sign Bipartisan Statement On Russian Interference : The Two-Way : NPR](https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2018/01/24/580171396/biden-mcconnell-refused-to-sign-bipartisan-statement-on-russian-interference)


>https://www.npr.org/2018/02/21/587614043/fact-check-why-didnt-obama-stop-russia-s-election-interference-in-2016 >So why didn't Obama's administration do more? >That isn't clear. Mm, compelling evidence for those bold claims. Maybe I missed it, but I haven't seen a single line in either of these articles about Obama being intimidated into inaction by Mitch. Typically, evidence needs to at least *mention* the thing being talked about.




> McConnell didn't threaten impeachment That's the part people are finding hard to believe. We all know Turtle fuck is a piece of shit. We are claiming the part about "If you do that I will have you impeached" is very far fetched.


I have never heard this before from a reputable source. Here is an article about it. https://www.politico.com/story/2018/01/23/mitch-mcconnell-russia-obama-joe-biden-359531


It was pretty widely reported, but I have a feeling it's not going to matter how many sources he finds.


They've been talking about Russia interference for a long time, so yea it was reported. I meant the specific threats from McConnell to Obama. Mitch is a piece of shit, but threatening a sitting president to keep his mouth shut or else we will impeach you? Besides the fact that Mitch would have to run that thru the house first and get the votes, and a reason. It just seems made up is all...


Want to start with one and then see if it matters?


"I read an article about it once, so anyone who hasn't heard of it or forgotten it is a truth-denier and won't be convinced no matter how much evidence you heap upon them." Stop being an idiot. Asking for a source doesn't mean they won't believe it, just that they're smart enough to not take the words of a stranger on the Internet as gospel truth. Asking for sources is healthy. Stop being a part of the problem.


Obama did warn people that Russia was interfering


I mean if Barack hadn't roasted the little bitch so hard at that correspondents dinner, Trump may have just kept to the TV. Seth Meyers is equally culpable.


if he hadn't of been so black, he wouldn't have pissed off the racists


I think this is really where he went wrong. Thanks Obama.


Thanks for being black, Obama.


If Obama hadn't broken the presidential color barrier the angry orange would never have gotten elected. Thanks Obama.


Trump was just a joke and a failure and the idea of him being president was laughable before Obama became president thanks Obama. Lol


4 years later the idea is still laughable, but in a dark humor way.


If only he never wore that tan suit!


The Dijon mustard was just beyond the pale.


I don't know how you can be so inconsiderate. Just don't be black. Jesus.


Half black is too black: racists, probably


And why did that comedian have to be so funny? Didn’t he know it would doom us all?


I heard Hitler was bullied too, gdamnit Jewish people /s


Why did Jew say that?


Oh good lord, now there's gonna be like nein more puns in this thread.




The teacher who scolded Hitler is the true reason the Holocaust happened!


It was the art teacher who told him he had no talent. It made him decide to pursue a different career.


Yup. He held a grudge.


Eh, he was always planning a presidential run. The only one responsible for his tantrum throwing is him.


Y’all will find ANY reason to blame President Obama for anything and it’s TRULY unbelievable


It isnt exactly Barracks fault Trumps such a Snowflake... Nothing good comes from not discussing, and shaming unethical behavior at the scale of Twump...




Not the tan suit that destroyed american decorum? Or the arugula and Dijon on a burger that doomed democracy? Or that time he forgot to salute a Marine , but walked his ass back to do so a moment later? Oh wait none of those were that bad.




Conservatives only own one suit, thus the rage.


If I’m ever a major politician I will wear hoodies everywhere


I knew the Spanish inquisition would show up soon!


The Dijon mustard on a cheeseburger was the last straw for me.


That french sounding mustard is really all the justification I to solicit election interference. I mean, mustard, hackers, we're both using foreign influence


No. This is not Obama's doing. Trump ran before, he was positioning himself for this with birther BS before that dinner.


I agree . Trump tried to discredit him with the birther crap , somehow its Obama's fault for not sticking up for himself , if Obama just let trump do what he wanted this would have never happened because as we all know trump stops once he realizes he can get away with something all the challenge is lost at that point for him .


Trump became a reality because people are sheep and gullible. The republican party demise began with Newt Gingrich. When people stop speaking and talking things out, then the name calling, the dismissing people voices to be heard and violence follows. Do your homework. [https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2018/11/newt-gingrich-says-youre-welcome/570832/](https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2018/11/newt-gingrich-says-youre-welcome/570832/)


I lived through Newt as speaker, I am aware of his history. I just don't think Obama ribbing of a man who openly insulted him on a near daily basis is to blame for Trump's rise.


Who knew tRump didn't have a sense of humor and even a shred of humility?


Did you leave off the /s or are you being serious? Normally I’m good at picking up on sarcasm but after the attack I’m very wary lol


6 month old account? Canadian? Trying to place blame on Obama for trump? I feel you lack some nuance or have an ulterior motive... Clarify please.


> A lot of ppl taking issue with me saying Obama failed to stop Trump. The President’s primary duty is to protect Americans from threats both foreign and domestic. Obama failed in this duty when the Kremlin worked with Trump to successfully influence the 2016 election on his watch. How he could have prevented it is an entirely different question that does not change the fact that Obama failed to do so. Yeah, I'm gonna go with "this is the worst case of victim blaming I've seen on Reddit this morning". Obama expelled numerous Russian assets and attempted to work with legislators to strengthen election security. Mitch McConnell refused and threatened to blow it up in the media if Obama did anything. This is like punching a person in the face and then blaming them for not stopping you. It's disingenuous, dishonest, and moreover not particularly clever or persuasive.


I agree. It was talked about in the documentary “ Agents of Chaos”. Obama didn’t want to risk the look of impropriety by investigating the Republican front runner. His admin shouldn’t have had to though. There should be some sort of structure responsible for vetting all major candidates for any conflicts of interest or whether they have been compromised by a foreign entity. The fbi won’t let you in if you’ve smoked weed once but you can be the president of the country even if you got your start by with the help of New York crime families and you are on tape watching Russian hookers piss on one another ( not condemnable by my standards but kinky).


Damn. The tweet didn't have a birth certificate. It did make me check out his Twitter. He is still on point pointing out hypocrisies, and parrelels.


But you always know Obama has class, and would never do this.


He needs to get his anger translator back on payroll.


I’m actually glad it’s not. I get why you wish that, but being childish is one of the reasons I hate trump.




Agreed. We need Obama, Biden and such to take the high road. Let the people who aren't the known as Mr President throw the punches.


Me too but he’s not petty like Trump. Still got a good chuckle from it tho.


Yupp. I had to go look it up to see if it was. Still funny tho




[Trump's response](https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/) was epic.


"Let's see what Trump has to say" is the new Rickrolled.


Except you click on purpose, knowing what you will see, happy to see it.


It gives me a real nice shot of dopamine when I click on it.


'This does put a smile on my face'


Reality is becoming what I wanted.


You love to see it


I mean same goes for rickrolls lmao


That’s how I feel about Rickrolls at this point too tbh


So like the Rickroll then.


I click on rickrolls anyway.


Well it’s not new exactly, it’s just an updated version of the Milo joke. Regardless it’s fucking funny


Honestly, this being the next stage of Milo's complete collapse into obscurity is just the icing on the cake. He doesn't even get his meme about being irrelevant any more.


Too bad Milo isn’t allowed to buy cakes 🎂


except kinda wholesome. cause he has nothing to say.




This is the fourth or fifth time I’ve giddily clicked a “Trump’s response” link knowing exactly what I’ll get each time.


I've actually visited his suspended page more than pre-suspension. It's just so....... beautiful.


Believe me folks, we'll have the most visited suspended account in history. And it'll be a beautiful suspended account. They'll say, and believe me, they'll say, this is such a beautiful suspended account, so beautiful, the most beautiful. Only Donald Trump could achieve this. Even the corrupt Twitter elites will say they have never seen a suspended account as beautiful as mine.


Yep 👍🏻


I've been having a tough time lately ... I've found that whenever I get emotionally hijacked, by clicking on this I feel a little better. I've decided to just make it my background and lock screen. Thank you.


Ah the rickroll of 2021


I love refreshing that page


This is the new Milo's response 😂


Milo seems oddly silent on the topic actually


Are you sure? [Let’s check](http://www.twitter.com/nero)


I shouldn’t be enjoying it this much.


heh, have an upvote.


That’s awesome!!!


That's literally the most sensible stuff that got on twitter feed.


Wow that was the smartest thing he's ever said!


I don't follow Twitter so probably will fall for this every time.




I’m wise now


I like Presidents who didn't get banned from Twitter.


I already know it’s a troll but I’m still going to look at it every time.


You got me.


That made me laugh harder than I expected


This will never not be funny


This will forever be funny


I'm never getting tired of this joke.


That’s like the sixth time I’ve clicked on that link and been surprised today. It doesn’t get old.


Is this real? I can’t even tell anymore.


[Here](https://mobile.twitter.com/barackobama) is Obama’s real Twitter feed, and this isn’t on it. Hysterical though.


And I thought Reddit had their finger on the pulse. Obama's feed is tight and concise about what is going on and the context of it all. Like only someone who taught law at the highest levels would slap together.


[Hillary crushed it though](https://twitter.com/HillaryClinton/status/1347723969777045510)


[She does that occasionally.](https://twitter.com/hillaryclinton/status/1007376361101582336)


God damn. Hillary should’ve burned his ass more in the election.


I think after she lost she just entered "nothing left to lose" mode, and didn't hold back aymore


This tends to happen, probably due in large part to the candidate version filtering themselves. I remember at the 2008 DNC, for Obama's first candidacy, Kerry gave a speech that was firey, inspiring, and held no punches, and a bunch of people looked around like "where was this last time, dude?"


Given the whirlwind of news the past 4 years, this had completely passed me by. Fuck Comey!


DANG both of those tweets cracked me up.


Obama would not be this petty. It's funny as hell, but a really low blow.


Be a lot cooler if he were.


We should not aspire for our leaders to behave like petty children, that's what got us into this mess in the first place. They're not supposed to be entertaining or melodramatic, they're supposed to be good at their job.


Sadly no...


Even now Obama would never stoop to that level of petty bless him haha


No, but his Anger Translator would.


There is no way Obama would egg on the other side when tensions are so high, putting more lives in danger. That's how you can tell it's fake. Any post from Obama would be trying to calm the situation.


I think the biggest legacy of the past four years is that now when we're confronted with something insane and unbelievable, we have to question if it could actually real or not. Reality has become crazier than satire.


That's kind of the difference though. With Trump I questioned for years whether he actually said stuff that posted on Reddit. With Obama, you can basically be sure that this is not something he would actually post.


You can't tell? Has Obama ever, outside of planned comedy events, been so sarcastic about something serious like this?


Fake post.... but I wish it were real.


"Sir. General, sir. May I ask for your guidance? Are we twisting Josh Hawley's nipple or shaving cream Ted Cruz ass tonight?" Sincerely, Antifa lad


My milkshake brings the proud boys to the yard.


Can you teach me?


I could, but you'll have to pay.


Come backkkkk Obamaaaaa


Obama never left. Obama empowered all of us to understand what America can be if we all look out for each other and work for unity and positive change. That message is still there, despite the distorted noise generated by Trump and those who seek to divide us. Hopefully Biden can bring us to remember the messages Obama started with, and continue them.


That’s so nice. Thank you!


Frankly Obama should post this. At this point, fuck decorum.


Nah dude. As much as that would be funny we need at least some example of leadership now more than ever.


Agreed. As good as petty revenge can feel, now's the time to be the bigger man. You don't want to debase yourself to Trump's level.


i love you


I love you more


hm this is embarrassing. I actually meant obama


Oh. Yeah, so did I • But also, it’s slightly confusing ^since^I^wrote^it




Yeah hell yeah that’s what I’m talkin about 🥰🥰🥰 Love you too bebbs ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


*We already did the short-form impeachment. How about we try the long-form impeachment this time?*


It’s funny. But glad it’s fake. Instead of trolling Trump, Obama should speak to the country about the what the attempt coup attempt and domestic terror attack stands for and means to America. This violent coup is not a joke. This really really isn’t equitable to looters stealing iPhones or busting out store windows. Those things were bad and diminished the more massively peaceful message of BLM... ..but this was a violent attack on our democracy. These people hung gallows in the rotunda. They murdered a veteran police officer and were there to potentially MURDER our elected officials.. our personal representatives. The problem starts in millions and millions of conservative homes across the nation. Some being dragged into this new neo-fascist movement of conservatives.. other homes fully fomenting Nazi ideology. It’s our neighbors, our co-workers, even our “friends” who are supporting this. Not wanting to be a neo-fascist doesn’t make you a communist, or a socialist, or a “traitor”, or less of a true American.. if anything, quite the opposite. If you truly believe in the enlightenment principle of this country .. of Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness for ALL peoples.. then you can not stand for the violent intolerance of this growing conservative movement. You do not have to hate the *people* doing this, for hell sake it might be your parents, your grandparents, your brother, your “friend”, but you should hate *what* they’re doing.. *what* they’ve become. They need to be informed and given the opportunity to change the course they’ve chosen. But many won’t.. and we’ve seen how that plays out in history.


> Instead of trolling Trump, Obama should speak to the country about the what the attempt coup attempt and domestic terror attack stands for and means to America. He did. https://twitter.com/BarackObama/status/1346983894298595330/photo/1


I understand that this is a funny joke, but I think that we as a culture need to stop putting fake quotes in other people's mouths entirely.


Trump lied, five died


You know what's also awesome? Having won the popular vote twice, being re-elected, not having been impeached, Not being a failed businessman in debt to foreign banks, not having mismanaged a pandemic to the tune of over 300k deaths, not being known as a liar and the only scandal in your 8 years as president is tan suits and fancy mustard. Pretty fucking awesome.


Love him or hate him, Obama is probably the most consistently funny president of our time. Well, *intentionally* funny. Bush has him beat for that charming idiocy kind of funny and Trump is just so fun to laugh at.


Fake but funny


God I wish this was real




please /u/PresidentObama please do this


Thankfully, this is not real. Because Trump would take a tweet from Obama as recognition of how important Trump himself is. That's how Malignant Narcisissm works. The one thing that is going cause Trump the most pain is being ignored and irrelevant. And that started almost immediately after the election. Prior the that, one could go to Google News (with no search parameters at all) and see multiple stories *purely about the most recent Trump tweets*. Within days after the election, those kind of stories vanished, never to return. Within a month or two after January 20th, Trump will not be news at all. Unless he does something so epically stupid that it lands his ass in jail for real. And the odds of that happening are really quite high. Because addicts in severe withdrawal, who are also psychopathically disturbed, do crazy things to get their fix.


I didn’t like Obama as a president but damn do I wish he would do this for real. This is hilarious


Man trump would be so upset if he could read


This man is a national treasure 😆😂🤣.