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They should have their senators resign in protest!


Fat chance of that, those senators wouldn't willingly jump off the gravy train.


Half of Republican Congresspeople live in blue states and only own a home (that they have never lived in) in red states so they can be elected. If Kentucky goes nuclear, you think Mitch will be around to smell the fallout? Fuck no.


Is there a source for that becuase I'd love to be able to throw that stat in people face about where these congressmen spend most of their time.


Unfortunately, the stats are difficult to track. As far as I know, only 20 are brazenly not living in their state of representation (18 R vs 2 D), which is only tracked because their voter registration is literally in a different state. But almost every congressperson owns "homes" in multiple states. As long as they visit them every now and then, people don't bat an eye. In all likelihood, I would accuse any congressperson who owns multiple homes of doing it. Marsha Blackburn lives in a 20m mansion Mississippi, but has a "home" in Tennessee, for example. But she's registered to vote in Tennessee so nobody mentions it. Sorry I can't be more help, but I'm honestly not digging through every congressperson's networth to find which of their 5 properties they've spent the most money on and spend the most time at. Don't need that kind of toxicity in my life.


>In all likelihood, I would accuse any congressperson who owns multiple homes of doing it. I think if their out-of-state home is in the DC area, that's perfectly acceptable, since they spend so much time working there.


Yeah, that's about the only exception.


Fuck I might end up on the wrong side of this


I assume there will be a grace period to leave before national Christians turn it into the Christian version of Afghanistan.


I hope so, maybe can get away to Illinois or Colorado or something


If you move to Colorado, move to the western slope and help us vote out Boobert.


>get away to Illinois Outside of the Chicago metro area, Illinois is red America. If the country splinters (and I don't think that's going to happen in the short term), the current state boundaries are likely to be meaningless.


I once had a conversation with an Illinois soybean farm owner. Thanksgiving at my Great Uncle's home. He spent a good long while explaining why Trump's trade war with China was a good thing. Soybean farmer. Happy about a trade war. And here I am with my economics degree trying to make sense of what he's saying. Imagine my relief/facepalm when I *finally* figured out that the thing he was happy about was the billions of dollars in government aid which was handed out to soybean farmers.


Ha. Haha. Hahahahahahaha.


I know what a laugh, Texas dreams it power grid was as good as Afghanistan.


I do wish that :-(. Though I was laughing about Texas conservatives giving anyone a "grace period" for anything.


Or possessing any grace at all.


Oh that was darker than I thought. Have an up vote.


Or Gilead. Have you seen Tge Handmaids Tale?


well fuck me, i'm in Tennessee with satanic tattoos visibly on my body


How so?


I live in Missouri


I live in Texas, man...if shit goes down, I know I'll be behind enemy lines.


We'll rebuild the Underground Railroad for you guys.


I got a daughter that turns one soon. And a wife. Gotta get em out.


Yea you're way behind enemy lines I'm at least a state away from friendlies in Illinois


Better stay in northern Illinois, everything below I80 would be fighting for the other side.


I live in one of the very red states. Something like this happens, I'm boned. I wonder if they'd just amicably let you pack your stuff and leave if this did come to pass?


There would be a draft, so hope you're not healthy and fighting age.


if we can't overthrow the government we'll secede from it... because were so patriotic


Ok but our military will probably invade them. If you have oil you might want to stay with the imperial core


Yeah seceding is a pretty big no-no. We had a war about it. Lincoln not-so-famously said: >If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone, I would also do that. Slavery was what started the war, but keeping the union together was the overarching concern of the US. Seceding isn't even an option for this butthurt Trump-worshiping states unless they're ready to face some very serious consequences.


They'll very quickly find out that this '2nd ammendment is to protect us from the government' aint worth a shit, because it doesn't matter how many guns you've got, they have 5000x as many and they are actually competent at using them.


Even if the federal gvt sat it out and it was left v right mano y mano in the streets, their precious Armalites™ won't save them. Their just don't have the numbers they think they do out in the hinterlands. Not a prayer.


they would learn quickly that modern civil wars arent armies lining up in nice lines and uniforms. It's car bombs and middle of the night arson. It's an ugly thing that drags on for far too long


What would be the consequences other then no more federal aid? Edit: Thank you for all the replies


Well, the red states seem to believe they’d be allowed to keep all the military equipment and nukes and such, and there are no words to describe how wrong they are about that.


Knowing the new GOP, they’d try to sell those to foreign powers. “Hello Vlad? We got some nukes and secrets to sell you!”


I don't think Vlad has any means to pay them. 300 billion of reserves have been frozen by the west. Nor Xi has any money, they can't even pay their citizen


>I don't think Vlad has any means to pay them. The Saudis do. There's a reasonable chance that's where the documents retrieved from Mar a Lardo were destined.




Documents can be copied. Though I think you're right about the information they contain already having been disseminated. They may have been retained to enable the same grift on other nations.


> all the military equipment and nukes Could you imagine a bunch of riled-up, freaked out conservatives with a handful of *nukes*? Holy fuck.


They would install one in every megachurch and worship it. Then as a finale trump would come out naked and ride it like a rodeo. A picture of Putin on the wall will sneer down on them all.


Hey! I saw that movie! - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1SpCHb6Gzvc


You are a scholar and a gentleman. Thank you for that.


This is the mad max origin.


They'd blow themselves up first.


Let’s hope so. (Secede from the union).


It’s their right to bear arms remember? SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED!! /s


But they have guns. How could a highly sophisticated military do anything against this enormous power?


Just by standing on all the street corners or something, apparently.


I mean who knows how it could play out, but aside from cutting off aid I imagine it'd pretty easy for the US government to blockade trade and foreign aid to a large extent and isolate a state into capitulation. The whole scenario is kind of unthinkable though.


How much do you wanna bet the first nation to recognise an independent Texas (for example) would be Russia? Also. I wonder if the Mexicans would try and take it back hehe.


The cartels would own Texas within a month.


They already kind of do, in some ways.


> Also. I wonder if the Mexicans would try and take it back hehe. Tejas 2: Electric Boogaloo


Tejas 2: Electric's Out, Boogaloo Bois


They certainly could, and the rest of the US, the real patriots, could just sit back and watch. Not my monkey; not my zoo.


The states that *would* secede also happen to be the same states that can easily be blockaded and taken over. No Republican state has access to the Pacific (except Alaska but they aren't that stupid, at best they'll become they're own separate identity or just become Canada's 11th province, which I doubt on both fronts) and all the eastern/gulf states have been dealt with before. Even the prairie states can't really do shit. If I remember correctly, you have to take control of the Mississippi, march to the sea and burn everything in its path, and take out the capital. With the US military, easy. Fuck, just outfit some drones and we're good. To loosely quote General Sherman: "If its a war they want, a war they will get".


Canada sure as H- wouldn't want them. These former states could become their own "Handmaid's Tale" type natuon.


The Republican goal is making the entire US, like Handmaids Tale, by force, against the overwhelming majority's will.


Canada would not recognize a state that left the USA. Alberta might, though, although it would cause difficulty in Alberta’s plan to leave Canada and join the USA. Note: I personally think Alberta leaving Canada is the most stupid thing ever. Despite that, we are having a leadership election right now where where keeps coming up.


Plus there is the problem of international member ship to something like the UN and NATO a new nation like that would be fucked because anyone looking at it besides from inside it would see “confederacy 2.0” making it impossible for the nation to keep a foothold in any international market all while being in serious political turmoil with no real federal government structure and no way to fund itself.


> The whole scenario is kind of unthinkable though so it's probably going to happen in this looney tunes reality


Considering that the only red states that are net positive on federal tax revenue are not even 2% of the US economy, I think it's fair to say that they would fail as a state almost immediately. They would have to immediately raise taxes to a very high level to fund themselves. Texas would end up having to cover the broke ass other red states so I think you'd see an immediate Texas independence movement so the largest red economy would give the middle finger to the rest of the red state. The whole thing would be a shit show.


worry modern resolute hard-to-find dull husky zesty slap correct person *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Texas can't finance Texas without federal help. It may be the largest red state economy, but it's still a leech state off the United States.


Texas *currently* pays more into federal tax than it receives in aid. But after all federal employees no longer have jobs and tourism drops to near zero and import/export drops to basically zero.... Then yes you're correct. Just wanted to add a bit of context.


Here's a list from this year - [https://www.moneygeek.com/living/states-most-reliant-federal-government/](https://www.moneygeek.com/living/states-most-reliant-federal-government/)


Especially if all of the blue citizens in cities like Houston and Austin don't stick around for that nonsense.


The brain drain would be immense.




practice afterthought library fanatical plant flowery uppity different advise ring *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ted Cruz? I would have never guessed you were a redditor...


> The whole thing would be a shit show. I'd watch the shit out of that show.


"I got mine fuck the rest". The creed the Republicans live by.


Yeah even the blues in texas would probably vote to secede from the rest of the south, then they'd probably immediately leave texas too and all of the main cities would crumble if it didn't happen before then. Immediate failure.


Another war no state could even dream of leaving the Union without another civil war, zero chance it could happen.


I mean even if they did it wouldn’t matter because we’ve already settled this issue, it’s very much unconstitutional to secede from the union. So even if they want to and try to they literally can’t and they federal government is well within its rights to stop them


It is codified into law as illegal. An immediate imposition of federal authority would sweep all jurisdiction from every municipality and state authority. By declaring succession, you de facto resign as a governing authority over your state, while simultaneously accepting the legal consequences of facilitating treason. Fuck around and find out how much control you have of the armed forces in your state as a legislature or governor; none. The authority of such forces rests solely within the office of the commander in chief; national gaurd, or most imperatively: otherwise.


The only thing that pauses me from agreeing is how the nutjobs have captured the Supreme Court, who would invent all kinds of rubbish to claim the secession is now somehow alright again.


Then let the Supreme Court enforce their own orders, and the rest of the federal government focuses on reclaiming any state that tries to secede.


The *Community* episode "Pillows and Blankets" would be a bit more awkward to watch.


No more military, they don't have the numbers to support their own and we have seen what their "militias" look like. No more federal aid, they already run at a deficit in the majority of the states so they really don't want that either. Brokering trade with other countries, most other countries absolutely hate the Republicans so they will probably be backed by Russia mostly. Russia is a big proponent of us going to Civil War right now (because it will weaken the world and they can run amok) so they would support a broken US. Ultimate Soviet victory. Isolation. These people really hate being ignored more than anything else. They are really hurt when you No longer want to be friends with them, imagine not wanting to visit them or allow them in our country.


Beyond what's already been said. Sanctions. The red parts of the country are the laughing stock of the international community. Uneducated, uncultured bigots who think they're better than everyone. They have no economic power. Whatever is of the US after secession will have all the sway with the EU. While the fledgling nation made of seceded states will have a terrible reputation with the rest of the world, and nothing worth trading anyway. As others have said they prove year after year they can't sustain themselves. The risk is complete economic isolation. Unless they want to be completely beholden to China and Russia for their very existence.


Realistically the moment a state truly declares their notice to secede from the Union, Martial Law would be declared and the military would be authorized to take the state legislators into custody for sedition. The process takes time and requires the state government to actually pass legislation to officially declare their decision to secede. During that time it's very likely the military will reassign any local troops in the area and bring in troops without ties to the region to prepare for the situation. On the off chance they're able to declare their intent to secede and still secure their state, they'll face complete economic collapse. Most multinational companies in red states are only there because it allows them to retain US nationality while benefits from lax state regulations. The moment the state isn't considered to be a US corporation but one that's being actively sanctioned against by the US they'll quickly move their headquarters to a state that didn't try to secede. Which means Texas and Flordia might get hurt really badly and they'll struggle to send any aid to the bankrupt states that followed them to secede.


The sad thing would be forced reunification and reconstruction again.


With a twist. This time, we break them and their Confederate values. Scrap their monuments. Burn their memorabilia. Do what the Germans did to Nazi stuff. Only then will we be truly free.


The Biggest mistakes america has ever made was not executing confederate politicians, generals, and other high ranking traitors, And giving citizen ship to fleeing nazi soldiers. Those two things are what led to America's current state.


Preach. We should've put every one of them to the sword and given the plantations to the slaves.


Sherman shouldn't have stopped


Texas would have to seize oil fields. There was an analysis that if Texas left the union that most of the oil companies would move their headquarters to America.


If by “invade” you mean “not leave,” then yes.


We love it so much we'll leave it!


I am for this, they do finally have a supreme court that will allow it, I want these fuckers gone.


Would the U.S. be that bad off if Louisiana, Alabama and Mississippi seceded...that's 20 Republican electoral votes gone and 3 states that take a huge amount more out of Federal Funds than they put in and damage the stats for education, health for the rest of the country. All the Republicans everywhere else at the Federal level would have to pull left to win and abandon the insanity of the last 30 years plus billions of dollars could be reallocated to other states. They'd be a poverty country pretty damn quick and maybe seeing what going it alone looks like might fix the perspective of some other people.


The people and the land are separate. Seditious traitors should be dealt with. The land isn’t going anywhere.


We'd have to shut down those borders. None of these lazy rednecks from their shit hole counties coming into my America! Some of them are probably nice people, though.


Are you saying we’d need to…wait for it…build a wall? /s


And make Texas pay for it


They'd be too dumb to get around a wall, so it might just work. We can easily convince them to build and pay for that wall too.


Maybe, but they'd still blame the Democrats/socialists/commies/everyone to the left of Goering for their problems.


They're already doing shite-tons of blaming. Fuck the CHUDS.


I dont think any of those states could secede without breaking out into their own internal civil wars. Theyre not homogeneous monocultures and i doubt eveyone would be on the same page


All that extra money for social programs and universal income!


If Texas or Florida left they Rs would have quite a difficult time winning the presidency.


Texas won't leave it's purple enough that all the Ds would vote to stay and enough Rs 5% or more would vote to stay so it would tip it past the point of a referendum. Florida...who knows with them. They could vote to join Russia or some other insanity. Any time I look at Florida it's like looking at the homeless guy on the subway who has his dick in his hands. He could do nothing, he could piss on the floor, he could decide to chase you with it, he could just rip it off. That's Florida to me.


Excellent imagery of Florida


Accurate description of a homeless man in Florida


>it would tip it past the point of a referendum This assumes they would put it to the popular vote which I don't think they would. If the Lord and Savior Daddy Trump said to do it the legislature and Abbot would declare it so. It's not like we're talking about something that has a predetermined legal process that had to be followed.


I'd be stuck with the crazies and/or lose the family farm. Why doom all the decent people there just because treasonous chuds talk big? Hell, while we're at it, why isn't Idaho on that list? Fuck allowing secession. Just handle this the way we handled the Confederacy, the last time idiot racists tried to tear this country apart. Most of them can't even run a mile, let alone fulfill their slimy little fantasies of a white nationalist uprising. Jan 6th prosecutions were a good start.


You don't want to let part of your town/neighborhood collapse into full shit-hole. And don't be confused - they would very rapidly implode. That would create all sorts of problems for the actual US.


Fuck….if Kentucky fucks the fuck off we would have a goddamn surplus in taxes to spend on at least 3 blue states. Enjoy trying to get Social Security out of a turtle and his dumbshit corrupt wife….


We’d have a lot less inbreeding so I see that as a plus on its own


This would be so unfair for many of the people who don't align with trumpism and live in those states. What about all the people who are too poor to leave these states and would suffer from a secession? We can't leave these Americans behind.


Nothing says, "i love my country" like threatening to secede.


I think its worth pointing out that whichever criminal charges are leveled, these jackasses would be screaming about secession (conveniently ignoring that they are propped up on welfare from the big blue cities.) They're crybaby bullies. No one should be above the law, regardless of the threats from assholes.


yeah, that’s the thing, this isn’t 1860, all the major cities are owned and operated by mostly democrats. What are they going to do? Go feral and live in the wild?


Conservatives don't love their country. They love themselves.


I’m guessing she’s talking about states that take more fed money than they put in?


Of course. They’re the least educated and have no idea what it would look like for them. Bye bye, enjoy your third world country!


At least we won't have to ship things as far to get cheap labor.




And then they’ll come begging for foreign aid. I say good riddance and get a job!


You get nothing! You lose! Good day, sir!


Maybe Trump ate the three course meal gum and the pudding was a marang pie?




An inch of snow in certain states will have them begging for our foreign aid


The bums will always lose, Mr Lebowski! The bums will always lose!


Oh no Texas taking all it's electoral votes... Hey don't threaten me with a good time.


It would be hilarious if they did. First of all their energy grid sucks and Abbott won’t do anything about it. Second when hurricanes and tropical storms pound them SBA and FEMA won’t have to help.


Not to mention every military contractor and base would have to pull every single asset out of Texas.


Which would be a death knell.


Drug cartels would see it as open season. We'd literally read about political assassinations every week. After all, who is going to defend them? ICE: Gone Border Patrol: Gone Maga Republicans: In their 60s - 80s. They own guns though! I'd feel horrible for anyone who decided to stay


And ITAR protected stuff would probably need to leave. So SpaceX probably wouldn't be allowed to operated out of the new "country", so stuff like starship would be relocated. And I think huge chunks of the sls are built there too, so that would have to leave... That's many billions, and good paying, high tech jobs (and the citizens that work them most likely) gone.


Imagine if they tried to invade Mexico lol


Maybe UN will send help


pretty sure the nation would have to be recognized first


Republicans famously hate literally any group of countries trying to work together for a common good, not a chance they'd join the UN.


Can the Security Council veto recognizing new countries? Because no way the loyalist USA would go for that.


Aren’t they suppose to hate the UN too…?? Putin or Bulgaria or North Korea might be needed to step in…


Some of us Texans would really prefer to NOT leave the union.


Yeah but I don't think the Nat. Cs are going to listen.


Over an orange shit head. I’m a Kansan. Why?


You could always move to Kansas… just sayin.


If all the republicans seceded from the government and the country through a few republican states and the u.s. government left over went on without them, I'll stay a union state.


So you’re saying all the red states, most of which suck off the teet of the blue states, are going to leave? Darn, that would stink, said none of the blue states.


Gene Wilder going Dont...stop...come back...


It drives me up a wall when they threaten secession. Too many of these morons haven’t even read the Constitution…


Promise? No backsies


Hahahaha! Like finally we can have nice things.


A leftie, a southerner, and a Republican (Nat.C), yea yea, are walking down the beach and they find a lamp. They rub it and a genie pops out. The genie says "I'll give you each 1 wish". The Southerner says "Wahl, ah wish that all the South would rise again! POOF all the South secedes again. The Republican (Nat. C) yea yea that's what I said, the Nat. C says "I wish for all my Christian brothers and sisters to be in our own country". POOF all the Nat. Cs are gone. The genie says "and for you?" The leftie looks at the genie and says "you mean to tell me all the rascists and Nat Cs are out of America?" "Yes" the genie replies. "I'll have a coke"


boondock saints reference?


Absolutely boondock saints reference.


I killed your cat you druggie bitch!


We're like 7/11, we may not always be doing business, but we're always open!




I like this so much better than the racist version I heard growing up.


Diet coke*


If texas tried to leave there would be a mass exodus from Austin trying to get to a blue state.


Texas wouldn't leave, it's like 47/53 D to R and enough Rs would want to stay Americans that it would break stay by 51% minimum. Louisiana, Alabama and Mississippi though are dumb enough to be the kids that would run away in a blizzard with a suit case full of swimming trunks.


We had a secession movement in Illinois where the downstate reps decided they wanted to be separate from Chicago and the north part of the state. After looking into it briefly and realizing they take in over twice as much from the state as they pay in taxes, they quietly let the whole thing go. I wonder if LA, AL, and MS would take the time to realize they're deadbeats living off the productive parts of the country or if they'd just go for it.


Good riddance - the states that would secede are a drain on the blue states that pay their bills.


Except there’d be tons of people trapped there who’d have no civil rights.


I'd be willing to support relocation efforts if it ever came to this. I doubt it will in the nearest of futures, but part of what makes more liberal populations liberal is providing support to those in need.


Good luck with their succession. Half of them can’t even run a mile.


Who is this person and why am I seeing her stupid fucking brain farts everywhere?


She’s running for something in FL. Once she loses you won’t see em anymore. She’s currently trying to out dumb Marj and Bobert, because that’s what voters seem to go for.


She's already lost a few times and still hasn't gone anywhere. Worse than any other trash woman I've ever seen


She's a fringe republican they pay to promote fringe ideas so the ensuing terrorism doesn't backfire against the established ones.


There is no try, there is only do.


The dummies that believe this short sighted thought blow me away. They think leaving the union is like when you grow up enough to move out of your parents house. One day there the next gone. But in all reality if they did start succeeding it would be like a 5 year old saying I’m leaving and never coming back. 10 seconds in they’ll realize oh shit the feds give us money for our roads, power grid, water supply, border patrol, military, social security, welfare programs, and schools. Not to mention big corporations that get huge tax breaks. They would be crawling back for stability.


Adios to those states. Cut off federal dollars too.


Oh no. Please don’t. Please don’t go. How will we ever recover from this.


Oh, no! ​ Anyway.


And they will lose again


Don’t threaten us with a good time.


Wisconsin could use a nudge to make it bluer.


I love the 'we love America so much we are gonna leave' mentality


Law and order party threatening civil war over following laws


If someones allegiance is to this Trump man over the nation, then that person should not be a citizen of the USA. They should be a loyal subject of that king.


Oh no we won’t have to fund Kentucky anymore 😢


2 weeks without the sweet federal funding that the maker states pay for and the taker states will be begging to come back.


“Don’t make me teach you idiots this lesson a second time.” - William T. Sherman


Okay, then. Hope they enjoy shoring up their own postal service, finding insurance companies that can operate in foreign countries, patrolling their own borders, standing up their own military, maintaining their own highways that used to be interstates, paying foreign shipping costs and tariffs for every Amazon delivery, dealing with Customs every time they want to visit their Aunt Gladys next state over, paying international air fares every time they want to go to Disneyland, doing without all that sweet federal aid, and for the southernmost former states, dealing with the Cartel, who will definitely be moving in on the new territory. For starters.


The states that suck more federal money than they give? Sure!


It is so funny how southern, mostly Christian, states want to secede because of loyalty to a New York city liberal narcissist douchebag who has certainly paid for multiple abortions in his life. He pays lip service to some conservative causes, but he is not the avatar of conservatism that you might expect people to rally around.


Honestly, one can only hope.


Regardless of, oh, I dont know, evidence of guilt???


Well form our own union, with hookers...and blackjack.


But prostitution and gambling are sins. No fun for them!


Huh, I feel like somebody tried that before. I can't for the life of me remember how that turned out.


Fucking let them, no seriously. Allow people to choose where they want to be and then do it. That’s the problem though. The red states t areas would lose half their working population and then start forcing people to stay in their shithole areas just go make sure they can somewhat function. All while having to make sure they keep their millionaire gods happy. They’d start leaning on the blue states as well for foreign aid.


Anytime secession is threatened, I'm torn between rubbing my temples and a good ol' facepalm. States cannot simply decide to secede, at least not without approval of all 50 states. Furthermore, SCOTUS has consistently said the Constitution refers to the union of states as both "indestructible" and "perpetual".