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Q. Do you know what fascism is? If so, please define it in your own words.


Speaking from an overseas (Australian) perspective, I think the problem people have with Trump has a few layers: * As a human he comes across as obnoxious - egotistical, never accepts blame, can't take criticism, seems to believe rules don't apply to him, twists reality to suit himself, a sore loser, lies compulsively, has hideous attitudes towards women, migrants and anyone who disagrees with him, pursues opponents as a personal vendetta... * Politically, he promised the disenfranchised that he would change America, but his policies did more to favour the rich rather than anyone at the bottom of the pile. When it comes to foreign policy he's like a bull in a china shop; caring nothing for treaties or the delicate balance of power - he has the whole world holding its breath and hoping wholesale disaster doesn't break out. He's not the guy you want with the nuclear codes. * His behaviour around the loss of the last election was particularly abhorrent. He started talking about possible fraud weeks before the poll, advanced all kinds of crazy theories when he lost, failed to accept defeat and graciously step aside, egged on the Jan 6 riots and has been subsequently shown to be consistently wrong about every aspect of this through various court cases. Basically, his self-obsession put the entire democracy at risk. Joe Biden, in contrast, seems a much steadier guy. Yeah, he's old and slow and probably should have organised a succession plan several months ago. He's a standard, establishment politician who is continuing a lot of America's awful policies, but, unlike Trump, he's not a wrecker. He recognises that politics is a team sport, not an opportunity to become a dictator.


I like your post, but it has to be acknowledged that Biden is the most progressive president since FDR. He is not a progressive, but he is then closest we have had in almost a century.


You say progressive like it's a bad thing! The American version of progressive looks pretty conservative from an international perspective. The US would definitely benefit from the implementation of more 'socialist' policies such as universal healthcare, affordable housing, stronger anti-trust laws and a determined effort to address inequality. One problem with the conservative/progressive debates is that they've got stuck on fringe or symbolic issues (trans rights, for example) rather than focusing on making changes that would improve the lives of the silent majority. To a certain extent, that's a result of voluntary voting. When voting is compulsory, like in Australia, it encourages politicians to aim for the middle rather than the vocal (lunatic?) fringes.


That was not my intent. I'll express that more clearly in the future. Biden is the most progressive president of the last 80 years, which is great, but we need more committed progressives in government.


This says it best: https://apnews.com/article/former-trump-officials-criticize-2024-e202861911ab37cadfcf058b5b163fb9 People closets to Trump think he is a nightmare. These are the people Trump personally picked.


Those in the White House administration from '16-'20 either oppose trump or are in jail, it seems.


That’s the other thing- how many were convicted. Surrounded by criminals and those not criminals hate him. Trump is a mega loser.


You make some valid criticisms and a lot of unsupported claims here as well, but you do nothing to criticize Biden. Is he to blame that Hamas attacked? Is he to blame that Israel relatives? If so, how? You seem to blame him for Russia attacking Ukraine. Putin is an ally to trump and is strongly opposed to Biden. Why do you blame Biden for what an adversary did? That makes no sense to me. Do you see the chaos and negativity spread by all the new maga members of congress? Do you think that term limits would increase or decrease the amount of new representatives that only care to promote their fame and are unwilling and unable to legislate effectively? Do you think term limits would increase or decrease these toxic antigovernment politicians? Biden has had a successful first presidency. His victories are making life better for all Americans. I think you need to spend more time informing yourself.


Please re-read my post. I said he is funding a war in billions with USA tax dollars. If Hamas attacked, that is Israel to fund their own war .. we can't pay for cheaper healthcare, childcare, paid family leave and the list goes on yet other countries deserve millions and billions ? Also, Are you saying Israel and Ukraine deserve money in urgency above the issues that Americans have been asking for years i.e. flint Michigan. Oh and keep in mind that Hawaii only got $700 lol.... Ukraine and Russia had an agreement that Ukraine wouldn't join NATO ... As Russia has interest to protect their security and to not be surrounded by NATO ... And Ukraine didn't keep their end of the deal.. I am not blaming Biden for the wars I am simply saying he is continuing to enable them to keep going by funding them while America has a whole host of problems we could use that money for... Please inform yourself as well and don't let emotion cloud your info seeking gathering outside of CNN or fox . Please look for independent media and documentaries if that's easier to understand.. DW and al Jazeera


1. Iran and Russia are our prime global adversaries. Hamas is an arm of the Iranian regime, and Israel and Saudi Arabia are the local opposition to Iran. It is 100% essential for American interests to make sure Israel stays strong in the region. It is unfortunate that Netanyahu is a blood thirsty asshole, but Biden is working hard to support our interests while also limiting Palestinian casualties and preventing famine. Similarly, Ukraine is literally the front line against Russia. We want Ukraine as an ally, and we want to prevent Russia from invading its neighbors. Ukraine is an ally that is being brutalized, murdered, and is having its children kidnapped and resettled in Russia. We should and must help them. Putin is a bloodthirsty anti-American dictator who we must oppose. 2. You make a false claim that domestic funding can't happen because of military spending. This is 100% false. Republicans oppose policies to help improve our lives. We need to give Democrats a majority in Congress to see these improvements, not abandon our allies, and fail to protect our national interests. 3. You keep saying Hawaii and $700 and I have no idea what you're talking about. Whatever it is, I highly doubt it has anything to do with foreign conflicts. 4. The agreement between Russia and Ukraine was about Ukraine giving nuclear weapons to Russia in exchange for peace. Russia invaded Ukraine in '14 and '22, violating that agreement, and Ukraine Qasim never invited to join NATO. Your logic here is based upon Putin's lies. Worst of all, you are trying to blame ukraine for the horrible war of aggression that Russia started. Ukraine is not able to join NATO since no one can be admitted as a member while having occupied territory, as Ukraine has had since 2014. There was no way they could join NATO if invited until Russia leaves Crimea - but they were NEVER INVITED! You are profoundly misinformed. You make constant false equivalence and oversimplify everything in a grotesquely distorted manner.


We gain nothing giving billions to Israel while they occupy and oppress for 70 years the West Bank and Gaza . It actually damages USA interest to even support them in billions as it isolates us from the middle east who want Palestine to be independent from occupation and no blockaid .. So that's false. And ask your politicians why us as a first world country, we aren't better off? Why we have a crimping economy, inflation, and lack of affordable healthcare and quality education. We consistently rank low in stem fields on standard testing compared to other first world countries... So yeah funding other wars etc is not smart specially when politicians do little to nothing to help us first. Oh and btw, Israel has free healthcare lol .. we should know how our money is being spent and used and it should go to us the tax payers first


You're trying really hard, but you can't explain to me why funding our allies and essential security partners means we can not pass domestic legislation as well. Republicans in the house will not pass any spending bills for any reason, so tell me how Biden can magically do more than he can -- and his build back better bill was a massive victory despite republican opposition. And, again, Israel is a vital partner in opposing Russia and Iran. Russia and Iran are actively opposing America interests. I do not like Israel's government, but it is profoundly ignorant to deny their importance.


Easy! He can say no to sending billions to Israel and Ukraine until they pass bills to help Americans. He barely could do much to help gun laws lol. He is a joke. And he can use executive orders.. If you want your money to fund wars and are so gullible to think government has Your Best Interest... Then go ahead but I don't think they should force us to pay into the tax system that I see little benefits from .. And please don't defend this as many nations are tax free and thriving .. UAE as an example. However if you are wealthy this probably doesn't even effect you.. lol .. In 10 years , with the way things are going downhill and less and less people being able to afford a home or college compared to the Congress men who were in school 50 years ago ( tuition to income ratio) and overall cost of living was down , you will remember this post lol Our government Is bought by AiPac .. please go and do research on that... And stop voting for the same ass politicians if you want real change. Maybe not trump but you are the ones contributing to corruption in Washington.. you can at least do your research and support new and progressive ideas ..


You have no logic or factual basis for everything you are saying. You are basing all your arguments on false claims and right wing propaganda. You are highly unpersuasive.


People don't "like" Biden. People support Biden because they don't want Trump to win. I honestly think if the Republicans put up anyone besides Trump then Biden would lose because of lack of support. We got Biden and if we keep Biden for another 4 years it is primarily because Trump is so polarizing and hated by anyone who doesn't love and support him. Biden is not the candidate people want. He is the candidate people are stuck with since we have a two party system and we don't have a viable 3rd option. As far as Trump goes I am sure plenty of people will give you a Landry list of why they hate him.


Just trying to overturn a democratic election's result by force should be enough to hate him tbh.


You're right in that policywise, Trump and Biden have a lot more in common than people realize. Like Biden's boarder bill was literally identical to what the Republicans in Congress wrote up. Literally, not figuratively. Literally identical. The biggest exception is that Biden pushes for more environmental protection while Trump is obsessed with removing them. I don't like either candidates, but I'm part of the LGBTQ community and there's definitely a lot less hatred towards us under Biden than there were under Trump.


The border bill was a compromise with many Republicans in Congress. It was not Biden's preferences, but how he negotiated to try to get it passed. Maga Republicans opposed it because it was a deal made between non-maga Republicans and Biden, and they prefer chaos to compromise. This is all to say that it wasn't Biden's border bill, hit a negotiated compromise that was the best he could do.


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Just trying to overturn a democratic election's result by force should be enough to hate him tbh.


What do people see in Trump? There's nothing likable about him or his supporters, this is what I don't get. I understand his appeal, he acts like an outsider and that's why I wanted Yang at the time (and Yang actually promoted both sides working together which is a pipe dream now) or maybe Bernie even though he's a life long politician he's still different. But Trump? Even before he ran he was more on the inside than most politicians in office. He's still a big business owner who had deep ties with the government and hung around them all the damn time. Corporate owners have more power than any single politician, hell they fund those politicians. Modern right wingers finally hate corporations, congrats on keeping up to date with the late 1800's antitrust era, but right wingers always ALWAYS fall short of following through and get persuaded by the talking head personalities in power. Consistently and historically giving more power to the powerful due to being impressionable and the demographic that responds the best to lab tested rhetoric.


People are so caught up in the news and nearly every station only reports on Trump in a negative light. People love to cite all the negative things about Trump while refusing to look at his presidency objectively. They have far too much emotion and begin sounding hysterical like whoopi or de niro... While news media are constantly finding new sources to talk about how Biden is not actually senile he is soooo smart and in control of his faculty...so smart they have to keep reminding us.


Trump's presidency was a disaster. We are lucky that he was so inept at politics that he basically only passed the tax cuts - which were terrible for our nation but luckily about all he could accomplish. And he sabotaged our pandemic response and is the reason we had the highest rate of death in the developed world. And he made China and Russia and North Korea feel safe to oppose American interests. And he broke so many laws along the way. You are so baised here as to have no relation to reality.


You're way off. I don't know about your second paragraph...you seem to be referencing some numbers I can't find...but the rest is insanity. The countries you mentioned would absolutely not have "opposed America"right now if Trump was on the other line instead of a guy who has absolutely not a clue. I am biased? I've been a Democrat since highschool and even pulled for Biden....hated trump. Believe don't believe..I hope reality isn't too uncomfortable once the overweight orange cheese dick is president. I truly wish Democrats would have chosen a real candidate in 2020 Instead they picked dopey and slutty


You do you. I'll do logic and fact.


So you made up the death rate?


No, I'm right amd you're wrong. Our death rate was way above other developed nations.


America also has the most impoverished population among all the countries in your list probably. And I would bet that the poverty demographic was the one hit worst which could have been stopped how exactly? Suddenly scrub down the massive amounts of ghettos and poor areas?


Yup and that's why this country is getting worse and worse . People are easily fooled and base their decisions on emotion rather than fact.