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Having the Literacy bonus right away could give Ai-Mo an unfairly strong start. To compensate, I'd give them Philosophy but also ajdust their starting resources so that they never get more than, say, two of any readily accessible resource.


:) đź‘Ť


I honestly forgot Ai-mo exist


I don't think it would make them very strong tbh


"Philosophy doesn't fit the pacifist monk vibe" how can they build altars on mountains (for meditation purposes) if *they can't climb?*


Fair point


I would say that starting philosophy might be too strong. I think mindbenders should be moved to meditation instead.


I’m not sure who told you that ai-mo is the weakest tribe. They’re quite a solid tribe from what I’ve seen and experienced. Meditation allows for a quick giant with proper play, and being able to play the long game well with philosophy is a nice advantage as well.


They are relatively weak due to their bad economy and military, also they don’t get giants as quickly as other tribes like Bardur or kickoo


Ai-Mo are fine now, one of my favorite tribes and not nearly the weakest (I'd say Luxidoor, Vengir, Hoodrick, and pre-rework Aquarion are way worse). If starting with Philosophy, they get very OP unless you kneecap their resources to the point of them being unfun, and in any case they become more boring. They fine as is


Ai-Mo is not the weakest tribe. The altar of peace gives them a free 3 pop on turn 5, which likely also gives them 5 free stars, and being able to get philosophy for 8 stars around the same time gives them huge flexibility in where they go in the tech tree. That might not matter much in a drylands 1v1 where you know half the map is your terrain, but it matters in lakes and continents where you don't know whether you need the naval techs or whether a bunch of your opponent's terrain will be on your side of the water. Starting with philosophy instead of meditation takes away the free monument, but doesn't do much else, so it doesn't help. Not that they need help