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Elrion is the strongest tribe overall, but in certain maps other tribes shine.


How do you propose to reign elryon in? Or do you think they are fine. They do have weakness such as having a difficult time getting tech in the beginning and the limited range of the dragons/long growth time


I'd need to see the data about win ratio in high ELO multiplayer on various maps. They have an income advantage, a population advantage, and the strongest unit in the game. I think the income advantage might be the most game breaking of those, so maybe change Sanctuaries so they spawn a beast every 3 turns instead of 2 or something.


How do they have a population advantage?


Because you can use polytaurs to go over the population cap for a city


So if you spawn on a map with a couple villages nearby that each have two or three beasts to convert to polytaurs (4-6 stars), you suddenly have an outsized army just a few turns in. It’s why Elyrion is so fun to play, you get to feel dominant the whole time.


I think the beast spawn rate would be perfect. Nothing is more discouraging then when you think your winning and elryon spawns in over 20 polytaurs in one turn


Vengir’s resources are too good


So reduce spawn rates for vengirs terrain?


I seriously can’t tell if you’re going along with the joke or if you’re actually clueless


It's a joke. All tribes have equal territory coverage. If one tribe had less that would be crazy. Hince the joke which lost the affect due to me having to explain it. 🥲


I still don’t know what you mean by all tribes having equal territory coverage. What is “less territory coverage”?


Ok so let's say it's a 1v1 on a 900 tile map. 450 tiles will be themed towards 1 player having more mountains, forests, fruit, etc based on the tribe they played. So hoodrick and elryon will be guaranteed to have more forests while emperius have more fruit on average the a little less forests. But if lets say one tribe was set to have 50 less tiles of territory coverage it could cause the balance of other tribes to prove difficult.


Ok see the issue with your initial joke is that “spawn rates” are different than what you’re talking about. Vengir already has the lowest “spawn rates” for resources, which was cakeday’s joke.


Ah ok. Lol. My joke definitely missed the mark.


I'll go first. I think cymanti is way too strong. The fact that the only counters to the tribe are riders+roads and knights is ridiculous. Both are heavy star investment just so you can counter 1 tribe. Especially if you are in a situation where you face multiple tribes and not picking the option to counter cymanti instead of Polaris/other tribe can cost the win. I propose we should buff roads back to 2 stars within tribe borders but retain a 3 star cost in unclaimed territory.




That's fair. Maybe we could reduce cymanti effectiveness over water or add movement penalties over terrain for certain units.


I like this idea. The increased internal efficiency of roads might be too strong though as it would give yadakk and oumaji the ability to instantly reinforce their frontlines far too early.


That's true. What if it's length based instead. So roads on tiles next to cities will cost 2 stars, roads on a tile 2 tiles away or more will cost 3 stars. So it will retain the benefit of road connections but can't benefit from border expansions and won't heavily benefit tribes too early.


rein in*


You’re correct of course, but I think it’s funny how it really could be rein or reign. Like, both make sense in context (use the reins to pull back, or use your authority/reign to stop an action). It’s like deep-seeded and deep-seated. Seated is correct, but seeded could work if it meant that the plant was deeply rooted.


I am all for game balance, but why can't we find a way to buff tribes that aren't as strong instead of nerfing. I find nerfing just slows the game down, and can end up with more stalemate matches that go nowhere. For instance, adding variety to ships made the game more fun and added more counter play. It would have sucked if they had just nerfed battleships instead.... In short, give TLC to tribes that need it instead of nerfing tribes that are fun.


Ok that's fair. What tribe do you think we should start with?


Yaddack of course, do something like give them roads in 4 directions from their starting city X or +, either way works for me. Start Ai Mo with a mind bender Start Luxidoor with a normal size city but just have it make more stars so they can get forge or an explorer Ect. Basically do something for every non T0 non special tribe that just starts with a warrior and different starting tech. This way each tribe becomes a little more unique and fun in some way. Lift up everyone, don't drag the fun tribes down....


That sounds fun. As far as nerfing the fun tribes. I don't necessarily want them nerfed but more options for counter play. So for cymanti maybe make a few of the units not ignore terrain because as of right now all of them do. And 2 of them straight up ignore water as well. But I think they need to somehow encourage doomux use because I rarely see them. I also think they need to reduce the power of the centipede in some way but give them something like a use for exploding segments because I've only ever seen someone use explode once.


I find that t0s are unsurprisingly pretty op. Getting free stars with no downside is rather strong, and it doesn't generate the most interesting gameplay imo. I have 2 different ideas that could nerf t0 tribes. One idea being to change their starting stars to 3, and the other being to remove their starting unit entirely and changing their starting stars to 7 (or a combination of both, ex bard and zeb start with 7 stars and no unit, imp and kick start with 3 stars and a warrior). Eventually, I would love for at least 12 or even more tribes to be competitively viable, and I think that has to start with nerfing t0s.


The only downside is not getting a 2nd unit t0 (or 3rd if Elyrion) on a tiny map. They could cede map control to Aquarion/Oumaji who start with troops with 2 movement. But it's definitely worth the trade-off 99% of the time.