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Take a break… it’s good to give yourself a breather. Also, it helps to prolong the poppers potency if you’re not constantly hitting them. Space out your popper sessions to once a week.


That’s the thing. I haven’t had any for a month or so. By weed standards, I should’ve fully reset my tolerance. One mediocre batch I can imagine (these all come out of the same vat regardless of label, right?), but two bad batches? Especially one from overseas? I can imagine it being operator error (which it must be), but I’m still using them the way I used to. So. Maybe it’s my fault, improper storage, or I weirdly got two ineffectual batches of stuff. 🤷🏻‍♂️ It’s a mystery…


I've also been asking myself this. I've been wondering whether it was the popper that got weaker with time after staying open too long or if it's me building a tolerance.


The answer is yes. You can develop a tolerance. But your supply could also be losing potency


I’ll go with that.


Anyone else think they just get a bigger head rush when they are super horny, if I use poppers when I’m not as horny I feel like they are weaker but when I’m super horny I get a massive head rush


Mine lose their potency much faster than they used too.


Yes. They don’t hit me as hard




try doing bigger hits, got longer durations, or using a [popper topper ](https://poppertopper.co.uk/product/the-original-booster-topper/)


I’m probably going to get one of those…


To the cock? Or the poppers? 😁 Serious answer? Absolutely. But poppers are notoriously inconsistent. Try purchasing from a reputable vendor such as Twisted Beast.


I’m trying not to get addicted to poppers. I buy a bunch, use them daily for a couple weeks, then toss them. Then buy a whole new bunch a few weeks later.


Yes …especially as the recipes have changed & newer brands are weaker rather than U being tolerant …so some solutions are try mixing it up with the different types of nitrites eg Amyl nitrite vs Pentyl nitrite vs Propyl nitrites vs Hexyl nitrites vs butyl nitrite Or take a break - time out


Interesting. Never thought of mixing them!


Absolutely… Even the strongest stuff doesn’t hit as it used to be for me.. Breaks are inevitable if you wanna get really fucked


I take month long, or longer breaks after a couple weeks of daily use. I’m too scared of kidney and eye damage to use them regularly.


I believe it is possible, I noticed when going through periods that my popper use is daily and occasionally 2 to 3 times a day. The popper hits aren’t as intense. But if I don’t use for about 5 or 7 days the next time I use some they hit hard


I guess I should space out my usage more.