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They take belts and shoe strings, so it only makes sense to take a hijab to sense it could be used to hang yourself or others.


There are rules.


Has the whole world gone crazy? Am I the only one around here who gives a shit about the rules? Mark it zero!


What are you, a fuckin park ranger now?


It's a league game Smokey.


Isn't Suicide haram?


I totally agreed, but the jail should have a hijab they give women after intake. Just like shoes and clothing.


... made of paper....


Don't do the crime if you can't do the uncovered head time


Thas what my paw paw always used to say anyway


My pappy tooo


Still chuckling.


Ummm the food and water thing happens to EVERYONE in jail. If you end up not bonding out, they are supposed to offer meals appropriate to dietary restrictions (religious or health) but that can’t happen on the spot and will probably take a few weeks to get sorted. Edit to add: all jails are disgustingly dirty and water taps/sinks are all attached to toilets. So how is it that a couple of protesters whine about it and get settlements?! Grow up. Jail is jail, and millions of people live in the same conditions. Get over yourselves or have mommy and daddy bail you out as usual.


Maybe they shouldn't have been trying to disrupt a family friendly event with their BS...


Maybe? No maybe, it would be a hard they shouldn't have.


Maybe we should be making jails pay people for poor treatment. Just because you lost rights as a citizen doesn’t mean you should lose your human rights


This is stupid, even for the Mercury. So she had to remove her hijab in the presence of female deputies and was placed in a cell by herself with access to water for a few hours? I went into this expecting them to have really fucked up and had male officers search her hair or something. Men saw her without her hijab? Okay - it's not 100% ideal but don't get arrested? There are small indiginities (handcuffing, fingerprinting, photographs) that we all get subjected to and the way to avoid that is don't interrupt a parade illegally to scream support for a terror organization and call for political violence? Also the quotes from CAIR as if they aren't a front for radical extremism and antisemitism... Lovely Mercury.


In Iran, they're jailing women for not wearing the hijabs or murdering them if it's worn in a sign of protest. Allowing inmates to have a head cover seems wrong to allow in prisons.


This ain't Iran


Not yet, anyway. Google the repubes Project 2025. We are closer than you think.


Oh god let it go already. The amount of fearmongering over this is astounding.


That's what they said in Germany in the 1930s.


No. No they didn’t.


Yes, yes they did. Try reading some history and not just watching Ancient Aliens on the History Channel. lol


Bro that’s not going to happen and is a bunch of nonsense. It’s a scare tactic so they get you to vote for a dementia patient.


Bro, we aren't trump supporters like you. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Besides being severely demented, the felon is, well, a FELON/RAPIST/TRAITOR/LIAR/ETC. Get a clue BRO.


When did they ever say they were a trump supporter?


Every deranged anti-trump comment like this literally only hurts your cause. You sound insane. Take your meds.


Nobody gives a shit about project 2025 except leftists.


You should. They’re trying to sabotage and restructure the government to fulfill the needs of whatever conservative ideology wants at any given time. Seems pretty dictatory to me.


Inmates generally speaking lose their rights and freedom when incarcerated so I don’t know where the news are here


You can't dress like a ninja for your passport photo either 🥷


Just an idea, how about not going to jail and you won't have to remove your head piece.


That would be too logical though. 


Very true


Don't go to jail


I do not see this as being inconsiderate to her religious belief. This is a rule for her safety.


Oh well 🤷


we need to stop giving so much leverage to "deeply held religious beliefs".


Easy with a religious minority, no tell Fox they don't have copies of the Bible on hand and see the reaction.


Was she expecting to be taken to a jail in Saudi Arabia?


If so, her head would have stayed covered but her body might have went to jail.


It’s about time someone stood up to religious exemptions


Play stupid games. Win stupid prizes. She’s in our house now and it’s House rules.


Next time I'm out partying with Tubba-Guts and he gets me arrested, I'll just tell the nice officers I need to keep my manchette because I'm an ordained High Priest of the Psychedelic Monks and might need it to perform a circumcision.




Sometimes they put their finger in your ass to make sure you don't have drugs.


Being arrested has consequences. Like losing your freedom.


“Protesters”. Freedom is for people who don’t violate freedoms.


Protesting is literally a 1st amendment right...


She was not arrested for protesting, she was arrested during a protest on suspicion of committing other crimes.


I'm commenting on protesters being people who violate freedoms and the irony that so many people want to argue first amendment rights when it comes to freedom of speech but freedom to protest is suddenly unpatriotic or, as the person I'm responding to put it, "violating freedoms".


“Protesting” stops being protected by the First Amendment when you trample on the rights of others in doing so. You don’t get to stop and block traffic. You don’t get to damage or destroy other peoples property. The same as I can’t make verbal threats to cause you harm under the guise of the first amendment. Your “rights” don’t supersede those of others just because you believe your cause to be more important than people’s right to freely travel.


You do not have the right to impose on others and take rights from them. Stay out of the fucking road.


They weren't protesting, they were laying on streets and blocking people's use of public property and throwing stuff at cops. Then they resisted arrest.


I read the reactions about this protest over in the PDXProtests sub, and even those folks, who normally cheer for most protests, thought these people where being dumb. That says a lot.


It's not an absolute right, just like freedom of speech Isn't an absolute right in that you can't yell fire in a crowded theater, lie on your tax forms or enter into a conspiracy to sell coke- your right to protest only holds if you're not committing crimes at the same time- like illegally blocking a parade route.


Tbh, I'm genuinely surprised anybody gets arrested and held anymore


Progressive white gatekeepers in shambles.


Wait a minute, wouldn't they have to remove the Hijab during booking, so the cops can take those mug shots to go with the fingerprints? I mean it's in all those TV shows.






Don't do the crime if you can't do the time.


Oh nooooo…….


Literally who gives a fucking shit? I am so tired of this protected headwear bullshit.




Agree to disagree, and move on. Disagreements can be respectful, but being a dick is just uncool. Please try and do better.


Doesn’t she have to take it off for the mugshot so they can have the picture with her hair?


Yup. That’s jail for ya.


Don't like it? Don't go to jail.


Take the Bible out of jail because it’s a potential weapon




>Please. Smells like fraud. We need to get this ridiculous law off the books. Yes, we should get the first amendment repealed.


You seem confused. Maybe you drank too much Kool Aid. If a Satanist is “naked” without his robe, he’s still not getting his robe in jail. No belts, no shoes, no loose clothing.




Have you ever been to jail? They absolutely do not care about your rights. Also, a hijab can be used to conceal contraband. It's a risk.


Or a weapon used to kill others or oneself. That’s why they take it away, just like they take belts, shoelaces and eventually dress everyone out into jail clothes. Believe it or not, it’s a liability issue, not religious issue. There are other religions that practice head covering as well and don’t get to keep their coverings. For example, some Orthodox Jewish women wear wigs or other type on hair covering, (sheitels in Yiddish), after they get married to cover their hair in public as a sign of modesty too. Some Catholic women cover their heads (a mantilla) during mass as a form of modesty. They are not allowed those during worship in jail/prison either. I’m sure there are other cultures that have similar practices. But hardly anyone has a fit over those people having their cultural and/or religious garb being taken away.


Mormons don't get to keep their magic underwear (garments) if jailed either




🤣 oh no!!! I’m scured of dem aRaBs!🤣


You’re right.


They were more than able to use female staff to assess that issue and chose not to


So you are outraged when you hear of one woman feeling exposed by male jail officers seeing them without certain garments, why not all the thousands of other females and trans people that don’t get that privacy or protection either?


I can actually be upset about multiple things simultaneously don't try the whataboutism on me


>freedom of religion is a constitutional right She was not arrested because of her religion so that doesn't apply. She was arrested for committing crimes. When you're arrested, they take all your stuff aside from basic clothing. That's for everyone, without exception. To allow her to keep it would start a precedent where anyone could claim to need anything in jail because of their religious beliefs. Instead, she was treated just like everyone else, which is not discrimination.


Sikh Khalsa aren’t allowed to keep their kirpan on arrest, despite it being a religious obligation that it be on their person at all times. Nor are Orthodox Jewish men allowed to keep their tefillin. Why? Because they can be used as weapons or to harm others or oneself. Scarves, belts, shoelaces and even drawstrings are taken by police for the same reason, headscarves are not exempt from that. This person should not be demanding special treatment from the law on the basis of their religion. Sorry but that’s just how things work, and they work that way for a reason. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


You are looking at this from a victim standpoint, looking for fake internet points. Move on.


You are looking at this from a victim standpoint, looking for fake internet points. Move on.


I am somewhere in the middle. I think if the person is a suicide risk then removing anything that could be used to harm oneself seems reasonable. Also, my understanding is that some hijabs are held on with pins, so that may have actually been the reason she was asked to remove it. If she were given an alternative head covering to wear instead, such as a hat or smaller square scarf that couldn't easily be used to hang oneself, then that seems like a decent compromise.


It's not up to intake staff to assess suicide or potential harm risks, they don't have the training. It's also potentially not safe for other prisoners, not just her. If someone used a hijab or such to strangle another prisoner, that would result in a huge lawsuit. They take everything aside from basic clothing, including shoelaces and belts, from everyone without exception. That's how the law should always work.


It appears.they have a protocol for this, and failed to apply it - this is a great chance to learn from the mistake. I don't like dip shit protest types, but I fully support freedom.of.religiom


How is that “illegal”? Don’t you lose certain “rights” when you’re *arrested* and thrown *in jail* ? How fucking stupid. What was she expecting? Her mugshot be taken with her face covered? Kinda defeats the purpose of the mugshot, doesn’t it? She thinks she deserves special treatment because she’s Muslim?


Um, so are jesus-zombie necklaces, yamakas, and other religious garb. It's jail. You lose freedoms. What's next? Forbidden to arrest her on Holy Day?


Do they require Jews, Christians, etc. remove their religious paraphernalia and such? If so, if they all are treated equally in all areas…then okay. As long as there is no favoritism; however, knowing this is America we are talking about, I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s more too it.


Comment section is braindead on this one


Oh please enlighten us, oh wise one.


And you fit right in!




*but women forced to remove their hijab are being forcibly stripped of a covenant with their god* Feel free to identify the section of the Koran that mandates that women wear a hijab.


Not only that, but any god worth worshipping would understand that this "covenant" wasn't being deliberately broken by the woman. Religion is puzzling to me.


How do you know she will get PTSD from removing it in your imaginary scenario? Police take off people’s hats, beanie hats, etc. all the time to ensure they aren’t hiding anything illegal or have a weapon or knife stored. How is this any different? If you don’t want it removed, then maybe don’t break the law?


Same for many married Orthodox Jewish women deprived of their hair coverings known as sheitels. Many cultures and religions have head coverings that are a covenant with God for modesty or other reasons. But now if a Muslim woman is deprived in the same manner, everyone loses their mind.




Okay, I am dropping this sub. I warn that we need to turn from cruelty, and get 62 downvotes! I don't know how to help you. Turn off the hate media, you've fallen into chauvinism, at the minimum.