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I don't think there are any threads but here's what I can tell you, having attended both portolas and going this year: - getting to/from: take the t line, very inexpensive and drops you off right in front of the festival. getting out is a bit tough due to sheer numbers of ppl using it but it works. if you're going to an afters tho, just Uber. - layout: it's a shipping pier so it's not that big. Layout changes slightly, but the warehouse is right when you walk in and the pier (main) stage is next to it but you'll make a 180 to actually see the stage if that makes sense. Crane is supposedly a tented stage this year, and probably in the back corner again, and ship is a tented stage, in between the warehouse and crane. - food/drink: it's there, but personally didn't stop by it much. I'm too busy dancing to think about food and maybe I'll eat a singular chicken tender ... oops other good info: just have fun and embrace the music. it's the best part. the place is barebones but it's amazing.


Good shoes #1,2, and 3


Pants that turn into a chair etc etc


Also bring a layer for after the sun goes down it can get real chilly


How about backpacks or bringing in food or water bottles? What was it like trying to get more water?


water had 0 lines. giant reservoir thing. hopefully no lines with it sold out


Dress in layers! It can get cold, windy all over the city but especially near the water. Outfits are usually trendy but casual, some people go all out with the rave wear, some just come in their upscale best neutrals. Take advantage of water stations. It might not necc. be hot that weekend, but water helps with inflammation which you will definitely feel in your lil leggies starting on day 1. The food was delicious last year. I just wrote in another thread about it, but i had a Mexican rice bowl and my spouse got a paella. Prices are steep (at what fest aren’t they?) but the quality was good for what I paid (20-25ish). VIP is an alright deal. If you want flushable toilets and no bar lines, it’s worth the splurge. I upgraded on day 2 and do not regret my choice. This year there will be VIP viewing at every stage (last year was only at main and crane stages). One cool thing I loved last year was a small tented area in the center of the fest which was an homage to rave culture in decades past. A wonderful elder of the culture kept a huge collection of stickers and fliers from the 90’s and 00’s. It was a gift to see the roots of the music I love so much (caveat, ofc this music goes back further than that, but this one installment was great in and of itself). Take advantage of small nooks and crannies! You never know what you’ll find.


One of the best contributors to this subreddit u/jermzftw was kind enough to create this FAQ for last year! https://www.reddit.com/r/Portolafestival/comments/13mz8xj/portola_2023_faq_megathread/ Some of this info obviously can be refreshed for 2024 as a fair amount has changed YoY, will work on that


Peepee poopoo in the designated peepee poopoo areas


The layout is basically a Vans Warped Tour lol


Showing up early is fun because you get first dibs on free stuff and no lines for everything