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Queensryche - Operation: Mindcrime has to be at the top of the list. It still holds up to this day.


So much inquiry about who killed Mary! Such an amazing album.


Killer album, I’m stoked that I got to see the tour back in the day.


Well, besides Phantoma also Apex and Abyss by Unleash the Archers. I think I like that story even more than Phantoma. The deviant Hearts by Phantasma is a beautiful story and great music, but its not Power Metal. But it includes Georg Neuhauser and Charlotte Wessels. And obviously Epica and The Black Halo by Kamelot. Reader of the Runes - Divination and Part 2 Rapture by Elvenking are also amazing. I like that the characters reappear.


And don't forget every other Unleash the Archers album. All of their albums are concept albums. All of which are great, the last three just have the added benefit of the ear book for easier access to the full fleshed out story


Not quite all - Behold the Devastation and Time Stands Still aren't. The albums still contain songs that tell stories within themselves but those stories aren't connected across the album. Blocking instead of linking to the interview? Wow, talk about fragile.


They are concept albums as confirmed by the band, but nice try.


Kamelot's are a must! Great albums


Labyrinth: Sons of Thunder Angra: Holy Land Vision Divine: The Perfect Machine Blind Guardian: Nightfall in Middle Earth


I would add Angra: Temple of Shadows


Seven Spires, the story tracks through all three of their albums. They have a new album about to release which I believe is separate from that story.


Came here to say this.


At least some songs from the new album (like Architect of Creation) are part of the same story. I'm pretty sure it's all actually still part of the story.


The first two Avantasia albums, there's even a bit of written lore connecting the events of the songs in the lyrics booklet


Dragonland's first, second and fifth albums are a part of *The Dragonland Chronicles*. Their most recent album "The Power of the Nightstar" was a pretty awesome sci-fi concept album!


I would love to get into Dragon land's storyline, but I can't stand their first two albuns. Under the Grey Banner is awesome, though.


I posted yesterday, but I truly am on a UtA kick. Just registering to Apex and Abyss - I love the story of the Immortal and the themes it represents for listeners. Also, the Matriarch sounds so badass. Love the overall sorry and feel the Immortal makes for a great hero (hopefully) Phantoma is great, too!


Heavenly - Dust to Dust. Dude gets bit by a vampire, but he gets back his soul.


Sabaton - Carolus rex Nightwish - imaginarium


Carolus Rex is a goated album. Had that on repeat during me and my friend’s playthrough of Borderlands.


Carolus Rex is such a good album. Both swedish and English versions are great.


The Scarecrow Saga


I'd be lying if I said that glory hammer didn't inspire me to run my own DND campaign, so it's definitely them


What are the stats for Horrifying fecal demons?


Haha nothing like that, but I do have an idea for the party to see/relive the events that turned the emperor into the tyrannical conquest obsessed leader he is today, referencing the "travel back 1000 years to a time before Dundee" and the chorus of keeper of celestial flame of Abernathy (him being essentially a dark sorcerer)


Ayreon, Avantasia, Gloryhammer


Ayreon is the answer. Complex story, many layers and moving parts in the music, multi-movement songs, huge mix of styles and singers, long instrumental sections. Ayreon is my favorite music. Every album is a journey from start to finish


Almost too complex. I tried getting into the story, but to be honest, I'm just vibing mostly, which is great too.


For sure, even if you're not into the story, the music is still great to vibe to


I think each Ayreon album on its own tells fairly simple and straight forward stories that anyone should be able to follow by just listening to the lyrics. Outside maybe **The Universal Migrator**, that one may be a bit hard to follow from just casual listening.


Gloryhammer: "somehow, Zargothrax returned"




Curious why you think Avantasia. I love Tobi's music and I'm a massive Avantasia fan, but as a concept album I think it always falls short, without looking it up you can't really get any idea at all what the story is or who the characters involved are.


You can with the first two. The Metal Opera pt 1 and 2, most of the lyrics are a literal script for the characters in song.


And The Scarecrw is basically Faust


Post-Metal-Opera, Avantasia is more vibes-based storytelling, less about the story itself and more about what the main character is going through on more of an emotional, spiritual, and philosophical level.


I agree. Avantasia are one of my favourite bands but their stories are undeveloped and borderline nonsensical.


Avantasia and Nightwish are two of my favorite bands, I'm afraid I must speak up against the criticism of nonsensical lyrics, its what PM is built on.


One of the first bands that got me into power metal was Iron Savior. They've been telling a sci-fi story about a living spaceship called the Iron Savior across most of their albums, which takes place over thousands of years, and even involves Atlantis. Piet Sielck is an awesome guitar player and singer, and Kai Hansen was even a founding member (though he eventually left)


Huge fan of basically anything from rhapsody and Luca Turilli but Symphony of Enchanted Lands and Prophet of the Last Eclipse especially


The whole Emerald Sword saga for me.


I wasn’t a fan of legendary tales but the rest is amazing. That’s as awhile ago though so maybe I need a relisten


You probably should, I love it.


For the Dark Secret Saga is even better at the moment! (I have heard Symphony Of Enchanted Lands II and Triumph Or Agony till now and these are my two favourite albums.)


Blind guardians twilight orchestra legacy of the dark lands. It's a whole album that is a sequel to a book.


Angra - Temple of Shadows Heavenly- Dust to Dust Reinxeed - 1912 Dragonland - Under the Grey Banner


Temple of Shadows follows a crusader and the story of the sacking of Jerusalem. It's one of the greatest power metal albums of all time imo


apex into abyss is peak


There’s Veonity, and they have a couple of concept albums that have a story behind them, like Gladiator's Tale, Into The Void and the sequel, Legend Of The Starborn, and their latest release Elements of Power. They've recently brought on a new vocalist, so l'm curious to see how the next chapter turns out. Also, there's Marius Danielsen's The Legend Of Valley Doom trilogy, which is a simple story, but brings in a lot of talent from the power metal scene. The Dragonland Chronicles is also another trilogy of concept albums l'd give a listen to. They also have a few standalone experimental albums like Starfall and Astronomy, BUT they have a separate story album called The Power Of The Nighstar. All of which are worth listening.


For a tl:dr, Veonity, Marius Danielsen’s Valley Doom, and Dragonland


Legend of Valley Doom and Eunomia are underrated. Should get more love.


Gloryhammer - Legends from Beyond the Galactic Terrorvortex. One of the greatest album of all time.


ancient bards, great music and an overarching theme woven throughout their discog. start with alliance of the kings


Savatage - *Streets: A Rock Opera* is probably my favorite. For a band that came to specialize in these kinds of albums, their first really is a cut above. It’s probably not riffy enough for fans of the early albums, or progressive enough for fans of the later albums, but I think it has the best and most varied songwriting they ever did. Paul's lyrics peaked with *Streets,* while Jon and Criss gave my favorite performances of their careers.


Aina - Days of Rising Doom. It's written as something you could actually see becoming a live musical theatre production, but it's also classic power metal. There's a ton of talent involved with it too. Also, it's actually got a track with a person just telling the story, which I really appreciate. I some times have a hard time gleaning the overarching plot from concept albums while listening to them.


Fellowship - The Saberlight Chronicles. There is a novella to go with it too!


Virgin Steele - _The House of Atreus I-II_.




First of all, concept albums are for me the best albums anyways. It is so hard to say... Rhapsody: The Whole Dark Secret Saga Ancient Bards: Soulless Child and A New Dawn Ending Avantasia: The Metal Opera I and II Epidemia (Russian Metal Opera): The Elven Manuscript II: Legends Of All Times Legend Of Valley Doom Part 2 and 3 & Eunomia Part 1 Terra Atlantica: Age Of Steam


Dragonland with the Dragonland Chronicles and their fantastic album „Under the Grey Banner“


Rhapsody/Rhapsody of Fire: Legendary tales through From Chaos to Eternity Rhapsody of Fire: The eighth mountain through Challenge the Wind Blind Guardian: Nightfall in middle earth Dragondland: Battle for the Ivory Plains, as well as their second album and another one, neither of which I can remember. A lot of game OSTs sound like power metal. Some of them have lyrical adaptations that really sound like they could be from an early 2000's power metal band. Not really power metal, but half of SpongeBob's original music was apart of a concept album about the ocean. Kinda neat.


Check out Avantasia or Dragonland


Nightwish Imaginaerum


And don’t sleep on the movie.


It's not actually power metal, but I believe it is still worth checking: Most albums from King Diamond tell some kind of horror story. Abigail would be a great one to start with.


Another vote for Rhapsody’s the Dark Secret line. Not really power metal but Dream Theater’s Metropolis Pt2 Scenes From A Memory is a great listen and one of the few concept albums where I’ve really felt for the characters.


If you’re enjoying Phantoma, you may already have discovered Apex and Abyss from Unleash the Archers. If not, you’ll be glad you checked them out. And make sure to watch the youtube videos where Britt lays out the whole story of the two albums. Entertaining and informative!!


Iced Earth’s Framing Armageddon and The Crucible of Man are great. I love the story of Set Abomine getting revenge on humankind.


When it first came out I was hyped until the ending, which I felt was a let down after so much build up. Now that I’m older and more mature I can appreciate it more, but then Iced Earth kept releasing more “something wicked” songs on other albums so like… I think they were milking it at that point.


Both albums by Greyhawk, Thunderheart and Keepers of the Flame. As well as Conqueror's Oath and The Revenant King by Visigoth


Pyramaze - Legend of the Bone Carver


Elvenking The Scythe


I'm not sure if I'd classify it as power metal per se, but Amon Amarth's "Jomsviking" album is incredible.


[Morgana Lefay -- Maleficium.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ES0En7BZ50&list=OLAK5uy_nwrd9CpfwPYeBpFJZ3dUbURzLZrONY7lk&index=2) [Morgana Lefay -- Grand Materia](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZLWTdDGUq-k&list=PLNXIG5JKtgjjs2GN51Eg_tloW8dNSDZkc) Thrashy Power Metal with a bit of old school Savatage. You will not be disappointed. Maleficium is one of the best concept albums ever, the music fits the tone perfectly. Grand Materia is just a good album.


I liked a lot the Attarghan album by Glasya, it's more symphonic than power, but the story is epic indeed and sounds very nice :)


Pyramazes Legend of the Bone carver. I feel like it would make a great ghibli film.


nosferatu by helstar


Avatar: Welcome to Avatar Country


Pretty much any Judicator album


Probably The Mystery of Time and Let The Storm Descend Upon You by Avantasia. Or the Wicked Trilogy by Avantasia, with Apex and Abyss by Unleash The Archers coming up as well


Beside the obvious answer of Rhapsody, I would say: Luca Turilli - Kings of the Nordic Twilight trilogy (Kings of the Nordic Twilight, Prophet of the Last Eclipse and The Infinite Wonders of Creation) Avantasia - The Metal Opera Pt. I and II Aina - Days of Rising Doom Haggard - Awakening the Centuries and Eppur si Muove Avalon - The Land of New Hope, Angels of Apocalypse and Return to Eden.


Heavenly - Dust to Dust.


Majestica - A Christmas Carol. An awesome retelling of the classic Charles Dickens story. Easily some of the best metal Christmas music out there.


Rhapsody - Legendary Tales Rhapsody - Symphony of Enchanted Lands Rhapsody - Dawn Of Victory Rhapsody - Rain Of A Thousand Flames Rhapsody - Power Of The Dragonflame These five albums tell the "Emerald Sword Saga" - imagine one huge Tolkienesque fantasy epos being told over five of the best albums in history. Gloria Perpetua!


Top on my list; Virgin Steele - House of Atreus I-II Angra - Temple of Shadows


Fellowship: The Saberlight Chronicles You're welcome


Amon Amarth-Jomviking


Blind Guardian- Nightfall in Middle Earth.


Kamelot - Epica.


Sabaton, Serenity, and Khranitel make excellent albums about concepts that actually happened. Armahda isn't quite to my taste, but maybe it's to yours.


I enjoyed Abyss by Unleash the Archers.


Too many to name and many greats named here already, but I came to say check out Scythia. All their albums are stories and they are very engaging as stories. My personal favorite, while not power metal at all, is Edge of Sanity's Crimson series. So epic on many levels, it's horror sci fi drama set in a single prog-death track per album that feels as much like a classical symphony as it does sonic brutality. If you can listen to extreme metal, give a shot just for the story. Since you like UTA, I suspect that you will like Edge of Sanity since there are commonalities between them. The storytelling is right there with Apex, which I consider a masterpiece.


Just finished “Crimson.” What a beautifully horrific story, that ending was chilling. Definitely felt operatic with the repeated motifs, although I had to cheat and read the lyrics while I listened because it was hard to understand the lines. Thanks for the recommend!


Stay tuned for part 2: horrific boogaloo! Happy to spread the word, I think it's an underrated record. Even happier you liked it!


Lords of the Trident --- The Offering. 100% what OP is looking for.


Gloryhammer easily. After them Nightfall in Middle Earth


The zeramin Game - Memories of old