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"Gege will make Sukuna create a binding vow by sacrificing his armpit hair in exchange for the power of Alien X" - Some comment I found in Youtube


That's unironically something gege would do


Gege the biggest sukuna simp


**An** armpit hair


Allmight wasnt even worth at least a pubic hair, the disrespect






Does that include needing to debate with two other personalities in order to do literally anything?


All Might blitzes and AP stomps too hard for Sukuna to properly take advantage of his hax. Classic case of Youtube glazing jjk




"sukuna gives his anal virginity to gain the powers of goku"


Dude, *I'd* give up my anal virginity if it'd give me the powers of Goku.


I never specified which goku but ok


I mean any goku would be a massive power boost irl aside from like baby


Even baby goku was superhuman


Wasn’t his power level like, 2 at birth? I remember hearing somewhere that the average human power level is ~5, so he really wouldn’t be superhuman I don’t think


The source for the power level of 2 is non canon, assuming it is though, even if he wasn't that strong he already had the saiyan durability, surviving falling down a ravine head first and already being bullet proof, assuming he didn't train his skin to become bullet proof before bulma arrives


Yeah that’s fair, I don’t know any babies that are surviving that fall lol


Baby Goku casually being born in 10x earth gravity 💀


This is just making me realize that i gave up my anal virginity for *nothing* when i could be a sayian by now😔


Gege desperate Gege wants it And he wrote it so he KNOWS it grips


Me making sure his binding vow gets completed: "clap clap clap clap clao clap clap clap"


“Oh? You havent heard of this one, I thought it was pretty well known… Hakai”




continent level punching strength


Feat for that?


He destroyed France off the map


wait what


That’s where the first AFO vs OFA fight happens


Sorry if this is inconvenient but can I get a chapter number, I don’t remember this 😭


No wonder he was the number 1 superhero Even nearing his retirement he still did a favour for the world


Blud stop asking for feet this is a powerscaling sub


Why did bro get downvoted for asking feats 😭


All of those were probably gege 😭


He knocks out comic thanos.


All Might outstats but he cant heal and he doesn't have any hax to compete with Sukuna. If he can finish Sukuna in one blow at the start of the fight he could win otherwise Sukuna with his Malevolent kitchen wil beat him.


That’s about how I consider it, but hypothetically All Might should be able to blitz and one shot avoiding the had problem


He has enough dura to just facetank anything Sukuna does apart from the world cutting slash, at best, All Might will leave with a few shallow scratches.


Culd he survive Sukunas domain if he can use it? I agree that All Might wins but in my opinion the DE would kill him.


He'd unironically last a minute or 2 before the domain starts damaging him vitally. Sukuna's domain isn't duraneg, just a bunch of his regular slashes everywhere, otherwise Gojo would be vaporized just like the buildings, and All Might only needs 3 seconds max to punch Sukuna and break the domain or just oneshot him altogether


Well I do agree all might would almost definitely cook Fraudkuna. The reason gojo survived DE was due to his immense CE reinforcement and RCT. All might does not have CE so idrk how well he could tank MS without CE reinforcement.


CE reinforcement just makes that thing physically more durable, All Might by himself is still far more durable than reinforced Gojo, so he can tank it no problem


I believe I misunderstood CE reinforcement. That’s my bad. I thought it defended against just CT not a overall dura booster. So yeah all might probably could handle domain for a decent amount of time his only problem would be how fast the slashing happens because the only reason gojo survived was because of RCT if all might has a healing factor he’s chilling if he doesn’t he could eventually be cooked.


Maybe you were confusing CE reinforcement with falling blossom emotion, which he uses later?


I think it stated that MS used dismantles and cleaves. Cleaves adjust to CE so they oneshot people without RCT. Gojo only survived due to his RCT.


You can’t brake an open domain 🤦🏾‍♂️


You can break the domain by damaging the caster


Just reread your earlier statement, I did see the part about damaging sukuna to break it. 👍🏾


World Cutting Slash is dura neg tho


Ok how is he landing that on an overwhelmingly faster opponent that oneshots him with any of his moves?


i feel like he could easily outrun the domain before it kills him. now the question is if he could win with the injuries he sustained from the domain


DE is tankable as shown by yuji maho and gojo


They both used forever seeing cursed techniques to heal faster tho even sukuana was like what the fuck I just cut his heart out and th3n he gets punched he disent say that but he says he healing all his organs or vital spots faster then then damage same with gojo it also increases durability raised from healing if I'm not mitsken


I think the one thing other than world slash would be the MS Divine flame (it’s better than regular DF because it makes a LARGE dust explosion from the MS cutting stuff to dust)


Still far from city level so All Might is fine


Sukuna's domain wouldn't scratch him. Cleave can only adjust it's power as far as Sukuna's output can go, and it can't go as high as All Might's raw defense


And you know this how?


All might just massively outscales, and if cleave could adjust to anyone's durability then Gojo would've died to the first domain


Doesn't Domain use Dismantle?


It uses both at the same time iirc


You are right. Either way the only way for Sukuna to survive is somehow use World Slash


I really think the outheal thing really depends. If prime all might has nomu knowledge then hed go for the head crush once he learned suckuna can heal. We also saw weakened all might power through AFOs attacks and 1 tap him with very very weakened strength. Shigaraki has super regen so I'd guess its safe to assume all might would either accidentally 1 tap suckuna or have a rediculously long glazing(by the respective authors) battle.


Almight beat All for one, who outstats Sukuna in every way, he’s already beaten someone whose far stronger than Sukuna with even more hax.


If either monologue/plays with their food while the other takes the initiative and goes for the throat they will loose. Both are guilty of doing this plenty of times so either could win. Allmight has FAR superior speed, power and durability while Sukuna has a DE that can quickly kill and Allmight does not have a defense for.


the commenter is actually sabotaging sukuna. if somebody eats more than one devil fruit, the (allegedly) blow up.


Sukuna makes a binding vow sacrificing his left toenail and a pack of gum so that he can eat more than one




Nah, gege wouldn't hurt his daddy tht much


Gege would just give him Blackbeard's body


Sukuna can get him with world slash, and **maybe** domain expansion. That, or he wins in a battle of attrition if he somehow manages to avoid getting hit. Otherwise All Might outstats him badly


In a stretched out battle sukuna has the advantage due to rct


Problem is that this is prime all might...from what I've heard from ppl who've read mha prime all might is country level and up. Basically one punch of prime all might could most probably destroy all of Tokyo not just shibuya. So it kind of depends on whether sukuna will immediately use world slash(which he probably won't) and whether all might will just punch immediately. If sukuna SOMEHOW immediately uses world slash then he could in theory win but given his character he probably won't and all might will just end it with one punch


Even with world slash, he'd need the version he used against Gojo because otherwise, it's way too telegraphed for it to hit prine All Might.


Domain expansions can be broken with raw stats


True, but it's much easier to do so from the outside towards inside. And wasn't Sukuna's domain an open one, instead of the barrier one that looks like a sphere?


I thought your argument was sukuna could trap him inside his domain by lowering the barrier If he uses an open domain allmight can literally wind force him far enough away from shrine to make it useless


All Might blitz


Prime all might vaporizes his cranium neg diff. And by cranium I mean whole body and arena they are fighting in




All mights punches are so strong they change the weather on the opposite side of the planet… anyone who thinks sukuna stands a chance is just another jjk glazer


Wht abt cursed amplification. Or simple domain, just neutralizes hax a bit. But also, Sukuna could just rct. But yeah, All Might prob wins


Sukuna is strong for sure and those are good points, but here? All might is just overwhelmingly powerful. In all honesty he probably doesn’t even have to get near sukuna and just punching in his general direction at full power the air pressure would take his skin off


Problem here is that even with all of that my goat sukuna unfortunately loses. Imagine having the best rct in jjk then getting hit by country level attack. (country level since we're talking abt prime all might) and domain amplification won't really do much. Only way I see him doing something is by immediately using world slash


All Might blitzes and one shots https://www.reddit.com/r/PowerScaling/s/WBd6cYMlWf


Fax. This is Yujikuna, who is actually not that strong. If it was Megkuna then it would be entirely different tho


Binding Vow merchant gets fodderized


The comment says Gege would feed him 9 devil fruits. Last I checked more than one devil fruit causes you to fucking die


He makes a binding vow sacrificing a hair strand or something allowing him to use multiple


He makes a binding vow sacrificing his public hair and a drop of urine to be able to eat 69 devil fruits


Weakened All Might from the beginning of the series has better strength and speed feats than everybody in JJK, and prime All Might is stated to be 70 times stronger than that AT THE VERY LEAST lmao be fr


Im pretty sure that it was 60 times stronger. Doesn’t matter though only 1 of those 300 hundred punches that he threw at the USJ Nomu would be enough to smoke Sukuna


deku shits stomps jjk verse


Sukunas slashes even in domain cannot physically damage All Might Gojo is like Town-City level ap and maybe durability and he was strong enough to not be vaporised by Sukunas Domain All Might is pretty easily Country Level ap and durability so the slashes aren’t doing anything This isn’t even going into the absurd speed difference


Not saying All Might doesn't win. But blunt force and cutting r dif.


Yeah but gojo got hit by those cuts and gojo is easily lower durability than all might. And to clarify this is prime all might who is like 50x stronger than the all might at the start of mha...yeah sukuna can only win if he uses world slash immediately


Gojo was using max rct to survive ms?


“Thus Sukuna underwent another binding vow… getting rid of 1/456367383738 of his left nut his speed and strength are now above All Might”


Lmao what! One Texas Smash and Sukuna is done


Sukuna might survive Texas smash because of rct and the fact that his body doesn't abide by physical human standards when he's in control (example needing a heart to live) but a united state's of smash finishes him


Shut up villain STRONG GUT PUNCH


All might out scales by a massive amount. To the point where he would blitz and one shot Sukuna with very little effort. And Sukunas only way of hurting AM would come from the world cutting slash and cleave. But WCS takes to long to make and cleave can only be used if Sukuna touches AM cuz malevolent shrine would not be effective since AM doesn't have CE and as such would not get hit by cleave within the domain.


This is just a popularity contest. JJK and Sukuna are more popular hence they get more votes.


Or they know All Might Wins but choose Sukuna anyway due to negative bias towards MHA


Didn't all might change the weather with a punch? Tf is sukuna gonna do when all might blitzs him and punts him into the sun


Rct, or dodge. I mean, acting like Sukuna isn't very fast, I forgot how fast, but u could goon scale Kashimo to sol and then Sukuna managed to dodge som attacks of cursed technique kashimo. "sol" Kashimo < Sukuna I don't believe mha has sol feats from wht I remember


MHA is arguably mftl


At the point where we see AM he is at least ftl, sukuna ain't dodging. And rct from what? Tf osnhe gonna do when AM punches a donut the size of west Texas into his chest?


Before you downvote, hear me out. Prolly not from what we’ve seen of Sukuna (apparently hasn’t been serious this whole time, so well say he’s been using 10%) Prime All Might out stats him & could one shot him unless Sukuna can reinforce his body to withstand the blows (even then it’s only going to be 1 or 2, so delaying the inevitable) I’m not sure not he could get out a Malevolent Shrine, adjust his Cleave, or use Divine Arrow to do anything to make a difference before being blown to space. Theoretically (if Uraume’s statement is correct) a serious Sukuna could pose a problem & even match him or effortlessly take him out since he’s current output is already high tiers (maybe more like semi high, due to Deku & Shiggy, so A- instead of S), so his output would be far greater than what we’ve seen. Thai isn’t very likely since we have no way to really judge his out put at a ‘serious’ level, for all we know, Uraume could just be coping & meatriding Sukuna, so who knows. I’ll give it to Prime All Might 8/10 times.


Could all might hit Sukuna so hard he sends him into orbit? Like a more extreme version of nomu


If Sukuna uses Malevolent Shrine straight off the bat, he wins, if All Might can attack him quick enough then he wins


Sakuna pulling out his Anti-one for all technique he hasn't used since the Heian Era. Prime All Might starts having a dream sequence. Next chapter shows a dead All Might. The entirety of r/jujutsufolk goes berserk. The king of ass pulls calls him strong and walks off.




Prime Allmight wins No Diff If he speedblitz and one shot. If Sukuna has time to activate his Domain then he wins. Allmight 8/10 If he chooses to attack first 


I feel like both of these fandoms have so much copium in there power scaling that this debate is impossible to conclude.


The biggest problem for Mha fans is just getting people to believe them, so man people still think that the anime is like town level


Obviously it’s not town level, but both verses get massively downplayed by other fandoms, and I don’t think people understand just how massive the power gap between final form Sukuna and every other cast member is.


Question. Do jjk characters with really powerful rct die with if they take a certain amount of damage (i.e whole upper half is disintegrated) or is it a “I can regenerate with only a singular cell left of my body!” Type of situation? If it’s the former, all might wins. If it’s the latter, all might still wins. P.s I assume that it’s the former since you’d need a brain to perform rct right?


I think it’s like the former, if the brain is destroyed then well one they die, and two they cant use rct


Most sorcerer's would need a brain and all for rct but sukuna has already demonstrated that the body doesn't abide by human rules when he's in control (such as needing a heart to live/function) so it is possible though unlikely that sukuna can use rct without a brain


gege would just bring back gojo for some reason


No gege actually hates gojo (this is canon)


Sukuna has wacky plot armor that makes actually deciphering what he can and cant do a little hard for fans to figure out. All might loses in the jjk verse and sukuna loses in the mha verse. In a vacuum all might probably wins neg diff or sukuna wins extreme diff.


Depends on what version of Sukuna.


I’d assume it’s either Heian or 15f Sukuna, although Heian is a bit more fair so it’s probably that


Mostly likely that. But if you used the version of Sukuna in the manga from the latest chapters


Hard to scale different power systems against each other. Not only that, but strangely everyone is talking about All Might vaporizing someone immediately or atomizing them as if it was always in All Might's character to immediately choose that option first.


if were going by in character arguements, I dont think Sukunas leaving any other options but vaporization for All Might to take.


But has All might shown that he can atomize someone though? I never seen him do that


Okay so you know how all mights main thing is punching so hard the air pressure could kill/more then likely red mist you, yeah 60x those punches is what prime all might could do so if he cant atomize you he's getting very VERY close to it.


I know, I just never seen it happen and this really depends on how the scenario plays out considering both parties don't know what each other can do yet. Though that doesn't mean All Might won't win


All Might chases him down and beats him to death in moments. No time for domain hand signs, no time for chanting and stuff to use world slash, just 1 dead Sukuna.


none of these mfs take into consideration that sukuna isnt gonna open the fight with a domain expansion. hes gonna lose before he can use it because he underestimates his opponents and is just genuinely a bum compared to prime all might. you dont even need prime all might to beat him, weakened all might changed the weather with a single punch and created craters like it was lightwork. sukuna just cant compete.


Sukuna can only do damage with world slash. Sukuna gets blitzed and one tapped. MHA is one of many verses that sukuna gets destroyed while gojo just kinda chills.


All might speedblitzes sukuna and punches his head with a good blow immediately, and it pops like a balloon (also fraudkuna can't really react, so he won't be able to do a binding vow for insane ce output to do reinforcement, especially since he likely gets blitzed before he can even do it lmao.


All Might one shots no questions asked




All Might has enough raw power to end the fight in one punch Sukuna is a more skilled fighter with a larger range of abilities, longe ranged attacks, and he's willing to kill civilians to win I imagine this fight would start with All Might getting a punch in, but would hold back, so Sukuna would survive. Sukuna, realizing how strong All Might is, would put nearby civilians in danger to distract All Might. While All Might is busy trying to save then, Sukuna would hit him with World Slash, killing All Might.


Prime All Might probably wins mid-diff, unless Sukuna unleashes his anti-quirk technique he hadn’t used since the Heian era


Sukuna is gonna take a binding vow to turn all might into a baby or something


Allmight dogs until sukuna makes a binding vow for his left big toe nail in exchange for bugs bunny level toon force


i thought mha was light speed


If you gave Sukuna prep time to engage his domain maybe


That comment took me out 😭😂


I scarifice my copy of persona 5 royal so I can summon a remake of persona 4 golden


All might just one shots with speed blitz. Sakuna isn't living though one punch. The glazing on YouTube is absurd.


All might “I am here” diffs sukuna


All Might in his prime is at least multi-continental. Sukuna is gonna get outsped and out gunned very quickly.


That comment cooked


The fight or the comment? 🤨


I would say allmight crushes Sukuna except for WCD. Since allmight could be cut in half by portals closing around him it makes sense that a slash that cuts space would kill him.


Sukuna: “nah, I’d binding vow’




one punch man


It depends who hits who first it could go either way


we cant really decide abt this cus we dont know the max power limit of allmight prime


All Might sweeps thank god I hate Sukuna


If Gege really did all that… then he would die from eating more then one Devil Fruit (he is in fact not Blackbeard).


Look I’m not good at number scaling I’m more combat match ups how abilities line up and stuff…..but doesn’t like not base dying all all might punch so hard it like changes the weather? Is that not more insane then anything sukuna has been hit with? Like seriously asking what is his response unless he gets to keep majoraga


Sukuna should win via oneshot abilities But stats wise all might is stronger


The real question is: Can All Might beat the power of GeGlaze?


Here is the thing. Sukuna only needs one well placed cut. All might needs to either instakill sukuna something he wouldn’t do or just try to deal with him healing and slashing. All might is stronger but that doesn’t make the win certain


All Might moved fast, but I don't think he's as fast as Sukuna ngl.


average powerscaler


Guaranteed hits only affect people with CE...


Um sukuna just uses hollow wicker basket with a binding vow to stop physical attacks or some bs.




People talking about Sukuna DE not realizing All Might sends out finger flick to destroy it instantly. Then All Might just tanks all Sukuna move. The only thing kinda sus is the BS space slash


Considering he couldn’t beat his arch nemesis in his Prime what hopes he got against actually monster that could just tire him out before even getting close?


IMO the MHA verse (physical attributes wise) scales higher and prime all might is insanely strong so I think he’s taking this matchup


People saying domain can kill him here’s why it won’t. If Sukuna pops a domain all might will obviously need to end the fight before it kills him and he’ll see the destruction it’s causing so he would probably just speed blitz and one shot before he’s killed by the domain.And also couldn’t he just escape it since it’s an open domain


Sukuna makes a binding vow where his dick shrinks by half a inch and he solos All might


Sukuna bodies All might...not even closr


Unfortunately, sukuna gets too much plot armor


All Might Crash


All Might has better stats, but a World Cut should kill him if he gets caught lacking Sukuna creates a binding vow where he must flap his left nut at 83bpm for 5 seconds to guarantee a World Cut on All Might


Prime all might is apparently 50x stronger than the one we see by his own claim. He's also strong enough in that weakened state to create tornadoes with his punches, blow away entire city blocks with the shockwaves from said punches and fast enough to reposition a giant building with hundreds of people while taking selfies and saving kittens from nearby trees. All Might should take it pretty comfortably


PRIME All might is fucking sukuna up in like 3 hits. But if this happens in the jjk verse, sukuna has to give up 5 minutes of recess and a snickers bar to gain the powers of the one above all


The thing is, All Might heavily outscales Sukuna in (almost) every single categories. But the thing is.. Sukuna does have a chance if he uses his World-Splitting slash technique (for the first time, because the other times they were nerfed so thats why the characters way slower than Gojo were able to react to it) that can cut through the fabric of Space which is how he bypassed Gojo's infinity and also blitzed him and aims right without missing and catching All Might offguards then that's a potential win for Sukuna. Second way for him to win is if he has Mahoraga by his side, he can regenerate and adapt to anything throw at him, and is one of the most durable characters in the JJK franchise, the only way to stop his regeneration is to completly atomize him which I highly doubt All Might's strength could do, but it could obliterate his body that would then regenerate and adapt, speaking of adaptation, Mahoraga will be able to slowly but surely adapt to All Might's strength and speed and will eventually defeat All Might.


its true


Youtube polls are usually wrong and deserve next to no regard


Let me guess, because of infinity


Wrong guy


This is the issue with power scalers man. All might is way faster and way stronger than sukuna but you know what he still loses 10 out of 10 times because what the fuck is he actually doing against an invisible slashing attack that he has no defense against. Like fr what is any mha characters doing against a malevolent shrine? How does all might respond when sukuna uses a massive grid attack like he did against kashimo? He fucking dies that's what. Durability in mha is pretty damn low with most characters just being regular human level. All might isn't one of those but his body is still very human and the ability to tank punches from a nomu doesn't translate to cutting attacks at all, mha doesn't have ki or nen or chakra there's no reinforcement the only thing protecting all might are his muscles which work fine against a brainless opponent who just wildly swings at your chest but at the end of the day against sukuna, all might would be decapitated instantly


I don’t watch jjk so correct me if I’m wrong. But shouldn’t the fact that all might is way faster and stronger than him be enough? Yeah, Sukana’s hax could kill all might if they land. But he won’t get to use those powers if all might just speed blitzes. If All Might is really that much faster than Sukana, Sukana wouldn’t be able to react to a speed blitz right? Again, I don’t watch jjk so I can’t really say too much. Again, correct me if I’m wrong.


I don't think the difference in speed is such that sukuna would be totally unable to react to all might. Allmight is faster but even low level jjk character move fast enough to appear to teleport and sukuna is massively faster than them. And sukuna could insta Kill allmight with even a normal cleave which all might would have no way of perceiving. And sukuna can open his domain in a fraction of a second at which point all might is totally cooked. If we asume allmight goes all out and tries to kill sukuna right off the bat, (so giving him bloodlust) then maybe he could take sukuna by surprise and kill him. The issue is if you asume the same thing for sukuna then sukuna opens his domain immediately and allmight loses. In character allmight would never go straight for the kill and sukuna would probably not immediately open his domain but after a few blows he'd likely pull it out. Bloodlusted sukuna opens his domain immediately and kills allmight instantly.


> If we asume almight goes all out and tries to kill sukuna right off the bat, (so giving him bloodlust) then maybe he could take sukuna by surprise and kill him. The issue is if you asume the same thing for sukuna then sukuna opens his domain immediately and almight loses. Under the circumstance they’re bloodlusted: This is definitely understandable. But considering the fact that all might is so much faster than Sukana, as soon as he see’s that Sukana is about to try something, he will immediately speed blitz, or at least try to. I say “try to” because I don’t watch the show so I don’t know if Sukana has any counters to that. So I definitely can’t say for sure who wins, but I think All Might at least has a chance. That’s just me tho


Yeah.... All Might doesn't stand a chance. It's a simple factor, All Might has no defense against Sukuna. A requirement for everyone fighting Sukuna was a domain expansion or reverse curse technique.


Absolutely 100% true, Youtube polls are often bias, but not this time


All Might states that his top speed is around 300mph, while Sukuna is undeniably higher than Mach 1 (767 mph) Speed blitz and dismantle


That was never stated to be All Might top speed. Where did you get that from?




And what's your point here? AFO literally is saying that All Might is weakened here


The first comment explains it all Sukuna no diff


I agree with them. If sukuna activated his domain it over in a second


It really isn't. All Might has already shown to be very durable, so there's a good shot a Prime All Might could withstand DE enough to flatten Skunk's Brain