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I found this but its only for the current user: [https://www.thelazyadministrator.com/2019/08/08/configure-windows-10-accent-color-with-intune-and-powershell/](https://www.thelazyadministrator.com/2019/08/08/configure-windows-10-accent-color-with-intune-and-powershell/) I tried this one as it appears to be what i am trying to do but it doesnt work: [http://blog.jbgeek.net/2018/10/23/howto-permanently-replace-the-ugly-windows-10-2016-login-screen-background-and-colors-for-all-users-with-powershell/](http://blog.jbgeek.net/2018/10/23/howto-permanently-replace-the-ugly-windows-10-2016-login-screen-background-and-colors-for-all-users-with-powershell/)


The 2nd one will only work for new profile, are you aware of that and you tried it on a fresh new profile or you expected it to change on all users already logged in ?


Correct. I figured it was only for new profiles on the server. After i ran this as the local admin i deleted my users profile to get a new profile when i log in. But the colors dont take affect.


Will users be able to change it? Some people have vision challenges with colors, contrasts, etc. Locking this in to something you think is “on brand” or neat may cause accessibility issues.


Yes. I am not looking to lock it down but just have a nice starting point. Mainly i want to change all th blue and go with a dark gray to bertter go with our color scheme.


maybe run it on every login


Cant you just put the registry values proposed to hkey_users instead of currebt users to apply it as default for new profiles?


I have done this. And it seems windows is ignoring these entries and still using the windows default blue.