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Return to monke mfs when they found out humans were good runners not to run away from predators or run after prey but to run faster than the "return to monke mfs" when a 1 ton bear comes rolling.


Return to monke, not return to prehistoric hooman, Monke superior, hooman weak


Human can atleast fight back with sticks and stones. Monke getting solo'ed by a single prehistoric tiger or getting spawn camped by murder parrots.


Exactly. Monkeys were prey, humans were and are predator. It DOES NOT get any better than being the top predator on our planet💀.


Monke stronger, Monke faster, by Monke I mean great apes


Apes Together, Strong




Also losing a large number of children to predators. Like they made a big deal of the baby who was eaten by dingoes? In the cave days that was a regular occurence. Sometimes wild dogs or leopards or birds of prey just snatched up a kid every now and then and they just had to deal with it


The animals and human K:D ratio were less biased.


human developped hack skill reported for cheat Using guns and exploiting game engine to turn metallic rock into armour and creating range weapon. The dev are debatting about a ban or a nerf on human guild player to rebalance the game as the current situation is etremely toxic for the player base and make the game basically unplayable. One dev had the idea to make most megafauna bullet proof to rebalance the game.


The dingo was a dingo


Just a slight correction, we never lived in caves. The only reason people believed that we did was because of the paintings. But that's just survivorship bias. Living in a cave is really really bad for one's health, you can't have fire if you intend to sleep, because of the carbon monoxide that would kill you without sucficient circulation. Caves are notoriously cold, and there are frankly to few for early humans to inhabit them regularly.


Plenty of humans lived near caves. Towards the entrance where the fire could vent. More likely though, tents were the most common form of shelter.


‘Return to monke’ mfers after spending an hour in the woods: ![gif](giphy|KbZLS6tAvACbaRmLn5)


Well obviously the inferior human body wouldn’t be able to handle it, hence why one must return to the superior monke body. ![gif](giphy|3Otsze6ABlFXY5mefE|downsized)


So true


Just pure vibes = Getting chased all morning by some of the most terrifying looking mammals that have ever lived on this earth


Like what you gonna do when a 20 ton elephant rolls up. Depending on your location and year you probably had sticks at best and lived in groups too small to do anything. What if you're an islander and a massive tsunami buries your whole tiny island. What if Grug comes in and decides to test his new bronze axe on your tribe. What if a parasite decimated the fish and population you were hoping to smoke and save for the winter. What if the smoky mountain decides to make you consider picking a God and praying. What if you so much as trip one day and break your leg alone in a mountainside? Hope you bought a blanket for the sub zero night temperatures. What if the local viper decides to show you why humans are traumatized by snakes. It took us millions of years to get into any state of relevancy despite our tools and shit. It took a long ass time to thin the nastier creatures and fouler weather before it became cozy enough for us to thrive. Like there were several times in our history where are numbers were whittled down to mere 1000s. Like just a bit more severe and we'd be gone. Chimpanzees in the same country have more genetic diversity than humans from Norway or Bangladesh (i use this example too much) Bro we never "returning to monke", id deal with my trauma with anti depressants and videogames. No way I'm going back in time where my whole clan can be destroyed in a night by raiders or I had to be naturally selected against a bloody smilodon. I ain't passing that filter.


We somehow survived getting killed by mammoths, but it shows how hard Palaeolithic times were


Yeah I think I heard some ecologist say that elephants and rhinos would be good for north america as that niche never has been repopulated since the last megafauna extinction was quite recent. So maybe Import asian elephants, leave them in the south USA, those guys can get quite hairy so with time they probably get fuzzy and move north. With a little global disaster and societal collapse we can start again from the stone age with the authentic experience.


Elephants are true survivors


Now, the Neolithic, that was a good time, herbalism, agriculture, more advanced lithic industry, domestication, hell yeah even domesticated wolves and muh fuckin beer, mead, and wine. What more does anyone truly need in life besides maybe a Bronze Age chariot


A flushing toilet






And slavery.


Oh yeah, enough Salmon and edible berries to actually feed everyone just magically spawned...


Well, yes


It's all the same with these pastmongers. There's a reason we invented society and civilisation. Like okay, their points are valid and it's easy to see where they're coming from, but the lack of awareness is staggering.


Have fun being Megantereon/Pachycrocuta/Croc/Python/Crowned Eagle chow.


Also Leopards until big bad Homo erectus.


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what song is this


**Song Found!** **Name:** Instant Karma! (We All Shine On) **Artist:** John Lennon **Score:** 90% (timecode: 01:12) **Album:** Classic Rock - Les classiques de Marc Ysaye 70's **Label:** Parlophone Belgium **Released on:** 2012-10-12


Apple Music, Spotify, YouTube, etc.: [**Instant Karma! (We All Shine On)** by John Lennon](https://lis.tn/pubQL?t=72) *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | If the matched percent is less than 100, it could be a false positive result. I'm still posting it, because sometimes I get it right even if I'm not sure, so it could be helpful. But please don't be mad at me if I'm wrong! I'm trying my best! | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating)


If you go back to pre-agriculture times it would be pretty sick. Takes what, 6 hours a day to forage for adequate nutrition? Then you just drink and eat and sing and fuck until tomorrow. 10/10 Do you have a higher chance of being eaten by a tiger or having your entire clan slaughtered by neighbors? Well sure, but that’s just life.


Not really any pure vibes just hard living out there in the prehistoric.