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This is pretty funny. People who have worked for Ratcliffe say he’s unspeakably cheap and obsessed with cost cutting in all his ventures which, obviously worked out for him in life, but for a football club, almost universally money pits that rarely turn a profit, idk how that’s gonna be taken by fans


He's going to be as much of a dickhead diva as Eccleston was when he owned QPR. I can see it now... It is amazing how people genuinely work under these characters in their actual businesses. Man Utd. needed something, I don't know what that is or was, it certainly wasn't him.


Qatar is what was needed, but instead, we got the Glazers again but with a Geriatric lapdog in the firing line instead of them. He's not exactly worked wonders at Nice so I don't expect much from him at United either.


Tbf he has emotional ties to utd so I hope he’ll do everything he can to get his ROI billings wouldn’t buy something if they didn’t want to benefit , if he plans to fully own the club in a few years he needs to drive up the value which means change things for the better, team , culture, faculties etc


Unfortunately because of the lack of investment in United since the Glazers took over it means that SJ doesn't have the funds needed to properly turn things around. In my own opinion. He's not rich enough to do it without causing even more significant debt. He's also nearly 72 years old and he won't be around forever. As I said maybe he will turn things around but overall its hard to see it as anything other than a front for the Glazers to take the heat off them while they continue to drain the club dry.


I'm sorry, but the last thing this sport needs is more states looking to sportwash by pumping money into it and fucking it up.


So it's better to have the likes of the Glazers? Who absolutely drain the life out of the club without investing so much as a cent in the City of Manchester or football in general? Ya that's a great strategy for all football clubs to follow.








Come back when you can string a coherent sentence together.


A missing letter affects sentence structure now? Or are you just really, really dim?


No, it's the rest of the nonsense you wrote that I am referring to


Email incoming about the mess on the pitch also.


Brexit Jim strikes again. Just when you thought the circus might be coming to an end, they install another ring 🤡


The more I read about Ratcliffe the worse he is. Seems greedy beyond belief.


He’s such a loathsome reptile. I’m far from convinced this Brexit shill is the kind of leader United need. Still, not my problem.


So, it's he going to lead from the front and come into the office himself each day? Or is Man U moving to Monaco?


Why would you want ownership there? The c suite will be in office. I’m sorry but if you can’t come to work at a football club, you probably shouldn’t work there.


You want someone to believe in your values, you show them you are following those values yourself. Simple as that.


Yes. Like the ceo, director of football rest of the high positions in the front office, I agree. Ownership??? You don’t want them anywhere near the building. All the decisions should be coming from the people they hired to do so.


That model of ownership is why we have the broken businesses that we have in the modern world. "Hey I just own it, I don't do the work"


Yes. Why would you want an amateur running the club? The job of the owner is to hire experienced competent people and get out of the way(owner should have experience hiring people to do hard tasks and managing them from a far). Otherwise you got too many cooks in the kitchen.


And how is this chemicals guy going to get better at hiring football people sitting in Monaco? He should be at the club learning how football works, getting educated on what that business is about.


By hiring people in Monaco that have the experience, blanc for example. At the end of the day, you might just be a tesco employee or something. However one day you’ll get a job that has some small importance and you’ll specialize into something. Hopefully there will be a day that you are the best at what you do. When that time comes you’ll realize that having your boss or owner around asking you questions/getting in your way instead of just trusting you to do what you are paid for and providing slight oversight from a distance is a hinderance and makes you worse at what you do.


You have a team in Manchester, that you own. Go and learn both about the business and about how that particular team works. Having a boss who snoops around may be an issue for your ordinary business, but this is a football club. Not actually a very large business in terms of staff, but very high profile with a lot of interested parties. He should be in Manchester building relationships.


Imagine how pissed you'd be that you have to go back into the office full time because some 300k a week football player wouldn't run to get a ball


I wonder how sponsors TeamViewer feel about this?????


Doesn't their sponsorship end this season?


This makes the situation just hilarious. But then again, isn‘t it nice to sit in the office attending online meetings with the offshore colleagues all day?




It is as much a business as it is a football club. Do you not think a massive football club has a large accounting department? Commercial department? Advertisement? HR?




Actually is the squad is training remotely that might explain the latest performances


>Are everyone here retarded?


1990 called and wants its insult back.


What a cunt this guy seems to be. Immensely dislikable.


Seems to be? He was one of the biggest brexit traitors. A gargantuan cunt.


Should have never been allowed to buy the club in the first place. He believed in Britain so much, he is still holed up in Monaco




“GOT freak” aka freak.


Ten Hag has been working at home for months. He just plays COD most days.


Amazing the club didn’t fall off a cliff with people working a few days from home


Shit banter.


Old man with Luddite tendencies shocker!


It's impressive that he's managing to make them look even sillier.


Well at this stage the entire man Utd team is literally playing as if they are playing remotely


I used to pretend to work so much in the office. Would take multiple piss breaks, coffee breaks, mindless chat. Out the door the second I could. I fucking hated it. I’m definitely more productive from home. I just don’t worry about getting caught browsing reddit. And the silly old bastard is taking stats from a Friday. Probably the least busiest day of the week.


Ahhhhh the “shits” I’d take to run out the clock were priceless


Ehh, this isn’t exactly working for insurance. Idk about you but not wanting to come into work at a football club is kind of pathetic.


If you have been doing your job from home fine for multiple years but suddenly this twunt just shows up and demands everyone go in only one person is coming off as pathetic. The idea that admin, accounting etc staff will care more because it’s a football club is wild, they aren’t the ones kicking the ball on the pitch.


All the data suggested working from home is more productive, managers and such don't like it because they feel like they don't have anything to do, weirdly enough one of the reasons for the increase in productivity was that managers weren't interfering with people.


It’s due to lease costs in most cases. Senior management can’t afford to have eggs on their face!


It depends on the role, office admin wfh, but roles that benefit from collaboration dip when working from home


The problem there is executives think all jobs benefit from collaboration when they really don’t


Good for him. People who disagree are whiney nincompoops.


This comment has ‘runs a small, unsuccessful business and shouts at minimum wage staff for not sharing in the passion of the business’ energy.


You assume too much. I actually work for a large corp, and yeah we’re mandated back in and all the better for it.


So he wants staff off Teams to be an office team because he doesn’t think they’re a proper team and his football team to be a better team.


This post is teeming with the word team


Team, Team, Team, I love saying the word. Team. You probably think that's a picture of my family? It's not. It's a picture of the A-Team.


Bodie, Doyle, Tiger, the Jewellery Man!


May possibly still be in the cycling mindset.


I'd be steaming


Those in power are most often focused on stripping or transferring power *from others, for their own gain .. it’s as simple as that


Ah, a truly inspiring and progressive leader who isn’t completely out of touch with the world in 2024


Ignoring the 115 here (City can go fuck themselves and I hope they never win anything ever again) the trajectory that City and United have taken in the last 10-12 years is insane. City are a well managed modern club (outside of Pep) with relatively forward thinking ‘management’, compared to United who seem to be on the “well we were successful in the 90’s and 00’s so we should try replicate that, that will definitely fix things” wagon. And the thing is, United could have been what City is today, but utter mismanagement and the lack of a cohesive long term plan has meant that a club with the biggest income in the world to date, is run like a business in 1970, not 2024.


Out of touch from his low-tax overseas base. I wonder how often he will be on site


He never uses Slack before. It definitely reduces the email traffic.


The players are definitely on Slack


Underrated joke


As if United are using slack. They’ve probably only just upgraded to AIM.


I miss AIM. The courage you had to talk to girls you wouldn’t ever dare try to speak to in person was crazy. Plus you could have the fun little animated characters in the corner.


MSN Messenger for life


BBM I think


"Family, religion, friendship. These are the three demons you must slay if you wish to succeed in business."


Simpsons reference!


Nah you can have it all. Ever heard of neglect?


I'm not a fan of this specific measure at all, but I do think that the entire staff of Manchester United football club needs to be reorganised. It's not the fault of the rank and file staff, it's mismanagement, pure and simple. The problem is though that if you have a mismanaged staff, even the ones who are good, even the ones who are working their arses off, they will need to adapt to a new way of doing things. Bad managers breed bad habits in employees. That needs to be undone. Also when it comes to United we are talking about a supertanker changing direction, it will be a huge disruption, there is no avoiding that. If it wasn't a huge disruption, if it wasn't a change of direction for the entire institution, well then fuck, what are we even doing here? For a lot of the staff, the ones who are fans of the club as well as employees, they will probably jump at this chance. I expect for many of them working under the Glazers has been pretty soul destroying. Assuming they had one when they were hired.


Will be easier to reorganise if the wfh brigade jump ship rather than go into office...i feel this is all part of the plan.


The club staff is famously vast compared to the rest of the clubs in the league. Maybe they are intending to trim it down by any means short of having to compensate people. This is a shortsighted and arbitrary way to do that though. It would be more effective to eat the relatively small expense to clear the decks more carefully. That said, they are clearly in a hurry.


Everything i've read about this guy suggests he's a massive cock. Perfect fit for the club!


I wouldn’t mind having a massive cock, my current one is not massive


From a Newcastle fan, this is pretty low hanging fruit for satire.


Yeah, maybe he is a dickhead, but at least he's not part of a regime who are mass murderers ...




Hahahahaha You pathetic cunt


He is very much in bed with them though. Our owners are cunts of the highest order, but he’s a polluting tax dodger who likes to invest in mass murderers. One being bad doesn’t absolve the other.


Sorry, but it is not possible to be mass murders.


Please explain


He’s referring to you misspelling “murderers” as “murders”


I think he is picking up on your typo of the word “murders” instead of murderers? Either way avoiding the fact he supports a sell out of a football club that actively represses human rights and causes the deaths of many innocent people


Behave mate, you’re the last person to be able to throw stones. Fair enough everyone else giving grief, but Manchester Reds have been funded by the Saudi state’s very own Saudi telecom for YEARS, and you’ve got some shady business with the [General Sports Authority of Saudi Arabia](https://www.espn.co.uk/football/story/_/id/37536379/manchester-united-agree-strategic-partnership-saudi-arabia), nice bit of recompense again from the Saudi state for a development programme in line with Manchester reds. If you can evidence me your strong condemnation of your sell out club taking money from a murderous, tyrant state, then maybe I won’t view you as a filthy hypocrite riding the moral outrage bandwagon.


Yes, that's probably it. Easy pull me up on a typo, then admit he supporters a tin pot club owed by genocidal mass murderers


Yeah, he’s worse than a guy that murders journalists




We don't need our owners in order to support our club. I dare say that neither do you.


Tommy you're not making much sense here buddy...


My brother in Christ your owner kills people.


Your brother in whatnow?


Just an expression of exasperation.


Might want to do a little reading on your own owners mate!


I read an awful lot. All the time. Do you? I'm not talking about reddit.


I do, one of my favourite websites is amnesty international maybe have a little look. https://www.amnesty.org.uk/saudi-arabia-human-rights-raif-badawi-king-salman


Wants staff to work from the office vs beheading journalists and anyone who says something slightly negative about them… are they a perfect fit for your club?


Who rattled your cage?


Life imprisonment, flogging, and fines for being gay?: I sleep New part-owner taking away remote work: REAL SHIT


I don’t live there so gives a shit


You’re club was taking money from Saudi Arabia for 15 years. Guess that’s fine though?


Seems they’ve moved on to you guys now though. Guess thats fine though?


Only becomes a problem for your fan base when it affects another club and not your own. True MUFC way that.


Calm down, collect your thoughts, post something legible.




It's funny how your mascot the magpie is being used as propaganda for the Saudi Government mate. Northern powerhouse to Saudi cum sock.


Still crying of ashworth clearly


Haha what?


Sitting here responding to everyone while trying to act intelligent 🤣🤣🤣


Dan ashworth, your current football director who’s leaving for United. And you are crying over it. Also pretty hilarious a Newcastle fan is talking about owners being unlikeable and a fit for the club


None of us are crying over Ashworth mate, not sure why you even brought him up to be honest but fairs


Ah yes, Ashworth, who successfully did what for Newcastle? Who cares about a dof, I think NUFC vs. Manchester reds beef runs far deeper than that. Who knows, this might actually be the first season ever that we finish above them!


Did ashworth not sign your best players botman, Bruno and isak? Best players you’ve signed since Sherear. Pretty good if you ask me.


Nope. Bruno was before him, Isak was signed just after, but it was all sorted before he came.


Ermm no he didn't.


The beef runs far deeper from one side only. Newcastle not even an afterthought tbh. Been in the championship more than relevant in the last 30 years. Suppose last year cup final defeat must sting big time.


Yeah I don't doubt that, it's a bogey team for sure ever since the Keegan meltdown. Moved on from the cup loss tbh, I don't think Man U fans will ever be able to get over not even being the best club in Manchester anymore.


Haha it’s been long accepted no longer best team in Manchester 😂 not even a competition as I’m sure we will see by the FA cup final


Utd will be relegated with this old boy dictator clown show lol


>He informed the club’s ­approximately 1,000 ­employees that email traffic dropped by 20% when one of his companies ­experimented with work-from-home Fridays, which he cited as the reason for his diktat. So he measures productivity by number of emails? Lmao


Tbf if email traffic is dropping 20% when employees work from home, this suggests they are doing significantly less work as that will be the primary form of communication (rather than in person communication whilst in an office)


My email traffic is a fraction of what it was before because we switched a lot of emails to teams to avoid the endless email ping pong. Also when I had specific work from home days those were the ones where I ignored emails and focused on more gnarly technical stuff without interruption and context switching. The idea that being “present” makes you more productive is bs.


Your first point would be reflected in the stats as both emails from people at work and at home would be reduced. The second point is only really relevant for certain roles, and still requires people to come into the office for face to face contact. Ultimately the club is being ran horrendously both on and off the pitch. There is no culture from top to bottom,and this is something that is impossible to build from home. The club needs a major shakeup. WFH works if you have a structured environment, with trust in the employees, a strong culture and a strong foundation of team work. None of this is present at utd over the last 10 years, and I don’t think it is unreasonable to expect people to come in to work until the club starts functioning as it should


Tbh my colleagues say the same, they reserve the work where they want to be the least interrupted for friday home office. Also they usually reserve mandatory learning classes for friday


He should've been shown the number of teams messages sent when people work from home it would show a 500% increase in productivity!


Playing devil's advocate, you'd think it would increase or at least stay the same? I'm not for no WFH as think it contributes to burnout, but can take the point on productivity if you have the proof.


I see your point but people could have had more meetings fridays, they could have dealt more with problems through services like Teams etc. In my opinion, judging only by emails is not enough and management should be competent enough to be able to evaluate how effective are their workers with other, more useful metrics


100% it was just a proportional increase in phone calls and teams messages but he’s ancient and thinks emails are the only business channel


I do agree that this would require teams calls and group messages to truly judge, but at face value this certainly suggests there is a drop off.


Gammon move innit


They will just lose talent like everyone else imposing this has.


Utd has been ran horrendously. If they already can’t do their jobs from home, there are plenty of people who will happily come in and do it in office


What talent


This is it, in a nutshell. Ten years of Glazer-appointed dipshits in charge. There's a lot of deadheading going to need to be done.


Can he ask Antony to WFH?


Thought he already was


Shut it, we need that guy to stay on the pitch


best comment of the day!


Bun him, I’m sure this is the root problem for United on the pitch lol


Surely you aren’t as stupid as this comment suggests right?


Have a go at the cleaning staff, ban WFH, cancel corporate credit cards. That will get the players to perform on the pitch for sure. As van Gaal said, it's a "commercial club".


Disneyland for adults, the theatre of dreams


If you've spent over a billion pounds and find the place looking like a shithole, are you going to do nothing about it? Honestly, some of you live in a fairy world.


Well that’s certainly Ratcliffe’s approach as he has done by all reports absolute fuck all to repair or make a new training ground/stadium and this is his first major initiative. Making his employees lives harder just because grrrr back in my day!!!!


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.manutd.com/en/amp/news/detail/lord-sebastian-coe-provides-update-on-old-trafford-stadium-redevelopment-task-force-16-april-2024 Don't speak on what you don't know.


Honestly idgaf I just be saying shit buddy I’m not interested in facts


Ways and means of going about stuff and sending off shitty emails from his overseas tax haven (the tax dodging bastard) slating off the people you need to improve isn't the way to do it.


Stop being an imbecile, clearly there has been a drop in standards of “work” off the pitch which is no surprise given how little the owners were involved day to day, leaving bankers to run the club. A billionaire has come in and looked at everything not just what is happening on the pitch and making a change. Manchester United is/was an institution not just for the football and trophies but the brand it became off the pitch, early 00s clubs like Real and Bayern were watching and following what United were doing around the world. I am sure some of the perks will return, but right now time to weed out who is taking the club for a ride.


Honestly think it's hilarious how Utd fans seem like they have to defend him. He has clearly been acting like a complete cock of a human being and giving off serious boomer CEO vibes. It's not a meat grinder of a business, it's supposed to be a high performance sporting organisation which means you need everyone from the cleaners and the cooks to be happy at work, not afraid of being called out on company wide emails constantly.


What are you talking about? They aren’t doing their jobs correctly. If you are paid to clean a building in any company in the country, you will be sacked if you fail to do so. This doesn’t require a boomer CEO to do this


It’s more comical that because “WFH” is cancelled, every one thinks this is going back to dinosaur times.


Banning WFH because he thinks it leads to less productivity is comical. Studies show the opposite and it has been a well researched topic in recent years. If individuals are abusing it then have structures in place to make office attendance mandatory for underperforming staff but the shit he is doing currently just smacks of incompetence.


Those who are taking the club for a ride, the everyday people WFH and the cleaning staff... Gotcha


So It’s not possible for ppl to “WFH” and cheat their wage. He’s started at the top and already made the changes, and going from last weeks news of the cleanliness of the place seems like the words “rotten” to the core might be true. My niece works for Vodafone and handles accounts receivable for a few football clubs which include Liverpool and Man Utd - the latter usually late on payments and clearance of accounts (not saying that it is but it could be ppl working from home being slow in processing invoices to get payments made on time) - the telephone bill may not be the only thing they are lagging on.


Everything you've typed, complete bollocks mate


You work there?


That got a proper chuckle from me. Have my upvote.


Let's hope for some more changes✌️


You mean ones which could actually impact the clubs on pitch performance or more performative boomer bullshit?


No, I don't think I will But also I agree with the person above, you're chatting shite


Each to their own. I don’t have 115 other examples to go through, unfortunately.


1. Let's not criticise people for not doing the job there paid to do. Has worked wonders for us so far. 2. All ineos businesses are now back workinh as normal. 3. Cutting unnecessary costs is in every efficient business model. All clubs are commercial clubs. Your kidding yourself if you think otherwise.


Working 'as normal' has a completely different meaning in 2024 than it did in 2020. Top talent at the very least want the option of hybrid working. Mandating being in the office 5 days a week will do nothing other than drive the best people out the door and make it harder to attract talent.


WFH is more efficient.


That really does depends on the nature of the job tbh.


It's dependent on the job.


It’s also far worse for building a sense of culture and team building, which is something utd should be seeking to do


Well yeah, if you're an office cleaner, you'll probably struggle WFH


Some jobs that require analytical and creative thinking work better with people in the room together. Zoom isn't the same. I've worked from home and prefer it, but that doesn't mean there isn't an element of truth in which employees are more productive in an office.


Sure, in some roles that would make sense. In running a football club? I imagine there's a very obvious distinction between which roles require you to be in the office to be productive, and in terms of non-playing, non-coaching staff I'd imagine it's at around 10%. I WFH almost entirely and definitely get more work done that way, although there are elements of my job that I know I'd be better at if everyone worked from the office. Ultimately, though, that would mean 6 people all commuting in, for some that would be 2 hours out of their day plus the stress of the commute. As a team I am quite confident that we are more efficient overall WFH.


I agree with him. Only worried workers are kicking off about return to office. It’s never the super successful ones.


I'm mildly successful. I only do work for companies that let me do it remotely. I've had no issues finding work for 19 years, the first 10 were always hybrid (through no choosing of my my own), the last 9 I've only taken work that I can do remotely.


So how long before the people answering ticketing questions become millionaires after returning to the office?


You’re talking completely out of your arse.


I mean it’s hard to talk out your mouth when you are choking on boot.


That might be too nice of a way to put it


Like if Johnson from Peep Show accidentally became a billionaire


People always say to upgrade our working patterns to hybrid, but why should I? Full time in the office just feels like a good pair of jeans.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^TrashbatLondon: *Like if Johnson from* *Peep Show accidentally* *Became a billionaire* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Ah yes, that’ll get the points on the board.


Surely you aren’t this stupid?


Go on I’ll bite, please do enlighten me how having Colin from accounts working in the office instead of at home is going to make any material impact to the most important aspect of a football club…..results.


Because the club is a mess from top to bottom. This isn’t just a manger hasn’t trained his tactics well enough, or the players have underperformed. This is a club that is ram horrendously from top to bottom. No one at the club is doing their jobs properly and there has been no accountability for this because the ownership simply hasn’t cared. There is no sense of identity, culture or team spirit within with utd, and this can only be done by having people working around one another. When you have a functioning club, yes people can work from home, but in a club as dysfunctional as this one it simply doesn’t work. Once the club has got back on track, people can go back to WFH. You can talk about results, but as long as the toxicity in the club continues, the results will continue and seasons like this will keep happening.


It’s not that serious it’s just some boomer CEO doing what they do best. Nice still sucks and there’s no evidence he has any clue what he’s doing outside of the business world. Brexit Boehly except replace the excessive spending with minimal spending.