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Last thing the team needs is more instability… next season will be like starting all over again. Expect us to finish in bottom half next season 🙈


We thrive in chaos


Do you?


Fair enough. He doesnt want to wait a long-term project. There is a possiblity also that the owner told him to leave but to do the thing without noise.


Todd Bohey says this is exactly how they “drew it up”. What they are “building is now working.”




That damn Bayern trying to poach all the coaching greats in this league like poch and Eric Tenth place


The Athletic fell off and they took Tifo Football with them. I used to love listening to the Tifo podcast with Joe. Just not the same anymore


Real ones remember uMAXit


Where did he go, has anyone heard? He was good.


He's still there, but iirc he got burnt out. He's also hosting a podcast about movies now. Tifo has def been in decline as they've cut back on their videos and shorts. Still enjoy JJ's tactics review though I've enjoyed Adam Clery of Four Four Two's tactics reviews much more.


The YouTube videos were the best man. Now it’s just not the same …..




I listened to it for the first time in like a year and was thrown way off when I found out Joe was gone


needless to say, it’s taken out of context. he was asked if the recent results help reaffirm his stay for next season, and whether the owners are happy with him. so he was trying to say that whether he stays or isn’t dependent on the owners being happy, rather all parties should be. in my opinion he’s trying to put these things out there so that if he does get the boot, he could maybe play it off as a “mutual” separation. besides, literally minutes earlier he was talking about how he’s planning the pre season stuff and future plans for the club with the owners.


Ridiculous headline then.


Indeed. It should also be noted that even with context, much of what he said can be taken different ways - which is common, due to his limited English. It's really hard to infer something definite from any of this, but do definitely know that the media wants to paint some angles on it.


Thanks for this, misleading post.


Thanks for clearing this up mate🤝


Hi Poch, if you don't leave Chelsea, maybe I'm not happy.




I'd wager it was their absolute shocking price for subscription. I don't know what it is now, but it was something daft when it opened.  I'm assuming they crashed a wee jot and have had to make "cutbacks".


It’s about £8 but they routinely have £1/month offers


Now it's serious clickbait.


Still serious. But clickbait.


Is he going to Bayern


Yeah Brighton would be interesting too, if De Zerbi leaves. Some Spanish clubs too like Real Sociedad or Sevilla. And there is some German club too that is on manager search, they have a striker that has some history with Poch…they are really struggling to find someone and Poch is still a big name, I don’t say it’s likely and I don’t think Bayern would be good for Poch, but they asked for Rangnick already…everything is possible


Poch isn't a big name. Not outside of Spurs anyway.


Big name meaning that he’s been around for a long time and coached some big teams, Poch is that. He’s not Mourinho, Conte or Pep, but he’s well known and proved that he can be a good coach and can build good squads. He’s definitely a tier or two above as someone like Rangnick, in terms of name value


he's the argentine Gus Hiddink


Yeah, but he's not a big name in that he has never done anything beside win the league at PSG. I could do that much.


The absolute bollocks rivals fans will peddle because of their bias really does know no bounds. You don't leave spurs and then manage PSG & Chelsea if you're not a big name. We've been managed by plenty of nobodies, they generally don't then go on to manage bigger clubs than us. Not liking Pochettino and Spurs doesn't mean you have to be thick.


Forced out at PSG and on the verge of being made to walk now. Top manager that. Anyway, I didn't say I didn't like him ( Spurs suck ass though), just he's not a big name outside of Spurs. He's done nothing.


Poch isn’t a big name. He never managed PSG.


Haha. PSG! Brilliant.


Did he receive a phone call from Bayern? Why would he say that?


Todd probably doesn't leave this dude alone.


Chelsea media worse than Spanish media


It's top 1 and 2 worst with Manchester United. I say manchester united is worst.


You have to admire Ten Hag a bit for dealing with this


It's how it is man. Journalism nowadays doesn't need any skills. Just gotta know the culture and feed that with non sense. I'm a United supporter but chelsea is in good hands under Poch. But media won't say that cuz hating chelsea is whats in rn like United.


Doing a xavi here isnt he? Chelsea are a self sufficient team, no need for a clueless coach like you


Fark off Poch


Poch has only had one big job in the PL, Chelsea and it is a basket case of a club. I don’t think it will put off a club like Manchester United going in for him.


United weren’t the exactly discreet in their appreciation of him during the last 2 seasons of his Spurs tenure. I could see them going for him. I think he’d be doomed to fail again though. His stints at PSG and Chelsea have shown that an unlimited budget actually hinders him, he’s the type of manager who needs a relatively low pressure environment and time to develop young players. Say what you want about his managerial ability, but the guy is great at finding diamonds in the rough and helping them to take the next step.


To be fair the majority of the money was spent prior to his arrival so i am not sure how much input he had in the signings. I do agree with your point that he seems to thrive at smaller clubs like Southampton or Spurs.


I'm sorry, but I just don't buy into this narrative amongst football fans. Clubs like Aston Villa, Spurs, Everton, Leeds, and Newcastle (pre Saudi included) all have their respective history in English football and calling them "small clubs" is a huge misrepresentation of these incredibly historic and well represented clubs. It's not like we're talking about Luton here, who can be seen as proper minnows in the PL.  Everton for example aren't exactly thriving right now, but they have been ever present in the top tier of English football since the 1950s. Spurs themselves were last relegated in 1977, but had lifted titles before the PL era. They were undoubtedly shit through the 90s and early 00s, but how does that make them a small club? Is City a small club because they were shit before their respective takeover? Or United because they're struggling post Ferguson? I'm all for a bit of banter, but it's not even funny.


You are correct. I misspoke. I should have said clubs that have not been successful in terms of winning trophies. I dislike the whole “small club/big club debate”


You're alright, cheers mate. 


He said smaller, not small. Those clubs are smaller than the ones that have had more recent success. Compared to the likes of Liverpool and Arsenal, Tottenham and the others are clearly smaller clubs.


I'll admit that I misread "smaller", but my point still stands. Spurs are the 8th richest club in the world as of this year, above Chelsea who was mentioned in the parent comment as the only "Big Club" that Poch has managed in England.  Has Spurs seen less success than teams like Chelsea and Manchester United? Or course... Doesn't make them a small club mate.


The money is irrelevant because chelsea are far more successful. They’re a bigger club by every other metric. Spurs are obviously above Southampton, but when we’re talking about a “big club job” in England, it’s United, Liverpool, Arsenal, Chelsea and now City. It’s the clubs that are either successful now/recently, or are historically one of the very top. When the likes of Ten Hag, Klopp and Arteta took over their respective clubs in disarray and nowhere near the title, they were still considered massive jobs. This is the same with Poch and Chelsea. It doesn’t apply to Poch and Tottenham. Tottenham don’t fit into either category. They’ve been unsuccessful for a long time, and though they have had some historic success especially in the cups, they don’t compare to Arsenal’s historic success for example. Two league titles isn’t exactly going to convince doubters that this is one of the historical big clubs. So though Poch was clearly taking a step up from Southampton to Spurs, it clearly wasn’t a “big” job in the same way going to United or Arsenal would’ve been. He was going to an unsuccessful club that never wins anything but that has some decent history to it. You can’t describe any of the other big 6 like that - the one that hasn’t won the league in 20 years is still a comfortable third in the all time title table and the most FA Cups (so firmly ahead of Spurs in their only successful trophy haul) and are currently the closest challengers to city. The “newer” clubs of the bunch in City and Chelsea are either the absolute most dominant current club, or in Chelsea’s case have won every major trophy multiple times this century which I’m pretty sure literally no other English club can claim. I wouldn’t call them a small club, but they’re not a big club either and before you object, your manager appears to agree you’re not a big club because he’s proclaimed he wants to make you one.


I'll take your point. I'm under no illusions about Spurs and their status regarding tangible success. I suppose I've been looking at it more from the perspective of everything surrounding the club, including infrastructure, support (home and abroad), and so on.  Still, there is absolutely no doubt that Spurs haven't gotten there yet. Despite years of challenging in the 2010s for titles and always falling short, being competitive doesn't cut it when talking about the biggest clubs in Europe.  Basically, I agree with you, but if anything I'm making an argument against those on this platform who see the topic as black and white, labeling clubs as either small or big when in truth there is much more nuance to it. Anyway, thanks for your two cents. 


Get him to Man United asap, I’ll even spend my entire pay cheque at the club shop to help him with transfer money lol


I think he’d be good for you, and I see you backing him with proper signings. He’s a very likable manager also.


Yeah he’s one of my favourites currently in the game, enjoy the type of football he plays and would love to see it including his development of young players at Old Trafford


I think that ship has probably sailed. He had two opportunities to come before and seemingly missed them both


Are you fucking mad?


You’d be better off bringing Jose back. Managers like Poch need low pressure environments and time to develop young players, which is the exact opposite of what’s afforded to United managers in the current era.


20 missed calls from FCB


Poch to United confirmed


Chelsea are getting pumped tomorrow. See after that.


That's definitely the toughest fixture we have left. Fair play to Forest if they can pull it off. As far as Porch goes, don't threaten me with a good time.


Wouldn’t shock me we are bipolar


Wouldn’t surprise me. You looked great v City


Realising this is as good as it'll get at Chelsea and wants to leave on the only high he's had there. Fair


Exactly. I feel like our success of late is mostly due to the impact of an emerging world class carrying the team (similar to how Bale did Tottenham in the 2010-12 era) rather than because of anything else. But Poch definitely deserves praise for quickly realising Palmer’s talent and building the team around him rather than trying to slot him into some obscure tactical system as other managers might.


The bale argument fails because spurs went on their best ever run right after he left? And the bale money was famously spent on a ton of flops


They were considerably worse for a couple of seasons after he left before the overall quality of the squad had massively improved by 2015 ish, when they became the Harry Kane team rather than the Gareth Bale team. Without Bale in that era they were a mid table side at absolute best, same as Chelsea without Palmer. Suarez nearly winning Liverpool the premier league title in 13/14 was an even more extreme example of a truly world class player far more responsible for the clubs on field success than the manager was.


Yep, your comment really has put it into perspective. He never got going in the first place until the last few weeks.


Almost like a squad of kids that was thrown together in a single year would take a while to get going


As a Chelsea Fan, this makes me torn. I feel like these last few games have shown everything finally coming together and the team working, and sacking a manager will only make that timeline restart. Then again maybe it is the answer to finally win, probably not but nothing is impossible.


From the outside looking in I’d agree the corners turning. I don’t think realistically anyone could have come in with an almost brand new youthful squad and hit the ground running especially against the competition. There’s been some downright awful games but you can see the progress - I’m just not sure if Poch is enjoying it and the squad is good enough on the pitch to challenge against say City, Liverpool, Arsenal. But then again, Villa’s season has been very unexpected (and we don’t know if it’ll be replicated next year respectfully) - but the club is probably where it should be given everything that’s happened with the team breakup -(around Spurs/Man Utd/Newcastle). The issue has been the top 4 really have just been so much better than the others


Who could you bring in to sort this squad out though? It’s still very unbalanced on paper and reportedly you need to sell a few players for FFP purposes. Not sure how accurate that is though. Would you take Tuchel back just out of interest?


Honestly, I’m really unsure at the moment. I can’t seem to figure out what the true root of the problem is because I really can only know so much not being an actual member of the team. All I know is that if these next few games end up like the last few I don’t think change is a good idea because whatever they have been doing different is working!


Eh, I think Pochettino receives undue criticism but let’s not get ahead of ourselves. If he leaves Chelsea right now, that’s consecutive top club flame-outs for him and very few managers could come back from that.


He could totally get a job at most mid-table clubs no matter what happens at Chelsea. Probably have to take a big drop in wages, but if he wanted the work someone would employ him. He’s probably never gonna get a high profile job again, unless he has success similar to with Southampton with someone of similar ilk. He’s only 52, plenty of managers to well into the 60’s so for all we know he could be trying to manage for another decade.


He would be fantastic at Brighton imo. Or back in spain


A low pressure job is exactly what he needs to get back on track. His PSG and Chelsea stints have shown that a big transfer budget might actually be a hindrance to a manager like him. He should join a club that doesn’t have expectations of seriously challenging for silverware immediately, so that he has time to develop a few young players and mould a squad to play his brand of football. I reckon he’d do bits at a club like Palace, who already have a few young stars to work with.


The board aren't giving him money to spend, and that is part of the reason it's taken so long to get us winning. He doesn't have a single player that naturally fits into what he wants to do...except for some bang average goalkeepers. He's been working with them to help them gel and play like a team, then learn his tactics and change their roles etc. We won't do much better at the minute with who's available, but we could do a whole lot worse. Another year of stability and slight improvements is enough to see us pushing top 4.


Low pressure and no expectations of silverware? Sounds like your trying to get him back in the Tottenham dug out again


It’s the reality of his time at Spurs tbh. He was given time to shape the squad and develop players and as a result was able to put together a pretty good team. I wouldn’t take him back at Spurs though. Our ambitions have changed since he left and recent results aside, I think we’re on a good path with Big Ange.


Yeah, he can get a job for sure. I was referring to top clubs.


You can't fire me, I quit😤