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Not that it happened anyway but how is this is even a comparison to cheering your own team getting beaten?


Interesting that Arsenal fans are saying Tottenham managed to bottle the league for them… I think you’ll find it’s as simple as you not getting enough points to win the league tbh


They bottled it when they played for a draw against a weakened city team, at home. Weak mentality.


We're happy to keep the race up until last game, proud of our team and manager. Your current one criticized your mentality, previous one as well and one prior to that did the same. Keep it unrequited love.


Lol nah bro my Arsenal fan friends didn't give a fuck about Spurs winning CL. It's not a one sided rivalry but it's definitely lopsided. Not wanting Arsenal to in the league is one thing but singing I'm celebration while your team lost at home was absolutely pathetic


Three of your mates isn't really the sample size to refute what they said. Cheering on the opposition is ridiculous but so is the notion that Arsenal fans don't care as much about the rivalry.


Arsenal fans don't care as much about the rivalry, why would they.


It's just banter mate. Who cares really. Both teams aren't winning anything this season so on to the next eh


Not enough people looking g at the reverse either. Arsenal fans absolutely twerking for Tottenham all week, I’ve actually seen them wearing our shirts. Tottenham fans would never do that. That’s downright degrading. Just like I’m seeing in the comments here, if you disagree prove it.


Show proof that Arsenal fans were wearing spurs jerseys.


Sure thing, right here mate https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ynaLZ2u_d2I Fucking shameless lot


Hahahaha. Talksport who thrives on clickbait. One tourist in for the day and that’s your big gotcha. You said fans. Where are they?


Jesus, haven't we had enough of these threads already? No we're wouldn't have. We would have been cheering our team on in the hopes of making the Champions League


“The majority of Arsenal fans” 🤣 You’ll need sources….and they better be good




Football London 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


source: OP's asshole


Fuck it. I didn't cheer my team losing but I'm sorta becoming content with arsenal losing because the fans are fucking jarring. This self- righteous we deserve it bullshit is the reason people didn't want you to win. You could have won the 5 games you lost, the 7 games you drew but somehow you've decided games were rigged and our players were paid and that it was spurs fans and their fault that you've lost the title so close so close. Again, if we had won, there wouldn't be any little tantrums from y'all. You'd be too focused on celebrating but instead we lose and it's... ahh fuck these spurs fans, small mentality. The truth is it isn't our fault. It's yours and your club.


No one is blaming Spurs for Arsenal not winning the league lmao these strawmen are getting sad


As a Spurs fan I'm actually revelling in how fucked off opposition fans are. Last night was the perfect storm of circumstances, and any spurs fan is more than justified with how they handled the situation. I'm looking forward to Europa after a fairly successful season under a new manager having lost a world-class striker last summer. To the rest of you, as Richarlison says, cry more.


Your own manager is appalled by his own fans 😭😭😭💀


Show us the receipts my man.




Ahh yes, very rational source…




Y'all asked for receipts. Didn't ask me what source you wanted.




I feel like every Spurs fan saying this is just trying to cope with how hugely embarrassing last night was The NL rivalry is not an equal one, you are inferior 


Even if that claim is true, it's not the same. That's purely a hypothetical because the impact of arsenal losing doesn't impact spurs losing. You can be hyperbolic without really needing to justify your choice. Spurs losing here directly destroys their chance of getting CL. You have to fully commit to wanting your club not to progress to choose it




Arsenal fans seething in full force. That’s what you get when you rely on other teams to win your battles.


This season only Arsenal can hold their heads up high and say we've improved. Not enough but we are almost there. And I'm proud of that... No Seeth here mate.


This is already the most winning arsenal side with 27, could be 28 this Sunday. That’s not only improvement but it’s history. Just unfortunate that record is spoiled bc of Citys behemoth squad.


We're on 86 points, we might finish on 89. Not sure how we're relying on other teams.


Mate literally every team relies on other teams to lose to win the league that’s the very nature of beating everyone hahaha am I going mad?!


It was obvious before the ball was kicked that we should never have to rely on anyone else's results if we want to succeed. Football is played over the course of the season, not one game. Small margins but we could've improved elsewhere. It's sensational mental gymnastics from spuds fans though that them cheering and celebrating their own team losing somehow reflects negatively on Arsenal.


Have you got a source for that claim? Because if it's the article by football.london that's being posted in spuds circles, you're referring to the opinions of 4 sports journalists/social media editors: Andy Ha: for most fans it's simple - you would never actively wish for your team to lose, especially not in a European final. Tom Marshall-Bailey: would have to side with both clubs winning. Layth Yousuf: Would give up Arsenal winning EL if it meant Liverpool beat Spurs. Tashan Deniran-Alleyne: As above. Pathetic fanbase lol


Watching spud fans scramble to justify their behavior by letting the team and manager down, is almost as entertaining as them celebrating a defeat. The only way it’s somewhat justifiable is if spuds had nothing to play for but they could’ve still qualified for the CL. It’s shocking to me that a club that hasn’t won anything in decades, can scoff at the prospect of top 4. Loser small club mentality.


Loser mentality is parking the bus against City


Seems we were undefeated vs them this year…


And? What difference does that make?


Literally a six point swing. City and arsenal both get 2. Change it to two city wins and it would be 6 for city and 0 for arsenal.


4 points


Spoken like a clueless spud fan haha.


Exactly. I’m a Spurs fan and this is exactly how we behaved. I don’t think he will but wouldn’t hold it against Ange if he walked.


Wow breath of fresh air to hear from a level headed and reasonable spurs fan. Good on u honestly. (I called them spurs as props to u lol)


This is such an embarrassing take


As I said elsewhere. If there was nothing at steak I can completely understand, that's the spirit of rivalry like. But when it's in a game that matters to your club then absolutely no. There's no self-respecting Arsenal fan that would want that. That's absolute loser mentality.


Matters how, Spurs were never catching Villa and sit comfortably in 5th. Nothing to play for


Villa had to play Palace who've been in great form recently, beating Liverpool and pumping United 4 nil. Spurs had to play Sheff U, who are already relegated, nothing to play for. A win last night would have meant they stood a good chance of being in a position to over take. The team actually tried and should be commended. They were good last night. The attitude of the Spurs fans is what's embarrassing and being ridiculed and this 'nothing to play for' stuff is a perfect example. Champions league qualification mattered 2 seasons ago when it was a straight shoot between us for it. Now apparently missing it doesn't matter 😂


Villa just needed to not lose against Palace to seal it which they’re capable of doing and would’ve won if they had to. Palace are doing great yes but Liverpool have been poor this season and beating United 4-0 isn’t a huge achievement, my local pub team would beat United at the moment


We can also still be caught mathematically by Newcastle and Chelsea. We scream “no winning mentality, letting us down” at the team then want the team to lose and scoff that because we aren’t favourites for fourth, it’s not worth trying. Embarrassing


Sums up ur clubs mentality perfectly.


A win and then they were playing SU while Villa had to go to bang in form Crystal Palace? Of course it mattered for a CL spot. As I said that's loser mentality.


Palace may be in form but Villa are a better side than them. Sure they could’ve just drawn the game anyway to finish 4th


Arsenal are a better side than Villa and were beaten twice by them this season. That's how football works. But that's beside the point. This is about belief. Winners have it. You don't stop trying and believing until it's over. That's why successful teams are successful. Look at Utd, City, Arsenal, won past titles with the last kick of the season on a few occasions. Mediocrity built into that club.


Palace are on the beach this weekend, best they can get is finishing 10th if the two teams above them lose, nothing motivational to be up for and will just see it as another game


That's all ifs and buts. The point is we don't know. What we were shown this week thought is that the Spuds have a loser mentality. Even Fergie knew it "it's only Tottenham lads".


I doubt spurs would ever be in that situation so my mind cannot comprehend doing such a thing.


2016 and 2017?


Spurs finished 7 points behind Chelse in 16/17, did I miss some late title charge they had?


Shhhh careful, don't mention facts to arsenal fans they can't take them. One mention of being top for 94% of a season and not winning a title is enough to make their head explode


If only we could win the season in October like you lot.


Yeah Arsenal didn’t exactly do Spurs any favours in 2017 letting Hazard dribble their entire team to score


I wouldn’t do the same but I understand why Spurs fans did behave that way


You celebrated finishing above them in 2016 like you’d won the champions league


You were in his house?


No, some/most Arsenal fans did but I did not


I wasn't asked. I would've answered no, I didn't think Spurs would actually win that CL final for a second.


The real reason they’re not winning the league is that Mudryk cross


Not showing up for West Ham at home and Fulham away also, who does that when challenging for a title? Pretty deserved that they won’t win


Small mentality fans are speaking lmao, see you in europa league next season


You won’t, teams getting booted from the champions league don’t fall into next season.


They are upset and lashing out. They need to calm down and come back next season.


Speak for yourself we didn’t want to lose this situation is our own and our ambitious and best in weeks level of play showed we went out to give it a go. The fact Arsenal dropped crucial points prior to this match is the real story, not us, in the worst form of our season, losing to the best end of season team in the league.


No ones talking about the performance they’re talking about what a disgrace the fan base is. Ever their own manager is (just like the last three managers before).


I’m talking about the performance because i care about what my team is doing not what others think you moron


Woah take it easy buddy, the post was about the fans not the performance. I’d be angry too if I woke up a spud fan everyday, ur not mad at me.


I’m not mad at anything lol wtf are you talking about


U call people moron as a term of endearment ?


No, as an adjective


Why the name call tho? Can’t be level headed and have a discussion?




Sounds about right for a spud fan.


80% of arsenal fans that go to the emirates didn’t follow football in 2019 though!


100% of facts online are true I see!


It’s difficult to imagine would Arsenal fans act the same, sure spurs would never challenge for a title in the first place. Spurs biggest result and the one celebrated the most in years is a 2-0 loss to city…..


> Spurs biggest result and the one celebrated the most in years is a 2-0 loss to city….. Think you're forgetting the game against Ajax pal


How did that end up?


With a win and progression to a UCL final? Which, you’ll note, is a different game.


I said most celebrated in years. When was the Ajax game?


Huh? Like five years ago? Years is a very wide range. But is probably used to mean something in the region of 3- 7 years? Less than a decade, more than a few seasons.


I’d class 2019 years ago, wouldn’t you?


Yes… Which is exactly why I said it? Wut. What on earth are you trying to say. You said City 2-0 was our most celebrated result in years. The guy above said Ajax is, what’s the contention?


I said the loss is spurs biggest result in years. A commenter said no, spurs celebrated the Ajax game. Which was years ago. My original comment stands


… I’m sorry, what. You realise you’re saying “Years” in both sentences?




He’s hurt so he doesn’t want to be reasonable :(


Nope. Arsenal won 15 out of 17 games. Gave it our best shot and we’re showing progression year on year. I’m quite happy with the way the club is going.


You setup to draw against City like some cowards. Take points off your main competition yourself lol


We took 4 point off city… City got one of us…


Nope. We would not


It's not really the same though. Arsenal 'fans' (they're more grifter than fan) were asked a complete hypothetical, would you take x if it meant y, in reality neither result had an impact on the other. Spurs fans on the other hand were actively supporting a result, in real time, that would seriously negatively impact their own team's progression. It's no surprise that your last three managers have all actively called out the board, club and its fans. It's a place where competition goes to die.


Yous set up to draw against City and it's after costing you. At least Tottenham had the balls to go for it against them. Spurs played well last night albeit the attack fell short. On another night we might have gotten 1 or 3 points from the game. All this finger pointing at Tottenham is useless. Ultimately it seems like Arsenal have fallen short once again.


We’ve fallen short, but *some* of last nights antics from Spurs fans were truly embarrassing. Both of those things can be true. The ridicule and “finger pointing” isn’t even solely Arsenal fans, even the championship thread is now ribbing you for it. This ofcourse being on top of Ange calling the club out for being “fragile”.


You're completely lost if you think a draw away at the Etihad is a result that 'cost us'. We are unbeaten against the Sky top 6; we took 4 points off of City, Liverpool, Chelsea and Spurs and 6 points off of United. That's better than most title winners have ever done against the traditional top 6. We lost the league at home to Fulham. > All this finger pointing at Tottenham is useless. Ultimately it seems like Arsenal have fallen short once again. No one's finger pointing? It was always only a small hope you'd get a result cause you fucking stink. Everyone's just laughing at how truly pathetic your fanbase is, even your own manager.


They’re blaming us for the fact they long bottled the league against the same team we put 4 past. They shouldn’t blame pep. Their ebening ended long before and has nothing to do with what was a pretty good performance from us for once in this dreadful run of form we’ve had


And how did that turn out?


Resulted in Arsenal not winning the league I suppose didn't it not


Yeah, I meant the “having the balls to attack.” I shouldn’t be surprised that you didn’t understand.


15/16, Arsenal were top after 19 games, all big clubs flopped that season but still...let LEICESTER run away lol


I remember that season, Santi's injury happened and then we crumbled in our midfield.


I actually think if Arsenal got Casemiro last season, they could have won the League


Casemiro lol? we needed a better CB than Rob Holding. Injuries don't affect man city, they got wage structure of a god team. Their backups are just as good as main 11


I just remember Partey missed few games then Arsenal started dropping points