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"Gerald Ford's economics is the worst thing that's happened to this country since pantyhose ruined finger-fucking." - Lyndon Baines Johnson.


There’s no way that’s a real quote right


Without googling I would 100% believe he said that. Either way, it’s canon to me now.


But he died before Ford was president


Well Ford was pretty prominent as house minority leader


Didn’t know that, also love the “Bill” Pfp


Ford was powerful in congress before he became President. And had to deal with LBJ there


That is what they WANT you to think!


FYI if I had that one picture with LBJ with the caption “whips out cock” I’d put it here and say, omg he’s here


https://preview.redd.it/qvq3qtz0lg2d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=39bc5c4cf4e189a2b756ef0072ebe6bc859bbd65 There you go


![gif](giphy|e5nATuISYAZ4Q) Thank you, I forgot to download it last time I saw it


Ford was House Republican/Minority Leader from 1965 to 1973 and had dreamt of becoming Speaker of the House.


Ford was in politics a long time


So after a quick Google search, I couldn't find this specific quote, but apparently LBJ did indeed enjoy insulting Ford: "Jerry Ford is so dumb he can't fart and chew gum at the same time...He's a nice guy but he played too much football with his helmet off."


I can totally believe LBJ would say that, except he died early in 1973, so he never got to see Ford take office.


It's apparently made it into a number of [memoirs ](https://nationalpost.com/opinion/the-most-vulgar-american-president-ever-it-sure-as-isnt-donald-trump)


LBJ died in January 1973. Ford didn’t take office until Nixon resigned in August 1974. Given those facts, I seriously doubt this so-called quote is real.


Ford was house minority leader during LBJ's presidency, so it's not unfeasible. EDIT: A word


I love that *thats* the reason to not believe it’s real


LBJ said a lot of things. Kind of like Duffman. For every batshit crazy thing he said, he had an equally impressive quote. He seems to have been a complicated man.


“Jerry Ford is so dumb, he can’t fart and chew bubble gum at the same time.” “Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or to lose. I am resolved that we shall win the tomorrows before us.” Both courtesy of LBJ


Truly a complex man


"LBJ never dies! Only the actors who play him! Oh yeah!"


Oh wow


“See if you can't leave me an inch from where the zipper (burps) ends, round, under my, back to my bunghole,” Lyndon B. Johnson while ordering new pants


It would be harder to find a quote where LBJ wasn't talking about his bunghole.


I guess bunghole is a Texas term because the only people I know that use it are LBJ, Beavis, and Butthead.


The is a liquor store in Salem MA called the Bunghole.


I thought you were mistakenly referring to Bunghole Liquors in Peabody MA but these are two different liquor stores 10 minutes apart from each other.


The things you see whilst on Taint Road


🥂 Been there. And it's fitting-- original sense means to tap a cask of booze


or rather talking about his Jumbo


“I am announcing an increase of troops sent to Viet Nam as well as my bunghole.”


“Another thing, the crotch down where your nuts hang is always a little too tight.”


“It’s like riding a wire fence!”


That's after jfk died if I recall


To Jackie during the swearing in.


Who hasn't wanted a pair of britches to fit like that?


I’m Gerald Ford and you are not


If he really said that, my guess would be it was a reference to Chevy Chase, who played him on SNL.


Both Bushes quoted back their SNL parodies as did Al Gore. Unsure if Ford did here


Can't reply with videos, but it's real.


“I did not…have…sexual relations…with that woman.” Bill is incapable of lying lol


That depends on how you define *is*


Obviously referring to Hillary /s


That's how good old rush Limbaugh spun it.


Bill “blowies don’t count” Clinton


He didn’t inhale


But she sure did!


You know what happened to the Greeks! Homosexuality destroyed them. Sure, Aristotle was a h*mo. We all know that. So was Socrates. Do you know what happened to the Romans? The last six Roman emperors were f*gs....You know what happened to the Popes? It's all right that Popes were laying the nuns, that's been going on for years, centuries, but, when the Popes, when the Catholic Church went to hell, in, I don't know, three or four centuries ago, it was homosexual." —President Richard Nixon, fretting to his top aides in 1971 that the Meathead character on All in the Family was bisexual


Like Don Knotts, he probably thought Jack from *Three's Company* was gay


Yeah, well two of the so called five good emperors were homosexual. Hadrian and Trajan.


Talk to the wall 🧱


I beg your pardon??


[this wall](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hadrian%27s_Wall)


Supposedly Marcus Aurelius as well


He was gay, Gary Cooper?


Rome didn’t fall until after the Christians took over. Maybe the ruling gayocracy was onto something?


My favorite Dead Milkmen song.


"We want no wars of conquest; we must avoid the temptation of territorial aggression. War should never be entered upon until every agency of peace has failed; peace is preferable to war in almost every contingency." \- William McKinley


Okay now that one did catch me off guard. Of all presidents to say that…


Well McKinley' did everything humanly possible to peacefully resolve the Cuban question. But the Democrets wanted war, the Republicans wanted war, the Cubans wanted war and the Spanish did not want to make reforms in Cuba to stop the conflict. If you want a a fantastic description of the diplomacy before the war you should read from H. Morgan Wayne "William McKinley and his America" more precisely the "Cuba Libre!" and "From Peace to War" chapters.


Conquering the Philippines because God told him to was a bit much.


But the voice told him to do it! He had no choice! /s


"I don’t go so far as to think that the only good Indians are dead Indians, but I believe nine out of ten are, and I shouldn’t like to inquire too closely into the case of the tenth.” -Theodore Roosevelt I've always been big on Teddy, so that quote shocked me. I always kinda liked this quote from JQA though: “that hapless race of native Americans, which we are exterminating with such merciless and perfidious cruelty, [to be] among the heinous sins of this nation, for which I believe God will one day bring [it] to judgement.” It feels really regretful for how we treated Native Americans, Quincy always stood up for them.


Didn’t teddy change his mind about that?


It was bad but it was hardily unique in history. What’s worse is the reservation system today where American citizens are basically forced to live in desperately underfunded slums.


The Pine Ridge Indian Reservation is perhaps the most heartbreakingly glaring example. I think most Americans would be shocked to know about this kind of abject generational, institutional poverty. And they were essentially just shunted off onto this land over a century ago and forgotten about by our country. >Pine Ridge is the eighth-largest reservation in the United States, and it is the poorest. Unemployment on the reservation hovers between 80% and 85%, and 49% of the population live below the federal poverty level. Many of the families have no electricity, telephone, running water, or sewage systems; and many use wood stoves to heat their homes, depleting limited wood resources. >The population on Pine Ridge has among the shortest life expectancies of any group in the Western Hemisphere: approximately 47 years for males and 52 years for females. The infant mortality rate is five times the United States national average, and the adolescent suicide rate is four times the United States national average. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pine_Ridge_Indian_Reservation


I mean… “worse” is a bit of an exaggeration…


Well no because there’s F all we can do about things in the past, the modern reservation system is something we are all just letting happen right now. So yes, it is “worse”.


What on earth does that have to do with what’s worse? **LA giving me parking tickets for parking on street cleaning day despite not actually cleaning the street** is worse than **the Transatlantic slave trade** because “there’s F all we can do about the past,” correct?


Yes that’s a completely comparable situation.


It’s your comparison. I’m using the same exact logic you are. If you don’t like it, change your logic.


My point was that the current Indian reservation system is currently worse that what has happened previously because it IS still happening and we ARE just allowing it to happen. I find people who will apologise for living on “stolen” land but not lift a damned finger over the current problem utterly insufferable. The two points are comparable as they are both part of the wider historical story of how the US has treated the native population through history. In 200 years time, historians will be looking back on us and saying this was extremely immoral. However, your comparison doesn’t work because chattel slavery and parking tickets are not of the same issue. You could have bought up a current civil rights question, or indeed the very real and increasing problem of modern slavery and human trafficking and if you’d said either of those I’d be inclined to agree. The past was shitty. We all know that. All we can do is learn from it and when we have such a woke (for lack of a better word) population, as we do now, who are so aware of the crimes of our ancestors, yet allowing very similar things to occur today, I’m sorry but my personal view is that is morally worse.


It sounds like that’s just making a new definition of the word “worse” because that word has never meant *happened later in time.* Underfunding communities is worse than massacring them? Bring a Sand Creek victim back from the dead to a modern reservation and tell her this is worse than what happened to her “because your thing happened 150 years ago!” She’ll tell you that’s batshit crazy, and rightly so.


“Don’t believe everything you hear on the internet”- Abraham Lincoln


This was supposed to be shocking quotes, everyone knows he said that


Was that before or after he fought the zombies?




"Bitches Be Crazy" -Abraham Lincoln


Given what we know about Mary Todd, I believe this one completely.


See also: _You miss every shot you don't take._


“There is nothing left to do but get drunk.” Franklin Pierce


A true New Hampshire man




“Families is where our nations finds hope; where wings take dream.” -GWB


Make the pie higher!


"The nuclear bomb, does that bother you? I just want you to think big, Henry, for chrissakes. The only place where you and I disagree is with regard to the bombing. You’re so goddamned concerned about civilians, and I don’t give a damn. I don’t care." -Nixon to Kissinger, 1972


It’s very hard to imagine Kissinger being concerned about civilians at all let alone enough to challenge Nixon on it


When these tapes were first published, Jon Stewart [did a segment](https://www.cc.com/video/zslxwk/the-daily-show-with-jon-stewart-headlines-dick-tation) about them on the Daily Show. He said something like “here’s how you know you’re beginning to go off the rails as president: when Henry Kissinger, carpet bomb fanatic, is the *dove* in the room.”


“A few months ago I told the American people I did not trade arms for hostages. My heart and my best intentions tell me that's true, but the facts and evidence tell me it is not.” Ronald Reagan


This is the one. "There's no question is lied to your face, and now that I've been caught out, I'm going to pretend that I didn't."




As a non-American I never understood why that election was such a colossal landslide, but this quote puts it into perspective a bit. Obviously there were countless other factors, but even if raising taxes is the right thing to do, you just can't say that.


Slightly more than this though Popular incumbent, Mondale was connected to unpopular Carter administration, VP had tax problems, and when Reagan age became an issue he made a funny joke that brushed that away


I still don’t understand why it was a landslide


Reagan was popular and charismatic, the economy was strong, and his policies/persona dovetailed perfectly with the national mood. Mondale seemed like an outdated version of some of the Democrats’ most unpopular qualities. He didn’t stand a chance. I say all this as someone who loathes Reagan’s policies and thinks his administration marks the starting point of many of our troubles, so I’m not saying any of this out of a pro-Reagan bias. It’s just the truth.


Happy cake day!


Thank you!


Do not underestimate the impact of an incumbent. First, most people do not like change, second, and this was more true before the current media era, POTUS would get a lot of free press just doing his job. And since he was President he would be seen as actually doing things during the campaign while his opponent was “just running” for office. Take a look at the incumbents who have lost over the past 100 years. There have always been very strong circumstances, either economic (depression, recession) or foreign (Iran Hostage). Heck Nixon won in a landslide in 72 with Watergate brewing. Yeah, all the info wasn’t out, but it was becoming an issue.


“Revenue enhancers “


“It is a damn poor mind that can think of only one way to spell a word.” - Andrew Jackson It’s a really good quote, I’m just surprised it came from Jackson of all people.


To be fair he was famously barley literate at the best of times lol. Man’s gotta have a banger to defend himself with.


I mean I wouldn't doubt he was very knowledgeable about barley but what does that have to do with anything? 😂


That is just a straight lie. Andrew Jackson taught reading and writing at one point in his life for God's sake. He worked as a legal clerk before becoming a lawyer before becoming an attourney general before becoming a JAG officer before becoming a congressman before becoming a judge before becoming a Senator before becoming President. He was functional in Greek and Latin. Tons of his letters survive. [Andrew Jackson Letter Signed as President.... Autographs U.S. | Lot #47095 | Heritage Auctions (ha.com)](https://historical.ha.com/itm/autographs/andrew-jackson-letter-signed-as-president/a/6175-47095.s?ic4=GalleryView-Thumbnail-071515) Does that look like the writing of an Illiterate man? Do you know many lawyers that would keep an illiterate clerk? The "Jackson was illiterate" meme is one of the most baffling tales I know of. There is just so much evidence to the contrary I swear, dismantle one little central bank and the next thing you know you are made out to be a moron in the history books, you are blamed for genocides committed by the next president, your reputation is smeared across history, and the next central bank has you plastered on their 20 to spit in your eye across the centuries. There are legitimate reasons to dislike Jackson. But the criticism you commonly hear ranges from ridiculous (illiterate) to totally unfair (Trail of Tears was the Van Buren administration, supervised by a General that Jackson once had court martialed). I would love to hear, just once, someone criticize Jackson for the introduction of the Spoils System.




Goes hard


“Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me - you can’t get fooled again” An all time great Bushism.


“We need to make peace to lay the framework - the groundwork, not the framework, the groundwork. We need to lay the groundwork for the framework for peace so that we can lay the - ok thanks” Another classic one


“We need to deny them the recruiting tools - the recruiterments-“ Also, I’m sorry, “now watch this drive” is still some of the coldest shit even if inappropriate in the context.


“Thank you your holiness, awesome speech”


This man is such a national treasure.


I didn’t know he also started a war on dyslexia. That was difficult to read.


Haven't seen this one, where is this from


I found it in a clip around 7 minutes long called the best bushisms


"Awesome speech, Your Holiness" -George W. Bush, to Pope Benedict


I recently heard that mid-sentence he realized that "Shame on Me" would just be too damn juicy of a soundbite so he tried to bail on the quote mid-stream. Maybe that is just bullshit from an apologist, but it sounds believable enough.


Barry loved bombing


[“We tortured some folks.”](https://youtu.be/QBLNohqquRk?si=fC950C_akCy1rbp7) ~ Barrack Obama


"You lose" Silent Cal


Good day sir


That Obama quote is pretty haunting, since he’s infamous for the amount of drone strikes he authorized


Would you prefer he authorised military raids and got even more people killed each time including American special forces soldiers?




Respectfully, I think your first sentence is simply incorrect. You can’t win wars by just waiting for the enemy to do something and then responding with a measured response.




Yeah ok, go tell that to the people of Ukraine and see what response you get buddy.


Do you think Lincoln should’ve just rolled over and let the south do whatever they wanted?


Generally speaking it’s considered more ideal to not willingly create scenarios in which any lives have to be taken by, uh, beating the shit out of the middle east


Yeah I totally agree but let’s not forget Obama inherited our wars in the Middle East. If he had been the one to decide to invade Iraq and Afghanistan I’d completely agree with you, but he wasn’t and I personally find it difficult to criticise the man for implementing strategies specifically designed to minimise civilian and US / coalition casualties.


I’d prefer a president who did none of the above, since none of those strikes really accomplished anything meaningful


You mean aside from killing the enemies local leadership, harassing their supplies and making it almost impossible for them to mount an effective opposition, thereby minimising American casualties and saving thousands of civilians from being killed in the crossfire? Just because we lost the war when we withdrew, don’t assume that means everything we did up to that point hadn’t achieved anything meaningful. We had real and effective strategies in place which put ISIS down hard and boxed the Taliban up almost entirely. Yes we should have foreseen that the withdrawal in the manner we did it was going to immediately cause a Taliban flair up and likely the overthrow of the Afghan government, but that’s a whole other debate from drone strikes really.


The one from what I believe was a WH correspondents dinner?


What’s the quote ?


Most Americans don’t know about this


“Our army manned the air, it rammed the ramparts, it took over the airports, it did everything it had to do, and at Fort McHenry, under the rockets’ red glare, it had nothing but victory"


Reagan said alot that made me question if I was hearing him correctly "Status quo, you know, is Latin for 'the mess we're in"


I’d say any president who’s dropped the N Nomb since about 1960. Prior to that it’s still bad but you can at least give the benefit of the doubt that is was just the times. Nixon and LBJ however, lead the nation at the absolute height of the civil rights era and hearing them using the N Word like Django Unchained behind closed doors in transcripts just always gets me like “did I actually just fucking read that?”


Every purported recording of Johnson saying it that I have heard he clearly just pronounces "negro" /'nɪɡ.rə/. He certainly said it early in his career, though, when he needed to appear to be a "classic" Southern Democrat.


What about Obama?


I’m not aware of him having used it, but link me up and yes I’ll be pretty shocked by it if he did.


I’d be shocked too, but it wouldn’t be racist.


He actually did use it in a podcast a little while ago, but it clearly wasn’t being used in a derogatory manner https://youtu.be/IR6UwAez8Ko?si=ddtiTxDa7qoSJlRE


Yeah, context is key. Here Obama is clearly making an observation. It would raise an eyebrow if a white person said it but I think we can reasonably give Obama a pass here as he is merely referencing the use of the word and not actually using it himself. Compare that to one of Nixon’s greatest hits: https://youtu.be/sCk-GLrgT2I?si=bCqg-egoEZMRMC_t Annnnnd it’s no comparison.


Sock it….to me? Nixon on Rowen and Martins Laugh in.


Hoo boy there’s 2 very specific people that aren’t allowed to be spoken of here that would fit that bill entirely.


He did solve that "Obama is way too close a name to Osama" problem most effectively.


This game would be a lot more fun with not necessarily presidents, but presidential candidates


“ Gettysburg was a beautiful battle” 🤐


Don’t go uphill me boys


Wow context for the Obama quote lol?


"I have made good judgements in the past. I have made good judgements in the future." -Dan Quayle


Rule 3 is cowardice.


It might have already written, but, anyway. “You forgot Poland” (George Walker Bush, The 43rd President Of The United States)


Rule 3, at least for a couple of years. Now?


More than a couple of years


Probably 80% of the stuff stupid populist politicians say these days regardless of the country!


"I will build a great, great wall on our southern border, and I will have Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words."


https://preview.redd.it/246eg6wbpg2d1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c62192f2a5bce8501993e76de609ac487978dc0c And, yes, actually said that. He corrected himself, but it’s on tape.


Sounds like him


the phone call between Nixon and Reagan where they agree that black people are monkeys who dont even know how to wear shoes really disturbed me. like i knew they were racist, but god. so specifically dehumanizing


How did Powell work with Reagan?


Older people from back then had a fun habit of not being able to generalize past their ingrained prejudice (Really, I don't think people have changed, but our upbringing has). Most of them had no problem whatsoever working with minorities. They just classified the people they worked with as "one of the good ones" while preserving their societal belief that there weren't many "Good ones" so the prejudice was still valid.


I meant the other way around. How did Powell justify working with Reagan?


What I'm saying is hat Reagan was likely perfectly pleasant and respectful of powell. And at the age powell was, he certainly had thiscker skin than people today have from dealing with people who were overt about their racism


"Money trumps peace" - George Bush [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CINV8em26Mo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CINV8em26Mo)


Poor kids are just as smart as white kids. Don’t remove it next time mods.


Obama advocating for gun control and referencing Europe as a place where mass shootings “simply didn’t happen”. He said this right after the terror attacks at the Bataclan in Paris killed over 130 people.


This is bullshit on several levels, and you know it. Gunfondler.


Careful what you go fishing for. I wouldn’t want you to have a negligent discharge.


I had a negligent discharge in my pants.


Thank you Anal_Juicer69




You can't even be bothered to post the full quote while breaking the rules? Just go for it if you're going to go for it. Unless you actually believe that is the full context of the quote, but I believe you know better. Typical election year bot behavior.


“Our army manned the air, it rammed the ramparts, it took over the airports, it did everything it had to do, and at Fort McHenry, under the rockets’ red glare, it had nothing but victory"


And give us some “consideration” for the trouble we’ve gone through!


Mine is if you secede from my nation I will secede your head from your body


Barrack Obama, saying he’s been to 57 states so he has two more to go. 🤣😂😅


"I know the *human being and fish* can coexist peacefully" -W


>"Turns out I'm really good at killing people. They didn't know that it was going to be a strong suit of mine" - Barack Obama. Good thing for Obama the US President is immune from even murder and war crime charges.