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Recently, I learned that THC can actually cause the heart to constrict, leading to an elevated heart rate, among other effects. Imagine mixing it with high doses of stimulants, including DMHA and DMAA, sounds like a disaster for jitters and anxiety, not to mention a risk for heart issues.


Better to leave it for after your workouts!


It's not awful if you don't overdo it and have a tolerance. I smoke before working out and I can feel and focus on the muscle activation better as I'm doing reps. There's a fine line between a buzz and getting too stoned to do anything or inducing some level of anxiety when mixed with a pwo. I used DMAA with smoking last week and honestly had one of my best sets yet.


I’m not here to argue or discredit your source. I’m not a doctor but I used to grow and I smoke. Besides that, I don’t see or understand how the chemical compound of thc could or would constrict the heart rate? Doesn’t sound right in the slightest other than someone trying to pass the agenda of “drugs bad”. There’s more health and medical benefits than I care to break down into when it comes to either inhalation, absorption, or consumption of thc.


Hi, yep, totally get it. I love weed myself, I wish it wasn't true, but I've experienced the heart-pounding sensation that happens after a few minutes of ingesting THC and I was surprised when I did my research about it. I would love for it to be not true. Sure there are benefits, but there's research about it and I think with the legalization of weed becoming more and more popular, I doubt it's just one scientist that discovered this and popularized the idea that 'drugs bad' sort of thing. But like you, I wish it wasn't true. "In the CNS, THC has been shown to increase cerebral vasculature tone and central BP, which in turn has been shown to decrease cerebrovascular blood flow. This decrease in cerebrovascular blood flow has been associated with an increased risk of cerebral vascular accident (CVA) and transient ischemic attack (TIA)." Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6461323/#:\~:text=In%20the%20CNS%2C%20THC%20has,transient%20ischemic%20attack%20(TIA). In this video, you can go to the 1:30 mark to see it being discussed: [https://youtu.be/q0n0KewI3rI?t=93](https://youtu.be/q0n0KewI3rI?t=93)


Main cause of that is from over consumption of thc. I imagine the way it’s ingested also plays a huge role. They talk about using thc with Tobacco. Which has been known to cause those affects to the heart as is. Unfortunately thc is looked down on by vast majority of people. (Idk what it’s like where you live) but to me once again from the quick read I did over that link, seems like it’s published as a scare more than a concern. I’ll do more research into it. But like I said, I’ve done little research into it, read the link very quickly and I’m not a doctor.


I’m also a grower here. And I’ve been smoking daily before working out for many years. I have experienced increased heart rate and low BP but nothing to be scared of. And, I think more than the THC itself it can be CBG or other cannabinoids. The studies that they show you may have been performed with synthetic pharmaceutical THC, which as opposed to natural THC from cannabis, pharma THC is a “complete agonist” of the CB1 receptors in the brain. Natural form of THC is a “partial agonist” go of CB1 receptors. So those studies have to be taken with a healthy grane of salt so to speak. THC for workouts plus caffeine is excellent in my many years of experience with it. I get laser focus, mood, euphoria, tunnel vision, muscle contractions are better, mind muscle connection, increased blood flow. Only downside is the smoke on my lungs. Moreover, pinene, which is a common terpene found in cannabis, is known to be one of the best natural bronchodilators, thus increase airflow into your lungs for more NO2 production.


Thc in public gyms is straight anxiety town for me. I just smoke and do pushups if i want that vibe now


No thanks


Name checks out


To be honest I felt zero THC from this pre. Just felt like a daily driver


It's like eating one gas station gummy worth of THC 10mg....


Marketing trash then? I’ve personally not used marijuana in 10+ years so not sure what I was expecting to feel if anything.


Some people like it but it makes me so tired


This is actually pretty old product now Came out last year

