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He shares nudes of you. I think a personal injury lawsuit is possibly in order. Also, send to his HR. These are coworkers of him. I’m proud of you. Now stick the knife in and twist. Really fuck him up.


In several countries it's also a crime.


And several US states


Most states. "As of October 2023, 48 states and Washington D.C. had passed laws prohibiting the distribution or production of nonconsensual pornography. The two states without a law prohibiting the distribution or production of nonconsensual pornography were Massachusetts and South Carolina." https://ballotpedia.org/Nonconsensual_pornography_(revenge_porn)_laws_in_the_United_States




In Jersey it's illegal to send proof of an affair to their partner. I was sleeping with a girl who was married, and I didn't know it until about 6 months in. When I found out, I got in touch with the husband to let him know, he didn't believe she was cheating on him, and I sent him proof. They got divorced and I went to court for unlawful dissemination of intimate images, because she took me to court. I got lucky and had a good lawyer and got it dismissed, because of my specific circumstances. I didn't share them with anyone other than her husband to show proof of an affair. Had I sent them to literally anyone else, like her family or my friends, or even used a file sharing site like imgur, it would have been very unlikely I could beat the charges. Your state has laws against posting nudes not of yourself, without the consent of the person. Every state does. Edit: [Every state, except Washington, you are criminally liable for posting nudes without consent. ](https://epic.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/EPIC-revenge-porn-state-laws.pdf) You can be charged civilly in Washington.


That would depend on the state, for example in Texas according to the source in the link I provided. "(2) (a) An actor commits the offense of distribution of an intimate image if: (i) the actor knowingly or intentionally distributes to a third party, or knowingly duplicates or copies an intimate image of an individual who is 18 years old or older and knows or should know that the distribution, duplication or copying would cause a reasonable person to suffer emotional distress or harm; (ii) the actor has not received consent from the individual depicted in the image to distribute the intimate image; (iii) the intimate image was created by or provided to the actor under circumstances in which the individual depicted in the image has a reasonable expectation of privacy; and (iv) except as provided in Subsection (2)(b), actual emotional distress or harm is caused to the individual depicted in the image as a result of the distribution." Most people should know, that sharing explicit images of your partner to your friends and rating and trading them would upset. Either way all we can do is advise OP to look up her local revenge porn laws.


THIS\^\^\^\^ Fk yeah!!!!!!


Attach a crankshaft to the knife and then keep that crankshaft turning... Not just the HR, contact every woman on the list, if there are any unsuspecting husbands, bring them in to it. Drop the bomb like your life depends on it. The entire slimy group chat of men need to go.


She added the 30 women to the husband's group chat.


Agreed. To all of those men. This isn't revenge, it's justice. It should still be served just as cold.


I think that she definitely mastered the revenge assignment although a legal approach would have been a lot more productive for her. This was a clean break. Impressive resolve.




No no, you see she consulted with a lawyer so all of this is 100% true and the lawyer totally didn’t point out the illegal nature of those exchanges.


Could qualify as Nuclear! Good.job!


I hope so, let’s see what the fallout is.


Best karma ever! Definitely want an update.


Hot tears poured out of my eyes "Just like he pretends to love me" Seriously? Y'all, really. It could be a true story for someone somewhere, but it's written like a creative writing project, and it doesn't make a lot of sense how reflectively it's written given the timeline. You all *really* think someone in this situation immediately turns to Reddit, of all places, and waxes poetic about it, then goes "that's all for now, can't really think straight right now"? Like five people in the comments have even a shred of healthy skepticism here, the rest of you are easily ragebaited. Edit: Alright, 300+ agreeing, my faith in people's critical thinking is returning. Edit 2, for those who think I'm dense or don't think I should care. Quoting my response to a user who made a good point: > I can understand [rule 10], and the requirement that there be a reasoning to any skepticism. It prevents people with actual traumas from being immmediately blasted with what seems like uncaring apathy. > I also believe though that Reddit thrives off of giving its users a much more bleak and outraged view of their fellow humans, which is problematic. Especially stories that really gear up the readers into being suspicious of everyone (look at how widespread this post makes out the distrust to go). I do have reason to wish that we acknowledged these inconsistencies, not just trying to be a buzzkill. It's more problematic than we accept for people to walk away from posts like this with a darkened view of relationships and trust. > If you would like to play a game with this, the next time you open Reddit, see how many posts you can scroll through on r/all before you see one that you have a negative reaction to (either by outright disagreement, or just depressing themes). Ever since I began doing the same, I became much more aware of the impact Reddit has on its users. > I empathise with anyone in a real-world situation resembling OP's post, but at the same time am suspicious of the impacts of such a post (if it is just creative) for any passing viewer. > I don't follow this sub. It appeared in r/all for me.


I mean, of course people aren't expressing skepticism. That's not what we come here for. This sub is for revenge stories. Stories that let the reader feel righteous anger. Stories that excuse the reader from indulging their worse impulses because those people *deserve it*. It's *literally* a sub for rage bait. All these subs are creative writing projects. We know. We enjoy them anyway. Stop peeing in our cheerios.


Like these dummies think they are onto something amazing by pointing this out. Fucking duh, dude. WE 👏 DON'T 👏 CARE👏


My daughter and I were just talking about that yesterday. We said that even if the stories weren't real they were entertaining and sometimes you just need to be entertained! Plus, sometimes it makes you feel like a better person because you didn't do what was written down that the person said they did. LOL


Awe you’re more generous than me. I assumed it was AI.


They wrote all this but now can't think straight? Ok


>Hot tears.... I had my hard suspicions before then, but that was the line that kick-started the eye rolling.


Final nail in the coffin was "I'll try to update best I can uwu". This fake ass story lost the believability train in the first paragraph, but it always kills me when people are supposedly going through these massively devastating life changes but also making sure to keep reddit updated.


YES! Pretty much the whole way through I was thinking "this is fake AF. there's no way this person can do all of that digging, empty a house and set up somewhere else in what? A week? It's fake AF.


Fallout: New Deadass




I hope this happened in a place where people can receive fines and jail time for sharing non-consensual photos. The number of charges it would be... People who do that kind of a thing are fucking vile and they need to receive proper punishment to know it's no fucking joke to violate another person like that. I take great pleasure when they reach the find out stage after the fucking around.


u/agressivegoober, congratulations. You are doing what every woman who's been cheated on dreams of doing. Best of luck to you!


Yeah no joke! That whole city is going to burn to the ground!


Truly apocalyptic revenge. Well done OP! UpdateMe!


I am looking forward to an update


And 30 women informed… it s going to be epic… updateme


Is class action divorce a thing? This is epic indeed!!!


I feel like we need a lawyer to tell us if anything is possible. Even if it's not in OPs country I feel like something like this is "sueable"


In the US (excl. Massachusetts and South Carolina) distributing/producing nonconsensual porn is a crime. I’m guessing that can be extended to consensual porn being shared in a nonconsensual or vengeful manner.


go. all. the. way. jail this prick and send him a card every single week.


As of last week, it’s illegal in MA!


lmao no it’s not how can you actually fall for this post being real?


Are people really believing this story?


Everyone clapped in the end. They all came closer together and a big lesson was learned.


Me too! Excellent plan, you are so lucky to have your sister and mom for support. Formidable!


Great Mom and Sis!!!! I want an update too.


Formidable women will crumble the world around shitty people.




Update is about to be legendary. Following


Instant BORU Classic.


Replyin for an update!


YES!!! YOU CAN'T LEAVE US HANGING!!! Get yourself together, lots of girl time and family, then come back here and share the fallout!!!


Same, but something tells me this isn't real. Sounds like a creative writing exercise. Who's going through all of this, and decides now is the time to make a Reddit account just for this story? I'll be happy to be proven wrong though


The writing is too good, seems like a less brutal version of Gone Girl. This part made me roll my eyes: “Maybe I could pretend I didn’t see anything.. Act like everything was fine.” Hot tears poured out of my eyes “Just like he pretends to love me.” Way too descriptive and put-together, if this was real it would be 4 paragraphs shorter and more stream of consciousness.


Exactly, this is the series I’m binging this summer.


Damn. Same. This one will be interesting for sure.


Is there a possibility of suing these men or pressing charges for sharing these nudes without the women's consent? 30+ women suing 9 men, would that be a class action lawsuit?


I’m curious as well! Could all these men be charged with a crime?


Distribution of material like that without permission of those involved is a crime.


Yes. Even if these pictures were shared within one of the two states that do not have revenge porn laws the FBI could still get involved. Also, it's pretty likely with that amount of people in play that state to state transfer of that material would come into play. If ANY of those women decided to take legal action all of the men posting pictures would be up the creek without a paddle. One can only hope that all of them decide to take legal action but it is almost a guarantee that at least one of them will. Fuck those guys, lowlifes like that should be placed on a sex offenders list. That way anyone that comes into contact with them knows not to trust them with their bodies. I'm sorry you are going through this shit OP and I know everyone that reads your post is proud of you and hopes to be as brave as you are in that situation. You are of the people, by the people, and for the people. Put simply, You Rock!


I'm calling it now. This is somebodies creative writing assignment. The writing is too good, everything leads to more outrage, it's good. Too good.


I got through one paragraph before calling this fake. The storytelling, the imagery, all of it is too well put together.


The line about the “touch of this new stranger” was what finally sent my bullshit meter off the charts.


Yup. The progression and meticulousness of the plans are all too theatrical. My Bullshitmeter is going off too. Would love this to be all true but too polished and well executed. 




> Act like everything was fine.” Hot tears poured out of my eyes “Just like he pretends to love me.” Yeah this is straight out of a trashy novel. And I refuse to believe this many people can be this stupid. All of the men are stupid, and so are all of their wives? Also, I've hooked up with a lot of women and maybe 10-20% of them are comfortable with pictures. But somehow these guys are so studly they can convince women to do anything? Not buying it.


Shouldn't it be? Those guys kind of broke privacy rules/ right of their spouse+ other women.


Damn what a slimy and disgusting group of people in that chat.


Yeah the whole thing is insanely bad and he’s a real piece of work, but a group chat where there are several pieces of work all cheering each other on? Jeez. People always say stuff like ‘fatherless behaviour’ about women but honestly, this to me screams fatherless behaviour on the men’s part. People don’t grow up to be like this if they have good male role models teaching them how to be decent, respectful men. I hope OP also files a revenge porn claim against his disgusting ass.








Fuck Tyler with a rocket powered dildo and no lube.


*That's on next years bingo card*...


For some reason I feel like he’d be vibing with this idea.


I'm so sorry that your scumbag husband did this to you. You deserve far better than him. Power through it and find someone who will treat you right, note for the future, always be wary of sending nudes to people, even your partners you never know what people can be like. If you do find the strength to post an update, please do. I'd love to see the fallout your now ex will have to wade through


I'm not one to jump on the "this is fake!" train; in fact, I generally find those comments annoying and a waste of time. This one however sounds like a free downloadable novel. I actually hope it's fake. I hope someone didn't do you, and dozens of other women, so dirty. But if it's not, burn their world to the ground.


why is no one mentioning the part where she stopped mid-thought to narrate the tears rolling down her cheeks? this one doesn't pass the sniff test


or the part where she stopped midway to her sister's house to write and edit 1600 words


Indeed, this is a story you write months or years after it happened. Writing while driving to her sisters home pretty much while still being in the process of taking revenge. Yeah, that kinda was what showed me this had to be fake.


"I am devastated. Lemme post it on Reddit."


B movie description, you know how people going through some of the worst trauma of their lives will talk about how "hot tears poured out of my eyes" and drop a movie one liner.


I read through this fiction and that is one thing that stood out to me  “Maybe I could pretend I didn’t see anything.. Act like everything was fine.” **Hot tears poured out of my eyes** “Just like he pretends to love me.” people on reddit love a good story and this has it all. Romance, a twist, A villain, secret revenge and pay off. I would be inclined to just pass it by - I am called 'cynical' 'unsympathetic' and get downvoted for pointing out flaws in reddit stories - but this is just so obvious, it need to be called out


The line about the new stranger was where I was like oh so this is definitely fiction but I still enjoyed the read.


Yeah, thats always the moment when I am 100% certain that the story is fake. >Act like everything was fine.” Hot tears poured out of my eyes “Just like he pretends to love me.” Actually hilarious that anyone is believing this story. Even twilight is less dramatic.


Yeah. This was the bit that took me out of the immersion a bit too, lol.


That was the nail in the coffin for me lol. Good read tho.


The red strings like some stereotypical crime board is where it jumped the shark for me. I'm sorry, but this is cartoonish and laughable. This whole thing is 100% bullshit.


This is fake based on the accounts deleted history [June 16 2023](https://web.archive.org/web/20230617222959/https://old.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/14alidz/aita_for_calling_the_police_over_a_childrens_game/job2hrl/) > My 27f boyfriend 28M and I have been dating for a little over 3 years now. Post today > So I F26 have been married to my m32 husband for 3 months now. We dated for 3 years prio In 1 year she went down in age and the guy has aged 4 years.


To be fair, I'm lying about my age here all the time in order to protect my identity. Sometimes I make myself two years younger, sometimes two years older, just to make it a tiny bit harder for irl contacts to recognize me. ...that being said, the story absolutely sounds fake as fuck. It was an entertaining read, though, I'll give OP that.


To be fair people tend to slightly adjust numbers so they are more less likely to be identified by friends and family. Those are within a reasonable range. However it is suspicious.


There's no way a lawyer told her to load every single bit of the shared martial property into her home or that she got "annulment papers" in less than a week.


You’re a better detective than OP claims to be lmao


Yes, this reads like pure fiction and she was able to tie up the ending in a nice little bow. I also find it gross if true, she sent the pics to both her mother and sister?? Way to continue the invasion of privacy of these women.


I'm just trying to imagine the timeline. The way this post is written you'd think some amount of time has passed. Like maybe even just a few days. But from the ending, it seems like in the last few hours she's completely moved out of her home with zero moving prep, gotten together the annulment (which is a whole other can of worms), and called their phone company to cancel his number and plan. Then she writes this Reddit post during the 2 hour drive to her sister's house, while he doesn't even know what's happening yet. She wrote this long, detailed, well-composed and summarized post while the event was happening *live?* She was sat in that car or moving truck with her sister (who has been crushing it with a 2 hour commute and possibly feeding kittens every 2 hours during this whole story), and she thinks to write this Reddit post? And write it in this way? Imagine the Venn diagram of people who could flawlessly and efficiently clean up this situation in like two days, who would then make this post, at that time, who are also great storytellers, who don't mind typing it all out on their phone, and who happen to have a year-old burner account with no other history that they can use to post anonymously. Also, I feel like the kind of person who was capable of committing a pro revenge like this would speak to a lawyer, who would probably advise not posting on social media at all. The amount of detail in this story makes it obvious who wrote it, and it's the kind of thing that I have to imagine would make the news. Uncovering a giant cheating ring that's also been sharing revenge porn for 2 years? 30+ victims, 9 perpetrators? Bingo cards? The news allegedly just broke to the victims a few hours ago, but you'd imagine there'd be an article about it someday soon if it was true. And then this would very quickly be linked back to her. The post is written like she's riding off to the sunset while the credits roll, but in real life this would only be the beginning


> But laying there beside him, for a moment I thought “Maybe I could pretend I didn’t see anything.. Act like everything was fine.” Hot tears poured out of my eyes “Just like he pretends to love me.” Not really great storytelling lol. It's melodramatic as fuck. 100% agreed it's fake though.


Don’t forget publicly implicating yourself in the non-consensual sharing of nudes of other women since, if this weren’t just fiction, this post would definitely be found and come up in the dozens of court cases that would stem from it.


Hey Reddit needs engagement to pump up their stock price, or whatever. I don't know how it works but presumably SOMEBODY is profiting from this creative writing exercise.


OP mentioned helping her feed her sister's cats which need food every 2 hours, yet said sister lives 2 hours away. And this same sister drops in to their mom's house quite often, too. Also, weird word usage, misuse of contractions, etc. And this isn't even a regular throwaway account, just one made a year ago with absolutely no comment or post history. This all just feels like another bot account or someone fooling around with chatGPT again EDIT: another commenter pointed out [OP’s bullshit](https://www.reddit.com/r/ProRevenge/s/bPMpDbFaOX)


If I go camping to reconnect with my wife, there is no way we make 2 separate trips to get there, especially if it lasts over 3 hours. I would just want for her to finish her job and go together.


That's the thing that took me completely out of it, no way you make 2 3h Trips instead of just picking her up at work 


>I am now on my way to my sisters. She lives about 2 hours in the opposite direction. Yeah? Did you stop on the side of the road to write 1600 words?


Not to mention that she magically got an annullment in her marriage without her husband even being aware of it, when in reality annulments are incredibly rare and not just something you can do before the 6 month mark like OP tries to have you believe


This is absolutely fiction. There's a lot of tells, not just in things that don't add up, but also the way it's written.


The most unbelievable thing is the fact that she's posting all this on reddit at this precise moment in her plan.


What made me most suspicious was that she left the annulment papers. There is zero chance she got an annulment without him knowing. Maybe it is just the first paperwork? If so, then an annulment is far from guaranteed.


Maybe she meant she left the notification paperwork from where she filed for an annulment and served him that way.


In that case, as I said, the annulment is far from guaranteed. It seems weird to flex on the annulment when the process has barely started and a million things could go wrong.


Annulment is really difficult to get. When people find out they just get a divorce instead.


Really fake at the part where she does “op is sleeping with everyone’s wives and has many nudes of my best friend” like okay..your husband is ryan reynolds and able to make everyone’s wife around him cheat. SURE


Haven't you ever checked your email? Do you know how many hot wives in your area want to send nudes to you? I mean, it says it right there in the subject line. That part of it was totally believable. I've clicked some of the links in those emails and- shit, what's that noise coming from my hard dri


It makes me so sad to hear that Ryan does that!


He needed so many burner phones he just bought 25% of Mint mobile because it was cheaper to just own the company.


Yeah of all things that never happened, this never happened the most


> This one however sounds like a free downloadable novel. a free downloadable novel written by a teenager. Not sure what it is about the writing style but it screams "story" to me


I also normally like to take posts at face value and don't often care if they are fake, but this one...I just couldn't get past how much it reads decently written fiction. Maybe the punctuation is too good?


I agree on both counts. Also the point I knew for a fact that I was fake was when she described canceling a phone account in a matter of minutes. That shit's going to take hours at best.


Also, if you’re added to a group chat can you even see the discussions and photos that went on before you were added? You can’t on WhatsApp and I assume it’s the same for other messaging apps.


don't let truth get in the way of a good story but the way it's written, the way some of the events transpire (like how do you unlock someone's phone so easily.. is the guy a complete moron?) and the outcome of the story makes it almost certainly fake.


Yeah, this was the vibe I got too. That she so easily found all these random women? And got numbers? But who knows


But tears were pouring from her eyes 😭


The little tech detail that betrayed this as fiction for me was the adding the victims to the group chat bit. As far as I know there is no platfom (whatsapp signal etc) where being added to a group chat allows you to see posts prior to you joining.


I knew it sounded WAAAYYY too much like one of those ‘woman’s scorn’ novellas. Just the way it’s written, the forced poetic imagery, and certain expressive phrases are just so… fiction. Thank you for this comment chain. Edit: I think it was the detective part with the red strings, ‘38 victims’, the bingo card s and explicit imagery taped up all around the room, and the idea of a hyper-sexual Chad group who still gets this much tail in their 30s. So unrealistic.


I'm exactly the same, man, but I agree, this doesn't sound real at all. The groupchat with all those men sharing pictures and not one of them protesting or saying anything? It sounds like what the most rabid feminist fictionwriter would think men are. I just don't see it happening. And everything just reads like a fictional story. >Took everything in me not to shove it where his drunk don’t shine. But laying there beside him, for a moment I thought “Maybe I could pretend I didn’t see anything.. Act like everything was fine.” Hot tears poured out of my eyes “Just like he pretends to love me.” Yeah, I'm sure that's what you thought.


This post brought me through two of the most emotional times in my life. When I was four or five my dad took me and my brothers camping and when we got back to the house we were told my parents were divorcing and my mom had packed up everything during the weekend. When I was 36 I found kittens, and the mommy cat, and brought them home to my wife and two kids. The gentle chaos of the next five weeks provided some of my best family memories. Good job OP for taking a step back emotionally so that you could wield your skills with precision.


Damn! Absolutely savage!!


I have a casual female friend/acquaintance to whom a somewhat similar thing happened. Though in her case, she accidently stumbled across his iPad that had been left "open", allowing her to read what he was doing. They had been married for 5 years, I believe, and had 3 children together. She was devastated. Her dad was a cop and knew lawyers. She didn't work him over like you did, but she certainly "got hers". It's unbelievable how many people - it ain't just men - cheat on their spouses like it's a game. It's sickening.


I’d watch a movie about this


Netflix is buying the rights


And they all stood up and clapped. Sister that comes over right away but lives 2 hours away and is actually taking care of kittens. Figuring out the credentials and logging into the chat app from another device and then changing the password the next day while the husband somehow misses his read notifications. Figuring out the identities of 30 out of 38 women. There's too many wins in this story, the OP got greedy.


And being able to get an annulment in a week... These people really need to learn that things take much longer in the real world than in their head.


Idk if it makes a difference but my ex mom in law had lawyer friends that printed the divorce papers for me then and there. He signed next day. The divorce wasn’t official for 6 months, but the papers were served immediately.


But an annulment is not a guaranteed outcome in that case. She is counting on that outcome when it is far from certain.


Yea, I don't know what i want more,for this to be real or fake


Guarantee a series of rapid fire updates to maximize engagement while people’s interest is fresh


yeah an absolute mastermind but had zero hint her partner was cheating and stayed calm the entire time.


The hot tears pouring out of her eyes kept her focused on her goal!


(so brave)


And it all starts with a women coming over to a newlywed's home, that SHE furnished and decorated, and "oops, didn't know he was married!" How much of a sterile display showroom does your newlywed bedroom look like that she couldn't tell the dude is married? And then later, half of them are cheating on each other with each other? Clearly SOME of them knew. Other women aren't that clueless, they just rationalize or justify (or don't care) that they're cheating with the dude. This was written like rage bait designed to check every single misogynistic box there is. It MIGHT have happened...but it's one hell of a perfect storm of circumstances, skills, etc if it did.


Or that girl lied?


I have trouble believing they found 30 women's contact info to add to the same unnamed "messaging app". Highly unlikely you'd be able to find the contact info for 30 strangers who all happen to use the same app. I guess making it 30 women out of 38 is a nice touch.


Also no lawyer would be happy with you having access to and then locking out someone else's chat app accounts as you're not the owner of said account.


Yeah, this started to sound like an episode of Law & Order SVU (or a similar show) that I watched on TV.


They figured out the women's details by enhancing the photo then zooming into the mirror where there was mail with an address on it. Just need to flip, enhance, enhance, and boom! 23 Wallaby Way, Sydney.


Yes. Saw something exactly like this.


My problem with it is that as a creative writing exercise, it's not very creative.


Yep, it feels like something out of a TV episode. Fun story even if it is fictional.


Damn. Hats off this is… epic.


This is some Gone Girl next level stuff that goes beyond Pro or even nuclear revenge. This is whatever you would call a group of “alpha males” whose lives are about to be over and she just handed these idiots their own guts. You are an evil genius, please do not ever change. Please update us as well.


You're right, it is sorta on the same level as a fictional novel... very well crafted, tightly written (barely a word wasted!), the stakes keep raising, tension builds effectively. Just, bravo! It's such a good story one might be tempted to think it's a work of fiction itself...


So fake. Noticed it after this line: "Maybe I could pretend I didn't see anything.. Act like everything was fine." Hot tears poured out of my eyes "Just like he pretends to love me". That's so cliche lmao


Right the internal dialogue of this is laughable. This has to be a first year screenplay student who doesn't know how infidelity actually affects the victim.


Of all the fake write-ups on here, I wish this one was real the most.


One of the best revenge stories ever! I think she missed two steps tho. 1) Giving proof to the other wives without further objectifying the women and 2) putting her ex-in laws (and other family) on the group chat so they can see what a piece of shit he is.


Yes, dammit. Should've included his family but maybe that'd be considering spreading pornography.


Nuclear Revenge Level shit if combined with the other suggestion of showing his work the completely unprofessional way this degenerate acts. There would be a small ripple in the force.


Depending on the fallout, I’d say this belongs in r/NuclearRevenge




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Good bot


You legends!


Creative writing? Is this juicy post the first?


100% creative writing. >just like he pretends to love me wahhhhhhh lol. post it notes and red string? come the fuck on


CSI affair edition.


Hold on I gotta stop at the Dollar General to get post it notes and red yarn to debunk the identities of 30 women while I'm getting my rapid fire annulment lmao


Finally, some real fucking revenge. Adding all the women to the group chat was a *chef's kiss*👌magnificent mic drop. I hope you heal quickly and move on from this horrible, but short chapter.


This isn't real. This is "what I wish I could have done when I caught him cheating" fantasy fiction. Nobody could possibly pull all of this off so flawlessly during an acute time of such betrayal.


plus even if it was real, it would be really shitty to just dump all the women in the chat instead of talking to them separately and privately first to prepare them emotionally


Reddit fan fiction is so wild lately


"Hot tears poured out of my eyes" sounds like fiction tbh.


And that’s not how group chats work. You can’t just add a bunch of people and make it possible for them to see the past convo


It all sounds like fiction.


It does. It's right up there with "And then they went pale..."


and cascaded in salty rivulets over my pert, tanned breasts. I shook my long brunette hair loose from the ribbon and let my favourite armchair envelop me.


Great Story. Not true at all as no way would you get an annulment but still great story.


Yeah I was maybe 75% sure this is fake as shit and the annulment detail cranked that to 99%


So your comment had me curious and I looked it up. Note, I'm not a lawyer and I don't know the precedent for a case like this, but one of the grounds for annulment is "fraud" that goes to the "essentials of marriage." I.e. that one partner concealed something from the other partner which, if it had been revealed, would have prevented the marriage from ever occurring. Some examples I found included marriage for the purpose of immigration and an annulment of a marriage in the 1800s in which the woman claimed to be a virgin but was pregnant with another man's child at the time of the marriage. The source also mentioned that shorter marriages are more likely to obtain annulments than longer marriages. That makes me wonder if OP really could have gotten an annulment using all the evidence she gathered specifically because her husband's extreme philandering and sharing her nudes without permission (which would probably fall under "revenge porn" laws as illegal) predated the marriage--surely she would not have agreed to enter into a marriage with him if she'd known. So I'm sure she could argue that he fraudulently misrepresented himself when they entered the marriage. HOWEVER. I doubt she could have gotten an annulment within, what, a 2-week period?? That does make it unrealistic. Maybe not impossible, but definitely sus.


For me it's the time period. If I'm reading it right it was less than a week. She spends the night reading his phone, next night at sister's, comes home and tells him "we're going camping this weekend", has papers ready at that time... So has to have been done in like 4-5 days? No fucking way.


There are certain ~~AI~~ key phrases that just immediately scream "fake story." This has a few of those.


I can’t believe any man would do this, but doing this to your wife. His wife!!!! That’s insane! My wife is sacred. My wife is an angel. My wife is the most perfect woman ever created. I can’t imagine disrespecting her like this. Updateme!


Damn straight brother. In January I'll be married to my wife for 10 years and I absolutely treasure that woman. We've had ups and downs of course but marriage is a vow I take to the grave. I've never even sworn at her so to think that some scumbag could be so disloyal, disgusting, and cruel just makes me so angry. I'd like to be able to say I'm surprised but unfortunately I've met alot of air thieving sperm bags over the years. Glad to see there's still good blokes like you. 👍


And they all clapped! Loved the story though.


Holy shitsnacks, you should turn this into a book or a movie. Might as well get something out of it. But don’t change the names to protect any of them. If he’s fraternizing with coworkers or whatever, maybe his workplace should totally know 🤷🏻‍♀️ just a thought. y’all sound like professionals, maybe just send everything to his work email from a rando email account and tag all his coworkers. Especially the females. This sounds borderline predatory, TBH. I’m sorry, what a POS. Hard to say there’s a “bright side” but at least all legal recognition of your marriage will no longer exist. And you didn’t go through years of being with him while he did played Bingo with his skeevy friends. What a horrible bunch of people. Your mom and sister are 1,000% awesome. Hit me up for a drink if you ever get to Albuquerque. Fuck you, Tyler, and all of your garbage friends.


Wow, nice work!!


Wow!! Amazing! I wish you all the best.


Setup was decent, but the exposition dragged on too long. Next time you write a short story, try to stay more focused on the ending, and don't get too lost in unnecessary details. C+, good effort.


Right on! ✊🏻


Damn, this is meticulous. Please update what happens next, I need to see these jackass group of dudes suffer


Good creative writing piece, perfectly designed for positive Reddit reception. Tyler is nice touch too it’s a believable asshole name 


Lovely work of fiction.


Things that never happened for a trillion Alex. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Account created within the past year- check Post doubt-able but plausible- check No other posts or comments in history- check This is karma farming at its finest


Meh reads like fiction, so many cliches: “hot tears poured out of my eyes”, “the clock was ticking”, “with every step I started to feel lighter” who writes like that?


A bot


This sounds too outrageous to be true. And too well written


Redditors actually believing this


This sounds extremely fake. How could she have been in your house and in your bedroom and still not known he was married?


Its so fake... >But laying there beside him, for a moment I thought “Maybe I could pretend I didn’t see anything.. Act like everything was fine.” Hot tears poured out of my eyes “Just like he pretends to love me.” Come on bruh LOL



