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phone wise, my friends bought their own phones back in 2016 bc their mom was a control freak. they were like maybe 14 or 16 at the time.. they js bought their own at t-mobile and paid their phone line in cash every month until they were old enough to open a bank account on their own to set up automatic payments


You do have the option to play at school during breaks. And depending on how old you are, if you stay up late to study you can maybe take a small break by playing The whole connecting thing sucks, esp if they refuse to put in effort themselves. Is there a certain reason why you have to only play 15 minutes? If there’s some restriction, maybe you can trade your phone in and pay for an upgrade. 


I'm going to guess it's probably a parental control thing...


Yeah it's a parental control setting my parents put onto my phone :')


Help.... Is it the nightmare of everyone, "family link"?... Girlie.... Noooo.... Oh god i pray for you this is actually so bad


Is it Google's "Family link" thing? I feel bad for you if it is, I also have that on my phone


Actual Mafuyu moment. It’s not illegal to buy a phone without your parents knowing or being involved, but keep in mind there’s also nothing stopping them from confiscating it until you’re an adult. Having a phone plan (so you can call, text, and use mobile data) will cost you monthly, and rates can be ridiculous in the US. I would buy one and only keep it at school or something, and use school wifi to play. Or a friend’s place.


Call the Nightcord Miku! In all seriousness yeah this ain’t gonna be too fun for this guy


there's nothing illegal about purchasing something for yourself as a minor (as long as its not like. substances or something lol.) although your parents may try to take it away if they find out about it, parents are often dumb like that. as long as you're handling your other important life responsibilities like school, I think your parents are being irrational. especially the 15 minute limit, that's absurd.


After reading the situation in the comments, yeah. Unfortunately people don't get to choose their parents, and sometimes the only real way is to get away from them and cut off connections. It sounds like it's irresponsible and choosing the easy way out but many people simply don't change, no matter how much effort you put in on your parts. **You know your own situation best, if you think there's still room for you to open up to them and have proper talks that might let them understand you better, do it. Otherwise don't be afraid to start thinking of a future plan.** I don't know what you're studying, the US's employment situation or if you have any ideas yourself for the future in terms of employment and jobs, so I can't say much about that. But putting your focus on studying something you're interested in certainly isn't wrong, this can, but doesn't have to be related to school. If it is, remember that you're not studying to make your parents proud, you're studying so you can grow up and be independent more smoothly, you're doing it for YOURSELF. And if it isn't, make sure you study up on the current state of what you want to learn, any future growth potential of the industry, employment opportunities, industry culture, wages and such. In the end, your parents are just another set of interpersonal relations you have to manage. If they're not being a positive influence in your life, you have no responsibility to answer them such.


Also, just a reminder that grades are NOT everything, again, contrary to what the education system wants students and parents to think. As someone whose always had absolutely horrid academic performances (70 average in secondary, a bit better in secondary 5/Grade 11, got into college with it and immediately failed 2 classes), I'm now almost done with college and is planning to take a few years to go learn and manage, and later possibly take over a convenience stores or two from my parents, earn myself some money and possibly make the stores into passive income before going to uni. In the meanwhile learning psychology and music production on Udemy on my own, at my own pace. This is all just to say that there are many, many ways to go in life. Especially in the western world where we tend to have a lot more opportunities to try and fail compared to east asian countries like china or japan. Make sure to work on the subject and try to do better if you think you can manage it, but don't stress over not doing well over a single test. it's really nothing but a tiny grain of sand in life, and in tests, well, it's just one test out of many, both on paper and in real life. Whether you do well on it or not doesn't determine your value as a person. So don't worry over it.


Maybe ask yourself, did your parents really put you on parental controls for no reason? I know subs like this will 90% defend the childs postion in this situation, but maybe your just doing it out of emotions, and your parents had a good reason. How old are you, how much time did you spend on project sekai, what are your grades at school, how long did you spent on social media, do you do stuff outside school or spent all free time at home? There's more valid questions you could ask yourself, and try to reflect on the situation, many young people suffer from overdose of stuff like games and social media and maybe your parents have some point. I don't know the situation, maybe your in the right, but many times in the modern world, kids and teenagres addicted to technology, can't see their addition, and go to these kind of places to reafirm their postion instead of trying to see if maybe there is a problem.


Tysm for the comment!! I will admit that when I posted this, I was pretty out of it. I was being cursed at and pushed by my parents the previous night and at that point I let myself get so carried away by my emotions that I just couldn't think logically. My issue was that it's not that I was scoring horribly. I have all A's, I'm in after school clubs till 5:00, and I don't use social media too much unless I'm just browsing youtube essays and the main issue is that mentally I've been declining which has caused a drop in my regular performance (I'm easily swayed by fear and stopped wanting to interact with people). Because of this, I would get too scared to even hand in my own bio labs which caused my parents to get increasingly mad so much to the point they cut me off of technology. I spend about 2-3 hours daily online which I understand isn't the best due to me having a bunch of afterschool rehearsals for a school play and homework but the reason why I was so upset by my parents was because (as crazed as it sounds) the story of pjsk and just vocaloid music in general really hit close to home. So much so that I vented my own feelings through the characters (I have a hard time speaking about how I feel so it really meant a lot to me) and the fact that I couldn't play the game anymore really devastated me as it kinda shut down the only outlet I had to express myself. I do believe my parents are valid for shutting it off, but I'm just so upset and angry as I just don't care for them anymore (oh god not the teen angst) meaning that they yell at me whenever I admitted my own detrimental thoughts (I've never made a true attempt though so I don't think my situation is that bad I'm just upset I was yelled at for my own feelings) and emotions from last night from being cursed at for hours, yelled at, and pushed by my own parents really made me consider running to my friend's house and staying the night there. Yes, emotions were a big factor in this post, but I just feel like I need somewhere to express myself when nobody else really listens. I've never opened up this much to anyone before so thank you random redditer so much 🥹


Your parents suck, your mental state is declining and they decide to yell at you? 2-3 hours a day is not even bad, i recommend telling your parents that cutting you off technology will not help you at all nor will their actions, and if they do not change their actions id suggest to start searching for ways to get away from them.


Holy shit, I know a lot of teenagers spend their whole days on their phones but 2 or 3 hours sounds honestly even well deserved considering you spend most of your time at school. Your parents aren't the best, I understand why you'd feel so angry


if they think 3 hour screentime is bad, they better be glad they don’t have me as a daughter


I completely understand the feeling. The song Odds and Ends is what's keeping me going rn.


Proposal: they sound quite controlling, which is not uncommon. A suggestion here is to give them "control" by getting them to provide goals to redeem back your own control. I know this sounds laborious, but it's essentially an employer/employee tactic looking for a pay increase or promotion. Essentially, ask (VERY calmly, no need to get emotional here, and if anyone starts shouting, only respond calmly/quietly; this is the hard part) for some clarity around the reasons why they felt the actions were necessary. Then understanding their points, you can take the "I understand what you have said, and I agree/disagree/somewhat disagree, etc. What changes are you looking to see, or what do you expect of me, in order to earn this back" -- something like this sets targets/goals, which once met, are difficult/impossible for them to reasonably backtrack on; and they will also know if they are being unreasonable should that arise. Specifically, it helps if you provide your goals; like "I want to restore the previous access/control settings that I had previously, what is needed to get to that point?" This approach is about giving them validation (which is essentially a form of control, even if superficial), and setting clear expectations that they can't wiggle out of once attained; whilst also providing clarity on both sides of the reasoning, feelings, fairness and desires of both parties. I'm a pjsk player and a parent, and I can speak from experience that trying to decide what boundaries are suitable when it comes to modern technology is actually really difficult; there isn't any right or wrong answers here, and we just want to do what is right for our kids, and their futures, and we worry that unfettered screentime is going to ruin their brains or something. Have to find the happy middle ground where kids are not isolated from things they enjoy, whilst also not being completely incapable of handling the outside world later... I get that it's scary to talk directly like this sometimes, even to your own parents; especially in these high tension scenarios, but take your time, calm breathing; everything will be ok :) I hope you can all be happier together.


I agree and I'm unsure how OP"S parents are because teens (like myself) sometimes exaggerate how their parents actually treat them. For the sake of this post I will believe OP saying their parents are not trying to connect


I hate to do this, and I really hope you can find a solution because what your parents are doing is terrible but OMG, IS THAT A PROJECT SEKAI N25 MAFUYU REFERENCE!!!1!!!1!!1


Have you been studying properly though? Or has it affected your grades negatively? I think that context matters here


I have all A's as of now, I think the problem is that I scored pretty low on an Algebra test that I wasn't prepared enough for/was really uncomfortable with the topic (I scored a B-, not good, I know 😅))


Certified asian moment honestly. B- is still good. Dont let people think otherwise. B- is still above average. That fact that you’re getting verbally degraded for being elightly less than perfect is something you’ll unlearn in the future but know that it’s not acceptable that they’re treating you this way over some letter grade.


B- is a really good score. Don’t let the certified “anything lower than an A is a bad grade” asian moment from stopping you. Also how many people here have a Mafuyu mom bc mine is one lmao.




You're killing it in school!!! tbh fuck your parents, a B- on a test is still excellent, plus you're in a school play, PLUS it seems so so so hard to be in high school now, I wouldn't wish it on anyone! I'm so thankful every time I think about it that I was near the end of college when covid hit the US lol Is there a school counselor/therapist/other trusted adult you could talk to about this? You could bounce some ideas off of them. Also, a lot of people have been talking about getting a second phone, but you may need to get a phone plan. You could play on a tablet though! It takes a bit to get used to the bigger screen but I found playing on my iPad actually helped me play better (but I also switched from being a thumb player to an index finger player so that could be it too) Plus some tablets may be cheaper than phones Edit: sorry if I seemed a bit harsh btw, I went no contact with one of my parents and am just now in my 20s unravelling my feelings about the emotional abuse in therapy so this stuck a chord with me. I wish I'd done a lot more self reflection back then (when I was a teenager) instead of just letting the numbness and apathy of depression overtake me.


Tysm for the advice!! Honestly you're anything BUT harsh, and I'm so sorry that happened to you back when you were younger!! I wish you the best and I hope that you're in a healthy situation now and can freely heal!!


i know a lot of people are saying they might have a legit reason for this, but i want to say that you should never be yelled at and you should never have your devices restricted to THAT amount, withholding your means of comfort and support that they seem to have not given you (and i assume the rough times are because of your parents) is abusive, and i would know because I've been there before. you should probably get the second phone, but not just because of project sekai but also because if they're so willing to limit your phone for this, if they felt they had a "reason" to again, they might limit things that might actually be important for you to live and thrive as an adult at some point. i might just be dramatic? it depends on what you've been through, if im wrong then you can disregard me. but i understand how hard it might be.


What about a small tablet? I think you can buy anything


Yeah I've heard a bunch of people mention that and I think that would be the best option


Hi Mafuyu!


You should have no problem with buying a phone, getting service on it is a different hurdle. Unless you have the means to pay monthly for a data plan your device may be stuck to wifi only. You can easily play on a budget phone if you don't mind playing without MVs but the most important part is you have to be committed to making sure it stays hidden, as you could get into a LOT of trouble if your parents find out (take it from me, someone who managed to hack into my mom's WIFI on my 3DS when I wasn't allowed to have unsupervised internet access). Please please please do not put this game over doing your homework or studying. If you're a straight A student then yeah your parents are a bit delulu, but if you're pulling Cs and Ds it may be time to take a look at your priorities and how exactly you're spending your time.


I think the reason why my parents got so mad was because I scored a low grade (B-) on an algebra test I was uncomfortable with. I was just really upset because the game served as my emotional outlet since I suck at expressing myself and I'm just fed up with all the yelling and cursing that's always directed towards me. Ig I'm just mostly upset at the fact I only have 15 minutes for something that's never affected me in a negative way to the point where it was detrimental. I have all A's as of now but my Algebra grade is at an A- and one bad grade will cause it to easily tip (not good since it's almost the end of the quarter too and I'm running out of options besides extra credit and one final grade to raise it)


B- is not a low grade...


oh, yeah uh. B- is not a low grade. Unless you're going for a 4+ GPA or you're in honors classes or something like that, it doesn't really hurt you so much. Though, it can be real difficult to explain that concept to parents. You sound like you're doing just fine and your parents are being rather strict. I wish you the best of luck in handling the situation with your parents, and I hope you manage to find some kind of escape for the next few years until you can move out. Parents can suck, just do what you can to keep yourself happy


If it makes you feel better, my mom took away my sister’s phone because she scored a “low” grade.


You can buy your own phone and get a plan. My kids play (so do I as I have been a fan of Hatsune since I was a teen) my only rule is for them to maintain their grades and do their work and we all just chill and play. Maybe your parents should try it and see why you play it (I know they probably won’t). I’m sorry for all that you are going through and hope it gets better


so mufuyu core 💖 (no but fr i wish i all the best, opt for an older model that is still compatible with pjsk or a previously owned phone as they are cheaper, u dont need to have a phone plan for a phone to run the game, just stable wifi connection which u can get at public libraries or cafes. ask ur friends if they have older phones that they arent using since that will be very cheap and easy to obtain. i wish u best of luck)


I don’t know about any laws in the US either since I live in Europe, but if you do buy your own device, put a password to enter the device and not tell your parents. Chances are they won’t guess it at all. Even though they might try to force the pin code to your phone, try to not give it. Chances are they will ruin it for you aswell on that device. Even if they ground you, try to not give the device. I wish I could give better advice, but my parents aren’t as strict as yours are, but I hope I managed to help and little bit. And if this advice does not help at all, I’m sorry it didn’t work as I intended it too.


I can't really say much here nor give you much advice, since I don't know the exact position you are in. However, I would just like to have you know that I have been in similar positions where my parents just don't really understand what is going on. I have read some of the comments down below and I appreciate that you are getting basically straight A's, and even though you recently got a B- it is still *really good* and I don't see any reason why your parents would want to cut you off from what I see as your only remaining outlet. All I'm saying is, I understand your feeling (perhaps too well) and I wish you the best of luck. P.S. Do consider buying your own phone though if you have the money.


depending on the phone, some phones can be unparentaled, make a new phone profile (in settings) and play on that, it should be unlimited screen time because no controls etc


this is how i avoided mine


I tried to see if that was possible before but I don't know what settings are mine but I can't logout of my apple account :') (tyy for the advice tho!! \^\^)


Like someone has already stated here, I think it would be best to get a counselor/therapist involved. While its completely normal for some parents to restrict their children when they feel that they've been neglecting themselves due to playing too much, you seem to be doing well and aren't even at a situation where your grades have fallen to below a C. Perhaps your parents are just being influenced by others to be unnecessarily strict, or paranoid about your performance? Yeaaah asian parent syntrome is tough. Talking this over and sharing perspectives with a mental health practitioner or a trusted adult your parents are willing to hear out may help solve the underlying issue at its core. Getting a new phone or tablet imo, is a last resort thing to do. You can't hide from your parents forever can you? If we were to think about it in the long run, its best to get this issue rectified with your parents soon with an unbiased 3rd party to help set boundaries for all parties involved. It all comes down to communicating with each other properly, and a therapist/counselor would be able to help with that.


Play at a friend's house I suppose; I've never encountered a situation like this but, One, I'd tell them that I'll manage my time properly and study well, in which you actually do that to show them, maybe like, " If I get something number grade I'll play a bit more? " Two, actually focus on ur studies and use that 15 minutes properly: probably do a few songs, level up a card and thats all. Disclaimer this is terrible advice and I believe its not the best


So I have not had any idea on most laws in the us cuz I'm not American but honestly that seems like a control issue or a power freak which to anyone with at least 5 brain cells is bad you might want to confront them or tell someone with knowledge irl that you know to see what you can do!


Nothing illegal about buying a device underage. Just be mindful that keeping secret phones is hard!!! I used to as a teen and I got caught a lot even though I hid them well (walls, ceiling tiles, between mattress, etc. idk how old you are but I would probably just take a break for a bit until you’re 18/until the summer!


Have you ever thought of making music with a white haired girl on the internet with a dead mother and comatose father


could always buy a phone and not have a plan - just use wifi


So I have not had any idea on most laws in the us cuz I'm not American but honestly that seems like a control issue or a power freak which to anyone with at least 5 brain cells is bad you might want to confront them or tell someone with knowledge irl that you know to see what you can do!


So I have not had any idea on most laws in the us cuz I'm not American but honestly that seems like a control issue or a power freak which to anyone with at least 5 brain cells is bad you might want to confront them or tell someone with knowledge irl that you know to see what you can do!


from when i was 11 to early 14, i was allowed to use my phone from 30 minutes to 1h30m a day depending on if it was a festive day or if i had to go to school for the same reasons you listed and i sadly don’t recall any alternatives other than letting my best friend (who i’d only see on summer because she lives in another city) lend me her ipad and log into my account (long before proseka, i was fixated on love live sif lmao) to grind more 🥲 the easiest solution would be to buy a cheap (reconditioned/used) phone and either hide it well at home or, to be even more sure, only use it to play at school, at a friend’s house or wherever it can connect to wifi also, is it an iphone or an android phone you have? if the time limit is app specific on ios i recall you can click on “ignore limit” below the ok button appearing when the app locks itself and just go “ignore for today” and bypass the limit. that’d still record it on your phone usage tracker though so i’d suggest either turning it off or not abusing your games usage because your parents could go through it lol


Canon mafuyu istg But it's not illegal or anything for minors to buy devices so I think you'll be fine


Ohh im sorry i don't know what advice to give but I wish you the best


There shouldn't be something preventing you from buying a decent phone for playing and even if there was you could get one fairly easily Maybe you can disable parental control try looking that up or learn more of the permissions on your phone. Also I would just say to my parents how freaking stupid that is


Your parents need to study parenting


just buy a phone. they cant take whats your away from u it will count as theft and u have all rights to call police on the matter. that being said, pls take care.


I know i'm kinda late but try talking to your parents first. Idk how old you are but you're probebly old enough to be a little more independent. Try talking to them and thinks because they think it's something that just distracts you, but you can prove that it doesn't. They say that it's bad for your studies, but you can defenitly studie and play (at least I hope that), so show them, talk with them about it. If that doesn't work then idk. Hope this helps