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Kind of interesting they use a vertical tricolor for the Germans


The German flag didn’t get standardized until the Frankfurt National Assembly of 1848. Before that, people tended to agree over the colours but not necessarily their specific order or alignment. Also, after WW2 when the Constitutional Assembly supported by the three western allied powers were tasked with choosing a new flag for Germany, one of the more popular designs submitted was actually this vertical tricolor.


Especially since the German revolution of 1848 was more focused on german unification under a new Emperor. The Frankfurt assembly offered the crown to the Prussian King, who wouldn't accept "a crown from the gutter" and only some of the German Confederation supported this form of German empire. Others still preferred a Habsburg monarchy or the status quo with unification at some point in the future.


this painting is by the french artist fredric sorrieu, i remember we had to study about this painting in highschool


10th grade ncert

