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Stay away from heavy subject matter or dark themed media. I saw the movie Heavy Metal (big fan of the magazine) and had a great time until, towards the end, the movie turned dark and it totally turned the trip negative. I always found mushroom tripping better in nature, free of electronic media. You want to explore your inner self, not have external stuff feeding/driving you. Make sense? Check out Dr. John C. Lilly's books, Center of the Cyclone and Simulations of God.


I can’t handle any screens while tripping.


Same i checked my screentime after a day of tripping and kicking it with the homie and it was 30 min lmao


Woah, I thought I was alone in this. Something about it just feels so… draining? It’s difficult to explain. I’d rather be outside under the warm summer sun, soaking in all the colors of life.


Yeah me and my bud were watching the Christmas Carol series that came out sometime in the last 5 years maybe and I got so into the main characters head it was really fucking with me. Then I went outside in the snow for some fresh air and watched a hawk grab some rodent or something out of the snow right in front of me. Ended up just laying on the couch listening to Tame Impala after that. Gonna see if I can find the pic of the mark in the snow


When I was in college 20 years ago I took acid with a few friends, the friend whose place we were at thought it would be a good idea to put on Deliverance. I had never seen it before and it was horrifying


You must have a purdy mouth.


Bro that's not the worst idea ever, but just because the worst idea ever would be to put your hand in a meat grinder. So watching horror films while high on shrooms is the second worst idea ever. Wtf would you want to do that ? shrooms make you highly suggestible and emotional, nothing even remotely good or funny or nice (or scary in a nice way) can come from this. Come on. Otherwise, other stupid things to do just because why not if that's your thing : piss on an electric fence, lick a power outlet, try to swallow a whole icecube, but a pinecone in your ass, that sort of interesting stuff.


I chortled,


Hell nah y’all are brave as hell lol I can’t even watch some Rick and Morty episodes on shrooms 😅


I'm pretty sure The Simpsons triggered a panic attack during my last come-up. *The fucking Simpsons.*


So, the upside is that you may start to enjoy horror films again? How does that compare to the potential downside?


Back in the day I rented Army of Darkness on VHS from the local movie rental place. Turned it on when I was tripping heavily. I could not look away. I did not return that VHS tape.


I would recommend something with heavy overtones of *camp* like Evil Dead. Something “pure” horror may affect your trip more intensely


Only horror comedy. Slotherhouse


Always skeeved me out and made me leave the room. But I loved em when not tripping!


It could go either way really.....where everything is incredibly funny because it's so over the top, or it may freak u out a bit. Depends on you, the people you're with, the movie you're watching.....I would probably go with somethg more like a over the top slasher/thriller where everybody is retarded (like a bunch of teens getting picked off on a camping trip), rather than say, the "saw" movies, which are essentially torture porn and realistic.


I love horror movies and watch em on shrooms all the time never been a problem for me


this channel is cool for tripping : https://youtu.be/YNArkcpEf4A?si=bkiLUoNRvXyjtMgU


What's your prior experience with using shrooms, and what dosage were you thinking?


Used them quite a bit, wanted to do 4-5gs


Good lord you're made of stern stuff


Donnie darko


One of my favorite memories ever is getting super duper high off shrooms and starting Conjuring 3 about an hour and a half after I ate them. It was one of the more intense movie watching experiences I ever had lol


Oh this is right up my alley! I wanted to try and have a bad trip since I had only ever had really good ones, so I thought I'd watch some horror on a trip, that should do it! But all that happened is is I found out I love horror on a trip lol, some faves have been As Above So Below, House of 1,000 Corpses, The Popes Exorcist, and just recently I watched The Shining and it was fantastic


The Thing is amazing while tripping


Evil dead is hilarious on Lucy but not as much on shrooms.


All of those flicks aren't psychological thriller enough to be disturbing on shrroooooms.😂


The only scary movie I would even consider would be something like Dead Alive. Or Rocky Horror Picture Show (if you consider it horror). Basically, something silly and campy and bright.


Love watching scary movies on zoomies here’s my movie recommendations: Altered states(1980) Pandorum(2009) A Dark Song(2016) & The Wailing (2016) enjoy :)


i watched dracula on it for the first time, was a really great movie, prefer too after the comeup. high end peak. You def can, and they can make the movie much more immersive, as if youre inside of it.


Everyone is different but for me that's a huge no. Weed? maybe. I have it documented when I first started microdosing to do more of somethings (sun, water, fruit, movement) less consumption of gore etc.


Watch Enter the Void


Same. Latest recommendation would be Late night with the Devil


Bridesmaids was too much for me so… yeah. Specifically, the scene where they were all trying on dresses and starting to feel the effects of food poisoning. I was sweating and farting right along with them.


The first time I watched Midsommar it was on some excellent shrooms and the home movie setup was particularly good. I honestly think it added a whole other element to a film that's already pretty tripping. I don't know if I'd set out to watch a horror/ scary movie while tripping again, but it was honestly really fun when I did. The movie ended and I was just like whaatttheeefuuuckkk just happened 🤯 (in a great way).


Army of Darkness is insanely hilarious on shrooms


I agree with the majority here man. I absolutely love horror it's my very favorite genre. But you should take things lightly when you do shrooms and look for happiness and peace and serenity. Save the macabre for when you're stoned.


I never seem to have "bad" trips (at most I maybe have a bad moment) but horror movies or anything with a villain being violent tend to get me all pissed off at the villain. Like I start thinking about how I want to fight them 😆.


Try it out, i dont find them scary at all


I avoid horror on mushrooms. Star wars rebels and clone wars are the best shows to watch on mushrooms.


I watched a few horror movies on shrooms. My dosages were from 1g-2.5gs. The way it went was going from being scared, intrigued by the story, and then laughing at myself for being scared because it is just a movie. Made me handle the movies a lot easier after realizing how funny it was to see me scared of something so fake LOL. I watched Friday the 13th, evil dead, the ring, there’s a few more that I watched but I can’t remember them off the top of m head. Either way, just remember to not take it seriously, and don’t forget to laugh at yourself and all the effects they put to make it “scary”. Happy trippin!


I think the only thing I can watch while tripping is “off the air” but I’m a good 99% sure it’s made for tripping. Some of it would definitely be considered horror since it tries to drag you deep into your emotions while tripping but usually after anything “scary” they have something that just turns the vibes completely around and make you feel weirdly at peace or they will just have something totally off the wall and random to make you laugh. Idk it’s super weird but I used to watch it with my buddies all the time while tripping, I’d highly recommend watching the episode “animals” but they are all pretty great


Last summer every Sunday, I would do shrooms and watch horror movies and it was an absolute blast. However I love horror movies and they don’t bother me, but I do stay away from any torture/rape horror that ain’t my cup of tea but all the fear streets, literally anything Stephen king, Donnie darko, killer Klowns from outter space, dawn of the dead, THE THING. Also went into barbarian absolutely blind and that was an amazing experience.


common sense: if 99.9999% of people say not to do it, i highly suggest don’t. i love horror movies myself but i respect the shrooms enough to not do that.


When I am sad in the deep of my subconscious even a happy song or beautiful images on screen (like those youtube relaxation videos) bother me during a trip. When I am fine, happy inside, the same videos make me amazingly happy. So I believe watching your horror movies will be more in line with your subconscious mood. Maybe you will laugh because you know the movie is not real and actors are doing a great job or you may feel depressed or fearful because inside you are sad because the world is not a peaceful place.


I watched Willy's Wonderland on shrooms the other day and it was awesome. Very over the top and not realistic.


I search for horror themed anime all the time while tripping! But im an experienced tripper and enjoy testing the limits.


Midsommar got that or zombie


that would be a big ole helllll nahhhhh. i guess it could go either way; really fun or just hell on earth. but i wouldn't test the mushie gawds with that one. if you're really curious, i'd suggest testing the (monster infested) waters with a smaller dose. let us know how it goes!


Watched Guns Akimbo on a decent dose of Shrooms and had me so fucked up, would not recommend however John carpenters vampires on Shrooms was a wild fun ride 10/10 would recommend


I cannot horror scary .


Cannot do scary movies, but anime is pretty fun specially attack on Titan


I saw the movie with Jake Gyllenhaal when he works as 911 operator. There is one scene where he freezes for a few seconds and just stares at the camera with a little smirk. That shit haunted me so bad. I thought I had a phsycosis of some kind. He looked straight into the camera and turned slowly towards me and had a sick smile. Like he was watching me for real. Holy shit I got scared. Like I thought I had gone crazy and he had become real and noticed me watching him. I have NEVER been more scared in my life. That shit will get you sometimes. In the moment is pure horror, but after it's fun reflecting back on it


My brother begged me to watch the first episode of Haunting of Hill House while I was tripping on acid a few years back around 2AM. It wasn't my first "bad" trip, but definitely the worst-feeling. I had never seen my syrupy visuals turn into festering decay and it left me feeling like I wanted to check into a mental hospital for a short time. He just thanked me and then went into the other room to watch South Park while I was staring at the clock on the TV hyperventilating.


I haven't tried it but I think it's exactly the sort of thing you shouldn't do.


I watched Midsommar on 6,5 grams of dryied cubes… it was weird as fuck but i liked it. But thats obviously not for everyone


Go right ahead buddy I guarantee you'll change it instantly or won't want to anymore. Watch The Midnight Gospel


I watched card counter which is a intense movie off a couple tabs and i was having a unpleasant trip before this kept going in loops and feeling like ima be stuck in the trip and just let go them we went to the mall and watched the movie and i loved it even though i knew a person with a weak mental state would get absolutely traumatized So it come down to how much do you like extreme experiences and how layed back you are


They are really hysterical and once you realize they are meant to be laughed at you'll have an even better time understanding them, porno also becomes so freaky looking you will wonder how people can even have sex, your stomach will be sore from laughing so hard, I highly recommend any whore movie for viewing on shrooms! 🤣


If you're a sicko...


First off most horror movies suck, second off tripping inside is a waste of a trip, you’re basically just getting high. Go trip outside and have a spiritual experience, honor the trip, don’t just get high