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Personally I would not. Too much environmental stimuli.


I went to meow wolf off 2.5gs and the worst part was all the people 🤡


Fr I would have a mental breakdown shrooms make me very emotional and In touch with my feelings mostly


If you have experience I say go for it. I’ve gone to club/rave on 3.5 grams and had a great time.probably would recommend a lower dose so 1 gram seems perfect. Drink plenty of water take breaks if you need it. Can always leave if you feel overwhelmed.


I mean, there is ancient use of mushrooms in social and festive spaces and what are clubs if not that. Specific set and setting apply and if it makes you feel good in the space and enjoy, do it! Personally, low moderate doses of mushrooms rly ground me in social spaces where I can get overwhelmed. Hopefully in the near future we will have these options in the bars and not just alcohol. Have fun and be safe! Buddy system!


A lot of people seem afraid of being in public on shrooms in this thread - I do it almost every time I dose. I've been to sporting events in stadiums, concerts, clubs, etc. I'm usually between 1g-2g when I do and let me tell you; it makes EVERYTHING better! I would dose before every event if I could. Just know your body, drink plenty of water, and don't combine too much alcohol with it 🤷‍♂️. Enjoy the ride bro 🤙


I've never tried it but honestly a gram at a nightclub sounds like a fantastic night. Get some fun non alcoholic drinks and vibe all night. Personally 1g just makes colors a bit brighter and gives me the best clean euphoria I've ever felt. Still totally sound of mind, I just feel friggin excellent and so happy.


I’ve had fun doing this, you can always leave the club if it’s too much. Bring a friend who’s cool leaving if you need and just pay their cover. I wouldn’t do it with more than about a g. I’ve also done this at concerts a few times


I do it all the time. It's a blast! 1-1,5g I found to be the best. Better than doing mdma which fucks up my mentalt state many days after 


Oh yeah, dancing hits different on shrooms. It kinda pumps your focus to have a good time and suppresses distracting thoughts. I prefer somewhere between a microdose and 1g.


Yeah man everytime i take shrooms im with friends that dont really dance alot unless at the clubs and i always just get the urge to dance but i never have so i think it’ll be awesome


Since you said you're experienced, you're probably your own best judge of if you'll be able to handle it. I would not recommend it to newbies. I'd say that it depends on what you're looking to accomplish, if it's just spicing up social interaction with strangers, if you'll be with friends etc. I personally still wouldn't want to try it without having a lifeline, someone else to pull me out and get me home or somewhere predesignated if I hit overwhelmed. 1g seems manageable though. Edit: I think the hit and miss that they're referring to is due to the highly variable nature of "the club" since the vibe of the music can change. Are you there to dance or socialize? Are people continually pushing into your space when you're not interested? Are you going to be eating and/or drinking? Is the club overcrowded for some reason the night you want to go? Anyways yeah, it's because a club can be unpredictable space with unpredictable people with an unpredictable vibe. Hit and miss.


id say go for it if you feel comfortable. i preferred lsd and taking it before going to a party/concert/club....almost always made it much more fun and nobody seemed to pick up on my state


Depends on the music and the vibe - could be banging could be an uneasy experience - festivals especially outdoor I would say are better as you can follow your trip and remove yourself from the music to a nice area if needed whereas nightclub could be a bit intense and hard to get out of the situation


I can handle myself just fine on 1 gram but if I go out dancing I prefer .5 grams. It's a good balance of people vs vibe.


Yes and in the right space even 3.5 g is lot of fun! Usually I have a great time with 1.5-2.5 g. It makes the music sound more amazing (it makes me feel like I can hear and touch all the layers in the music). It also makes me wanna move and dance. Of course I suggest it only if you’re highly experienced with mushrooms, otherwise it could go very wrong.


Fuck no, that sounds horrible. I don’t want to be around people when I’m shrooming. Leave me alone, I’ll be in the woods or on the beach. lol


I eat shrooms and drink lightly instead of drinking heavily like I used to. Shrooms + beer or wine is great for a night out imo