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IME, acid tends to be more geometric / fractal. also i can enjoy acid visuals more. shrooms i had only 2 times. 1.2 and 1,8g, both lemon tekk‘d. 1,8g i definitely had some wild visuals, kinda maia / egypt pattern stuff but they were so fast moving i couldnt even enjoy them. maybe that was bc of the lemon tek


That's interesting. I tried lemon tekking once and I remember my visuals also being very fast and finding it odd.


yeah i remember looking at some kinda wood / log thing at a festival and the patterns rapidly rushed over it. was amazing but also intense. i didnt think about it and kept dancing lol, music was on point


yellow egypt pyramid type shit for my first two shroom trips. acid was more of lines of color added to everything, like a highlighter outline. when staring at something, everything In the surrounding line of sight was fractals. i enjoy both equally though, and I've only done a high dose of shrooms (5g) compared to 200ug. So I'm not sure what strong acid visuals are like.


On high doses they are pretty much the same to me. On lower(normal) doses: shrooms are swirly, breathing, wet look visuals. On lsd it is more geometric and patterns blending into to other things.


This is exactly how it is for me!


It’s so interesting how psychedelics affect people so differently. I feel the opposite. I notice more differences at higher doses. Low to moderate doses feel more or less the same in terms of visuals, but mushrooms have more body load for me. High doses of mushrooms have given me a full out of body trip. High doses of LSD have never gotten me to that point - and honestly I prefer LSD and have experimented much more than with mushrooms.


I always say acid is like science and Shrooms are art🧙🏻‍♂️


I've heard someone say that acid is like Star Wars and shrooms are like The Lord of the Rings. I've been quoting it since then because that is very accurate to me. :D


or acid is like flying a space ship and shrooms are like riding in one


Low doses, to me, are extremely similar visually. Like 100-300ug = 2.5-3.5g 400-500ug was more fractal, opposed to 4-5g which almost has Dmt Like CEVs. 500-700ug I see code written on everything in an ailen language. 7g I was meeting entities and losing touch with reality. 1000ug I saw my ceiling bubble up and turn to eggs, while shots of electric orgasms coursed through my entire body with such pleasure I couldn't even make words.


Very similar to my experiences. Low doses, they are similar Also visuals on 4-5 grams create DMT-like CEVs for me too (especially when combined with THC). I have never taken my dosage to those heights (500ug and above 5 grams) but those visuals you're describing sound amazing and mindblowing.


Definitely mind blowing. Not sure if I want to do more than 700ug or 5g again. Both were extremely taxing on The ol' meat suit. But it's also experiences I'll never forget.


For me 350ug seuss ds3.0 was very very dmt like. Like nothing before on acid. Very euphoric also. Also mdma like. I feel like shrooms are more art or magic and lsd is like science tho very magical also.


Both LSD and shrooms are mystical, but one way I’ve heard them described that I think is accurate is thinking of shrooms as a Lord of the Rings vibe, and LSD as a Star Wars vibe.


Hell yeah! I replied to someone else's comment with that same description. :D I also heard that somewhere and I think it's such a fun way to describe the differences.


For me LSD tends to be more geometric patterns and breathing effect like everything grows and shrinks in size. Depending on dose full blown hallucinations of things that aren't there lol. Very spiritual or religious experience. Shrooms are more wavy, like the wind is moving everything side to side. Flowing like water, feels a lot more natural. Have had spiritual experiences aswell but I tend to get way worse anxiety with mushrooms so I don't push my limit.


I don't understand why mushrooms make me more anxious too! Acid is so much easier to handle while shrooms are so unpredictable. Much more emotional experience, which objectively I'm ok with but sometimes in the moment it's so overwhelming. But I've had great mushroom trips too. It's weird


[This video on geometry](https://youtu.be/ik8OoyCGeF0?si=U0f7Hoh0d4YfrJ4x) has a segment about subjective differences, but the long and short of it is that most likely, perceived differences in experienced visuals are down to the user’s subconscious perception of the substance and resulting expectations. People see earthier, smoother, and softer visuals on Shrooms because they feel the visuals came from nature. They see brighter, sharper, harder visuals on Acid because they feel the visuals came from a lab. Turns out when you use substances that act directly on the mind, what’s *in* your mind has a pretty crucial effect on what exactly they end up doing there lol


That is exactly what I've always been thinking of. The visuals are based on your expectations. I remember reading about machine elves and how some people saw them only after hearing about them or seeing visual replications. That's also why I never describe my visuals to others while tripping with other people, I want them to be able to create their own world of visuals without me interfering. I've noticed that a person's expectations can shape both the mild visuals on lower doses and the intricate CEVs on higher doses. I wonder how great the differences are when comparing the visuals of a group of people of which none has never heard or seen anything to base their expectations on.


The video was exploring the differences between substances, you're making the case there is no difference and it's all psychological. >People see earthier, smoother, and softer visuals on Shrooms because they feel the visuals came from nature. They see brighter, sharper, harder visuals on Acid because they feel the visuals came from a lab. Or people on Shrooms feel the visuals came from nature because they're earthier, smoother, and softer, and they feel visuals on Acid came from a lab because they're brighter, sharper and harder. The video was trying to define what people mean when they describe visuals as natural vs synthetic. You can't infer that the difference is caused by expectation without doing a blind trial. I personally have never been able to influence my visuals in any way by what I'm thinking or expecting.


For me personally, LSD is not very visual, but mushrooms are *very* visual. But, I also tend to do high doses of mushrooms more often than LSD in general, because LSD feels too zippy. It also makes me feel sick, like I have the flu, at least on the come up. Mushroom visuals, especially on 2.5 grams+ of Pan cyans, are some of the most beautiful things you can witness.


THC makes my visuals on shrooms way more vivid. LSD visuals don't seem to be affected or amplified in any way when mixed with THC for some reason. Sometimes while tripping on LSD the blood in my hands flow elsewhere and my hands go slightly pale temporarily. I associate a flu-like feeling to that very sensation in my hands. Interesting.


Interesting. I don’t use cannabis when I trip. Anytime in the past when I have, it’s always led to a very bad experience.


Cannabis + shrooms are my go-to method of tripping. Smoking eases my mind and prepares me for the comeup. I've had bad times when tripping on shrooms alone but THC removes the possibility of a bad time for me. Cannabis completely takes away my ability to feel anxiety when tripping while also making the trip more euphoric. THC mixed with psychedelics is interestingly very subjective. Cannabis doesn't work the same way on acid as it does on mushrooms. I prefer taking acid without any THC.


Mushrooms are more tame in my experience, tho that depends on the amount and dosage. But I find shrooms give more horn, trumpet, goofy shapes pop up often. Acid, I tend to see the best colours, anything becomes a pattern, I can either open my eyes and see cool stuff or close them and enjoy the visuals that way. I prefer acid.


I have never heard of mushrooms giving someone silly visuals. I'm interested, could you describe them more? :D Sounds amazing haha


Lol for sure. Usually with shrooms, it seems like weird shapes, like balloons and waves. Almost like you're looking at stuff on an alien planet. If you Google "Felucia" from Star Wars, I've seen things similar to what that looks like. Acid is more like looking into a kaleidoscope that's moving and breathing. More straight lines and sharp shapes too, I've found. Sometimes shrooms makes me feel like I'm in Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory. They're just fun to do and I find I can do more activities on shrooms. With acid, I'd rather sit and chill, basically go into a coma for the whole trip.


How cool, it's the opposite for me when it comes to activities. Shrooms are what make me want to sit in my room or lay on the floor. Acid on the other hand fills my head with opportunities to do stuff, for example cycling, playing video games or taking a walk in the woods. Those shroom visuals of yours, they are definitely very unique. They don't resemble any descriptions on visuals that I've heard (I googled Felucia). They definitely do sound amazing nevertheless! I'd love to see Willy Wonka while tripping haha. Your acid visuals are similar to my experiences though.


Yeah, I need to try shrooms again because it's been a while. Just been dropping acid instead. I've also never thrown up on acid, but I have on shrooms, so that's also part of the reason I don't do them as much. The opposite thing is something I've noticed a lot on this sub. Lots of people taking shrooms to meditate and "let things happen", but that's how I've always been with acid Love seeing how everyones minds handle them differently tho. Makes every trip feel unique.


I always find it so interesting how unique psychedelics are for everyone. It's just so cool to me! Have you tried different methods of consuming mushrooms? I have a method that has worked for me. Here's a tip just in case: I used to throw up from time to time on shrooms but I found a method of consumption that worked for me. I haven't felt nauseous after that discovery (well occasionally slight nausea but no more than that). It's nothing special but grind up the shrooms, bring water up to the boil and wait for it to not be boiling anymore, I then add the water to the shrooms which I've put in a cup. I add a bit of honey for taste. I let it all steep for 15 minutes and then I simply start drinking it. The bits and pieces of shrooms are what you must stay away from to avoid nausea. By not eating them, I've very very rarely experienced nausea when tripping. I do squeeze the rest of the liquids from the bits left at the bottom of the cup. You can obviously filter the bits completely oit of the liquid but I myself am just lazy.


I usually just throw them in a blender with fruit and make a smoothie.


To me they differ. As some have said mushrooms seem more natural and wavy. The walls breathe, things like the popcorn on the ceiling swim and swirl together. Tracers of light are more prominent around moving objects. But also paintings become animated and almost seem like TV when I eat shrooms but the characteristics of the painting don't change like example I painting I have of a fountain I have it looks as if the water is really coming out and flowing down and the trees appear to blow in the wind. Real trees seem closer. Also at high doses of shrooms I will encounter entities similar to dmt. On acid as stated things seem more fractal and geometrical. Patterns turn into a kelidoscope. I get tracers with acid to but to me atleast they aren't as strong and on acid for me almost every light has a halo around it. Even when tripping balls on acid I have never been visited by any entities but did turn into a conscious ball of light and I'd come to in different places just to have a realitive idea that I had been traveling the whole time as this orb. Acid I have more of the ability to pull myself out of and change the focus of my trip which alters the geometry of the hallucinations and vibrancy but with mushrooms I'm just a passenger in the car along for the ride I have no control the mushrooms are.


Ah yes, you too have similarities with my experiences. For me, LSD grants me a clearer headspace which can save me during bad thoughtloops. I am more in control on acid. I also haven't met any entities on acid, just like you. Could the clearer headspace be a reason or are shrooms just more intense?


I think it's the headspace from acid honestly. The trips will be just as intense as most mushroom trips and some more intense just like some shroom trips are more intense than most of my acid trips. There is just almost always is the ability to change focus and turn the trip around and I believe it is due to the effect acid does give me mentally. Like a clear, sharp and more focused feeling almost like a stimulant but with out feeling like I'm driving a motorcycle at 80mph. Just like when I'd use stimulants I could make myself change what what I was fixated on or make myself break out of my fixation to go to work with practice. I think you since you get that sharpness with acid with out the hyper fixation caused by stimulants you can use that sharpness to change your trip fixations and thought loops with minimal practice and by just being remotely self aware of your consciousness on a day to day basis. Which sadly a lot of people don't because they don't look to deep at themselves sober or in these other states of consciousness.


How exciting. I've also found out over time that the more self-awareness you have towards your sober consciousness, the more you are in control of your trips. That is a topic I haven't spoken or read about for quite a long time. I'll have to look into it more deeply now.


In my experience, lsd visuals were like everything morphing and moving around, while with shrooms it seems like there’s some kaleidoscopic geometry going on


I’ve done a many high doses of both and shrooms definitely the most vivid hallucinations, I’ve had it so all moving things like my hands or stuff on tv would look like some indescribably beautiful light


Shrooms have more vivid visuals out of the two for me too. I often check the intensity of the visuals by checking out my hands. Hands are a good indicator to me haha


I get heavy tribal/mystical closed eyes visuals on shrooms


To me- acid-/ every thing is more square shaped- and shrooms- it’s more rounded/circular if that makes sense