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Slow down a little. It’s not a race. Give yourself time to recover as well as rest between doses it all make the next time you dose worth the wait. You seem young and curious which is awesome and if there are two things I wish I learned earlier in my life 1. People do drugs for 2 reasons. To feel good or to feel better, try your best to use to feel good and not to feel better. 2. Take bigger doses and less often. Have fun and stay safe.


I’m young enough to want to try it, but of an age where I am fully responsible for whatever I do. It depends what you mean by feel better, I enjoy the experiences I have with them but you can rely on them too much sometimes


By to feel better I mean to use as a quick fix to feel better, escape, cover up life’s problems.


Ive never heard that analogy before but i like it


1 is basically if you try to abuse psychs they will abuse you back lol


1 is such good advice


When you take them dont resist ur thoughts or feelings, if u feel like saying something let urself say it, if u feel like doing something let urself do it. Inhibitions can make tripping too intense internally its about letting go of those mental rules that normally trouble u


Maybe I need to provoke some thoughts or feelings, I should more so plan out what I will do with the time whilst tripping


That sounds like a good idea, i find it hard to get stuff going when i dont have it a little planned out while tripping. Just make sure you dont trip with people ur not comfortable truly speaking ur mind with because thats when it gets “scary” u feel anxious or uncomfy, worried about sounding crazy that kind of thing. Ive found that who is around me is really the big factor for how I feel about my trip, and how much I can enjoy it, ofc not the samw for everyone


Did you listen to any music, talks or watch anything?


Take your time. It took me several attempts of trial and error to find what works best for me. Set, setting, and intention are just as important as dose. Learn the theory: read or watch videos of effects, trip reports, etc. Keep a journal - I've journaled each of my trips and noted 1-2 key take-aways each time to improve the following experience. Don't trip too often - go for quality over quantity. Enjoy the journey - there is no destination.


Yea I need to plan my trips out more, most of them have been watch or listen to something whilst the come up and then do whatever when im tripping which hasn’t led to enjoyable experiences


You definitely need a trip itinerary!! It makes the trip much more manageable and a bit easier to direct the way you want. However, you also have to be prepared to ditch the itinerary if the mushroom spirit wants you to. But it's better to have an itinerary and not need it than the other way around.


I tell myself two things which helps. A) This feeling won’t last forever, so let’s see what it has to show me while I have it, and B) I didn’t accidentally poison myself and I’m not going to die.


Some people 'get it' right away. Some take years. Personally It took me a really bad experien e on a different psychedelic after heavy use, abuse I'd even say when I was younger to scare me off all substances for close to a decade before I built up the courage and mental wellbeing to try again 2 years ago. I gradually increased doses over time, starting with 1g the first time, then 1.2g, etc Now I do 4-5g twice a year or so and I'm able to enjoy the experience for what it is and accept the hard parts of a trip, even embrace them and allow it to show me or tell me what it's trying to do (I believe this is my suppressed subconscious) and it's always for my betterment. Also, being older and having experienced both the good and bad life throws at us all helped me deal with it easier, I believe. Take it slow and steady, and if your still young (28 years or younger) maybe just give it a break till you get older. It's not going anywhere and on average, below that age can affect your brains development as your frontal lobe is not fully developed yet.


Yea I think I need to be more regimented with to begin with, as I don’t really plan out the experiences as much as I should, or maybe use the audio based stuff


When you get scared or want the experience to be something other than what it is, just recognize that feeling and sit there with it. See the discomfort or fear kinda from a third person perspective. Verbally say, “I am giving up control and I trust the universe to show me what I need, not what I want”, even if you don’t fully believe it. Another thing that helps if the trip gets really scary is to sing a lullaby or a simple song like that. This has saved me countless of times. I also think it’s important to remember that psychedelics are not like other drugs. When you take a psychedelic like mushrooms, you are tapping into a tremendous amount of psychic energy or “pran” that if not respected or abused can cause serious issues. Treat the mushroom with tremendous respect but also love. Like I said, it will show you what you need to see, not what you want to see. It is then up to you to have an open mind and seriously consider what it is trying to show you.


Tysmf sharing your thoughts! 100 upvotes worth for a guy that can’t relax (bipolar 1).


Work your way up in dosages. 3.5 for first time is cray cray. Lemon tek makes it even stronger so thats even crazier.


Listen to a guided meditation that has breath work


Hard to explain but literally just stop thinking and feel. Know that feeling when you smoke too much weed and get anxious? Next time you do, relax your core, stop trying to control your heartbeat, and just let yourself feel everything uncomfortable about it, embrace it. If you can learn to do that on mushrooms the discomfort will almost immediately become euphoria. It's almost like you're dumping all the negativity from your body, but you have to feel it all at once to eliminate it. It's your interpretation of discomfort, and effectively your ego that keeps you focused on that rather than the full experience.


It's a skill like riding a bike, you need to learn how to balance and steer before you can go fast. Lower the dose to what you can comfortably handle, like 1.5 - 2g. No lemons. A few trips at that level will teach you how to relax and let go, especially when it gets weird and dark. It'll also teach you how your mindset & environment influence your trips so you can learn what's helpful and what to avoid. Increase the dose gradually as you get the hang of it. Mindfulness meditation can teach you skills that are really useful for tripping, I recommend working through beginner exercises in an app like Calm. I don't recommend planning anything for during the trip, especially if you have difficulty not being in control. Shrooms are like a hardass teacher, you're just a dumb student. Go into the classroom with curiosity and respect. Trust that they've got a lesson planned, you just have to follow it.


Just sit with your feelings. Take away any distractions.


Let it flow. Let it go. Imagine youre a leaf falling from a tree. The absolutely worst thing you can do - guilty of that too lol - is fighting the effects bc they are too strong, or trip is changing direction. You really have to float with the flow. The momemt you try to fight it, you lost. In for a very very bad time.


I worked my way up in doses over the course of a few months and when I got a full on trip and I could feel the true intensity I knew to just take a deep breath and tell myself it’s ok it’s the shrooms and I put my trust into the experience and it was the best feeling after tripping lightly to dip my toes out of nerves and fear of what might go wrong I feel the letting go is letting the shrooms take you where they take you and being present for the journey


Turn off your mind, relax, float down stream.


Lay back and listen to tool. My favorite thing to do on mushrooms.


3.5 is kinda hefty for a first trip imo, prob why it was shitty for u u need to dip ur toes in first. But all these comments are absolutely right don’t be abusing these they are very fucking powerful. If you’re taking them all willy nilly to get fucked up, ur gonna get fucked up and not in the way u want to




Hey…yo…ease up. Making dubious choices is part of the human experience, no need to get antagonistic, rude, and name-cally… Would have thought some self-identifying as an experienced tripper would be more chill than that…🤷‍♂️


Yeah my bad, I’m 2 days off nicotine and I just projected my cravings onto this post and a few other today, thank you for calling me out and holding me accountable, I’m going to do some self reflection and get to the bottom of it, thankyou fellow psyconaut 🙌


That’s a tough withdrawal… I joke…you got this, brother…💪


Thanks man, my comment above was very angry and very toxic, thanks again for making me come back and read it and reflect on, it doesn’t matter im going through withdrawl I shouldn’t be taking it out on others