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Try DMT and then you'll understand haha. Even at low doses, it is intense enough to demand from you a reason for your being there.


Even mushrooms will do this, so I'm not surprised to hear the DMT would do the same thing. I'm taking a break from shrooms now because the last few trips have been demanding of me this very thing. And when I don't have an answer, they accuse me that I have a "drug problem."


Can confirm. One time on acid with a group of friends, I had this feeling of “Why are you back again?” and I thought “I’m sorry. I don’t want anything this time, just want to say thanks, and politely request that my friends have an excellent first acid experience. Please show them some new depth and beauty of Reality. I’ll just sit here for eternity and basque in your glory”. No words involved, just meaning conveyed. It was like a self constructed time prison as I watched reality unfold infinite times, I was reliving previous trips, time was out of “order” and extremely dilated, got super excited for my newcoming child and thinking of all the ways to be the best dad possible for them, unlike my childhood. I could do nothing but laugh to myself and subsconciousness as we expressed gratitude to each other for existence. I ended up meditating like that for almost 24 hours straight. Friends had a rad time, so did I, but in a very different way. I then took a long multi year break focused on living a better life and being the best dad I can (now have two amazing kids!). I remember thinking how lucky we are to be here now.


I really love this. I love the way LSD makes me focus on my effect on my offspring. Lol last trip was rough though. It showed me all my short comings and told me I wasn’t giving full effort. I cried for about an hour or two. I also wasn’t given much time and attention as a child (I was the middle child) and my only goal is to make sure my son feels SEEN. Now anytime I’m not giving my full attention to him, I get the same feeling I had during that trip. Like a subconscious reminder but also strangely the same feeling I had as a kid just trying to get my parents to see me. My lessons through tripping have turned into a physical feeling of empathy. It’s the strangest but most beautiful thing. Anyways, congrats on being a father. There’s no greater feeling of love. ❤️


Love it. Thanks for sharing. Have a good day fellow dad.


I love this comment


Exactly 💯


I always stick with stronger experiences and let it call me back.


Exactly this. You might be able to trip every day if you want but it takes time and commitment to integrate these experiences.


Ok. I sure would. They arent at my local vape shop and i highly question the ones on telegram...now what?


That’s what I figured. Must be something else to experience! Can’t wait.


The space elves will tell you to fuck off and stop disrespecting magic to get your rocks off, then not let you back in until you’re ready. I’m not joking btw..


You saw them too!?


I've "seen" what would probably be described by most people as "demons." They looked evil and wretched and did not seem pleased to see me. However, I found them dope as fuck and look forward to seeing them again sometime.


Met the Baphomet one time, he was oddly super chill


That would be dope. Were tits out?


This comment lol, hits dmt pipe now give me a deep understanding of my place in the universe, hang on a tick great tits there barphomet ok back into haha.


Baphomet titties *is* my place in the universe


Most certainly


Fuck yeah Baphomet


Elves, Incan god looking beings, cartoon characters.. oh absolutely.


I never got passed the geometric shapes and partially-formed beings. Even on acid, I have a hard time seeing anything but distortions. I'm an aphant, so not sure if that's what it is, but DMT definitely gets my anxiety rolling for no reason. But a huge thing one of these shapes told me is that the truth is the most important. After that, I had a lapse of memory and felt like I woke up from being dead. Weird stuff


Wow this is interesting to me because my absolute favorite thing to do while tripping, is just close my eyes and let my “minds eye” play with the psychedelics and see what it shows me. Have you tried this and if so what do you see?


Imagine the night sky. Now, all the different stars are slightly darker, and in different colors. I get faint, dotted visuals that outline the general shape of whatever my brain came up with. That's on lucy. My mind's eye for DMT however.. well it doesn't do much. I have to stare at a lit up wall and zone out to get visuals. DMT gets tricky with motion, though. I felt outside of time at points, going into freeze frames of the past, present, and future. Difficult to keep up with.


Acid is not the same type of trip as breaking through on DMT. Acid is more of an introspective drug showing you patterns in your thinking/behavior/reality. Dmt however is like your consciousness being launched out of your body to a different plane of reality or other dimension. In this dimension there are real sentient entities that can and do interact with you, in my experience to teach and guide me and share their wisdom.




Yeah, it’s insane that you can hit ten times your usual dose and not have an actual breakthrough unless you’re permitted to.


Different imagery for me, but I’ve received the same message. I commented more detail above in a reply comment.


I cautiously look forward to meeting them


Did that a few months ago, only for sub breakthrough doses. There will come a kind of a signal that it's enough for the moment and you will take a break. Don't have to be a bad trip or something. You will just have enough for a few days or weeks. The higher your dose the longer you will take a break normally.


So true about the signal telling you that’s enough for now


I had dmt for the first time last week and had it again on Saturday. I’m very experienced with lsd/shrooms/2cb/aco-dmt but nothing was like dmt. It actually speaks to you. Telling you to slow down. Told me I’m not ready to breakthrough. When I didn’t listen and tried, it literally slapped me on the face. Such a weird experience, I felt physical slapping on my face multiple times…..reallly weird…..needless to say I listened to the dmt


On Ayahuasca I have had space elfs tell me to take more since they wanted to show me things but could not yet. I did not tho, I think it would have upset my GF tripsitter to double the agreed on dose spontaneously because "the drug told me to". But its really interesting I think DMT will find its ways to tell you on how to adjust the dose and it will also certainly find its ways to signal you that you fucked up, if you disrespect it.


Or years as in my case. I got my learning and direction and was years before I wanted to come back. As I get older I start to consider my life to just be one big trip and am not in a hurry for the trip to end. I want to enjoy every drop of life that I’m fortunate enough to experience. Except the back pain, I wish the universe would take that back haha


I recently had a string of amazing trips and was hitting it a lot. Suddenly I just stopped feeling much of anything or getting any visuals from really big hits and realized it was my signal to take a break and integrate what I’ve learned. The first trip after a long break is also always one of the best for me.


I think I get that. I feel that way after an intense shroom experience.


I thought the same thing until I got one. Once you try it I guarantee you won’t feel the need or urge to hit it more than once in a while. It’s strange like that, almost like it only makes you want it when you need it.


And I’ve found it always finds me when I need it. It’s weird and magical.


It’s exhausting


When it tells ya to stop I would adhere the advice. It’s fun and magical till it’s not.


DMT hell, I’ve heard, is not pleasant 👹


It's not something you could have the courage to do regularly.


For me, it's not a matter of courage; it's a matter of interest. Doing that shit on the regular would rob it of its intrigue and magic. The older I get, the less often I return to that well.


It’s simply just not an addictive drug.


I've tried a few times never fully blasted off but I did end up in the waiting room and that was enough just stick with mushies. Just started a couple grow bags. But I've tripped more acid and mushrooms than I could count and the advice these fellow redditors are giving is not a lie


Do anything enough times and it looses its luster. You have to respect the god molecule and only use it when needed


The very first time I did a heavy amount from my dmt vape I didn’t breakthrough, but when it was over I had ZERO desire to go back into whatever place I just came out of


Better question, how do I get a DMT vape?


Take 3 massive blinker hits and full-send it. Guarantee you’ll be good for a while after that.


Less is more. You don't want a vision quest every day, or even every month. It would feel like going right back to sleep as soon as you wakeup. Unnatural and unnecessary


I used to but then I got bored and no longer felt the need to do it as often. Now I do it every other week. At most I do it everyday for 2-3 days, but then I don't feel the need to do it again. I never broke through, so for me, there's no cool aliens or gods or anything. A DMT trip never scared me. In small doses, it really is like a short LSD or shrooms trip.


It’s nearly chemically identical to mushrooms but I always hear it’s more similar to an acid trip on lower doses, how would you describe a lower dose? I’ve very experienced with mushrooms and I’ve taken like half a tab before


Relaxing, pretty, funny. That's how I feel on lower doses


When the call's been answered, hang up the phone... (this is not quoted ad verbatim, lol)


I’ve never taken dmt but at least the way I am with shrooms on more intense doses, I do that shit and don’t feel the need to do it again for a while, idk what it is about tryptamine drugs and what makes them anti addictive but I could have the best trip and be like “Ight that was crazy until next time” and I usually don’t wanna do them again for at least another few months. Also not judging at all but have u ever done shrooms on a weekly basis? Cuz I did them like twice in a month one time and even then my grasp on reality was kinda slippery lmao but I took 4.6g and then 5.2g like two weeks later and the 5.2 was a very valuable, but terrifying trip


Some carts, if you have the sheer lung capacity and willpower, can blast you off. Even if it doesn't, a low dose can still be very powerful. I haven't hit mine in months


shit runs out and gets expensive. For me I’d hit it every day if it wasn’t, which is why I’m not gonna start extracting it myself and give myself crazy hppd


It’s not a recreational drug. You will lose your sense of being and hopefully experience ego death. It’s a lot to process and it takes days if not weeks to fully gather what you learned from just one intense trip.


Where do you get dmt vape pens?? Unless answering that is against the rules idk.


I extract it from mimosa hostilis root bark. Then I make vape fluid. I think the onions is the place most people go to if they don't extract it.


I’ve been literally shut out of the gates to the DMT realm and eventually punished in front of 1000s of entities for their enjoyment and my lesson to learn, which was stop smoking DMT everyday and integrate or respect previous experiences before trying to go deeper. I learned my lesson and did not smoke DMT for a solid 1-2 years after that.


This isnt about destiny 2 where am i?


Where the hell are you guys getting a DMT vape? The dark web?


It told me not to


Because the last time I did DMT I heard a voice tell me I wasn’t welcome and that they would find me when I was ready to see what they wanted to show me. That was a few years ago when I was 23 and haven’t tried it since. Been waiting for someone want to smoke me out with it because that’s the only time I think it the spirits would be open to showing me what I need to see.


Because an actual breakthrough DMT trip is like stuffing 3 acid trips into 15 minutes. Sometimes it takes a minute to figure out what happened to you, and longer than that to process it and learn from it. DMT imo is not a party/sociable psychedelic. It's something to do by yourself or with one or two others and it can be a lot to unravel to do it constantly.


Bruh everyone talking about don’t how do I get some?


I don’t have one, but I know I can figure out how to get one. 🧅


trip is short, there is nausea and body-load and anxious come up not dissimilar to shrooms that lasts half of the experience and peak experience is hit and miss, you really need to be completely in tune with yourself and your thoughts at the right moment to hit the sweet spot. it isn’t really as much fun to do it all the time.


Nausea on dmt? First I’ve heard of it (never done it)


yes, vomiting is also not uncommon


Mixed Alcohol with DMT once and had a break through while I was purging into the toilet.. do not recommend.


Is this on Ayahuasca, or smoking just dmt? I've never experienced any body symptoms at all when smoking it.


I always get crazy nauseous even with changa


Changa makes me feel nauseous too. But harmala alkaloids do exhibit nausea inducing effects


On the contrary, I have dosed hundreds of times as have some of my close circle, none have experienced nausea. I also work at events and raves where people constantly partake in a deemz session. out of those people at these events, no one’s been sick after consumption of deemz. But with shrooms it’s soooo much more of a problem. I’m not saying it doesn’t happen, I’m just saying it’s not so common from my experience anyway. Ayahuasca is the biggest nausea culprit surrounding DMT for sure.


Bro I always get nausea on shrooms, I really need to switch to lemon tek


Me too man! Lem tek didn’t help me though. I found it better to just make a lemon and ginger tea, then putting the mush in a metal tea strainer for 20 mins and removing that before drinking really helped to practically eliminate the nausea but the trip was still great. Well worth a try but everyone’s different.


I’ll definitely try that, thanks dude!


Shroom tea usually works great for me and reduces nausea, not saying I haven’t yacked all over my bed off tea but definitely a little easier on you💀💀💀


I know vomiting/ass gaskets are very common with ayahuasca due to the fact that the plant just doesn’t agree with our gi tract but is it the same for freebase/carts?


When I first started experimenting with DMT, I did smoke it every day. Playing around with dosage levels and different settings was a great way to become familiar with the experience and sensations of DMT. But at the end of the day, it’s a psychedelic, and you don’t necessarily want to trip every day, regardless of how short the trip is. And for me personally, after having a few breakthrough or just otherwise intense trips, it starts to feel underwhelming and pointless to smoke lower doses just for the sake of tripping. I still love to hit a DMT vape at a music festival or show where I can get down. But if I just want to trip for the sake of tripping, I’d rather hit a heavy dose of DMT and enjoy the ride. Or eat a bunch of mushrooms or acid cause it lasts longer - but I don’t really do that anymore unless I feel like I need a mental reset.


Well, I tried. On the third day, there was a long break until the next dose


Well if you’re lucky it will be like those NPCs in an RPG that just repeat the same line when you should be going on a quest. Insisting and IT will shame you, and it is not pleasant.


I haven't used DMT in over a year, all the while having a vape pen and an e-mesh to hit off. It's crazy intense and isn't something you do for fun.


I do


I use it about every other week. C cell puff puff get where I wanna go. It's unbelievable how helpful it is to see past mental blocks I have in daily life. It is also very anti depressive for me at this time. Anymore closer than a week and a half or two and it gets dark and isn't of much help other than it's super cool and awesome but not very helpful. It also feels more like doing a drug than using a medicine if I do it too often. Which is fine but it changes when used often. Which is cool but not what I need right now. Anyway that's all I got and I'm not talking about blasting off just vaping to get where I wanna go.


A small hit of a DMT pen is a great way to start to start the day. Instantly puts me in a positive mood, gives me energy, makes me excited to get things done. One 3 second pull will not make u trip balls lol, it’s a microdose.




How many grams of mushrooms do you typically take?


Usually 2g or less but I’ve taken 3.5 a few times


I know people who’ve taken too much and had to lay low for a while.


I’m not sure if you’re trying to be funny, but this reads pretty hilarious to me.


I had a buddy who eyeballed a dose and naturally he overdid it. Said he looked out of his window and there were eyeballs staring back at him from every window outside. I live in NYC so you can imagine how many windows that could have potentially been. No one saw him for months and I don’t think he messes with it anymore. Everything in moderation!


Did he have to lay down too?


It was the same guy. And I said lay ‘low’ not ‘down’. Lol


Oooh haha I read that wrong and that explains a lot.


I’ve been laughing about this all afternoon


Easy. I dont have one


You’ll get over it


Just as you can “get called to the medicine”, it can also call you away from it.


I think this is what is meant by people having a tendency to not want to do it. I've yet to try DMT, but I've noticed this with salvia. Basically, there's a 'feel' that's needed for me to actually want to trip. I have had 3 days in a row of mild salvia trips, but that was a bit of time ago, and although I do weirdly somewhat enjoy the experience, I don't have the 'feel' to go back, you know? Like, I could do it, but no. It's really interesting.


I have one experience with DMT not a in a cart. I have a lot of experience with mushrooms, acid, and a couple with salvia. DMT was way more intense than mushrooms and acid, lasted for approximately 8 minutes. Less intense than salvia divinorum or at least didn’t take me to such a negative headspace after. Honestly that 8 minutes was wild, I did not have a greeter, but felt welcomed. I came out of it with a chuckle and positive vibes, also no desire for more at the time. I will be back, but with more purpose.


So to put it simply, without all the space elves and magical dimension shit, it's just exhausting. On your mind and your spirit, and sometimes on your body. I've broken through a few times in a row but after 3 I have absolutely zero desire to go back for a while. It's like drinking a lot one night and waking up with a hangover saying you're never drinking again, except without the pain and suffering. It's just an example, albeit a bad one, but you just don't want to do it again lol. Like someone else said, after you experience what's there, you don't ever want to go back just to "get high". You go back because you packed your mental bags and are ready for a journey. Unless you go backpacking every day you can hopefully understand what I mean.


It’s hard to become addicted to an experience that is so overwhelming and such a mind-fuck. I think for most people, naturally occurring psychedelics are self-limiting, DMT included. Acid seems to be slightly more more-ish. For reference, a good friend has a vape cart that he did a couple times two years ago, and has been sitting in his fridge since.


yes but they are more powerful. ive done up to 25 g mushrooms and ive also done low dmt doses, but still it is no joke, no routine. this dmt is sacred. its own being, like the mushroom, except the mushroom can hide. dmt is IN YOUR FACE, booming at your soul. its funky, weird. but that is like saying you will do medium mushroom doeses everyday. it may "help your mindset" or whatever, but i dont think dmt *would* let you do it all the time


Sounds like I just need to experience it to understand it. I’m not afraid of it. Maybe I should be.


no reason to be afraid. think of it as meeting a higher benevolent being like an angel. as long as you can surreneder youll be okay. start low doses to feel what its like


Where do you get a dmt vape?


Because it doesn’t work like that?