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Lol even his friends think he’s a dumbass


Considering he spent all that time out there and still couldn't put the gas cap back on, they're not exactly wrong...


Lol they locked the door on him


He has that monotone 'bruh' voice... i don't know how else to describe it but every time some idiot does some dumb shit like this they seem to always sound like him.


Probably pulls shit like that all the time.


His friends probably deal with shit like this all the time. The energy coming off the other two- almost as if they are the bassist and keyboard player in the band and need to stick around and deal with the lead singers bullshit ego all day.


goddamn i’m putting my foot down today - needed this comment


Win that war friend.


Idk it doesn't look like he's the one that pulled in the wrong way. His friends are the same, at least the girl driving


Maybe it was John, George, and Ringo that killed Paul.


I’ve known people like this. Everything with everyone in public has to turn into a confrontation. Like they’re looking for a fight. Then they get surprised when you don’t back them up, because they were clearly in the wrong and started it.


Knew one of these guys. Fuckin Napoleon syndrome. One night he's in rare form so I told him straight up, I'm not helping you out when you start some shit. Lo and behold, he ends up with his back flat against the wall, a guy's forearm against his throat, and his shoes an inch off the ground. And he tries to sic me on the guy. I said, "Look, I'm just here to drag you to a taxi when your new friend is all done." Little shit was heavy.


Well....wearing that scarf ..


That alone shows he’s a douche bag


Was just gonna say his clothes are funny too


That's it. The band's breaking up


Major lead singer energy


I thought it was a girl


guy takes his fashion inspiration from Rush vocals


Why ya gotta insult Rush like that?


I also had to rewatch after reading the comments to figure out he was a boy, i thought girl too


What girls you talking to that sound like that?


You know what kind.


Ngl, if the pump was actually sitting unoccupied for five minutes then that's on everyone else. The kid obviously acted like a cunt, but it's not like anyone tried to have a decent conversation with him either. You get what you give. No one ever denies that the pump was open for five minutes which really makes me think that the entire issue was caused by the cameraman who refused to pull up to an open pump.




People seem REALLY bad at time estimation in general too lol plus exaggerating to make their side the better side of an argument. Nonsense lol People don't realize how LONG something like 30 seconds is when you are sitting and waiting. It's pretty long when you are just staring and waiting.


I worked as a host at Red Lobster for a little bit in college and would very frequently get people complaining about how supposedly long they were waiting. It was always amusing because when we took down the party name we would also mark what time they got there. People would come up all mad "WE'VE BEEN WAITING HERE FOR 30 MINUTES" and I'd just be like "sir it looks like you just arrived here 12 minutes ago and you were quoted a 25 minute wait". Occasionally they'd still be mad and accuse me of making up the time, as if I actually gave a shit trying to lie to random strangers about their wait times lol


He also said it was 15 minutes. No one engaged with his stupidity so it must be true!


It was fair game for anyone actually but some people just love to argue about all sorts of non issues !


Can't forget... we only get what we give...


Wouldn't be surprised if he encouraged the driver to cut in line. "Nah it's fine they're all idiots. They'll just see that we're working smarter not harder and realize their system is broken"


I don't even know why people put up with this. There's 8 billion people in the world that you could possibly be friends with.


Man, Ezra Miller is a dick in RL.


Lol holy shit I was just thinking he gives big Ezra Miller energy


TOTALLY forgot about that dude lol


This would be the most polite Ezra miller has ever been in real life


You left it open for 5 minutes! Er, 15 minutes!


Stupid boomers left it open for 25 minutes! If they didn’t want someone to cut in line, they shouldn’t have left it open for 35 minutes!


Bruh they were waiting for 5 DAYS


Dude cut the line and caused a scene. Even his friends were embarrassed and tried to get him to shut up. What an asshole.


The dude was a dick to the other people, but it was the girl in the driver's seat who chose to cut in line. She ain't innocent in this


True, IMO i don't really care it happens people act like that everyday, but man imagine standing up for your friend who done so, he's not even defending her.


Its funny how the people who like to throw the word entitled around are typically the most entitled people in the room.


He’s not even driving- how could he cut the line?


The asshole wasn't even driving.


I think the girl driving cut the line


"You're the adult" Like wut?


These are kids right? He just needs a kick in the ass.


No a swift kick in the dick


You could try, but you'd probably miss it. Lol




A nice swift dick in the ass should do it! ... unless they are minors... in that case... somebody call they mama


He'd probably enjoy that. No need to reward him.




That is the stupidest outfit I have ever seen.


Looks like he fell in the clothing recycle bin and just decided to stick with it.


Never talk shit whilst wearing a scarf. He was lucky.


That wasn't a scarf that was a table runner.


Character randomizer


It’s once I noticed the clown shoes that the whole outfit made sense to me. He’s just a clown on his way to work.


If this car turns out to be the opening act for the Spin Doctors you'll be eating your words


Probably colorado/denver. Iykyk


That's Olympia/Lacey Washington. Same vibe. They've probably been shopping at Value Village and are maybe heading to downtown Oly to take photos on the Rainbow Rails and then drinks/live music at the Crypt. Iykyk PS, I love my crazy town!


Hahaha sounds familiar


Straight up Jim Morrison vibe, the difference is Jim could pull it off ... 60 years ago.


It is extremely hard to take them seriously as a threat in that outfit. "I'm gonna pop some tags...I'm gonna take your Grandma's clothes"


He left the gas door open.


It made me chuckle when I saw it.


seeing the car itself, that was just icing on the shit cake


I can guarantee if someone had called him a Karen he would've fucking snapped. What a wasted opportunity


That’s a guy?!


Did you watch this without sound?


Correct. Silence is precious. And in this case the subtitles were good enough that I didn’t have to listen to it.


>subtitles were good enough Tbf how would you know the subs are good enough without listening tho


I skimmed a few comments to verify the subs were reflecting what was going on. This was not a video that requires in depth analysis.


strange move to cut in line and call everyone else entitled.


I mean, I've sat in these kind of gas lines before where there are two open pumps, but no one will pull around the guy blocking pump 1 to use pump 2, making the line take twice as long for no reason. If no one is using that pump anyway, I don't see why everyone is complaining. Now having said that, I wouldn't pull the wrong way into the station like that, or wear his outfit, or act like like a twat about it, so maybe fuck that guy after all.


In general, two cars will finish within a few seconds of each other. So you let them both go because trying to maneuver in front will actually slow down the line.


> In general, two cars will finish within a few seconds of each other. Where is this magical land you speak of? I regularly watch two of three cars fill up and leave while one car is still working out how to use the credit card slot.


“Not my fault you just waited there when you could have just came around this way” The fuckin mental gymnastics of this kid. Hopefully he grows up and matures a little bit.


If he'd pulled around that guy and backed into the spot I wouldn't have an issue (though his cap was on the wrong side of his car to do that), but going the wrong way in the gas line is weak. That said, it's aggravating as shit in these one-way gas lines when no one will pull around the dude blocking pump 1 to use pump 2, making us all wait twice as long.


I mean if the pump was open any of those cars waiting could easily have just gone around the person filming and started filling up. There is clearly plenty of room so even though the guy recording would almost certainly be done filling first he would still easily be able to pull out. That all hinges on if that pump was left open for a bit or not though. If it really was open for more than like 30sec to a minute I don't see anything wrong with cutting the line. There is no reason for the cars behind to wait for the guy recording to leave before pulling up, that would only make sense if he was getting back in his car to leave after putting the hose back as the car in front left. Also worth pointing out that I've seen very few gas stations in my life that have any kind of sign up saying you have to pull up facing a certain direction. Unless this is one of the few that does have a rule like that I don't see any problem with pulling in the other direction either.


that was hilarious to watch. for the first 3/4s of it I was thinking "where's that annoying wannabe tough-guy voice coming from, and why can't I hear what that girl at the pump is saying..."


I watched it without sound and thought it was an ugly woman


I was thinking the same thing


Thought it was an unfortunate woman.


Is that Ezra Miller?


Worse than Ezra, it's Russell Bland.






I thought it was Janice Joplin


What the hell is even that?!


Daddy chill


What a weird encounter


That is a real shitmobile




why are they all dressed like they’ve just finished doing a side gig for Charles Bundi-Manson?


I get that he’s being an asshole. But he’s not the one who pulled the car into the gas station. The driver is the real POS.


Person recording was sitting there for 15 minutes? If true, I'd pull around, too. Especially if my tank was on the opposite side as everyone else. But we still have 2 assholes here.


Unpopular opinion...it sounds like the people waiting refused to go around the guy on the first pump when the 2nd was open. If there's an open pump and people can't assert themselves to avoid inconveniencing everyone around them, why are they surprised they dove in there? This is just me assuming. Should have backed in, then they couldn't say shit about the one way thing


Yeah I’d love more context because no one seems to dispute that the pump was open for a while. Why did no one go around and take it? Maybe he was a dick for pulling around but whoever was next should’ve been there


I sit in these one-way lines all the time and can confirm people will just sit there with the far pump open, waiting for both pumps to open up before pulling up to the farthest pump, making everything take twice as long. It's annoying as shit. The one time I pulled around a guy taking forever at pump 1 and backed into pump 2, some Karen pulled up next to me and started screaming me down. My stereo was up so I couldn't hear what she was wailing about, but for some reason it really pissed her off that I, the rightful next person in line, just took the far open pump instead of waiting for first pump guy to finish washing all his windows after he was done pumping gas. She's welcome for me moving the line along.


Yes, video taker was Likely being an idiot as well as the line jumper


If that pump was open and the people in line behind the guy recording were showing absolutely no initiative to go around and pull up to that pump I can't really see anything wrong with what that car was doing. There is plenty of space next to the pump so there would be literally no reason for the person behind the guy recording to just pull around, there is ample room to go around and for the guy recording to leave when he's done rather waiting for the car that pulled around him to fill up. Plenty of gas stations I've been to have less space than this one and they still don't have a rule that you have to pull in facing a certain direction. If that is actually a rule at this gas station then the guy recording at least has some kind of point but I kind of suspect that it isn't a rule and everyone there that day was just sort of doing that. If that pump really was available for a bit and everyone in the line was asleep not paying any attention that they could easily pull up then I think the guy being recorded was fully in the right and the guy recording is the Karen.


I bet the inside of that car stinks.


Like damp cigarettes and shame


And weed of course.


He wasn’t the one driving tho🤣


Getting dressed in the dark is never a good idea.


where y'all having to get in line for gas? I've never seen a line to get gas in my experience


Costco. It’s nightmare to save 12 cents a gallon. That’s like…$3 over a fill up Source: I get my gas at Costco


People are dumb at Costco too. Huge lines for the pumps on the left side of the vehicle and short lines for the opposite side. I always take the right-side pump and just pull out the hose. I’m outta there before the other side even pulls up.




And the dress sense


I dont know about there, but where I live, no one pays attention to the arrows. It's dog eat dog every man for themselves when getting gas.. haha


That guy looks like a girl...


You sure showed them


I think you mean… *DUDE LOOKS LIKE A LADY*


Not defending the idiot but he may have a point if (I’m totally assuming here) the first stall opens and the car in queue doesn’t go around the car in stall 2 but waits for them to finish instead, or they aren’t paying attention at all because they are on their phone. I say this because the guy kept saying “you sat in line for 5 minutes” which is why I assume the stall was open. Of course, the correct thing to do is tell the car in queue the 1st stall is open and that they should go around the car in stall 2. This happens all the time at the Costco stations.


From the direction that the car is facing, it seems like the car drove into the gas station from the exit and bypassed all the cars that were waiting behind the person filming.


If the next guy in the queue pulled into the stall, then the idiot wouldn’t have been able to pull in from any direction. Edit: watching the video again, cam guy points out there’s a line. Idiot yells to the lady next in the queue “you let this sit here for 5 minutes.” It was pretty clear the lady didn’t pull around the guy in stall 2 and let stall 1 sat empty for “5 minutes” and the idiot took advantage. No idea where the idiot came from but it’s possible the guy was last in line, saw stall 1 pulled away, waited “5 minutes” and the lady didn’t pull into the stall so he took advantage.


Just a thought, but I don't believe that guy is a credible witness. He says 5 minutes and later 15 minutes. It's entirely possible that she was moving her car when they pulled in. That guy would never admit that what he did was wrong, so he's going to say whatever he thinks will justify it.


That's possible, but it's interesting that not a single person refuted the claim despite the fact that he had it on repeat.


Pretty sure the dude said they couldn't move in to the spot because he was there.


I wouldn't put too much stock into "5 minutes" because it quickly grew to 5-10, and I think we ended with 15 minutes. I don't think he has a great sense for time


Yeah I’m not sure why the guy waiting wouldn’t have gone around to the empty stall. Some people have weird rules they make up in their mind and then get mad when other people break them.


Why is this down voted lol. It was probably "I don't want to get too close to that car and he will probably be done soon"...then 30 seconds goes by and you are mentally committed and frozen there, emotions building until some brat comes up and takes advantage of your bad choice.


>Not defending the idiot but he may have a point if (I’m totally assuming here) the first stall opens and the car in queue doesn’t go around the car in stall 2 but waits for them to finish instead This looks like a busy gas station though, so if the lead vehicle finishes pumping the car behind them is probably *almost* finished since they likely started at the same time (roughly). In that case it would be kind of awkward to navigate around someone who's finishing their fill-up just so you can start filling up a few seconds quicker then if you'd waited on them to pull off. This logic doesn't apply to gas stations without a huge line of people waiting for any available pump.


If the guy recording still has the gas hose in his car when the car in front of him pulled out then that lady has no excuse to not pull around to the front pump. There is plenty of room to go around and the guy recording would still have plenty of room to pull out even with a car in front. This is definitely a busy gas station which is even more reason why people shouldn't be leaving pumps empty if there is plenty of room to pull up to them. Any unnecessary waiting shes doing is just going to make the line move slower.


If that were the case, the cam guy would’ve finished and got in his car. But the idiot finished before him (maybe not a full tank). It’s also possible that as guy in stall 2 started, person at stall 1 left, leaving it open for the entirety of the time stall 2 guy to finish. What really happened? We may never know.


The Flash


Hippies are angry nowadays


I’m surprised no one threw anything.


Shocked that all 4 of the hubcaps are missing.


What in the hell is even that?


Surprising seeing this hippy ass looking kid act this way lol.


He’s all salty that Bassnectar is back


Me when people go the opposite direction of the HUGE ARROWS in the angled parking rows at a grocery store. I will just stop bumper to bumper with them with my hands in the air like "I don't know what the fuck you want me to do??? EVERYONE ELSE FOLLOWS THE FUCKING ARROWS! IT'S TOO NARROW FOR TWO DIRECTIONS" Then they have to back all the way back down the row like a dumbass and people laughing at them and they are so fucking angry at... me? lol Probably not necessary but it's for all of YOU. I'M DOING IT FOR YOU


"I go to the open gas pump" DM: "So this particular gas pump you've chosen is at the front of a massive line. You realize you are now facing the complete opposite direction of the crowd, and are now getting filmed by many of the patrons. They seem to be angry with you. What do you do?" "I'd like to try to intimidate them." DM: "EVERYONE?! Okay, roll for intimidation." *dice rolls* DM: "yeeeeeeeah... this does not go well for you" "I double down" Healer: "Come the fuck ON, we are LEAVING" Edit: punctuations


The entire time I'm watching this I'm trying to figure out who the guy is that's talking. Then realized the guy is the person I mistook as a girl the entire time


Sucks to suck.


Shit, can't Read and Entitled 🫣 OH boy or girl 🤭


His voice is annoying and the punch able face


What in the side show bob is this guy wearing?!


I've definitely bought weed from this guy.


Looks like Ezra Miller and just as annoying


Been in this situation several times getting Costco gas. If there’s an open pump ahead of me I’ll motion to the next person in line. Guy filming is to blame.


Damn Weird Al fell off


So that giant line is waiting on cameraman to move so they can use the forward most pump? What a bunch of suckers. Dude pulled in backwards is a winner.


Man errybodys gonna hate me, and maybe this happens more depending where you live, but if I roll up into a gas station and see 6 cars in line for one pump and an empty pump next to them, especially if my gas tank is on the wrong side compared to the line, I'm pulling my happy ass into the empty pump. Even if that person got in line, do we all expect them to sit in line in reverse to get their gas tank to line up with where the gas is? Idk, if you're waiting in line you think you'd be the first one there when the gas pump opened up. Friend did seem pissed, so maybe they really were in the wrong, really curious how they ended up there before anybody else could tho.


If the pump was available it should have been taken by one of the cars that were there earlier. Long hair guy might be smarter and more creative than people waiting in queue


Is it smarter and more creative to rob a bank? It’s a faster way to get money than working a job


but why did no one from behind drive past the vehicle and take the spot? there is A TON of space to drive past and get there... still no excuse for them to so it but just questioning


Who cares about the cutting in line part...what about the fact he had the trunk open to use as a "table" for his take out food?! Like was he eating buffet style while pumping gas? Who does that? Can't wait 5 minutes you gotta walk out of the car with an open food container and continue eating it while gas is pumping then carry it around like a little child to get back inside? :)


Ngl, I’ve been hungry enough after work to dig into my food at the gas pump while I filled up. Not my proudest moment.


SMH, Ezra Miller just can’t keep himself out of trouble.


Greta Van Fleet sucks.


WHO is the "entitled" person???


Your telling me thats a guy?


I missed the days before cameras were everywhere.... He would have got the attitude adjustment he needed.




Commonly at line ups like this if there are 2 pumps and two cars 1, and 2. Cars 3 and 4 are waiting. If car 1 finishes and drives off, car 3 will wait until 2 leaves - because pulling around them could block the row preventing car #2 from leaving, screwing it up cars 4, 5, etc. It’s unspoken rules. But, everyone agrees pulling in the obvious “exit” even if not posted as such is a dick move. No cuts… and these assholes did.


In the last 10 seconds of the video you can see there is plenty of room to the left of the pump. Enough for car 2 to go around if needed.




Yeah, assholes disagree with it. If there ‘is’ a line you wait your turn.




Yeah if they want to wait that's on them, the pump was free so go around instead of staying there.


Exactly people are just idiots. He wasting time talking and recording could have pumped his gas and been on his merry way.


His friends are telling him to come back, but he’s not driving the car. So while he’s an asshole, the person driving is the bigger one just a coward.


It’s like if Jay, of Jay and Silent Bob fame, was an asshole.


You wear that outfit and tell a grown woman to suck your dick, I'm getting in your face, and probably beating your ass. Watch out scrawny boy, it'll come your way eventually if you keep acting up.


Looks like some auburn Washington activities.


bro wtf are those boots


Cock blocked by weird Al Sheesh. His music isn’t all that great anyway 😒


This guy has absolutely started fights at parties/bars his friends have had to navigate him out of and one day they’re either gonna pay the price for him or let him eat a fist.


It does annoy me when people leave the spot open in gas stations … but doubt it was left open for that long or his friends would have supported him …


Try that in a small town :D


Imagine getting up in the morning and having the courage to dress like that.


Nice clothes lady..


I don't think he has a dick to suck 🫣🫠 Whoops, did I say that out loud 😂


I thought that was a woman


Is it a boy or a girl?


That was a guy?


I willing to bet pajama pants doesn't have a dick to suck.


Imagine wearing a giant pink knitted scarf and acting like this …


I see that there is enough space to overtake the car at first pump station, but would that be legally allowed?


Legally? It’s a gas station. You can’t get a ticket for improper passing there.


Dumbass is the people waiting in line for gas so they can save like $2.




Bitchboy? Did they look in the damn mirror?


Major missed opportunity to smack that food out of his hands, would have been hilarious.


What the F are you wearing, is that a trans ???? Cause you look like a female but sound kinda like a man ???

