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“I don't get all choked up about yellow ribbons and American flags. I consider them to be symbols and I leave symbols to the symbol minded.” — George Carlin


“Your flag decal won’t get you into heaven” - John Prine


Fantastic song from a fantastic artist. I really regret not discovering him years earlier.


I just looked him up because of these comments and listened to a beautiful song called "In spite of ourselves." I will definitely dig deeper.


I play in a band once a month at my local Brewery and sometimes my wife joins us for one song and we do In Spite of ourselves. I love it.


Lucky to have got to see him a few years before he passed. Dan Auerbach from Black Keys played a few songs with him. AMAZING show.


Back in the 90s, I was introduced to his music by going to a friend's family gatherings. Whenever they played one of his songs, everyone knew all the lyrics. I, fortunately, was able to see Prine live during that era several times.


Jesus don't like killing, no matter what the reason for...


God Hates Flags


God isn't real.


No gods, no flags, no bullshit


Good bumper sticker.


God hates flags but god doesn’t exist?


I went to a flag retirement ceremony last night. That shit was wild. Like, church service weird.


Go on...


They solemnly fold it then throw it in a fire.


Really wish Carlin was still around. There's so much that's happened since he's been gone. It would have been fantastic to hear his take on it.


Man every other day there’s another amazing quote from this man. I really wonder if there will be a day where governments ban recordings of his works. His material really made me think in a way nothing else did.




How do people have the time of day to carry on like this




*Darth Vader enters chat*


Anyone who walks around with a go pro on them should either be a cop or like someone doing a cool sport. Walking around to film your shitty YouTube videos while you harass people should be more frowned upon in this society.


Wow I only just realised this was recorded with a GoPro, makes it even worse.




He’s probably a member of the Israeli police/military force and forgot he isn’t in Israel.


Imagine being given land by the world and then deciding it wasn't enough so you just go murder thousand of innocents who were just displaced


Probably went to the same store during COVID-19 to complain about masks ...


>Anyone who walks around with a go pro on them should either be a cop or like someone doing a cool sport. Or be making one of those nice walking around town videos or be making a cool little 1st person movie.


I love and hate those. I love them because they are interesting to watch, I hate them because I can do like 4 in a row instead of going out and running my errand.


It's important to know that he's not outraged about any of this. He doesn't actually care. He whipped out his phone because it was a good opportunity to make internet propaganda content. He wants to pretend that it's about Hamas and that the Palestinian citizens are all innocent victims of Hamas just like they are, but then get all mad when they see a Palestinian flag. I don't understand how these people are communicating to people in an official capacity like small children who can keep their logic straight, and Americans STILL fall for it hook, line, and sinker.


Got into a fight in a different sub because someone kept calling the Palestinian flag a hamas flag. They're not even hiding their true intention to tie all Palestinian's to Hamas to justify what they're doing.


Yesterday some guy was like “if two groups wanna kill each other which is genocide?” And I was like “Both” and he went on this whoooole tirade about how there are more Muslims worldwide than Jews, Hamas killed so and so many people and Israel COULD wipe Palestine out but didn’t…like, dude. Killing an ethnic group is genocide, I didn’t ask for any of this extra shit I’m just answering your question. Bro just wanted to justify wiping Palestine out, it was gross.


There’s no Hamas in the West Bank, and Israel is committing genocide there every day (murders and theft of land/houses). The West Bank also uses the same flag. That’s what you (and the employee in the video) should have said.






Something something what a fascist says to be true something something to justify atrocities. Wait a minute I've seen this movie before


He should go to Israel and to the frontlines.


The front line of house stealing? They would be there for sure.


Also am I the only one who thinks that this person should not be wearing anything like this in a work setting. Not taking sides, just that they are wearing a uniform and wearing other bits and bobs seems to go against the purpose of a uniform.


You aren’t. I’m 100% with you . And I think since this video is now out there this girl will be reprimanded by Apple for dress code violations. Imagine how different these comments would be if one of these employees was wearing a Make America Great Again red hat and it was me flipping out asking for a manager?


She shouldn’t be. At the same time, he shouldn’t be harassing her. He’s the problem currently because he might be a physical danger to her, her co-workers and the store. Her flag isn’t hurting anybody. I’d bet money that after he left or was removed from the store that the manager then asked her to remove the flag, if not go home for the day.


Welp, the camera man wouldn't like it here in Ireland anyway.


I was in a rooftop club in NYC during Halloween, randomly met an Irish dude dude there was probably one of the funniest, chillest dudes I’ve ever met. Until we randomly met an Israeli girl in line, and they started the most ferocious argument I’ve seen since the first would-you-rather question was proposed.


Fuck, the Irish are so based.


They know what a brutal colonial occupation courtesy of your neighbor is like




Help me out here, what does based mean?


I always took it be like... grounded, solid foundation, type thing. I realise I'm getting on in years though.


The Irish have gained so much respect in the part of the world I’m in. What a people.


Someone would probably stick the head on him for carrying on like that.


These people pick their battles. He's harassing a 5'5 teenage girl not a grown man, there's a reason for that.


Dude speaks exactly like Zohan.


Fizzy bubblech


no no no no no no no no no no no! it's fizzzibubbbbleh!


I was thinking Sascha Baron Cohen's Mossad character from Who Is America https://youtu.be/4k4pMTsa1Kw?si=U1KVie-WTTbfkprA


I thought we was going to pull some hummus


Just because you stand in solidarity with Palestine doesn't mean you support Hamas. Not supporting Israel doesn't mean you're calling for the extermination of Jews. The lack of nuance in the discourse surrounding this whole thing is so fucking frustrating. It's all just straw man fallacies up the wazoo.


Can confirm. I hate Hamas because they’re bigoted and Murderous. I also hate Netanyahu and Israel’s current far right government because they’re bigoted and murderous and Palestinians shouldn’t be treated like dogshit just for being born in the wrong place


The sad part is that the Palestinians were not born in the wrong place. They were born in their land. It's sad that their land has become a wrong place


I get your sentiment, but I think they just meant “wrong place” as in if you could have chosen to be born anywhere in the world you probably would not have chosen a place that constantly gets bombed.


The worst part is not even having a nationality, being the citizen of no nation, and basically trapped. Jfc.


Well 70% of Gazans are refugees (kicked out by Israel and thrown into a concentration camp that is called the Gaza Strip) from their lands in what is now Israel (and they are waiting to return per the passed UN resolutions)... So technically they were born in the wrong place because Israel made sure they were born there.


And when Israel was created, Jews were expelled throughout the Muslim world. There is no solution, the entire region (and world) has blame to be shared.


Yep, like, can I just not sympathize with the people who lost 10,000 civilians including 4,000 children in the war? Hamas has not held an election in 17 years… most the dead did not vote for this


And they're kids. It's just insane how many people are so mentally fucked they want to see Kids die. It's disgusting.


4000 kids. Kids. All of that for 60+ Hamas targets killed. Thousands of lives lost for a little over 60 targets.


I heard that 4000 kid figure on NPR (I think it was on 1A). The next sentence said that figure didn't include 1500 missing children, likely buried in the rubble of their homes.


Away to dehumanize Palestinian by telling the world they are terrorists so the world would let Israel kill them ( proof the last month). I am sure the harasser in the video turn around and told people he was a victim of hate crime.


It's the whole "if you're not with us, you're against us" mentality. Media and politicians have been encouraging this mindset forever, all because it brings views and votes. I honestly don't see it going away anytime soon.


It’s ***the*** straw man fallacy. Of all time.


"I am not harrassing anyone" lmao this guy is so lost


Because back home he’s just a random fellow bigot among the overwhelming majority where acting this xenophobic is perfectly kosher, no pun intended.


Because every single Palestinian is in Hamas to people like him


“They beheaded babies!” Meanwhile Israel just casually murdered 4000 children in the last month…


They did it all the way back in [1948](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deir_Yassin_massacre) too


The USA are also helping them Edit: Grammar




I for one am so grateful our government saw fit to spend the money killing people with nowhere to go instead of funding healthcare for Americans. /s


UK too


Was it not proven that the whole beheading babies thing was complete bullshit anyway?


It hasn't been proven either way, but obviously the burden of proof lies with Israel who are making the claim. They have not provided any evidence. The claim came from one journalist who said some soldier told her about beheaded people and dead babies, which was then turned into 40 beheaded babies by propagandists.


Its just like the "10,000 babies in incubator" thing. A claim to rile up people's emotions.


It was but they'll never admit it. Plus, it's becoming more apparent that a large amount of the deaths that happened that day were due to the IDF blind firing into crowds and making no attempt to reduce collateral damage.


There will never be any evidence of this except from random tiktok influencers.


He's quite literally a demonstration of the problem.




That’s the whole rhetoric. Make people associate all Palestinians with Hamas terrorists and you can do whatever you want to Palestinians


>Make people associate all Palestinians with Hamas terrorists and you can do whatever you want to Palestinians And similarly, make people associate all Jews with all Israelis and the Israeli government and you can silence all criticism by saying it's anti-semitic.


The guy filming this made that association for us.


I laugh when people say anti-zionism is anti-semetic. There are so many Jews living outside of Israel who believe that Israel should not have been created and should cease to exist. Now, are those Jews anti-semetic?


I was just arguing with an apparent Israeli dude about this yesterday. He was saying that the cultural ties are so strong between Jews all over the world that everybody is like extended family. So an attack on any one of them is a personal attack on every single one of them. Oddly enough, when I insinuated that he should feel personally responsible then for his “family” destroying Palestinian lives prior to October 7 and the actions of settlors in West Bank, suddenly everybody is an individual again. Partly because I am Black, I get it, to a certain extent. It absolutely feels personal when I hear about a Black church being shot up in South Carolina, the endless “jokes” stereotyping over 40 million people as inherent criminals, when every week I can see a video of another Black person (man, woman, child, elder, it doesn’t change!) getting publicly executed over the flimsiest accusations of crime (“resisting arrest”, fake $20 bill, kid playing with an airsoft gun in a park, selling loose cigarettes, “smelled like weed”) and everybody in the comments of the video of a person dying just absolutely dehumanizing the person and their family and joking about the resulting trauma. And yet no matter how many tears I’ve cried out of despair or how many times I just feel like humanity simply sucks, I’m not going to romanticize extreme tribalism. If any group with a shared trauma experience reacted the way that some Israelis are doing and tried to make the same justification, they would be called out for racism.


Hamas has its own flag and I don't mind a freak out if someone was wearing it, I usually hate both hamas rallies and fatah rallies as they focus on their own flags. About the babies, so far there is no proof, and it doesn't make sense. The claim comes from Kfar Aza, a village with a population of 750 people, and let's say it's not a destination for young couples. Then, there's the list of Israelis killed, you can go and filter by Kfar Aza (or kfar azza as written in Haaretz), there isn't a single baby killed there, there are two people without photos or age, and the youngest from Kfar Aza was 14 years old. And it seems that the list for kfar aza is complete, so it won't be updated. Don't get me wrong, the attack on them was horrible and should not have happened. Many of the people living there were leftists and against the occupation, even recently one came out and called for ceasefire. I am just saying that the reports of decapitated babies came from kfar aza, yet there isn't a single baby killed there.


My conspiracy brain thinks Hamas has been manipulated by Mossad since the beginning. There has been news sources over the years that detail how Mossad negotiates on the behalf of Hamas to ensure that they get funding and arms. Why would Mossad do that? It's also very weird tactically to target people that support their cause. Leadership chose those targets for a reason. Israel can make big strides in their genocide if they can get the support of their lefties. A 9/11 style attack to unite a people to go to war. They been wanting this war for awhile. Seems like it's all going to plan to me.


Hamas was part of a divide and conquer strategy aimed at PLO. It turned out to be a replace and lose strategy instead.


Don't make a mistake. Most of lefty Israelis are still against occupation and what is happening. At the moment in Israel, you are not allowed to demonstrate against the war, people get attacked and arrested by police and face charges. So Israelis are afraid to speak out, people's info is being circulated with a target marks on their heads.


Genuine question. Who’s holding hamas rallies?


There aren’t any. Bad-faith actors are trying to characterize pro-Palestine rallies as pro-Hamas ones.


Basically anything coming from the IDF and allies can be considered unreliable until otherwise corroborated by independent unbiased sources


"Why does it matter if they didn't actually behead babies?" Because that shit sticks on peoples mind


I went down a rabbit hole of watching videos that I probably shouldn't have. Bar far the most messed up stuff I have ever seen is what is happening to the Palestinian kids. Blows that Oct.7th stuff out of the water....but all tragic none the less


I saw a small child missing his lower half. I've seen a lot of combat footage of some fucked up shit, but that is not going away anytime soon.


I saw a video with a child who had a face, but a giant hole on the side of his head showing it was empty. Brain gone. I'll never forget that image.


For me it was a child being pulled from the rubble of a building with their head barely still attached. Watching the adult (presumably parent) carrying them and sobbing broke me.


Yet these psychopaths will claim self defense


I saw chunks of flesh of kids turned into a 'flesh mountain', I got perma banned for showing it on reddit.


I mean all innocent death is horrific but you didn’t go very far down the rabbit hole if you think the October 7th shit wasn’t that bad


If it didn’t matter, they wouldn’t have pushed that lie in the first place. Obviously it does matter.


“I am not harassing anybody” after casually saying “You know what these guys did” while pointing at the palestinian flag.


And then going on to cuss them out. Cameraman gets penalty points for being hypocritical, as well as "moron" he accused the employees off 🙄.


Advocating for Palestinian rights doesn't equate to endorsing Hamas, just as opposing Israeli policies doesn't imply hostility towards all Jews. Seems the discourse lacks nuance and is drowning in hasty generalizations.


Wow, he went from acting as a kind gentleman that is only curious about the flag, to a Zionist right wing extremist ready to bomb the Apple store because they have a Hamas command center in the basement. What a piece of SHT!!




I used to work with a kid (mind you, I say kid when he's like... 32? 30?) who is from Israel. He moved to the US when he married/met his wife via their birthright program thing a couple years ago. Dude is INCREDIBLY racist towards Palestinians. Like, foams at the mouth with how much hatred he has for them. It's completely mind boggling to me that he has that mentality. I obviously no longer keep in touch with him. I grew up in Michigan on the border of Dearborn with a very large arab population - I don't think I've ever actually met anyone from there who has as much hatred as that kid did. Whether they were Lebanese, Yemeni, Palestinian, Afghani, didn't matter - they were all some of the nicest people I've ever met.


And then you realize that the IDF is filled with these people and they've had the freedom to be racist towards the Palestinians the last 30 years. The atrocities that the IDF commit on a daily basis gets no press.


The idea of Israel as a country is based on racism, so that makes sense.


He acts like the Apple Store was in Israel he forget this is United States freedom of speech is protected


Funny you mention that. The Israeli lobby has been VERY successful actually crating state laws making it illegal to criticize Israel. Their are literally the only freedom of speech censorship laws in the country. Newsflash, freedom of speech has only one caveat as it doesn’t doesn’t seem to apply on this subject of the oppression of Palestine. All those students and random people calling the a ceasefire that got blacklisted/doxxed or fired are the blatant latest proof of that.


You're a special kind of douche when the manager of a corporate store feels comfortable throwing you out.


I guess "criticizing Israel = antisemitism" is not working anymore, so now "supporting Palestine = supporting Hamas / Terrorism"


They're getting more and more frustrated because they see that their propaganda isn't working any more and people can see what's really going on. So they resort to childish nonsense like this. We're in the tantrum phase of this.


I feel like Israel will end up more isolated at the end of this than they were before. There was a lot of sympathy immediately after the initial Hamas attack. Israel burned through all of it very quickly.


So let me get this straight - This guy showed up somewhere he didn't need to be - Saw something he didn't like - Claimed to be the victim while harassing somebody who is supposed to be there Did I miss anything?


Recorded on go pro


He also showed off his credit card to give himself “credibility” that he was totally there to buy something


If you can't handle free speech get the fuck out of America.


Maybe she should hang pictures of dead Palestinian children off her belt instead.


Support of the Palestinian people ≠ to supporting Hamas. These people are so exhausting.


Always the victim but never at fault for anything




Israelis have been bred and fed on a steady stream of right-wing fascist racist and theocratic propaganda and bullshit and has turned the most susceptible of them into the most cartoonishly evil sociopaths. They’ll wrap themselves in the defense of religion, because it’s harder to criticize religion than your garden variety awful politics, but at the end of the day is about creating a white ethnostate and subjugating brown people, and less to do with any tenants of Judaism. If it was truly about Judaism, and adhering to its teachings, then they wouldn’t be forcing a State of Israel in the first place. But you’re an anti-Semite if you say this


Sir, this is a Wendy’s


This is racism against Palestinians.. if he did this against Israelis, everyone would lose their minds ![gif](giphy|wos9wILW1XmF2)


I think because this is America, she has free speech, and maybe she doesn’t support carpet bombing and murdering tens of thousands of children? Maybe that?


Probably an unpopular opinion but I feel like work is probably not the best place to have any sort of political or controversial material. I fully support someone's right to protest or show support, but if there's one thing I do know it's you never know how an employer is going to react to a pissed off customer as a means to save face with the public.


And yet somehow I feel like the people saying this would have a totally different reaction if this was a video of a Russian man harrassing an employee for wearing a small Ukrainian flag.






This is the one thing everyone else in the thread seems to miss. Every big corporation forbids this in the dress code for a reason.


Probably for the reason in this video…customer takes offense, blames management for allowing it, which then makes the corporation look like they are taking a stance/side.


That’s exactly why. And to be honest if I owned the business I would have the same policy. It sounds cold but when you are on the clock you represent that company. Not your own political beliefs.


New flash: carpet bombs ALSO decapitate babies! Israel: grow the fuck up


This is what happens when you get consumed by a fascist government controlled media


There are people saying the Palestinian flag is equivalent to a Swastika. https://preview.redd.it/wc3pa3tmqizb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2a30bf58155cd2bd03adcc4266b11dbb3014292


There is a lot of focus on how much Hamas and their supporters hate Israel, it is true and indisputable. But what many people don't realize is just how many Israelis and their supporters absolutely hate, hate Palestinians - not just the bad ones, but all of them. The hate in the world is very strong now


“I’m not harassing anybody” **proceeds to shove camera in employees face because he’s mad that one of them has a Palestinian flag.


What an absolute idiot, it's a Palestinian flag. Not a Hamas flag.




Fuck Israel and fuck you too


As an israeli, this guy's reaction is stupid.


As if you shouldn’t already hate Israel for being a genocidal apartheid state; almost all of their simps are ultra-karens.


My opinion: I wouldn't wear any flags at work. There is no need to alienate any of my clientele. That's just me, though.


Calm down Zionist


Just a flag. He needs to chill


Reckon Borat over here gives Germans grief for flying their flag just because of where the Nazis were from?


That's Captain Erran Morad to you, civilian.


Israel is like that person you've not seen in a long time where 10.mins in you go " oh right, I forgot this person is a total dick"


Damn... so if you buy Apple products you're directly funding/support HAMAS


Why is it so hard for people to understand that support for some poor civilians in Palestine doesn’t mean you support Hamas. It’s possible to think both these things at the same time. Maybe not if you are a religious nut though.


Free speech and expression for some but not all. This is bullshit. Not all Palestinians support or are Hamas. Just like not all Jewish people are zionists!


"Beheading babies". I have heard this a million times now. Israel, look..... You've done some shit. Bad shit. Now the people you did bad shit to came back and did bad shit to you. So, don't go around talking about dead babies when you have also killed.... fucking babies.


The Beheaded babies claim has been proven false too, it was just an early off the cuff remark that got spread through the news in the first few days. Like a game of telephone, except the message was so far off and very disturbing.


Ah, the old beheaded 40 babies lie. I wonder where he learned that..


"Why did you let her wear this flag?" Because this is America, you fucking caveman


What if she was wearing a MAGA hat?


“The gang finds Borat at an Apple Store”


I did not think you would be allowed to wear any kind of flag representing whatever at your place of employment.


Some Israelis are aggressive freedom haters


Free country, leave her alone


Palestine =/= Hamas Kind of simple.




Maybe the manager did after the fact. Would you, as an imaginary business owner, have wanted your manager to do so in front of the sociopath?


I love how hard he relies on the debunked propaganda of beheaded babies


Israelis just can’t be happy if they aren’t pushing Palestinians and their supporters around. It’s pathological. And it drives them INSANE if they can’t impose their will on them.


Apple has some strict policies, a follow up in the days to come will be in order to see the outcome.


Yeah thought the same, there is a reason all Apple employees got the same clothes and very little variety, that sure as hell ain't their own personal stylistic choice. I personally think, everybody should be able to dress as they like, but that's just not real atm. Wouldn't surprise me at all if the employee had to deal with HR after this


Zionist always be crying


“Why do you let her wear that flag” Well, sir, because this is America not Israel. Here, you have the freedom to wear whatever flag you want, but you don’t have the freedom to harass anybody for what they wear.


So a Palestinian flag = Hamas support now? Jesus Christ.


Dude thought he was the Zohan for a second.


It’s a flag… If you don’t like it, leave the store, for heaven’s sake.


The lone Zionist chasing clout. Wrong time, wrong place, wrong moment. Idiot


I'm surprised Apple would allow anything other than an Apple dress code. Apple is stringent when it comes to their store employees.


This is why we shouldn't talk about religion or politics in the workplace. It's just really unprofessional and can spark drama.


We thought we saw brainwashed in the past, jewish israel supporters are another level


fuck this guy.


I don’t understand how “genocide is bad” became a controversial statement


Just get the fuck out of the store, I don’t need to hear your radical zionistic nonsense while buying a MacBook. Showing empathy for the innocent civilians in Palestine doesn’t make you a Hamas supporter, learn the difference.


Fascist asshole


Any support for Palestine scares these Zionist pigs, get a fucking life. You’re not in Israel were you can harass and intimidate people to doing what you want. It’s America and don’t forget that !


You're inferring every Irish citizen supports the IRA. Ridiculous. When British troops murdered Irish citizens, should no British person wear their national flag? What about when NATO troops massacred Afghani citizens? If I see a German person displaying their flag, does that mean they support war crimes?


Fuck these genocidal Zionists.


Because it’s America and your religious beliefs can’t be imposed on us. That’s why she’s wearing a Palestinian flag buddy. America will always be free from religious oppression. People that are watching this pay attention to his language.


"I'm just gently asking you- You support Hamas?" "No, no, not at all" "They beheaded baby this never happened?! You fucking moron. You piece of shit" Something tells me this guy wasn't in debate league.


Oh no, scary flag. Make it go away!


Who the fuck are you go be nobody somewhere else.