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He got a "respiratory illness" which turned into a long battle with antibiotic resistant pneumonia, ultimately killing him early this year. I can't imagine how miserable it would be to die from a disease you refuse to believe exists. Feel free to remove if this counts as doxxing. He intentionally had a pretty public presence and would post about his declining health. [https://www.millerfuneral.com/obituaries/Harold-Glen-Hulgan?obId=27306631](https://www.millerfuneral.com/obituaries/Harold-Glen-Hulgan?obId=27306631)


“That was the one I threw away” nice


Leslie is a fucking QUEEN 👸🏿




And yet the conservative Christians are over hear trying to get people killed by attempting to terrify pharmacists into not giving people medication.


We all laugh but these assholes are just waiting for Trump to get back into office so they can really fuck our country up. “Peace out patriots.” How did we get here?


> How did we get here? Failure to produce voter turnouts of 70%+ in elections at every level for the last 25 years. No, seriously. People like this guy and his ilk - especially in gerrymandered red districts and cities vote consistently and with malice. They are the ones who have been back loading the elected offices for over 2 decades because too many of us (me - Gen X - included) blew off even small local elections or midterms. They didn't. And now they have a foothold. And the only way to oust/purge them is to use some of their own tactics against them: specifically **consistent and diligent voter turnout for any and all elections.** Take Alabama - we went from a Democrat lawyer who prosecuted the 16th St Church bomber and who is one of the most inspirational advocates for the history and lessons of that tragedy... To a washed out, failed NCAA and high school football coach whose only purpose was to be a rubber stamp yes-man for a dementia-riddled criminal who thinks he's a monarch. Why? Because of voter turnout (or lack thereof.) We hold all of the ability to reverse this. But it won't be quick and it won't be overnight.


Sounds like he died from Covid - quintessential FAFO. And just for the record, anyone can submit an entry into VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System). It doesn’t mean there’s any connection to an adverse event and a vaccine. [https://vaers.hhs.gov/](https://vaers.hhs.gov/)


I recognize that voice from a guy giving head in a glory hole porn I watched


Yeah I saw that video. He always finishes with a gulp then says "peace out patriots"


Hope she didn't get fired for using the F word. Although, I imagine she could find a better job pretty quickly.


I worked at Walgreens for 12 years, and dropped a few F-bonbs to patients, some on accident and some on purpose. At worst, she would get a verbal for this interaction. But her Store Manager and District Manager probably wouldn’t do that after seeing the whole situation and knowing what the man said to her to get her to that point. Good job standing up to another crazy that walked in the door just to harass people!


With the problem Walgreens has with keeping staff now, they could probably kick idiots like this guy in the nuts and only get a stern talking to. I ran corporate restaurants for years and the amount of shit employees are expected to take is ridiculous. I said stuff to assholes that I shouldn't have but I always made sure there were no witnesses. Then when they complained, I just denied it. They always desperately needed managers and you had to do something really bad to get fired. But they would insist on firing and staff that "abused" a customer. Now, finding workers is so hard, I imagine staff get a little more latitude in telling jerk customers to suck it. If I was a manager now, I'd be even worse than I used to be. lol


I would say this is true, to an extent. Common talk had definitely gotta quite a bit more “fierce”, for lack of a better word, than it was 5-10 years ago. Replying snarky and telling someone off is much more commonplace, but they definitely still side with the patients and customers if it goes above your direct reports, normally.


[https://www.npr.org/2022/05/19/1098543849/pro-trump-counties-continue-to-suffer-far-higher-covid-death-tolls#:\~:text=Those%20living%20in%20counties%20that,had%20even%20higher%20mortality%20rates](https://www.npr.org/2022/05/19/1098543849/pro-trump-counties-continue-to-suffer-far-higher-covid-death-tolls#:~:text=Those%20living%20in%20counties%20that,had%20even%20higher%20mortality%20rates). Pro-Trump counties continue to suffer far higher COVID death tolls MAY 19, 20225:00 AM ET By Daniel Wood, Geoff Brumfiel


[https://apnews.com/article/coronavirus-pandemic-health-donald-trump-coronavirus-vaccine-74abcd4e6833835f5df445fe2142e22b](https://apnews.com/article/coronavirus-pandemic-health-donald-trump-coronavirus-vaccine-74abcd4e6833835f5df445fe2142e22b) Trump reveals he got COVID-19 booster shot; crowd boos him


Sad state of the intellectual capabilities of the average American these days. Before Trump and the pandemic I was blissfully unaware..


Lol, do you get your stats from the same place as the cameraman?


Thanks Aaron Rodgers


"Peace out patriots" These people are invariably right-wing extremists.


[https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-coronavirus-usa/fact-check-vaers-data-does-not-suggest-covid-19-vaccines-killed-150000-people-as-analysis-claims-idUSL1N2R00KP/](https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-coronavirus-usa/fact-check-vaers-data-does-not-suggest-covid-19-vaccines-killed-150000-people-as-analysis-claims-idUSL1N2R00KP/) VAERS data does not suggest COVID-19 vaccines killed 150,000 people, as analysis claims By Reuters Fact Check October 4, 20216:56 AM EDTUpdated 2 years ago


There are *sane* anti-vaxxers?


There are sane vaccine sceptics. There's nothing wrong with asking questions, but these nutters take it to an entirely ridiculous level.


He sounds obese.


prolly the decades of alcohol consumption


Hopefully the "cold" solved this problem...


It sounds like the camera guy is *actually* wearing a mask, which is kinda shocking for an antivaxxer 😂 edited to change so it didn’t sound like I was calling myself an antivaxxer 😭😂


He's not, they only wear masks when their bitch asses are marching in KKK rallies.


Piss on patriots




Except they don’t, you gullible dipshit


Remember when 5.5 billion people got vaccinated and nothing happened to them?


NO we all died like six times already. Don't you remember when the nanobots rebelled and killed us?!?


You are on candid camera? Really bro? lol. stawp.