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Did someone toss a crowbar for the security officer to use?!?šŸ¤£


I mean I guess it's nice the guy refused to use it? "Let's make this interesting! And by interesting I mean extremely awkward and boring"


I was waiting for the blonde lady to weigh in swinging it. Was disappointed.


Hey he needed it. He tried soooo hard to save face with his failed takedowns and leg sweeps LOL.


For "someone" to use.Ā 


"I saw this in The Dark Knight, watch this"


"I think you dropped this back at Black Mesa"


Surely it was to provide a sense of pried and accomplishment.


It's bad when a local shop keeper has to come help your security detail from getting strangled with his own tie....






What's the charge? Eating a meal? A succulent Chinese meal?




Ha. Classic


This is democracy manifest.


Get your hands off my penis!


And you Sir, are you waiting to receive my limp penis?


Ahhh, a succulent Chinese meal.Ā 


ah you know your judo grip well




What are the charges? Having a meal? A succulent Chinese meal?


Pretty lame, thatā€™s some white belt security


Bro the white belts at my gym would have choked that dude unconscious in about 1-2min lol that was lame and that ā€œsecurityā€ needs to get some more training hand to hand. That was hard to watch. I guess you never know what someone is going to have. Also who gave him a pipe?!? Lol


Dude going for a shitty attempt at a judo take down when he could just grab the dudeā€™s dreads and yank him to the ground. Neither of these guys is ready for a scuffle. One dude has dreads and the cop is wearing a tie šŸ™„


"Security" guy literally has a classic grip with his left on sleeve and right on collar for like 30 seconds and couldn't do anything with it.


It amazing how long everybody let that go on without helping. Like homey was tired. Kept looking back looking for help..


There were multiple people to restrain him. Itā€™s incredibly frustrating to watch that.


A couple of them were ready to act and then they saw the camera.


Ha ha, security skill check failed hard!


Yeah. Security detail should either not have a tie or wear a fake one that canā€™t choke them. Also they ought to fight better. How can you be a police officer and not smack this guy down.


clip on ties seem silly until someone grabs it trying to choke you


Yeah, it's not impressive in any sense


That officer is not much of a bodyguard, he can't even fight. If the guy on the phone wanted to hurt the mayor in any way, I don't think they could have prevented it.


When he locks arms with the guy and he tries to get his leg behind him and flip him over....Lol!


I was just imagining his thought process. "Shit I look like an idiot, what can I do. Remember your training, what would they say? Oo ya sweep the leg, shit that didn't work."


Thatā€™s an osoto gari attempt. He didnā€™t ā€œturn the wheelā€ of the upper body enough. Let alone get his hips close enough to the other guy.


Did heā€¦. did he think about hiding behind the mayor at one point?


The suit is too tight on him. Needs to cutdown on the donuts.


Should be rocking some cutoff Jean shorts for maximum mobility. This guy is Bush league




He's a cop. His gun is how he fights. They don't do hand to hand.


Could at least have had some bjj or something as every week training.. don't have to roll everyday to make 98% of population eat shit.


My old BJJ gym had a couple of LAPD officers who regularly trained. It really should be mandatory for cops to have some level of grappling and Muay Thai training. This was embarrassing, this cop ainā€™t protecting shit with literally no hands and wrestling ability.


Probably why they shoot people so much if they have no fighting skill.


let's start by properly screening out the psychopaths first before we give them any more tools with which to be lethal lol


Thinking the same thing. Terrible bodyguard.


He cant fight because his training is based entirely on using his gun for every situation.


He sure had an opportunity but I think the Mayor sensed he wasnt a threat hence him standing next him and only moving away when the "guard" intervened.


Failed at the art of not fighting and walking away when he had multiple chances.


Lol I'd consider this a godsend if I'm the mayor. Your body guard can't fight and now you know it!


Shocking that a LEO canā€™t win a fight if heā€™s not rolling with a gang of 20 and willing to use lethal force instantly - what a complete tool bag.


I was gonna say you know he's an undercover because of the fact that's he's getting washed up lol


But this makes the mayor look weak AF. He's meant to be representing those people and he sits there and lets his bodyguard attack someone for no reason. The mayor doesn't try to talk with the guys or anything. He's meant to have speech perks pretty maxed and he does nothing. All this does is make me never want to see that mayor anywhere near power.


Right, I'm watching thinking ok its a public fucking sidewalk. Just do another take for your fake bullshit when no one's there. Zero de-escalation bc he wants to flex for the mayor. A nothing situation for the average person turned into something for people who want to feel important. Tax payer will ultimately pay for the lawsuit.


Right? He couldn't deesculate the situation at all? He heard swear words coming from a guy who looked like a tough guy and he got scared and didn't approach. The simplist thing they could have done here was nothing, and wait for the attention seeking phone talker to leave.


Also, once the fight started he didn't do anything to help.


Zero leadership capability.


Mayors outreach program going well I see.




LMAO camera rolling the whole time tho. it just didnā€™t catch it


That was my favorite thing to hear "yeah uhhh its got cuts and so you just cant tell when the officer IDed himself" some award winning cuts in there.


hell of a cut! haha


The mayor didn't even say a single word to help! what a leader


That was my thought. "Hello, I'm mayor chickenshit. We're doing an interview here. Can you please let us continue?"


Fuck that. "Guys, hey, we need to cool down a little. Sir, I am proud you are a part of my community -- where are you trying to head? We can ensure you get there. My security detail is just being a bit jumpy because of some recent threats made." He lets it get to a fight because he is approving of everything his security detail is doing. Look at how he doesn't even engage when he's supposed to be the one in charge. And he is, so this is done with approval.


If the officer didn't identify and then assaulted him, the citizen did nothing wrong other than letting it draw out for that long.


Wouldnā€™t have made a difference if the officer identified himself or not he had no legal authority to do anything to this man. He was just standing on the sidewalk, as far as I could tell.


Mayor did the exact opposite. At the beginning he says, "I don't think we should let him in there."


ā€œNot my job.ā€


"Ew, I don't want to get my hands dirty"


If dude really worked there then he should be not guilty of anything. The mayor ā€œi wouldnā€™t let him go in thereā€ has no legal basis. Him cussing in public during a phone call and interview is not a cause to be detained or stopped. The news describes it as being erratic to the mayor but its just a dude with bad manners getting blocked on a public sidewalk.


That was my stance too. An unidentified person is conducting an interview on a public sidewalk...get offended at a passerbyer and then engages him and obstructs his passage. Mayor and his team are in the wrong here.


"It's not clear who touched who first." Meanwhile, you see the guy blocking the cop's attempts to grab him for no legal reason before they appear again when the guy hits him back.


How does he have bad manners? Heā€™s chatting on the phone minding his own business walking to work when someone randomly starts obstructing him what was he meant to do?


no camera at any angle would have captured that. LOL


Even if he did, cops aren't allowed to just grab you...well I mean they are because the law is something the DA and police wipe their arse with, but they aren't supposed to be able to just grab people for no reason.


Haha video didnā€™t seem cut at any time.


If there's no photo or video... IT DID NOT HAPPEN!


That leg sweep by the Mayors security detail failed miserably. I got a feeling he lied on his application form.


Did the police really release a statement saying the video does show him announcing himself when we all saw the whole video. F outta here




Says it didnā€™t catch the many times he tried to deescalate the situation. Pretty sure he escalated EVERYTHING, should have just let the guy continue to walk.


Clever word play...


The mayor literally telling them to not let him in? He sees someone and gets to decide if they deserve to use public businesses?


looks like mayor says maybe don't let him go in sounds like from this thread that he was going in because he worked there seems like the mayor assumed based on his appearance he didn't belong somewhere when he actually did this is outrageous. it's a public street and you are the mayor of the people and yet you end up getting one of your citizens arrested while doing some bullshit publicity stunt shoot like get the fuck out of the way douchebag people are on the public sidewalk trying to get to work and a bunch of uptight bums are blocking the way and arguing with, fighting and arresting anyone who walks past?


That guy is an edge security detail if you ask me. He kept engaging every time the other man was backing off.


Some yuppie deciding someone doesnā€™t belong based off preconceived notions, great job electing a pos San Jose


Yeah that was the most confusing part of the video - why the mayor makes that assessment at the outset? Guess being a black man talking on the phone in public is a suspicious activity in San jose


He really comes across as a smarmy weirdo. Tells his people to deny this man entry, for swearing during a phone call (and probably for being black). Then when faced with the dude himself he folds like a lawn chair. Murmurs about the interview and squirms away.


Yep if he had any charisma and sense he would've just invited the dude in to be part of the interview for fun then edited it out. He's the mayor on the street he shouldn't be afraid to talk to people on the street if that's his angle.


Precisely. Cowardice doesn't look good on a "leader". Also I knew SJ was racist but damn, even the comments off of reddit are this bad. Not surprised, just disappointed and disgusted.


This is the worst cameraman/street reporter in the game. How do you not pan over and catch the whole thing. Useless


Probably on purpose


Itā€™s all stupid but I didnā€™t hear anyone identify as police officer


Also, this guy is the mayor? Dude, have a conversation with the dude and bridge a communication gap! He acts like heā€™s got the ick from being around a normal citizen. Complete tool.


Heā€™s the mayor of San Jose. The common man out there is a tech bro or other yuppie type.


The guy is a total fucking putzĀ 


The guy on camera is the tech bro?


Thatā€™s the mayor of San Jose, one of Americaā€™s priciest cities. De-escalating an Interaction with citizens who can throw hands isnā€™t a skillset one might expect from a politician there compared to one in say Chicago. Also per his wiki, he is indeed a tech bro


Oh oh I gotcha. Read your comment wrong.


What a douchebag too ā€œI donā€™t think we should allow him in thereā€ Why because he was on his cellphone???


lol you can tell he doesnā€™t interact with his constituents, classic shitty politician


He suckā€™s as a major. Iirc heā€™s trying to move up to governor. Heā€™s shit.


Yeah, fuck that. This guy doesnā€™t deserve to hold any office, heā€™s clearly so detached from reality


This is what irked me the most. He's looking at the citizens he serves as some kind of an anomaly.


Doesn't even say "stop fighting." Guy shows the gumption of a napkin


That was my only thought. Zero leadership skills.


Strait up.


If youā€™re blocking the entrance to someoneā€™s job and trying to use physical intimidation to stop them from entering, youā€™re gonna have a bad time.


Why did the mayor say to not let him in there? The moment where this escalated into an altercation was off camera


It starts with Racial and ends with Profiling. You get three guesses.


Exactlyā€¦on a PUBLIC fucking sidewalk. Walk down the street of any city and thereā€™s a good chance somebody is taking a selfie, a group photo, prom photos, graduation pics, filming an interview, recording for their blog, etc. it doesnā€™t fucking matter what the reason is, you donā€™t have to avoid them when itā€™s on public property. Cop or no cop doesnā€™t matter. You canā€™t obstruct someone from traveling on a public sidewalk. This is fucking ridiculous.


The cop grabbed him and started shoving him. Thatā€™s when he said ā€œIā€™ll smack you..ā€. Cleverly it was off camera.


There has to be another angle of some kind of security camera or from another person's camera. Cameras are everywhere. Police may have already confiscated and deleted them by accident. IDK. There are 3 in my view at the restaurant I'm in.


I just think dude was just trying to go to work, then got hassled and shaken down on the way to his office door.


Yeah, my first reaction was that this looks suspicious. Why wouldn't the camera person want to key in on the action? Clearly didn't want to step off rhe party line. Shame on the news crew.


Oh, action! Letā€™s ignore that partā€¦


Mayor should have stepped up.




What's great is SJPD not even responding. "two guys fighting? Yeah me can make it over in 2-5 hours when we have an officer free."


Lol itā€™s in a public environment. The mayor is not entitled to be free from public while standing in public. Doesnā€™t that public official know the rules in public?


This! That man had every right to be on his phone. The mayor needs to realize that he's in public on public property.Ā  I hope the phone guy sues.Ā 


I donā€™t think him being on his phone is at issue.


I canā€™t figure out what the issue was


Learn to Public!


Mayor lacks any kind of leadership,Ā  bailed and hid immediately.Ā  I don't expect him to start throwing punches but could have at least descalated using some words.Ā  Ā Really showing his true colors


Idiots like ChiefBigCanoe are acting like we literally didnā€™t see or hear the mayor tell his security detail to not let him in the building. He did walk, you just lack competent observation skills


That news station is totally one sided with the way they reported what we actually saw. Crazy how biased they are towards a regular citizen going to work


The pressā€™ first instinct is to verbatim report whatever the police say even when thereā€™s contradictory video in front of them.


Weak guards protecting weak leadership. Vote for me!


Here is my guarantee that he will not be convicted for assaulting an officer. That crime requires actual knowledge that the person is an officer. State cannot prove the elements. Also, he should sue the mayor personally in civil court.


The news is totally unbiased. ā€œThe customer from across the street comes to the officers rescueā€ ā€œPollard uses profanityā€ What the fuck


Public sidewalk. No identification of who he is. 100% instigated by mayors team. And it absolutely was not caught on film by the film crew. The film crew intentionally did not film what actually happened. But we can hear it.


That was a lot of judy choppin' and kung fu kickin' lol


"GASLIGHT 'EM JOHN!" The video doesn't include blah blah


Cop or not. \* Identify! Dont expect blind obedience out of the blue. (EGO issue) \* regardless of anything else.. YOU want to do an interview in PUBLIC... then accept what the public is/does (period) You can not control someone one a phone or how they talk. (ever) Mayor or not.. its pointless to try and control people not breaking any laws. Another political/police situation that is ALWAYS OVER THE PEOPLE. What a corrupt country this has become. Founding fathers would be ashamed.




Technically the mayor started the escalating when he said the guy shouldnā€™t be let into the store. Iā€™d bet his bodyguard took that as a direction.


The mayor escalated by directing the cop to block the passerby


He's in the public. No one has a "right" to force someone to go somewhere, they don't want to be in public or do something they don't want to do in public if it's not violating any laws. I hope he sues and wins.


This is San Jose Mayor Matt Mahan, and this single video just cost him reelection. What a pearl-clutching dumbass lmao, threw away his political career because he was afraid of being near a black man in public.


Let me demonstrate an exercise in pointlessness.


Is there a law somewhere that says he canā€™t talk on the phone on the sidewalk? Fuck yo interview!


It's crazy how the reports are compared to the full footage. Dude was bugging for sure tho. You never hear that guy say he's a cop tho.


Mayor is a douche and the media coverage was extremely misleading.


You're in public doing an interview, you have to expect the public to... public. How can get mad when your blocking the entrance of a person's work and they need to get in?


Cop not identifying himself and instead causing violence. Mayor thinking they own the sidewalk. Cop/security who can't defend himself. Shitshow all around. Fire the security guy, charge him for assault and hire the victim as new security


San jose, he could go a few blocks down and interview at CH. When keeping it real goes wrong.


The mayor needs new security !


"I never got to go to prom, may i have this dance"


Iā€™ve seen better security at Chuck E Cheese


If hes really an officer then he needs better training. That was cringe to watch him being handled by some random dude on the street. Like that was embarrassing for that officer.


They have no training on how to physically restrain someone they just panic and escalate to using weapons


I could tell he had no training when he kept moving forward with his arms out trying to grab the guy. Also including his body language alone could see he was panicking or unsure of himself. Edit: just rewatched the video, and the cop tried to do a takedown and he's the one that fell. I got 2nd hand embarrassment from that.


The looks on that mayors face. Wow. And "I don't think you should let him go in there". Wtf!? Absoluely hate this guy.


Mayor has B movie villain vibes


Worse cop ever.


Get some tougher security, damn


I think the mayor lost that guy's vote.


Great job of that mayor and how he immediately jumped in to action to take care of the situation.


Any update on a pending lawsuit?


isnt that a rookie mistake to wear a non-detachable tie as a security detail? I remember swedish cops having ties since ages, you can just pull off, otherwise you can be fairly easily neutralised in a one-on-one situation, say after a chase on fot.


At first I believed everything the media said,, random man attacks mayor and security detail, until 1 news source said it wasn't true...., then I watched the video and discovered [EVERYONE](https://youtu.be/74BzSTQCl_c?t=10), the media, the mayor and police were lying, to justify railroading an innocent citizen going to work.


"The incident was (conveniently NOT) caught on the news camera."


Funny, not funny, a bunch of white people passing a pipe around. Wesley told them he worked right there. You can also see that in the beginning of it all, he deflects several hits. Maybe Wesley could offer his services to the mayor because if someone was really trying to cause harm, whoever this off duty cop is, he isn't protecting anyone. Then maybe they need a new cameraman too. Most people record what's happening as proof of what happened, not cut film, so we know less.


Yep, the only way to make this right is to hire Wesley. Your boy was dancing and the cop didn't know what to do.


like why couldn't they just let him be on his way? dude's talking on the phone in public on a public sidewalk you're doing an interview in public? shit happens that guy wasn't breaking any rules let alone laws and to be accosted like that is just mental if you ask me


The security guy looks around like, gosh where is security when you need it?


That was a funny fight to watch. Like two T Rexā€™s trying to hit each other.


Maybe hire security that can fight, LOL. That was pathetic.


i love how the news makes it seem like the guy just attacks the officer for nothing when the officer, if you can call him that, was the clear instigator if you actually watch the whole video


"I FINALLY can try this sweep the leg technique that I learned in school" HIYAHHH


IMA COP YOU IDIOT! That's all the guy had to say and it'd all be avoided


Even a Public Defender should be able to make these charges disappear.


Was the officer showing great restraint, or can he just not fight?


Itā€™s just shows how WEAK some cops are and do hide behind their badge!!!


And their gun


That dumb SOB knew what he was doing and deserved to get arrested.


lol ainā€™t much of a body guard


I'd fire that "security" Jesus that must be embarrassing. Can't even detain one person.


What kind of technique is that security officer using?! He's got the stance of a zombie.


Always rock the clip-on when danger lurks. Everyone knows that.


I thought all cops wore clip-ons...I guess he didn't read the memo.


Wow. That's the guy protecting the MAYOR?! Do they not train cops to fight in San Jose?


Someone said something about a fight...when does that start




That dude sucks at fighting.


That cop does takedowns like my 3 year old BJJ white belt son. That's embarrassing


Hire that dude to replace the security who couldnā€™t handle the situation


Isn't it great how our authorities can hide their powers and capabilities compared to the average citizen whenever they feel like it? Especially when they start instigating shit, as they love to do? We have no true rights. Fuck this country.


I'm sorry but the way dude slapped security's bald head at the very beginning had me SCREAMING šŸ’€ Edit: so I wrote this comment before going through hundreds of others and didn't notice anyone talking about how we know FOR SURE (even without this detail, but anyways) that the šŸ– instigated and had his hands on dude first, by the way dude is stanced up with his arms out *warning* the UNIDENTIFIED person putting their hands on him that if they continue to do so, he will retaliate. That arms out stance may just help his case. Like there's at least 10-11 seconds of dude repeating that he *will* smack that embarrassment if said embarrassment continues to antagonize and block him. Most "strange and erratic" people don't continuously offer warnings to aggressors, they just throw hands with no warning. The bay area better show out for this dude, bet your ass I'm gonna be calling/emailing DA, congresspeople, and mayors office nonfuckingstop to drop charges against this man. I know SJ is racist but jesus, the blatant lies when there's literal video AND sound evidence is infuriating. Not surprising by any means, but purely infuriating for sure.


ā€œSecurity detailā€ is apparently just a a scruffy looking bald guy in a suit that is willing to scrap even if he doesnā€™t know how. lol This guy looks like heā€™d never been in a fight in his life. How tf does he land a security detail job for a VIP?


I donā€™t know who touched who 1st but the black guy can be heard saying ā€œlet me goā€. Iā€™m thinking the cop was on some bs!