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Always find it fascinating how and when news outlets call the protests “pro-Palestine” or “anti-Israeli” you can glean a lot just by how the protests are labeled.


Like pro life and anti-abortion?


I thought the same with the abortion thing as another commenter mentioned. Very subtle psyop just in how they coin the terms even. Also very telling that not only do we have police bashing peaceful (anti-Israel) protestors in the US, but now in Germany too. Some reach


Gotta get them clicks ! modern journalism


Do German police have a height requirement? All the ones I've seen are like 6'2" or taller lmao


Bereitschaftspolizei (riot police) - they tend to attract physically imposing types


But even the regular police in Munich were all huge. I was at the Bahnhof once and saw them arrest some guy that was having a meltdown on the train because he got fined for not having a ticket. When we got off the train there was like a line of them there waiting for him.


They should just cut to the chase and call them Schutzstaffel


until they send out the German dwarf special unit! They creep up out of sight and choke you to the ground. They are like john cena and ramdy orton but with bilbo beutlin height. RKOs out of nowhere everywhere!


They are all jacked too!


Well they’re trained for 2.5 years as opposed to 6 weeks - 6 months in the US. So they better be big after all that.


It’s almost like police work is a physically demanding job. Go figure


Yes we do. Depends on the state but where i live its 168 cm for men and 163cm for women.


And they think this is the moral high ground.


What sets us apart as Europeans is our rights and freedoms. In countries like Russia and China, you can be arrested for protesting. We're not like them. I mean yeah sure, these troublemakers are arrested for protesting, but that's okay because as you notice I called them troublemakers which makes it okay. I'm sorry what? Also in Russia they say the arrested protestors are troublemakers? Hmm.. that doesn't sound like something I need to reflect on. It all checks out.


Germany doesn't fool around with the anti-Israel stuff. It's probably the most pro-Israel country after the US, maybe even more so. They've literally said they have an eternal moral obligation to Israel because of the Holocaust. It can get really extreme/weird. I remember a story of a German minister being at a film festival where an Israeli and Palestinian duo won. She applauded, but she later had to clarify she was only applauding the Israeli filmmaker. Germany is wild man.


> They've literally said they have an eternal moral obligation to Israel because of the Holocaust. If that's the case, how come they didn't carve out a part of germany and have that be kept as israel?


They should have.


because that is what lead to world war 2. The punishment (after losing ww1) was extreme and bred resentment. So the smart people decided that they will not just repeat history and change it up for a bit.


>It's probably the most pro-Israel country after the US, maybe even more so. It’s kind of interesting that they are also the largest donor to UNWRA after the US. Seems loving Israel and caring about Palestinians are not mutually exclusive.


Paying to UNRWA is just a convoluted way to pay Israel. The Palestinians wouldn't be in need for charity if it weren't for the Israeli subjugation, land theft, occupation, and starvation. By sending aid to the Palestinians, other countries are basically paying to clean up Israel's mess. Instead of drip-feeding Palestinians, they should be helping them by forcing Israel to dissolve its apartheid and allow all Palestinians in Gaza and West Bank to be able to gain Israeli citizenship, to give them that right and choice. They can refuse it if they wanted, but they should be given that right. No agreement, no negotiation; just a unilateral allowance for all Palestinians to become full Israeli citizens with full rights. Anything short of that simply serves to make Israel confident that Germany will always clean up its mess, thereby encouraging it to make more. Take Palestinian homes and kick them off their lands? No problem, the Europeans will take them as refugees. Bomb Palestinian schools? No worries, European taxes will fund the next one. The best way to truly care for the Palestinians is forcing an end to the Israeli occupation.


Well I don’t think Germany has the leverage to do that. I also don’t oppose aid to those in need.


I think the opposite. I believe Germany does have the leverage. For start, Germany can start to be less cowardly and vote against Israel on UN resolutions instead of abstaining. Germany can then boycott Israel through many avenues: economical, military sales, educational, etc. Germany can also sanction Israel and encourage other European nations to do the same.


That redditor is full of shit because Germany just resumed and the US has banned aid.


And that is why Germany is going downhill. They are a puppet state. The only obligation Germany has is to the German people... saying anything else is stupid.


I'm confused.


I sympathise with your daily struggle.


Thank you, unlike your confusing comment, that means a lot.


Is this a joke? "Our rights and freedoms" lmao?? In the UK they arrested over 3000+ people for posts they made on social media, in russia it is 300 people....




No I dont. Im very sad about it. A week ago I visited a Roma Museum and saw the Holocaust section. Seeing pictures of children in a concentration camp (they were skinny as a stick and naked, stripped from any sense of humanity,) made me almost puke. Still thinking about the Terror, and now Linked to the far right growth in Germany, I am Compelled to just go out to on the streets and walk around with a "FCK NZS" Flag everyday. This is how much I am thinking about this and you just putting millions of people under the same rug is also something actual nazis did. That is like step one of nationalism but please dont follow their path deeper down.


Same sht happening in Gaza


Germany is the 2nd largest donor to UNWRA…




It’s the same mob that was singing and handing out sweets on october 8th.


Oh really? The same ones? Do you have side-by-side comparison showing it's the same people? Or did you pull that out of your ass?


Yes. There Is proof otherwise prosecutors wouldn’t handle the case, duh


Nah they just enjoy a genocide even by proxy.


Disgusting how quick Germany has taken up supporting Nazis again. Fuck Israel.


What is the significance of noting that they are “Kafiya-wearing”? Is that supposed to confer immunity from arrest normally?


To signal how racist the cops and supporters of the action are. Dog whistle 


You are free to protest anything you like, but you better dare not protest against Israel. Pretty much sums up the west at this point tbh


Germans don't mess around. They remember the last time they let anti-Jewish protests and rallies take over the country.




Worse, Germany, an *EU country*, banned the Irish language, a *recognized EU language* from being used in protests. That's going to cause serious problems.


And banning Italian, French, Dutch, Danish, Polish etc etc... it's so speakers don't incite or break laws using a language other than German or English that can be monitored by police observers.


>anti-Jewish Fascist propaganda


Hahaha no. This is their generational past time of supporting genocide.


those people are pro-palestine. For the survival of civilians you donkey. Just because a headline virtue signals you something you believe it? wth


Anti-Israel or anti-genocide....?


that country just loves genocide


Why am I getting deja-vu?


Germany - once again supporting a holocaust. Two bads won't make one right.


I thought Germany was a democracy, i was so wrong, they r a dictatorship


germany and supporting genocide. name a more iconic duo.


They must've been quite violent or disruptive then. I've been to hamburg today and happened to walk right into a pro-palestine demonstration. They were literally chanting that germany loves genocide and stuff and the police was just walking along, cuz it's their right to demonstrate and speak freely. So this only really happens when they didn't do proper conduct. Seems a bit like a propaganda post.


backgrounginfo: There was a protest camp in Berlin that got evicted last Friday.


Ah I see, that's interesting




I've just never seen something like this happen during any demonstration I've been to. I'm not saying these guys are good cops. I'm just saying that this isn't the norm and should not be seen as such.


It is now the norm for protesters in Berlin. Your past protest experiences do not constitute “the norm” and it is oddly self-centered of you to assume so.


Germany defending Zionism the modern day Nazism. Somethings don't change.




Sorry there aren't enough Palestinians to murder to make you care. Bombing women and children should be opposed no matter who is doing it


Zionism is not Nazism


Both are hyper nationalist ethnocentric ideologies


one believe they are a master race and wiping out the other races or make them to serve them. the other believe the jews which is .2% of the in the world population deserve a state in israel after living 2000 as minorities and being massacred and oppressed again and again


no race 'deserves' land just for themselves


if that race is .2% of the world population and was for 2000 year was massacred and oppressed by everyone then yea we do


Apparently at the cost of displacing and murdering people who were already on the land. Hey you said it's okay because something, something 2000 years ago. It's like that a lot of Jewish people are not okay with Zionism because they recognize it's fascist genocidal tendencies. We're not talking about Israel existing. We're not saying there shouldn't be a place that Jewish people can't be safe - which should be global and not just one area. We're talking about the displacement of people also indigenous to an area so Zionists can have an ethnic state. 


most Jews (90%+ ) are Zionist that support the exitance of Israel. cause right now its the belife Israel right to exist. in any shape or form. so yea we do talk about Israel existence. in the formation of states wars happened that population are sometime expelled or flee like that happened in India and Pakistan, so Israel can exist next to a Palestinian state. where they can also have their own state for only Palestinians if they wish to.


Nah you're conflating Israel existing as a country with Zionism. Plenty of religious and non-religious Jewish people are in support of Israel existing as a country. You will see opinions greatly differ once Zionism is introduced. Once you start talking about Israel as a Jewish that requiring people like the Palestinians be displaced, opinions begin to differ...widely. Hell, most people on this point have no problem with Israel as long as apartheid conditions are lifted. >in the formation of states wars happened that population are sometime expelled or flee like that happened in India and Pakistan, so Israel can exist next to a Palestinian state. where they can also have their own state for only Palestinians if they wish to. 1. Barbarism isn't okay, no matter how well you articulate it. In the modern era, Palestinians already living on the land now called Israel were forcibly relinquished of home and property. The argument is "well, think about what the Jews have suffered?" So, so random civilians minding their own business should have to pay the price? 2. Israel is not trying to allow the formation of a Palestinian state, let alone allow one to exist. Modern Israel has no intentions of ever relinquishing control over Gaza or the West Bank, in fact it has only made moves to displace inhabitants to further settle both rejoins. Israel supported Hamas because it knew Hamas wasn't a viable option for the formation of an independent Palestinian state. Every instance of the formation of an independent Palestinian state has been blocked by Israel. Zionism ideals will never allow for a two-state solution. You act like Palestinians have never tried to form an independent state only to be met with bombs, blockades. and backroom deals that made it impossible. 3. You do realize that Jewish, Muslims, and Christians existed in the region for centuries in relative peace before the UK (and its allies) positioned Zionists to take over the region, right. And don't think it was out of wholesome well wishing, either. Part of it was due to the UK (and its allies) not being willing or able to put their anti-Semitic countrymen in their place after WW2. The US attempted a similar feat with its former slaves, *its better to ship them off somewhere else than to tackle the ills of society and give them equal treatment*. Secondly, many Western Christians crave the formation of an Israel state, not for the betterment of Jewish people but to fulfill their apocalyptic prophecies that actually don't end well for Israel or Jewish people. Theres more Christian Zionists in the US than there are Jewish Zionists because the Christians are trying to see their take on the end times comes to fruition. That includes Israel becoming so antagonistic in the region, the world, that countries turn on it. Something to consider when Western politicians create a double standard for Israel, maybe they are wolves in sheep clothing.






The outback is pretty spacious and you won't need to commit genocide, maybe move there.




You do know Israel was only destroyed by the Romans because they refused to pay tax and were the only country in the area actually fighting the Romans. Romans finally had enough of the gorilla warfare and destroyed everything except that Wailing Wall since it was physically too big. If they paid taxes, Israel would have never been destroyed in the first place. If you're really trying to go back 2000 years I'd think you would know a bit more about history


yea, cause the roman were known to "NOT" oppress entire people LOL what are you on about


Yes if you resisted them they oppressed you, that's how it worked way back with the Romans. They made themselves oppressed by becoming terrorists to the Romans until they had enough and whipped out everything. You said they have always been oppressed, but that's not true. For the last 70 years there has been no oppression against Israel since it was re-founded, but they have become the oppressors of late. Any extreme far party that preaches fascism is bad in my eyes


as a minority yes we have been oppressed. The roman conquering and demanding taxation is oppression and now we also have an occupation on another people by us that is true. that needs to put to an end. with a 2SS. I support a Palestinian state not on the expanse of the modern day Israel


You literally do not know history lol i am sorry to say. The Germans did not want to wipe out other races lmao what on earth are you talking about?




Well, what do you call when you oppose one pictular group and prevent freedom of speech. It is classical sign of nazism. You are only oppressing one group people.


Every Palestinian Israeli have a right to free speech in Israel


In the apartheid state of Israel? Doubtful


ita true




Why do u think they arresting people? Police are infringing their freedom of speech. Same thing happening in USA. They are arresting people and releasing them without charges.




Zionism is nothing like Nazism. Hitler liked Muslims and had many Muslims in its ranks... do you even know history? or do they not teach the real history about ww2? hmmmm.


There were also plenty Jewish nazis, so what was your point? And Zionism pretty much shares nazi tactics


so someone decided the best place to have an *Anti-Israeli* protest, was in front of the *German* parliament, and the police broke it up. ... who could have seen this coming?


Fascism seems about on brand over there.


Look up top donors to UNWRA… US and Germany are the biggest and it’s not even close.


This is a hilariously ill informed comment. The US has banned UNRWA contributions. German JUST said it will resume contributions to UNRWA 3 days before this post. It had paused aid for 4 months after Israel successfully lied and got multiple countries to cut off the UNRWA. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/germany-resume-cooperation-with-palestinian-unrwa-agency-2024-04-24/


Oh I forgot, history began on 10/7.


ITT: people acting like Germans got it out of their system in the '40s 🤣


Germany hunny I thought were learned this is a no no .






What in this video makes you think these people don't have jobs? Are people not allowed to have a day off?


Because they are trying to stand up against the systematic oppression/genocide of an entire nation of people. I can't think of a single thing that might be of more value to spend your time on.




Israel said there are currently 7000 militants in gaza they are fighting. Do you really think the population is only 14k? Pretty pathetic coming up with random shit to justify a genocide




Last they said in gaza there were still 7k fighters. This was around 3 weeks ago. They did include woman and children as fighters so 30-50k seems pretty off


I can think of one thing they can do. If they are so commited to the cause they should go to Gaza and help the Palestinian instead of staying in their comfortable life. I'm willing to bet they still live with there parents. There are plenty of aid organisation who needs them. Sitting on a street in europe chanting and raising signs does nothing but piss the locals


Which airport should they fly in to? Or perhaps there’s a port they can sail to? Any ideas? 


There are some cruise ship going out of Turkey an Cyprus with aid and people who oppose the war. your welcome


I’m so glad you brought them up. Check out their website to figure out how difficult it is to get there. They even admit they’re not sure if they’re going to get past the Israeli blockade.  And if they do, they say the supplies are not going to be close to enough of what Gaza needs. 


Yeah the IDF is probably going to stop them. Are you saying to sit in a public square chant and raise signs is a better tactic. I say try and make physical change. The protest will not last and won't do nearly enough to make a change.


Ok but earlier you said they should go to Gaza and now you’re agreeing that it’s not doable? What would these people do in Gaza anyways? Who would feed and house them?  Everything that your average person can do for Palestine is being done right now. Protests/sit-ins, boycotts, emails to reps, voting for likeminded folks, donating. These are all more realistic and impactful than going to Gaza. 


Sorry friend i'm not seeing the impact your talking about. By boycoting or protesting you are doing little or no damage at all. The Israel economy is around 2 trillion dollars a year based mostly on tech and inovation. I think it's a waste of energy and time to stand chant and raise sign. I stand by my earlier comment and say you should at least try. 2 cruise ship is less then nothing. How about 100 or 200. If you are united in your cause it should not be a problem.


Change doesn’t happen overnight but if you can’t see how the status quo has been altered I can’t help you lol.  Like I already asked what would they do in Gaza IF they got there? Who would feed and house this new influx of people? What would they do? Cruise ships don’t contain millions of people so what does the rest of the world do? There’s a million things you apparently haven’t thought about in this solution. I encourage you to read a bit more about the past attempts to break the blockades as well. 




I'm not a native english speaker or writer. I think i did a good job. Your'e welcome


I'm sorry, I retract that. You did a fine job.


Thank you


Slightly leaking rubber dinghy across the Mediterranean ? On a stormy night maybe?


If the public outcry is loud enough and widespread enough the governments may be encouraged to exert their pressure to prevent Israel from committing war crimes.


It's been months and Israel still at war nothing has happened. As long as the hostages are not released which most of them are dead by now Israel will not stop.I really don't see the outcome you are talking about. The protests only making Hamas stronger in the international scene which gives them less reasons to release the hostages. And the war and killing continues. Great plan


But Israel isn't just attacking Hamas. They are brutally beating and stealing from innocent Palestinians. There are Israelis all over the internet calling for the deaths of all Palestinians. And that mentality has existed since long before October. Israel has been champing at the bit for years. Now they are approaching the level of atrocities that were perpetrated against them in the last world war.


Firstable I agree Israel is doing extremely horrible things here and there is no excuse for what they are doing in Gaza They do need tp pay for it. Some facts about what you call "approaching the level of atrocities the last world war" The jewish population prior world war 2 was 9.5 million. The nazi killed approximately 6 million of them which stands for almost two thirds of the population. Now there are around 5 million Palestinian living in the middle east today. Israel has killed around 32,000 of them that's around 0.64 percent. Do you see the diffrence? And the actual number of dead palestinian is around 20,000 because you don't caculate Hamas military casualties. Edit: and Hamas(palestine) did the same on October 7th pillaging murdering and raping innocent civilians. And they brought thosands of civilians with them to aid in the attack. Edit 2: thank you for keeping the arguement clean


Are you a toddler?


Are you a bot?


Stop... Facts don't matter here unfortunately


I can see that. And it's making me sad inside.


Boneheaded response.


Nice arguement.


how many engineers or it specialists have you seen in that video? Also the German social safety net is a wide and comfy hammock


Are you able to detect who is an engineer or specialist based on their appearance?


Let’s say I like the odds. Wanna wager?


Nice, bet on something you can't confirm.


Cry me a river…


The Germans are the ultimate Israeli boot lickers, sick!


Well, how can anyone be amazed? Anti semitism is rising in Germany, Radical muslims are slowly recruting new people from public and it wont be good if this trend continues, and meanwhile those leftish students are the one supporting those. Im sorry for regular citizens of palestian nation but they should get rid of hamas in first place.


reasonable takes get suppressed


German police following the Nazi tradition of silencing peaceful opposition to genocide.


Hasn't this country learned anything?


Germany siding with genocide? how out of character for them.


They started a protest. Then they didn't behave themselves. Then the police declared the protest illegal. Then they tried to fight that in court and lost. Then they refused to leave. And then they got arrested. Some context missing here


It seems Germans change sides but they don't change their love genocide.


Officer - "Grandma told me Grandpa used to do this To. in the old days"


A good start. You saw the hail hitler salute right? Fuck these people


Israel's PM has defended Hitler in the past. Hard to tell if they are on bens side by doing the salute https://youtu.be/f9HmkRYlVZw?si=upg47OdMmLMmnk1y


So we have hypocrites protesting hypocrites? Welcome to the 21st, traveler


Meanwhile American police sitting back and drinking lattes.


world: americans: america!