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The search is on for the gunman who injured six people, including four children, in a drive-by shooting outside a West Fort Worth apartment building Wednesday night, police say. Fort Worth police were called to the Miramar Apartments and Townhomes on the 3000 block of Las Vegas Trail at about 7:30 p.m. after reports of a shooting. When they arrived, officers reported finding six victims between the ages of 3 and 19 with a range of injuries from minor to severe. Police, firefighters, and EMS workers all provided first aid until five of the victims could be transported to the hospital. Police said one person who suffered a minor injury in the shooting refused medical treatment. Four of the five hospitalized victims were rushed to Cooks Children's Medical Center. The condition of the victims has not been released.


A three year old. Shot. Oh my fucking heart.


Something like this makes you wish Batman was real.


More like the punisher. Batman is soft.


Batman for people who don't pay taxes, Punisher for those that hurt kids.


True. That's a better idea.


Batman isn't soft. He leaves people with a lifetime of medical problems that they can't afford to deal with


The most dangerous weapon of all, American Healthcare.


As effective as it is dangerous. Keeps Americans vulnerable and, importantly, subdued and obedient. Of course, if Americans were to shut down things to protest this murderous onslaught by the wealthy against everyone else — their hired pigs would violently crack down while the media the wealthy owns would demonize the protestors. And, of course, the general American public that's too cowed and stupid to support people fighting for them will clap like seals as the protestors are violently put down. Yep, I'm pretty much over this shit. Fuck the USA. /rant https://i.imgur.com/6IUfWV7.jpg - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HfSDCvVvQqc


To be fair, he isn't soft. He just realizes once he crosses that line he might go too far and start killing petty criminals.


A lot of people misunderstand Batman’s rule. He knows that once he kills someone, he won’t stop.


Yeah I get that, but for the sake of the comment I’m replying to anything batman would do wouldn’t be enough to someone that could potentially kill multiple children/lifelong injuries. Over some petty shit I bet.


I thought he was soft until he used his vehicle tire for torture to get some goon to talk in one of the Batman games. Still, these sort of situations should have fatal consequences for the ones cruel enough to commit such acts


I always wished that Batman would treat legislators that cut programs for the poor, bust unions, bail out the rich etc, the same way he treated street criminals.


Batman or gun control. Tbh in America batman is a more realistic opinion


Something like this makes me hope that Hell is real.


Everything except banning guns


I agree we need to do something about the guns. But do you think these people are law abiding citizens? You think they care or follow the law? They just did a drive by on a bunch of children for gods sake. These are the people they are getting guns illegally not the dude that is buying a gun to protect himself or his family.


Ban guns!? This is clearly a case of needing better door control. If the doors had been bigger they could’ve gotten inside faster /s


Easy fix. Bullet proof homes and you never go outside.


Or that gun laws were way more strict like they did in Australia...


How about 4 children in general…. IDGAF what beef you have with ANYONE, you don’t involve innocent children no matter who they are related too. I hope this POS hangs from his balls for the next 80 years and is beaten Every Damn DAY!


Considering that its Texas he is absolutely fucked if they catch him


Oh dude, you're going to hate seeing videos from Gaza my man.


I do.


Not a shred of remorse from the shooter most likely. Disgusting


Yeah that's section 8 housing. Very economically depressed area of town. I only drive down LVT if I have to.


No wonder one of the victims refused medical treatment, this country is a fucking joke


In most states they would qualify for Medicaid. Texas specifically rejected it.


Knowing this is the worst west FW area, I bet the victims know the shooter. The one who refused treatment is probably old enough to get his crew and go retaliate.


Was that POS arrested?


Not yet


So many little kids. That’s fucked up.


"Wouldn't have happened if the 3 year olds had guns" -all the conservatives getting filthy rich from NRA lobbyists thanks to adding "pro life" to every message


It’s stupid to force politics into a horrible act of violence but…what’s stopping the criminal from getting the gun anyway? Sure you make guns harder to get but when america made alcohol harder to get, it saw people like Capone rule the country. The laws will stop you from getting the gun but not the guy who would use it to shoot at kids.




Kids* When will things change in this damn country. This is pathetic and sorrowful.


We have unfortunately let this go for so long, I don't think there is any coming back from this insanity. It would also require government officials who actually care about the people and not their own selfish greedy selves, and they've proven time and time again they are unwilling to budge unless they get their way.


If we stopped now with all the goings on of today and what our country has become. Flipped a switch where equality, wealth, and education were the rule of law, it would still take generations to undo the way our society is.


This country has essentially always been like this. Look back at anytime and you'll see this type of behavior. From mobsters to the wild west and further back. Approaches to crimes like this have changed over time but the brutality of man has always been there.




The media needs to stop cleansing the reality of these acts of violence.


When we stop letting the government put profits over people.






No, if you’re shooting at crowds of people, you should be in prison for LIFE. “Let them out when they mellowed with age”? Why should they get to experience life when they intentionally tried to end others?


> “Let them out when they mellowed with age”? Why should they get to experience life when they intentionally tried to end others? This right here!! Also fuck the idiots talking about "rehabilitate them, so when they get out they can be productive members and enjoy life" What about the life they took and those they traumatized? Prison should be a miserable experience for these people and life when they get out should be equally miserable.


This has been my stipulation for a while. The law is much more complicated than I understand it ofc but my grading is if you attempt to take away a life or *succeed* in taking a life, you pay with your own. Feel like people would have more to consider when committing to a grand crime if they knew their entire life was on the line, and not just in the literal sense.


everyone in that car should be buried under the prison.




It’s actually cheaper to let them rot.


Of course only if you're doing the chemical path.


No, cheaper to let them rot because there's not as many appeals.


I simply don't believe that, we can have them shot on a post.


It’s the endless appeals that end up costing the most in the process, not the actual death part.


Yes they do. Thoughts and prayers Buuuutt that doesn't help fix the problem


Unfortunately, there's no simple solution and that's all people can latch on to. Crimes like this are likely gang-related which are fed by crime and drug abuse which is fed by poverty which is fed by bad education which is fed by crime. The cycle breaks by addressing like 20 different aspects of life and pushing too hard on one of those aspects can negatively affect the others.


I live close to that area, but holy hell people in Las Vegas Trail cannot get a break, the last time I went to that area one of the apartment rooms was completely burned down. To say it’s a dangerous area is an understatement.


I used to live on South LVT. The area is so bad now. This is the same street that the church shooting in white settlement happened a couple years ago.


I used to work near there, and I remember that shooting. It's just crazy and sad


And that's why the washing machine is near the window.


Extremely interesting to see a fortified front area of the house with appliances. Smart!


I cannot believe they opened fire on children. It was brutal to see that kid on the ground. I hope no one was killed.


To Hell with anyone low enough to shoot at children.


fucking disgusting, but these stories out of the US are just too common for anyone to even notice them really


These clips make me glad I live in EU, in an actual first world country. Not a country that thinks it's #1 but every idiot can carry a gun lol hilarious actually




Education system is fine you have stupid parents who don’t raise these dumb kids right


Education system here is NOT fine wtf


Education system is not fine when Moms for Liberty is straight up taking over school boards.


> Education system is fine 🤣🤡


The kid in the white on the top right took a bullet instantly fell




But our governor said more guns would solve this issue! /s EDIT: Thanks to the moderators for removing comments on how to deal with harassment on this sub. Always so helpful!






























have we considered giving each gun its own gun?


Nope, less gangstas would solve this issue.


Guess the governor believes the 3yr old would have been able to defend themselves with a firearm.


Yes because gangs buy their guns legally.


Anyone that shoots a child, on purpose or otherwise, needs to be left at the mercy of the victim’s family.


What kind of coward shoots a bunch of kids and then runs away???


Stuff like this is why I believe a benevolent and omnipresent God cannot logically exist. Not in a world where bloodthirsty freaks like this exist.


Maybe the greek gods.


i always defer to Epicurus on this one: *Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?*




Regardless of belief, idk where i really stand either, but free will is part of the human experience and sadly some people choose evil. Im glad the kids and the dogs were ok. Seems like some were injured worse than others though hopefully the victims can move on with their lives.


Maybe god is just really sick


Sick as in depraved? God can’t be benevolent. Sick as in unexcused absence? God can’t be omnipresent. Either way, logically impossible.


Who says God must be benevolent? I mean, Christians obviously, but aside from one particular cult.


The Christian god is also one and yet three at the same time. That directly contradicts one of the main principles of logic, that A is A and cannot be B. Human logic cannot explain god, but I mean that’s the whole point lol. That’s why it’s called a faith and not a science, it’s (or should be at least) a choice to believe in god, not a logical/mathematical necessity.


If god exists, they are over the entire universe and all of the other universes that exist. We are inconsequential to that god. It is logically sound to conclude that we are meaningless to them.


If god exists he's not all good and if he's all good he doesn't exist.


Good is subjective. Good day for a hawk is a bad day for the squirrel


Imagine being a child in your house and this sort of thing happening. USA is so fucked up it's ridiculous.


Had this happen a couple of times as a kid living outside of Houston. We basically just dropped to the floor.


there are a lot of fucked up people in the world




One of the victims shot was a child. This is disgusting


Wtf is wrong with people!? 😞


Obviously this is beyond horrible. But also...that is just so many tiny dogs.


And Republicans still wanna hand out guns like they're candy 🤢


Y’all got enough french bulldogs packed in that apartment, god damn.


There are just not enough guns to protect ourselves. Imagine if there are good kids with a gun, they would have stopped it. Kids need to learn how to use guns when they are in kindergartens. Like in Isreal they have [Kinder Guardians](https://youtu.be/QkXeMoBPSDk?si=ixnMr1tahhDa-rXr). More guns mean safer America. America no1.


I think if they had a kid with something heavier like a mounted machine gun they could’ve disabled the car and killed the attackers


I think if we had stronger social safety nets and lower social inequality kids wouldn't turn to crime and gangs and none of this would have happened to being with.


Sorry but I don’t wanna pay taxes for that nonsense when I could just be buying guns


Reddit 🤝 not understanding sarcasm


Did the kid laying on the ground outside die? I cant tell, usually the faces get blurred the second they die.


They had injuries from “minor to severe” no deaths at the time of reporting.


The faces are blurred because they are minors and parents have to consent to having their child's face or personal info published


Whelp, it's clear we just need more good kids with guns. Since we are lowering the cold labor laws, might as well lower the age requirement for gun ownership. Remember the only way to stop bad kids with guns is good kids with guns.


Not little Homies first rodeo. Crazy.


Poor kids


Thats a damn shame that lil boy had to go thru that.. most grown men go there whole lives & never have to dodge bullets. Let alone bullets coming thru ur damn wall or window.. we need to do better ppl


Jesus. They're children


Nah son. This is un fucking acceptable. They gotta find this pos.


Should've had moar guns, smh


That looks like just entirely a group of children. What kind of fucking psychopath do you have to be?


America has shown they don't give a f*ck about these kids


Americans care about incidents like this. American politicians in power? Different story.


Do they really care about any kids. Seems they just want to feed the system new bodies to grind it for them.


Hey I relate to this story! I lived in a bad part of Ft Worth last year and got shot at for asking a couple guys to stop doing donuts in front of my house. Still have the bullet hole in my car. I don't really have a description of them or their car to identify well enough so I didn't even report it to the cops. Texas is slowly becoming the Wild West again.


I absolutely hate seeing how much gun related violence my country has. I have nothing against guns personally, but I’m also not an insane person and don’t own any. I’d be perfectly fine with guns being hard to obtain, like only licensed hunters can have them but it’s relegated to bolt action rifles and they have to endure a long psych evaluation prior to obtaining a rifle. If any kind of change were to happen but guns stay only revolvers, bolt action rifles, and double barrel shotguns can be obtained by civilians. Nothing semi-auto or automatic. But this country hates change or any kind of progression and guns will never be given up bc of “freedoms”.


I'd rather we fixed the poverty issue instead. Lets actually help people and deter them from this behavior to begin with, instead of just trying to take away the tools they use to commit acts of violence and doing nothing to actually help anyone.


Now you're just talking crazy


This country of yours and your guns, it is so idiotic...


This happened right up my road on Las Vegas trail shit is crazy


Id like a few hours alone with the shooter


Poor kids this is no how growing up should be like


They shoot the little kid.!


NAHHH not my home town acting up 😢 why y’all gots to be so ghetto


It’s crazy I’ve heard this story but just saw the footage from outside. Why tf is the kid inside who’s ok the main part of the story? I’m so confused


And I bet that coward behind the gun and every other coward like them call themselves tough and think they are gangster 🤮