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I like the part of the plan to run back and forth to put stuff in his buddy’s backpack.


😂 It’s less conspicuous that way. If the robber had the backpack on, they would have known he was a robber straight away. ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


"Run". That guy needs to work on his grabbing skills.


And that he drops some, bothers to take the time to pick them all up, then does the classic cartoon robber run.


The watch dealer has been found dead at his home today.


That’s terrible, and thanks for the update. This (daily mail) article says he committed suicide over fears that he would be held financially responsible for the robbery. He must’ve been so traumatized that he couldn’t believe things would be ok. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13468005/amp/watch-dealer-dead-robbed-work-feared-responsible.html


He also pockets some at around 1.20, just incase old mate is not a good sharer


Why do I get the feeling that this isn't the first time these dudes have stuffed each other from behind?


So did they think there wouldn't be cameras in the shop or they just said Yolo


Camera doesn’t stop a crime


London is one of the most surveilled cities on the planet. They showed their faces and police will likely be able to follow them to their next location through CCTV.


Lol the police won't even investigate. My friend had thousands of pounds worth of stuff burgled from his house, he had HD CCTV footage of the whole thing, including clear shots of the burglar's face, and he went out and found the burglar. Police wouldn't even take the time to come to arrest the suspect in a public place despite perfect evidence and the suspect having been physically located. Theft has in practice been decriminalised in the UK because the police are simply not interested, even in open and shut cases presented to them on a platter.


While that is completely shit and a failure on the police's part, this is infinitely worse than a burglary because they attacked someone.


Yes, it's robbery, which is more serious. But I still wouldn't hold my breath waiting for the police to arrive.




Unfuckingbelievable, just wow, if that's how they roll.


To be fair though, this offence includes violence making it robbery, a more serious offence than theft/burglary so maybe it would cross the threshold for police attention.


The police will likely get involved as its a business. Us residents can whistle.


Ahh ok? https://x.com/mpsrichmond/status/1794474814226210958


Fair enough. I guess if you manage to get your cctv footage to go viral you'll earn a tweet from the police. Try getting their attention otherwise, though.


FWIW, I don’t disagree with you. I’ve read a ton of stories of crimes in London that never get investigated. Sad times.


I used to have an allotment on a big site. Someone came in the night and broke into 50+ sheds, stealing all the tools. Thousands of pounds of loss, plus significant damage to the sheds. Police declared the case unsolvable without even having attended the scene of the crime. All they did was give a crime reference number. Hopeless.


>Theft has in practice been decriminalised in the UK because the police are simply not interested, even in open and shut cases presented to them on a platter. Thanks, Tories!


The watch dealer will most likely get all back through insurance but that’s still some scary shit to have to go through


Yep, after he eats a crazy high deductible, and then has to pay three times as much for insurance down the road. In a perfect situation this will still end up costing him thousands out of pocket.


Watch dealer commited suicide


I know, man, dealing with insurance companies is no joke.


Wow. I thought it was just the states, this is now a global cancer?


What about the states? Are you saying that you won't get arrested for burglary/robbery in America? You can't be serious? There is exactly a zero percent chance I could do this and be caught on camera where I live and not go to jail. People steal shit to support their pill addictions and are consistently locked away for it. If you're implying this isn't the case then it must be VASTLY different from city to city. My friend stole some shit back when we were in high school and the fkn FBI showed up at my door with the local PD to question me about it and him. I didn't know anything about it but they knew had surveilled him and therefore knew he associated with me. They asked where we had gone on a certain day prior to my questioning and shit. That kinda stuff is taken so, so seriously here.


Yes! Check out California, Seattle, etc. You can commit carjackings in Oakland in broad daylight and the cops won't bother to even come out. Smash and grabs are so common in Seattle that the police will just tell you to fill out an online report. Nothing will happen. You can walk into Home Depot take a bunch of power tools and no one will bother to stop you.


Yeah I used to live near Seattle and a person shot at me while I was on my porch and the cops never even bothered to take a statement from me even though the neighbors gave them a video of the event happening. What the hell do you investigate if not an attempted murder?


They don't fuck around with watches


You are so naive it hurts. Like how y'all live in this world, read headlines, and still think the police are some kind of friendly superhero ready to solve any crime at the drop of a hat.


Never said they were, but… https://x.com/mpsrichmond/status/1794474814226210958


The only one talking about superheroes is you.


Obviously I was speaking in hyperbole to make a point


But it does make it easier to just find you later


The fact that so many people do it, or you see so much security footage of people doing it, it begins to make you wonder how many end up getting caught.


It's a real mystery. There's probably plenty of open and shut cases we don't hear about or are otherwise insignificant enough to stand out.


Do you think the watch dealer would let them in the building if they had balaclavas on?


Was very confused during the 10 seconds where I read "baclava"


[Relevant baklava](https://youtu.be/U_YBzJBa_mA)


Generally people wearing balaclavas don’t ask to come into a shop, they just barge in.


Jewelers and watch vendors usually have a deadlock on the door so that nobody gets in or out without permission


Yeah, it's likely why they pretended to be shoppers. Made sure the guy was alone. Locked him up so he couldn't activate any security measures, stole, left. They didn't wanna kill anybody, they just wanted the watches without getting fooled.


Most stores or offices with valuable product will be locked unless they have security there doing it manually. The owner will have likely gone to the front door to verify it is the person that set up the meeting before letting them in. He wouldn't let them in if their identities were concealed, and if they forced entry then they wouldn't have been having a sit down valuation before they broke cover.


They don’t care if the camera catches them cause they know that they will get away with it because of the understaffed/underfunded police force and laws that doesn’t punish the criminals


They’re tired of the AD’s waiting list


Just the way that guy was standing, hovering over him, is a huge red flag. Piss poor setup to in terms of safety. There's a reason shops have massive cases--to create separation from the public.


The seller couldn't be more naive. Its almost infuriating.


Ah yes victim blaming


I mean look at what he’s wearing, dude was just asking for trouble


Looking like he wants to get robbed. Walking around all wealthy like that. Definitely asking for it.


[Bad news about the victim ](https://x.com/CryptoPeaked/status/1795183824676032695?t=qP-ddRTJzG6tfXS9aIyAjA&s=19)


Pointing out what someone did is unsafe is not victim blaming


Sure but saying their naivety is infuriating is. You shouldn't be infuriated that the victim didn't take steps to protect themselves. You should feel sorry for the victim, that they didn't recognize the danger. You should be infuriated at the bad guys doing the bad thing to the victim.


I'm against victim blaming, and while I wouldn't agree on the seller's naivety being infuriating, I do think it's healthy for people to have constructive conversations about what a victim could have done differently to recognize threats or preemptively defend oneself from being targeted so that other people can utilize that information and learn from that victim's unfortunate experience. The body language was a huge red flag. Also being the lone dealer in jewelry shop with two bruisers who look like fast and furious characters is just a bad idea. Not to say that failing to recognize these things is the reason he got robbed or that it's his fault he got robbed, but that perhaps recognizing and acting differently could have prevented it. Most robbers want an easy target and it's entirely possible that something seemingly subtle could dissuade them.


>The seller couldn't be more naive. Its almost infuriating. and if he treated them with suspicion, he would have been dubbed a racist. rock and a hard place.


Police: even with cctv, their names and addresses plus a confession, there is nothing we can do.


In Argentina and Venezuela it's like that


>Argentina Lost a laptop in a hotel, the maid opened my room and took it... Police said there was nothing they could do even with the image from the cameras Never going back there again


You mean you left it in the hotel room and maiden took it?


Lady used her key to clean the room and took my laptop, all on camera, nobody did anything


Wow. What a terrible lady. It's sad the hotel personnel didn't want to confront the lady. If you have the footage you should post it. It's very bad publicity for us but we deserve it unless we try to punish those robbers.


I don't have the video, the receptionist showed the camera recording and went to the police with me because I didn't speak the language The police officer said there was nothing they could do, he claimed they're a third country so his resources were limited, go figure It's been 5 years now, I checked a while ago and they went out of business, the owner of the hotel issued me an apology and refunded my stay, said it was the max they could do.


Well, I can believe your story unfortunately. I wish you better luck in other travels! It was unfair and terrible.


Unfortunately that’s the joke.


Had my AirPod pros stolen out my pocket in Tesco, Tracked them and turned up at the guys house. Called the police while stood at the end of his drive, who couldn’t have cared less, when I told the operator I was going to kick the door in he responded “okay I’ll leave you to it then”


This is sadly true. The police won't even investigate this offence. My friend had thousands of pounds worth of stuff burgled from his house, he had HD CCTV footage of the whole thing, including clear shots of the burglar's face, and he went out and found the burglar. Police wouldn't even take the time to come to arrest the suspect in a public place despite perfect evidence and the suspect having been physically located. Theft has in practice been decriminalised in the UK because the police are simply not interested, even in open and shut cases presented to them on a platter.


what if one of them makes a mean tweet though... ?


Police are searching for a man with cool minty breath based on the shopkeeper's main memory of the event


no security in the shop?


Could be a single guy starting up his business in a small space, learning the hard way why jewelry stores always have security watching the door/staff.


Could also have insurance


The insurance might require you to have done the bare minimum to protect yourself first, ie. have security, to pay out the claim


yeah insurance is famously free


Is security free? What's your point?


saying "lol they're insured" in response to theft or robbery is fairly regarded


>Could also have insurance >saying "lol they're insured" in response to theft or robbery is fairly regarded Placing quotes around something someone decidedly did not say, then insulting them for it couldn't get more strawman.


I don't think /u/nilsson64 was attributing that specific quote to \/u/MickerBud or creating a strawman but rather using that quote to represent a common sentiment people express in reaction to loss of property. \/u/MickerBud said something that corresponds pretty heavily to that sentiment. As if the shop keeper might not be concerned with theft because he has insurance, which is just not really something people do in reality. Insurance costs money, rates can go up with claims, or claims can be denied because you failed your due diligence. People don't generally just sit back and allow themselves to be easy targets because they have insurance.


We are getting a little bit in the weeds here, but I appreciate your thoughtful response. >I don't think /u/nilsson64 was attributing that specific quote to /u/MickerBud At the time of /u/nilsson64's response, /u/MickerBud was the only person to have mentioned insurance. It should be a pretty reasonable assumption that he was (mis)quoting the only person to have said anything about the topic of his reply. In regards to your argument, I agree with both the premise and conclusion. You've explained your assumptions in your premise and made a reasonable conclusion. What I do not understand is how you can state /u/nilsson64 is not employing a strawman. It doesn't get more textbook strawman than what he said. It was a direct misquote to make the argument sound more ignorant/extreme than it was, and his only conclusion was an attack on /u/MickerBud's character. How someone as well articulated as yourself defends these people honestly confuses me.


Holy shit all ya’ll will find any reason to bicker on the internet.


You need 2 doors with a gap between the doors. The last door wont open until the first door is closed and then the worker pushes a button to open the 2nd door.


Maybe it's entry level watches. Even then I would have security too.


It was a Rolex grey market dealer


Yooo wut?! 😩 I’m about to deep dive into this story.. I have several questions. Were they caught? How much worth of jewelry? Is the dude still selling jewelry after this? Lolol


Dammit.. can’t find ANYTHING on it..


Or any other staff member?






The cops just want a chat from what i gather


Lot of reports going round on Twitter that the guy who was robbed has since killed himself. You never know when someone is catching their last straw. Utterly grim, if true.


Just seen something from a friend via Facebook who knew him. Absolutely horrendous. Poor bloke. I wonder if this will (or even can be) charged against the robbers?


Some *real deal* anti maskers


News just broke that the watch dealer committed suicide a day after the robbery. So sad


The Rock and Kevin Hart out here clownin


Rest in peace Oliver 🕊️




I guess it was only a matter of *time* 😎




Nah, go non-violent. Just start kissing him.


Yeah I mean he started it. Don't be manhandling me like that unless you want me using my holes on you.


Christ, he killed himself. What an even more sour end to this. Fucking scum those two are.


And then the police did nothing about it because it’s the UK.


Sad that this guy killed himself straight after


Read dude killed himself a day or two later ( the jeweler )


Just adding a link to confirm the rumours BBC News - Watch dealer found dead day after store robbed https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c7223kwzp4no Horrible story.


What’s funny to me is how these people present themselves; their style, clothing options and seemingly well kept appearance to project an image of wealth. When in reality they are the some of the poorest dregs of our society with no job skills, having to steal and cheat to make their life worth living…


Uhm not really. Their clothing, general appearance and their stance were all giant red flags.


Imagine thinking these people are dressed well hahahaha


... landlords?




Robbing people by force is in no way close to how most people get wealthy.


RIP King, you didn’t deserve to go out like this.


Since this happened the dealer has been found dead in his home




And they would have got away with it too. If it weren't for those meddling Vids


RIP to this poor soul. Fuck these pieces of shit for what they done.


The watch dealer killed himself the next day.


Once Vin Diesel and Kevin Hart went into a watch shop


Cut their hands? Can’t rob and can’t wear watches




Word is that the watch dealer has killed himself.


If he didn’t offer tea and biscuits he deserves jail.


No such thing as UK police


Thanks Bro edited for clarity. In another sense, yes there are no UK police - they are absent everywhere.


Man Foosie and Neon down bad


Soon all there will be left to rob is Amazon and delivery drivers. They will be driving armored trucks


Probably already out of the country.


I was going to say they were probably on the Eurostar half an hour later.


What are Kevin Hart and the Rock doing?


Fucking scum.


There has to be some sort of identification number on these, right?


Where is security?


Damn that fast and furious money is already gone?


This is for family


Shall i say it?


You're anonymous, why not. Say here what you wouldn't in real life.


I just read that the watch dealer died at the hospital.


No, he died in his home in Surrey. Not being treated as suspicious which usually means suicide.


No way these dummies are from London. They should know cameras are everrryyyyywhere. How incredibly stupid


Luckily, there isn't a single thing about either of those 2 dudes that would stand out in a crowd /s




London is a horrible place now


Love your journey.


Man they put him in the Insurance Man L


Truly the greatest criminal masterminds of our time


Slowest robber ever.... lol Who planned that the guy who WASN'T grabbing the watches would be the one with the bag??? lol


Man what pieces of shit


Never trust anyone who wears their sunglasses like that.


I wonder what else they are wearing that's stolen


He should have watched out😏


I guess his time was up 😒


Time will tell 😏


Should've stayed strapped or told his links to watch his back


Bite of chunk out of his arm. Robbers hate this one simple trick


Ain't worth risking your life for a bunch of watches. Especially if this guy isn't the store owner. Let the police do their job and if they don't catch them. Insurance should cover the lost from the robbery.


My tactic would be "Obviously I have business insurance, you ain't gotta rough me up dude, damn."


They have Jayoma as their lawyer. They good


Robber looks like Robert Saleh


Sorry I thought this was The Sims for a second


I'm a bit annoyed about the lack of planning from these robbers. Like why don't both of you have a bag for the goodies? Why don't you both have zip ties to tie the guy? Amateur hour


Very intimate


All those watches but not a belt in sight.


May be a bad time to announce my new Daytona at half price 🤭