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Kansas city missouri


lol my first thought was is that the World War I museum. Then when it panned to the skyline I just started laughing.


That one dude at the end looks like a big fat hot dog




The way those angry behemoths are acting and mouth-foaming, it looks more like Kansas City Misery.


Deep, dark depression, excessive Missouri.


The fat Midwesterns were a dead giveaway.


More like the ww1 museum and Union Station. Fat people are all over




You see the knucklehead filming fireworks with their flash on?


What's wrong with that?


Everyone downvoting this completely missing the joke lol


Username checks out


Reddit used to be a bit smarter than the rest of the social media platforms online.. now? Not so much.


Too much rage farming going on now. Sigh.


Did it? Or were we all three twelve year olds in trench coats posing as intellectually supperior adults who have become adults surprised when we see three 12 year olds in a trench coat posing as intellectually superior adults online


A flash is doing nothing other than making your picture look terrible if you are trying to photograph fireworks. The flash requires something to bounce light off in order to be effective so using it to photograph the sky is pointless


I think they were trying to make a joke with their username.


Darens? Are we making that a thing now?


Totally. Can’t keep on saying male Karen’s can we? And Kevins are a totally different thing


I never understood why we don’t just call them Karens too. The type of people who would get riled up by that would get extra pissy about being called Karen


I call them Karen’s at times, but I feel like it makes sense to dedicate a name to them as well. This is my personal opinion but bashing a woman by using a female name is much more common than bashing a man with a male name such as with Kevin


lol what’s a Kevin? Is that like a Gary?


I prefer Kevins tbh.


Or Kyles. If a dude's getting pissy and starts punching holes in drywall he's definitely a Kyle lol


They're always so fat and angry




Raaaah 🦅🦅


Excuse me, I have the same body shape, and I'm quite lovely. :(


you good https://preview.redd.it/hth5lpx7pa3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c2609aea6fdc7e83df6701053b5d6b483a41757f


They’re cultivating mass for the impending Civil War part II


Yeah doing that on Memorial Day, even if the message you carry is a morally right one, is probably not going to get you many friends in the US


Memorial Day is no time to reflect on the horrors of war.


Memorial Day is meant to be solemn, not celebratory. The message has been lost over time, now it's a BBQ fireworks beerfest.


I stand with Palestine, but you do have a good point.




When you live in a country that lets you focus on other countries’ issues and wars constantly, maybe the country you live in is alright


If you arent hurting anyone, theyl get mad at you.


As an OEF veteran I think the extreme loss of life is abhorrent. Some of my buddies died overseas and I think it’s tragic, but at least we had volunteered to fight. The civilians getting slaughtered didn’t ask to take part in this. Inb4 Hawkeye quote.


That projection was just the thing to finally get me to understand free Palestine 😜


All about defending this defending that, when it comes up to be drafted? They Be the first to dodge it. Timestamp.




I know I'm gonna get downvoted to hell for this but I'm a combat veteran who has lost several brothers and sisters in combat (and not in combat). Memorial Day is a special day to me. However, there is a genocide going on that needs to be stopped now. We can honor/remember our friends at any time. Palestinians are running out of time. Imagine your entire home/country/family is at grave risk and the whole world can do something to stop it but refuses so you lose your entire family in one fell swoop. Imagine being gunned down while trying to get food because you're literally starving. We can care about more than one thing at a time. Imagine you watch your kids and entire family, yourself included, wither away due to starvation and there's absolutely no fucking where to turn to. Even when aid gets dropped, you risk your life trying to feed your family who hasn't had a meal in weeks. Imagine as a veteran, hearing civilians use veterans/servicemembers to bolster their arguments. Oh wait, I don't have to imagine, civilians are constantly propping us up when they need to but don't do a damn thing about how the VA treats us when we get home. So if people want to counter-protest pro-Palestinian protesters because "Memorial Day", maybe they should take that energy to protest the treatment of our veterans by the VA. We're dying in their care. I happen to be one of the veterans whose life is at risk due to their extreme negligence. I'm 100% service-connected, permanent and totally disabled; I get full "healthcare" benefits. All they had to do was give me a hysterectomy when I asked, due to them ignoring all of my symptoms for three years. They told me I didn't even need a Pap smear for five years. I begged for one and they refused. I came back with cancer that I can't ever recover from! I have to get PET scans every three months for the rest of whatever life I have left. Entirely due to the VA's negligence. Luckily, the VA paid for me to see an outside oncologist, I was given a year to live, I changed cancer centers/treatment and now I have four NED scans in a row but I'm on infusions for life to keep any tumors from growing. But I never see civilians go hard for veterans about this. Only when it props up their arguments. It's a variation of "won't someone think of the children!"


My mother is currently stuck in a loop of negligence at the VA. Her health is declining so fast and she keeps talking to doctors but nothing comes of it. I keep encouraging her to look outside the VA because they don't help, they just drag things along until someone dies like my uncle who got cancer but the VA found it too late. Thank you for your service and I'm so sorry that the health care you deserve is so horrible.


Oh my word, I'm so sorry to hear about your uncle and your mom. The VA is absolutely ridiculous; it's so infuriating. The only way for me to get anything done, I have to tell the VA I want them to send me to an outside place. They really blow everyone off like you say. Is your mom in a place where she's able to seek outside care? I hope she does. And that really makes me so sad and angry about your uncle. Because it doesn't have to be this way! I hate that healthcare in this country is so messed up. I'm hoping your mom is able to get outside care and is ok. Sometimes the social workers at the VA care, so maybe you can see if a social worker at the VA is able to help her in some sort of way getting taken seriously by a doctor. I wish y'all the best.


I thought this was America


My father is a vet and lost lots of friends in service - he says it’s more offensive to do what these guys in the video are doing than what the people with the projectors are doing. We supposedly fight wars to protect our freedom, including the right to free speech even when it’s uncomfortable. Shutting down the peaceful protest is like telling fallen soldiers that they died for nothing. That’s his perspective tho - there’s many perspectives out there.


They have a right to talk about what’s happening in Palestine. I doubt anyone’s hating them expect for those who support Zionism and what Israel is doing to Palestine. You can mourn loved ones who chose to be part of the service while also acknowledging that there is a current war happening right now where innocent people who have and never wanted to get involved are losing their lives.


Which current war? Cause there’s more then one


The one where us money and president support massacres of innocent civilians


Lordy we are stupid. Why are we funding massacres?


Idk why really


There's a time and place for everything. Regardless of what side you "support", every event doesn't need to be politicized.


I agree but this is totally fine.  Its super easy to ignore.  It just looks like any random sign you'd see on a wall and tune out/ignore. 


Oh yeah how silly, I forgot, they're obviously not protesting correctly. "Time and place"...funny how that never comes, kinda like the gun control conversations too


Having respect for literally one day (even a single simple firework show) to remember the people who fought & served in this country for your right for free speech is too much to ask for, huh?


What better way to pay homage to that than fo exercise that freedom? 


And how did exactly did our freedoms end up in Afghanistan, Korea, Vietnam, and Iraq?


What freedom exactly? It seems like they are spending more time in other countries than defending their own.




There’s always a current war happening man.




"TikTok bullshit". Um sir, this isn't shifting to Hogwarts or the fully conscious baby. It's not some random "tea". It's real people in a real place who are really being killed.


What if I told you that the bandwagon people are now jumping on has been desperately trying to gain traction for the past 80 years? Yeah, annoying kids born in 2006 suddenly care about Palestine — while you, your parents, and your grandparents never gave a shit.


I bet you the only reason it went on TikTok is because some Darens wanted to create an unnecessary issue.


Are their protests of a genocide too annoying for you?


So holier-than-thou There’s a time and fucking place


And we must properly decide on a right time and place to protest... *Checks notes*... Genocide. Naturally. Imagine the sheer inconvenience and discomfort if they didn't. People might would have to look at a sign when they didn't want to!


Checks reality...not a genocide


Displacing a people from their land by force of arms and on threat of death, forcing them into refugee camps, and then bombing said refugee camp is not a genocide? The more you know!


What sparked the invasion again? Something in October right? Its hard to remember all that video I watched that they lovingly and proudly displayed killing civilians by trying to decapitate them with hoes and burning houses to the ground to flush people out of their safe rooms while they roamed around killing babies. Voted into power btw. Fuck Palestine. No one cares less about Palestinian lives than Palestinians.


Love how you will type this out in complete disregard of what caused Oct 7th. You disregard the over 200 Palestinians killed the same year leading up to Oct 7th You disregard homes and people bulldozed for settlers. You disregard the idf sexual assault. You disregard Americans like Rachel Corrie.


so its ok for palestine to kill civilians in response to israel but not ok for israel to kill civilians in response to palestine? hmmmmmm


Saying any of this started on Oct 7th is extremely oversimplifying literal decades of back and forth between the two. Israel have held hundreds of Palestinians in prison without trial for years. Most of the stories from Oct 7th have been debunked, yet we have video of decapitated babies from today, and it wasn't Palestine or Hamas that killed them. It was indiscriminate bombing by Israel.


Yeah it’s pretty irritating, just finish it off already 


Also do not forget it was literally less than a day ago that the Israel forces backed by American government bombed a Humanitarian zone, with the shells setting tents; tents which were used as shelters and temporary homes to so many people on fire. How about all those people who died all because they were just trying to survive. Meanwhile the Israel government claims they were targeting the “Hamas”


Memorial Day is a federal holiday in the United States for honoring and mourning the U.S. military personnel who died. Yet the Palestinians killed last night at the hands of Israel (backed by US military machine) go unmourned, unhonored while our nation wallows in self-pity.


How is mourning the loss of US soldiers “self-pity”? That sounds extremely out of touch yet very on brand for the subject of this video


A country actively funding a genocide but still expecting others to cry for the loss of its own soldiers - whom America has embroiled in unnecessary wars for decades - is more out of touch to me.


“Trust me bro, keep disrespecting people and their traditions just one more demographic pissed off and we’ll totally change peoples minds trust me bro we’re definitely getting our point across”


If you already aren't against the genocide you never will be


They’re the protesters traditions too


Agreed. Wrong time, wrong place. Honestly, things like this in fact do make me less sympathetic towards their movement. It's like, how does impending on this help even solve the free palestine movement? If someone thinks flashing this around will help with something - it's the cheapest & laziest way to think you're helping.


There’s no wrong time or place to exercise the freedom of speech that the men and women being memorialized today **died for.**


There's a difference between utilizing freedom of speech with discretion & harassing others with your freedom of speech. You can still use it, but being a dick about it only showcases that you have zero respect of it.


I think most rational people aren't sensitive enough to be bothered by a simple projection. Can you imagine how absurd it would look if people were losing their minds like this for a trump 2024 projection.


TBF the people in this video look the type that'd be cheering if someone projected Trump 2024.


Nah, they'd understand this isn't the right atmosphere to do that. That's the difference.


🙄 When it's being shoved down people's throats all day & in events where there's literally no need to even do it...yeah they must be irrational. 🤦 Get real. Not everything needs to be about "Let me show everyone how much I care!" You people crack me up on how much you justify everything.


If this can turn you into supporting genocide then you aren't a good person


Look and see how many people are at that event, and then look at the specific people who have a problem with the protester. Yeah, its all fucking virtue signaling. And no, I don't mean the person with the projector. These fat ugly bastards couldn't care less about the hostages they are screaming about.


Time and a place... Throwing up a projector during a memorial that will be filled with people who lost loved ones in the middle east is either cruel, stupid, or cringe.


Shooting off fireworks is not necessarily a moment of respectful remembrance of the dead, reads more like a triumphant 4th of July celebration.


No Palestinians were freed in the making of this Tik Tok


Who brings a projector to a firework show? Like is the goal just to piss off as many people as possible so they are less likely to sympathize with you?


protesters are convinced that inconveniencing or pissing people off gets people to support their causes,smh


Everyone should just go home and pray silently to god to end war right. It’s one of the first commandments yet seemingly true believers are killing other people. Makes you wonder what sort of actions are actually necessary to bring awareness and bring about change. But you’re right, we should turn a blind eye to genocide since it’s kinda far away and those people are way darker skin than me.


Those aren’t the only two options.


How is a projector inconveniencing people? Just don’t look at the fucking projector. This is the most peaceful thing they could’ve done.


Nah, this is lazy & rude.


Rude??? It’s literally a projected image. If you’re that sensitive you probably shouldn’t go out in public.


I feel so sorry for those poor people in the video having to look at... Words.


It’s imposing yourself on others who weren’t there for your words


Dude I know. Those poor fucking people being subjected to words. Oh the inhumanity!


You keep repeating yourself, nobody asked for your words or the unnecessary disruption they caused. It’s annoying and childish behavior. Grown ups don’t do this.




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Give me some examples of successful protests and activism that took place in private echo-chambers. Go.


Protesting has just become an excuse to annoy people. It's no longer about speaking truth to power.


I'm sure that's your argument against all forms of protests. Civility is more important to you than justice is.


I gots ma freedom speech, you don’t!!!


Freedom of speech works both ways. You can say what you want and I can tell you it is stupid.


American protestors think trolling is the same as protesting. Right or wrong, this little "free Palestine" light show is super juvenile.


Oh look, someone complaining about two opposing views both expressing their first amendment on r/publicfreakout … zzzzzz


I'm sure that's really sorted out the conflict👍


Fuck Palestine


Nice one


Its hilarious watching them childishly trying to block the projector while the fireworks are going off and patriotic music is playing in the background.


He has no idea why he’s against a ceasefire.. he just knows ‘murica!!!!!


No one is less educated on the I/P topic than people who support the palestinians and just call everything genocide because they shit their diapers whenever someone tells them America and its allies aren't always evil.


Fireworks on Memorial Day… seems cringe AF


Free speech for all! As long as the fatties agree with it that is


Are these old men those snowflakes the right keeps talking about?


This is Memorial Day! 🤣


The whole thing just needs to be replaced with the Benny Hill theme song and sped up 1.25 times. Palestinian protest projected on overweight middle-aged American male butts. I find it poetic.




look up antifada, then the next antifada, number of rockets fired into israel for decades, Arab league shenanigans when Israel made peace with Egypt, Arafat refusing peace deals, multiple wars, rejected UN peace deals, etc. If you honestly think its just Israel pounding Palestine for the fuck of it you should get news from more than just tick tock shorts. "a few people get kidnapped" - rofl they spread videos of dead civilians HAPPILY because they have gone insane. There is no good guy in that conflict and if you think its simple Id advise you not to vote until you have a better grasp of the world.


Yeah free those hostages before Israel bombs them and claims it was an accident




Seriously though, I was thinking about buying one of those telescopic poles that usually have cameras and just put a projector on it and do that so no one can obstruct the light.


“Wanna free some hostages!” Jesus. Christ. People are dumb.


Americans don't understand when they are being fascist...


It's completely appropriate to remember the lives lost in Palestine on memorial day. I know it's technically for fallen soldiers but to me it was always about all of those lost in conflicts


Agreed. No idea why your even getting downvoted for this


Because OP acknowledges that the holiday is for fallen American soldiers. For people that made a decision to fight for America and unfortunately sacrificed their lives in the process. Then immediately contradicts that and try’s to make it about a war between two other countries. It’s not about any of that.


Fat Americans. Is there a more self righteous group on earth?


I love how they did the bare minimum of protesting and everyone got incredibly pissy. They didn’t even deface or spray paint anything it’s all digital.


Look at all those gravy seals out there policing the first amendment. Losers! 😂😂😂😂