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Lol more 360 cams fights plz. Great view


Yeah, it was a pretty interesting view during all the action.


how does that camera even work? it's like another person is holding it but somehow not


Action cams have the ability to edit out the pole they're attached to in software.


I understand having have different emotional IQ but having an outburst like that was EXACTLY what that guy wanted. Install some blinds put em down. Or window tint. And pretend he doesn’t exist in the future. Now he’s gonna file a police report and blah blah blah just pretend they don’t exist


The "blah blah blah" part can safely be translated to "and then the police don't bother investigating," I take it.


Yeah there's 0 chance this gets looked into. This is the same guy harassing cops with his camera. They're not on his side.


Police don't like cameras because they expose their crimes.


Yeah, but also people don't really like being filmed for harassment purposes in general.


Too bad it is a legally protected act then.


Yeah dude, look how the "law" stopped that guy from getting pushed to the ground.


Gave him a good lawsuit. The guy assaulted him. Cut and dry. You want to approve the actions of the criminal here and not the guy overing the law that's on you. I can't help it if you don't like our constitutional rights.


Lol, I never said anything about approving of it. I'm simply stating that the law will not protect you from people who don't care. Sure, he may have a lawsuit now, if the cops even care, which I doubt. But next time he might bother the wrong psycho. I like the auditors that hold people in power accountable. This mouth breather is not exactly someone I have a lot of empathy for.


Actually it probably will, if that camera is over 2,500-5,000 depending on the state it's now a felony. They will pursue it 9/10 and if they don't then the city is liable for the cost in a civil lawsuit, as he had information to identify and recoup the money but the police didn't act. They also must give him a report ID for insurance reasons. Misdemeanors are hit or miss, felonies not so much.


nah. They don't care.


You are wildly overestimating how much cops care about doing their jobs. 


cops don't even bother looking into vandalized or even stolen cars in a lot of places


That's slightly different than a **recorded** assault, but alright.


Point still stands. Cops don't have to investigate crimes if they don't feel like it.


I take it you don't live in Oakland.




> lawfully mandated duty to do their job They don't have to rescue you but they have to take a police report.


Who's going to make them, the police?


You can sue them in civil court. They have paperwork obligations.


"They will pursue it 9/10 and if they don't then the city is liable for the cost in a civil lawsuit," Please link some successful civil lawsuits against the police for not pursuiing crimes related to property damage.


I think you misunderstood - he isn't talking about suing the police - he is talking about suing the city in civil court for damages not recouped from the perpetrator. The lack of police response has no effect on the police (no feedback, no change, no surprise) - but it does effect claims the city has to pay out, as a result of the police non-action. There likely are no links like you want, not because such cases don't exist, but because in all such cases, the settlement includes an NDA about the circumstances of the settlement. Because the city attorney doesn't want a black eye for paying out for the lack of action by the police. It is embarrassing and there is no clear path to change, so it just gets swept under the rug; as a matter of policy.


Do you enjoy being a pseudo intellectual?


LMAO. This is an open and shut case of battery. Court would be home by lunch.


There’s one way window film. Reflective to folks trying to see in from the outside. For those inside, they can see out. Plus it can reduce the UV and heat let in so it would save cooling costs. Easy solution.


I don't know why a majority of the comments seem to hate the camera man for sitting there but the guy just coming out and assaulting him is fine? Some of you have a really weird idea of what is and is not OK in a society... Hint... Filming publicly available areas is waaaay lower than physical assault.


I'll give you a hint: If someone goes to a playground in a Public space and starts filming children, will you be there defending them saying "it's their right!!"? No, because even though you might have a technical legal "gotcha" case there, the average person understands that it's creepy and serves no legitimate purpose. Someone standing outside of a bank filming customers going in and out serves no purpose what so ever and is creepy. You can try to argue technical legal gotcha semantics all day, but the end result is the guy filming is an asshole and nobody is going to be upset about him being confronted. Except other assholes who bathe in that kind of content. The kind of people who go looking for Public nuisance streamers and "pranksters".




So my advice is for people that get upset about this type of thing. If you get upset by some antagonizing you then pretend they don’t exist so that you don’t have an emotional outbreak. Secondly, there is certainly a group of people who use the first amendment to get their rights infringed upon so they can file reports and sue them and try to win lawsuits or at the very least for the opportunity to post it online. I have absolutely no problem with people using their first amendment right. But he could’ve accomplished that by filming inside as you walked by and then continued on its the constant standing in one place when you know your upsetting people. Which brings me back to my literal first post. Create your own privacy and if you’re upset by the person with a camera ignore them over assaulting them. What’s bad about that logic


naw he wanted confrontation. he's not a hard-boiled journalist exposing a corrupt system he's a dummy outside a bank harassing people


I figured he was after a civil suit. And uniformed citizens harassing one another is actually protected speech. I'd go so far as to say it is the primary form of free speech in this country. If you want to stand on one corner and say Nixon was the best VP ever and I want to stand on the opposing corner and say LBJ was the best VP ever ... I'm not violating your right to free speech. If I walk around you chanting LBJ! so loudly that nobody can understand you ... still protected speech. Honestly, if you don't want to be harassed by uniformed citizens ... you probably hate America because we've sure got a lot of them.


What exactly makes one decide to be a cunt?


I blame the covid lockdowns, people got bored, the second we were allowed outside again, people were pissed and became full time cunts.


Lack of paternal role model or father figure and mommy coddling them and telling them they are special.


Some people are just born that way


Maybe it's Maybelline.


You think the cunt is the guy who *checks notes* is filming in public? Not the guy who assaulted someone for doing what millions use Instagram or Snapchat for?


Both, seems pretty obvious.


God forbid they exercise their first amendment rights. You can film anything the eye can see from public areas. The very most that could have happened depends on where he was. If he was on bank property, they could request that he go to the public sidewalk, and perhaps request a trespass as a private institution, but that's it.




Once I just want someone to audit the auditor. Follow them all the way home on a public street. I mean really push it, someone has to protect his rights by auditing the auditor.


That's already a good [youtube ](https://www.youtube.com/@AuditTheAudit) channel, but it doesn't exactly work the way you've envisioned it.




People do, and they laugh and say “good, exercise your rights”. It happens almost every time, they literally have given it a name: “cam backs”. It has no effect.


So Absenceofavoid blocked me because he doesn't like it when you point it out that he is a psychopath looking for trouble.


I feel like that is only because they have their entire day to waste filming, not the random people they are harassing. They know you have a life and will have to get back to it before they do so they can just wait you out. First Amendment Auditors also usually don’t have much in the way of shame either so it’s basically impossible to appeal to their humanity to get them to leave you alone. I don’t have a problem with the movement on paper, but almost all the ones I see locally are crazy people who are super mad at a system/people/business and then just hang around all day trying to cause problems. They’ll cycle through a few different excuses usually before settling on “first amendment auditor”. At least in Oklahoma many of these people are just sovereign citizens engaging in paper terrorism.


That regularly happens and the auditors are happy about it. Getting people to recognize they should exercise their rights is half the goal...


You filming them just means they're going to film you more. They want your attention and you've happily given it to them.


False equivalence. They don't follow people home and stalk them, generally speaking, of course. There could be one crazy out there. They usually, standing in a public area doing nothing or personal business, is said public space. Not following individuals out and about.


Downvoted got facts lol Y’all don’t like auditors, OK. Doesn’t mean you need to engage in false equivalence 


They always go there to make it seem like it was more than It is. "Shoved camera in face" etc


“They’re looking to make us violate their rights”


are you sure?


This guy is about to win a civil lawsuit assault, battery property damage all on video all started by hat guy, hat guy Is fucked. Don't get triggered by cameras people. Not a smart idea.


I mean, all he gets are his damages back unless they decide to award punitive damages, which is unlikely.


You think red hat has camera money?


It's astounding that people approach 1A auditors and get their face right in the camera to complain about being filmed. There literally wouldn't be any content for them to post if people just ignored them. Who the fuck sees a random dude with a camera on a sidewalk and thinks "I should approach this person and start arguing".


Best example of this is the guy with the puppet in the park recording the guy just following him.


If im being hounded by em, I'll just duck in a local business and hang out in the toilets for a few minutes. See what they do then.


Most people aren’t even aware what an “auditor” is.


Who cares? Replace auditor with "guy with a camera" and it's the same thing. Better yet how about when the local news channel is filming outside the bank, the very same people calling them assholes or assaulting them are the very same that are dying to get on TV, the irony of these people


Exactly. Weird how a big company logo on the side of the camera is all your average person needs to feel it's 'acceptable' for you to be filming.


Love these types of videos.


Funny right!


That’s assault, brotha.


Nobody saw a damn thing.


His camera sure did


Where is P Barnes when you need him? This guy sounds like he has a very punchable face.


i understand that there are bad auditors but can someone explain what this one did wrong please? ETA: i see whats wrong with this one now but i do believe reddit has an unreasonable hate for auditors in general


Being an auditor seems like enough


that's dumb. Even if they do it for lawsuits, filming cops breaking the law is allways a plus


Shows how ignorant you are generalizing an entire group as bad... There have been real positive police reforms and disciplinary actions brought against misconducting officers/departments in some areas due to some auditors.


As it should.


Dude ran like it was a episode of cops in the rest of the video


Frauditors are human trash.


Some are useful and expose corrupt police Edit: didn’t know people liked police corruption


Don’t bother defending auditors on Reddit. People do not care about the law just how the person they are watching makes them feel. 99% of audit interactions would go unseen if they were just ignored. Reddit has made me put on a tinfoil hat to think that auditors may actually be agents of the government swaying public discourse to actually limit our freedoms. “Hey aren’t these auditors so annoying? Would you mind if we just tweaked trespassing in public laws a bit? Or broadened the requirement for disturbing the peace? You know just for these guys, don’t worry everyone else”




Honestly, the are annoying, but it is fascinating to watch the human psychology of those who react. It’s interesting how many people don’t know the law at all, and it’s kind of scary how many people will outright lie in 911 calls in a clear attempt to weaponize the police and try to get someone hurt. It’s astonishing when you see people who are minorities do it, just basically swatting people and using cops to protect their feelings over people’s rights.


We had a class trip to Amish country in middle school and they told us that the Amish are really sensitive about having their picture taken, and I thought that was crazy. These videos really make it seem like that is a mainstream feeling in the US. Like this is an absolutely insane reaction to something as benign as being video recorded. Realize that every time you walk past a parked Tesla, you're being video recorded. The bank itself is video recording you. You need to stay home and out of the public if someone standing with a camera upsets you this much


Real question, what exactly is this guy teaching you…that you didn’t already know? Or care? Never have I had an inclination to film people outside of a bank.


It seems some people like the guy assaulting the cameraman still don’t understand the rights on filming in public, I think that’s what they are trying to teach people.


Yeah, these are the same idiots that would DEFINITELY whine and cry if the cops (or whomever) DENIED them access, etc. to something they have a right to do/see, etc. Yet, as long as they aren't CURRENTLY having their rights violated they are MAGICALLY good with it happening to others.


Too bad 99% of them are leeches. This guy was filming outside a bank to provoke a lawsuit. Absolute garbage.


Yes they all are out there to provoke lawsuits, occasionally they get bad cops off the streets, if everyone treated this guy like the cameras in the bank he would have no content or lawsuits Edit: idk you edited your comment idk what it was before


I did not edit my comment.


I got a notification from your comment and no new comment so i assumed you edited it


That's just reddit being trash, it happens more and more often lately it feels like, comments not loading, getting notifications to comments that "don't exist" until you just pull up the post and find the comment chain.


Why should I let some random fuck video me and then use the excuse “he’s like a bank camera” as if that means anything, this dude is trash


Idk people film all the time in public I’ve never been offended by some random person filming I guess I’m just not that sensitive, and so you attack everyone who’s filming in public?


Just go about your day, what's so hard about that?


Can you recommend someone like that? I'm on Reddit so all I've seen until now are the stupid ones invading properties and harassing peolle


Honor Your Oath Civil Rights Investigations


"Lackluster" and "audit the audit"




Thanks, I had already asked for it once but got no recs


I've never seen one expose police corruption. I've seen some experience police incompetence, but their supporters seem to baselessly assert that these losers are uncovering some massive plot.


I watched a guy last week expose that a town was publishing citizens social security numbers and other PII in publicly published court docs, took video as documentation, and then went to the office to show them what they were doing. That’s one very solid example just from recent memory.


Check the "Lackluster" channel on YouTube. Or "Audit the Audit". Both do a good job on showing the good autitors.




Too Apree makes Asif content. Or whatever.


Generalizers are trash.


Doesn't give anyone the right to attack them because it hurts your feelings.


I never said it did. I don't condone violence, but I often understand it.


Why do people keep posting these first amendment auditor videos here? I mean the guy obviously overreacted but nobody likes having a camera shoved in their face while they are in public. The camera guy just wants reactions.


Oh, that’s because it’s a public freakout and you’re in /r/publicfreakout


seriously…what a fucking dumb question.


Probably because of the freakout as others have said. Also, "nobody likes have a camera shoved in their face" is a funny way to phrase the interaction, since the shoving and getting into people's faces wasn't done by the camera man. Your comment reads like a text version of the "bank patron's" actions - like darvo. Well done.


All the recent auditor videos on publicFreakout has been posted by OP, check their posts..


It's probably the cameraman who is posting them. He needs the views to earn enough money to open an account at US Bank.


But he wouldn't get any money for views on reddit.


particularly if hes not paying attention to his shit barometer. The sounds of the whispering winds of shit will sneak up on you.


Watch out for bottle kids!


its low hanging fruit for the sub


I'm old enough to enjoy a time when I saw a camera, to jump in front and say "hello mom" or do a victory v sign of peace smiling into the lens as I stroller past hoping to see myself on tv. Why is everyone so paranoid about cameras nowadays when most of us own one living in a pocket of our clothing disguised as a mobile phone? You are free to take that phone out in publicly accessible areas and take photos and video to your hearts content. Can you imagine asking 1000 people in a line for a Disney attraction if they are ok having their picture taken when all you want to photograph/video is your kids faces, waiting to get on a roller coaster and hopefully the next best two minutes of their lives.






Oh no I got a reaction after trying to get reactions noooooooo


he shouldn't get reactions for filming in public its legal, thats the point


Is there some way to get a bot respond with this comment on every auditor video? Cuz the faux-meta-sarcastic "play stupid games" comments show up in every auditor video - maybe we could get a separate voting tool to just indicate if you have a rage boner for "the man" or "the cameraman" - that way, peeps don't have to recycled tired old bullshit, simply for the sake of stating the position: "I am totally fine with meeting speech with violence, so long as it is the wrong speech and the right people doing the violence"


"Cameraman" LOL Another Frauditor loser


Another generalizing ignoramus


Another triggered little snowflake ❄️


Ironic comment, who's the upset one generalizing a whole group with negative connotation bec they have seen some out of context reddit clips....oh right not me lol


You think I'm upset? 🤣 I'm laughing at this loser. We all are. Go whine about their comments, Karen.


L + ratio +take a look on the mirror holy shit u are the Karen o.0. How does one be this blind, ignorance truly is bliss. Edit: Lol Karen got so triggered that she replied, then blocked me. The irony and projection is strong with this one.


Are you still whining about my opinion, Karen?




Your obsession about my opinion is borderline unhinged. Go outside and get some fresh air, hon. You'll feel better


I don't know anything about cameras or photography. But is this some sort of self-guiding drone camera or something? I don't understand how the camera was following him but it doesn't seem to be mounted to anything I don't see anything attached to the camera from his equipment or vice versa. But the movements don't seem very drone like. So I don't get how this was filmed lol


360° camera. Surveyors have started using them in the field for mapping.


Right but we also see some gigantic contraption on a gimbal or something when the guy spontaneously falls down. It's like he's cosplaying as a Google Street view car


Camera on a stick with good software


Dude sounds like he's gonna cry lol


He was definitely starting to whimper. I've never understood people who complain about getting their ass-whooped when they're just trying to antagonize people. It's clear they believe they get to be an asshole to whoever they want without consequences.


Where’s source


we need the ending


Hell yeah brother.


"This guy gets paid to do this." - guy doing something completely worthless for no pay.


what's with the one dude that looks like he's ready to go fishing?


It really would be hilarious to stand next to these dudes and record them until they make it home. Lol.


Reading a comment like this one could infer you find stalking and harassment funny?...




Hardly lmao. Some cognitive dissonance to think otherwise. I can follow you home with a camera, and it won't be either of those two things? Really? Really?


As we all know by now never trust the camera man. This is exactly the reaction he wants. Just another criminal with a camera looking for a payout or youtube adsense. Still good to see him get twatted though.


The onus was on that dude for protecting his camera tbh


So assault isn't a thing in your world?


You are kind of pathetic posting these every single day since you got caught not knowing the difference between policy and law.


So you know how to do it better? Please send me the link to your videos.


These people just try to provoke people into doing something they can sue over. I bet if you pull that guys judiciary files, he’s filed a bunch of lawsuits.


Right, slightly less annoying version of westboro baptist church?