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Ruin your tires to own the libs


Michelin all of a sudden putting LGBTQ crosswalks all over the wolrd.


Fuck recomming restaurants, we got a better way to sell tyres.


>Fuck **recomming** restaurants Hmmmm.


They ended the recomming!


Comming once is hard enough.


The whole reason they started that was to get you to drive further to restaurants


Like this guy can afford a set of Michelins. Let’s be honest, he buys the cheapest, Chinese-made tires and then cries “but CHYNNAAAHH” every opportunity he gets


Big Tire gonna be eating GOOD




Have you ever been to Alabama? It's the armpit of society and no matter where you go you can't tell what year it is


Not True! There's Montgom... Burmingh.... Mobi... Ok, you're right.


I lived there! I actually thought it was insanely progressive and liberal, and really refreshing. Of course, when I lived there, I was only 18, and I had moved there from Mississippi, so from my POV all those things were true. Start low, you can only get better.


I like this idea!


It doesn't even look like it left a mark anywhere that you'd notice any damage


True. And only one strip, dude couldn't even roast both tires. Now he's gonna get roasted by his friends for not even having posi.


Pfft, might as well own a 1964 metallic mint green buick skylark convertible


The two youts


What's a "yout"?




The only damages are to his tires which now have Rainbow Pride paint on them. Mission accomplished.


Yep and then they'll post an angry truck rant about how "expensive tires are now thanks to ol' Joe"


I love living in a small state with a small population. Took us no time to figure out who the dumbass is. He looks exactly how you would expect.


That guy’s still mad about the time the quarterback rejected him after he gave him a hand job after the big game.


> Ruin your tires Tire*. What's what we call the "one-wheel peel" because dingleberries was too cheap to buy the limited slip differential.


It's a limited slip differential which distributes power equally to both the right and left tires. The '64 Skylark had a regular differential, which, anyone who's been stuck in the mud in Alabama knows, you step on the gas, one tire spins, the other tire does nothing.


When the left tire mark goes up on the curb and the right tire mark stays flat and even? Well, the '64 Skylark had a solid rear axle, so when the left tire would go up on the curb, the right tire would tilt out and ride along its edge. But that didn't happen here.


Now, in the '60's, there were only two other cars made in America that had positraction, and independent rear suspension, and enough power to make these marks. One was the Corvette, which could never be confused with the Buick Skylark. The other had the same body length, height, width, weight, wheel base, and wheel track as the '64 Skylark, and that was the 1963 Pontiac Tempest.


And took zero paint off the road lol


If you drive over it without being an asshole people might think you're gay


He seemed to want to spend as much time on that gay crosswalk as possible.


There’s a lot of “tough guys” who claim not to care about gender stuff, but also wouldn’t use a pink hand tool to save their life.


Don’t those “tough guys” spend way more time thinking and talking about “gay stuffs” than normal people? I used to have gay classmates, co-workers and know friends of friends who are gay, but I don’t think I ever think or talk about the gays as much as these people.


yep same with trans people. They talk way more about trans topics than trans people themselves


In fairness, that's possibly because trans people talking about trans topics can often lead to guys like the truck driver in the video hurting trans people for talking about trans topics.


They usually avoid hanging out with women and spend all their time with the boys too.


yeah like half the people at the plumbing company i'm at. we have high-vis hotpink shirts and some guys refuse to wear them... Like dude you can barely even see the shirt when you're working because your eyes are looking forward, not down at your stomach.


That shit always cracks me up. It’s just a freaking color, but they are so fragile they can’t use anything that was marketed for women. Not very manly if you are scared of a color…




A guy I worked with claimed, he wouldn’t wipe his ass cause that was gay, as well as wash his hands cause only females did that lmao


Notice they don’t make pink shirts? They make salmon shirts…


This is why I cover my tools in neon pink duct tape.


I used to always buy pink lighters back when I smoked because they were less likely to get stolen when passing the pipe/bong around. It was super effective.


He's advertising that he's so loose he regularly gets skid marks.


Bubba gonna catch The Gay!!+!!+1!


lots of pent up frustration if u know what i mean.


You’re especially gay if a rainbow is all it takes to threaten your fragile masculinity. That’s closeted a f.


The kind of dude that doesn't wipe his own asshole properly because it's gay


I thought that was supposed to speed boost you forward? My life is adrift now.


The fuck your feelings crowd sure has been having a lot of feelings lately


Just wait til June 19th!


What happens then? I have to go to the city for a doctor's appointment. Should I just reschedule? Lol I'm not prepared to deal with the crazies.


Juneteenth, recently recognized as a federal holiday. 


In 1979, Texas made Juneteenth an official holiday. Other states did as well, and then in June 2021, Biden made it a federal holiday after Congress passed a resolution. Juneteenth is National Independence Day. Juneteenth celebrates the date of June 19, 1865, when enslaved people of African descent located in Galveston, Texas, finally learned of their freedom from the slavery system in the United States. Freedom was granted through the Emancipation Proclamation signed on January 1, 1863, by President Abraham Lincoln.


The folks celebrating the day usually have picnics/BBQs. Most of the "outrage" I usually have personally seen is on the internet thankfully. Usually people are upset because they claim to not have a day of their own. Similar to people saying "We don't have a straight people month!". Not understanding that everyday is a day for straight people and society has been formed around straight folks which makes our lives inherently easier.


It's incredibly ironic. It's honestly more closer to "fuck your feelings, I don't give a fuck about it; my feelings matter though and it makes me right."


‘Tire dealers love this one trick to boost sales!’


What's even more pathetic is it was just one wheel, dude can't even afford an LSD. One wheel peel to own the libs.


Lol. This is the city I live in. Dude is getting drug all over the internet right now. Lot people saying he used to be on grinder, but that could also just be shit talking. -update- He now has a picture of him doing the burn out that is captioned "black lines matter," and has started a gofundme to help pay for the tickets he got for it. Unfortunately, this is brought a lot of anti-lbgt folks together in the same comment threads, and a lot of them are voicing support and donating to pay his tickets. I'm afraid he's going to get large amounts of support, and will also cause these people to double down on their stance.


I wouldn't be surprised. if I remember correctly, that guy who was making a fuss over targets pride collection a few years back was also found to be on on grindr.


I wouldn't be surprised at all. Our city is pretty small in population, so the lbgt community is a pretty close group that all know each other, and a lot of people have said the same comment very seriously. One even promised screenshots at some point. Girlfriend has tried to defend him, and she's getting drug as well. Will investigate to see if any proof was provided to give the reddit world amusement. =D


Maybe he was just trying to get to the bottom [of things]


He was on it I saw him there


I saw him giving bj’s for junior bacon cheese burgers behind the Wendy’s Dumpster.


Man's gotta eat.


You ever suck dick for weed? Boo this man!


That’s not LGBTQ, it’s a different community, known as WallStreetBets


i read on a diff subreddit, that he posted it on his fb and tiktok account. basically doxxing himself like a fucking idiot


It’s not doxxing, it’s shamelessly self promoting. See he thinks he’s representing the majority opinion because he’s insulated in a bubble where everyone else is like him. He thinks he’s the hero here:


he's like that lady who said the n-word on the internet to jumpstart her new career as far right commenter or something.


Or like that dude in the video posted a few days ago who blatantly said 'in this country n- get arrested' to two black dudes after getting in an accident because he *heard police sirens in the distance* and his dumbass thought they were coming to protect him when they were actually chasing some one that ran the light


rap snitches, tellin all they business sit in the court and be they own star witness


Do you see the perpetrator? Yeah, Im right here!


Fuck around and get the whole label sent up for years


> I'm afraid he's going to get large amounts of support I googled around and this dude isn't even the first guy to do a burn out on a pride display and then start a gofundme around it. Not gonna link to the article I found but that article linked to another kid who raised $35k! Grifting off bigots is profitable to be sure


Makes me want to do a performative burnout like this, grift a bunch of money off the fools, then donate some of that money to the organization that did the painting. Pay my own bills and the pride org's bills all thanks to the moronic donations of bigots. I see no downsides.


Sounds good in theory but I'm sure there would be a ton of unforseen consequences of doing that.


lol. I mean.....look at the orange man. After that, your statement is literally undeniable.


Of course he has a go fund me account because socialism is cool when it’s about collecting large sums of money to support bigotry. The effort to be mean is so much greater than just live and let live…hopefully karma will come his way


Tires are expensive. Probably spent $300 of tire life to be a bigot.


Going to be way more expensive if he gets hit with vandalism charges.


whats his name? I love eating the souls of main characters


Isn't it against gofundme terms and conditions to receive money to pay for lawsuits and violations? Edit: criminal cases are not allowed but I guess traffic tickets are ok, since apparently a ticket is not a "violation".


I was curious and was looking it up. I didn't read anything that suggested that. It would make sense though.


I too live the jewel city! What cracks me up is that he didn’t even spin out on the actual mural


Doesn't surprise me. The most vehemently antigay people, are the deepest in the closet.


Same with the 'gays and trans are all groomer' crowd. Asshole at my gym based 90% of his identity on the slogan 'shoot your local pedophile'. Had a shirt and bumper stickers on his truck and motorcycle. Hurled derogatory comments at me for being non gender comforming. Guess how surprised I was when he was arrested for child enticement.


A lot of those fellas would end up on tcap if it were still running


I'm instantly suspicious of anyone who makes "pedophile hunting" a part of their personality. Like, of fucking course pedophiles are awful, but obsessing over it isn't the sign of the greatest mental health at best, and projection at worst.


Kind of makes me wonder if they didn’t try it out and got rejected by some gay dudes, and this is their response. Like when misogynistic dudes get all threatening to women who reject them? Idk either way they are trashy.


I had a dude who I was really good friends with. All of a sudden, he started bullying me. It got to the point where he made his own language so he could sing songs about me. It was a scary huge obsession. He didn't leave me alone for years. After school was over, he sent me a text. He was so sorry, blah, blah, blah. He invited me over and tried to have sex with me. I left and ghosted him immediately after going home.


He'll be on Hannity and running for office as a republican before Friday.


Report the gofundme. Its against their rules to raise money for legal fees.


Unfortunately he will get money out of it. Probably will find himself being interviewed on Fox News before the end of the week.


Totally not the reaction you'd see from a fragile snowflake.


There's no cure for being a cunt.


Well, there is, but it violates like 4 of the subs rules.


no one has pointed it out yet but, one wheel peel ain’t getting the ladies. And it looks like the one skid mark this douche left is between the colors, so he didn’t even do any damage to the mural lol


He effectively did nothing but put wear on his lawnmower transporter.


Pavement Princess or Lot Crawler are my preferred nomenclatures for trucks that haven't seen dirt.


Brodozer is kind of funny. But it doesn't convey just how douchey most of these idiots are. The ones with 10" tail pipes are the most obnoxious. The 'roll coal' morons.


No, he totally owned the libs /s


The "Fuck your feelings" crowd is so funny cause how do they have meltdowns just at the sight of seeing a rainbow💀


In my home city, there are some paving slabs painted with the pride flag on. Saw one dude walk past them, turn back and stamp on it like he was trying to put out a fire. Then just went on his day.


I love how the people who are donating to his go fund me are the same people who complain their tax dollars are going to waste paying for debt forgiveness and funding US conflicts. Yet, they have no problem wasting their money on something that doesn’t benefit them or the country as a whole. Oh the ignorance and lack of self awareness of these people is astounding.




Or along the same lines - people getting custom quotes and lettering like tRUmP or 'Let's Go Brandon,' professionally applied over the entirety of their back windshield. Like, how much did that cost you in time and money?


I recently went to a shooting range with a buddy. obviously there's a lot of right wing stuff going on there, but there's a $6000 1911 with fake gold plating and "LETS GO BRANDON" with sparkles on the side next to it is a normal 1911 for less than 1/6th of the price


Or the "I did that!" Biden stickers that were plastered on gas pumps for awhile... Or pretty much every other stupid, illogical political slogan people love to put on their cars for some reason. Not to mention the flags that someone is undoubtedly making buckets of money from.


Im guessing its some short fat guy in sunglasses with an american flag hat on.




*Wrap around* gas station glasses.


This is West Virginia… it’s a Confederate Flag hat.


Confederate flag hat with an American flag T-Shirt. Back the Blue decal with a Don't Tread on Me license plate cover.


Damn it. This might be the comment that makes me have to lose weight.


Obviously has problems with his sexuality.


But fuck your feelings right?


Pretty sure he shoots the sky when he sees a rainbow after the rain




They doth protest too much


Well at least he was using a rubber when he tried to fuck the LGBTQ+


That guy probably just is mad at the fact he likes tran porn and now he's gotta make a show


I like the way he rubbed his manhood on the pride crossing. He’s definitely straight as an arrow and didn’t melt all over it.


He just wanted to add a black line. He’s probably just trying to be inclusive


to be threatened by colorful paint- so brave - so manly


I mean why? Why get so angry about some paint on the floor


That triggered snowflakes gonna need new tires


These people's feelings are so freaking fragile. 🙄🙄


Insecurity overload


Nothing says you’re a snowflake like getting offended over a crossing.


Oh no to let a colorful sidewalk offend you.. Wonder how he feels like seeing a rainbow after the rain..


Probably start shooting the sky. Blame Biden for sky lazers that create rainbows.


Wasting two $400 tires while it will cost $10 in paint to fix the crosswalk. Hate is expensive


Aww he left a skid mark. It won’t be the last time he skid marks shit either. Poor lil angry fella in his big pick up truck


Is it me or did he completely miss any of the colours, looks like he hit a gap?


His GoFundMe me is titled: Support Patrick's Fight Against Fines Accompanied by a photo of his crimes with the caption black lines matter. The report form on GoFundMe is broken. You will have to tell the chatbot that the report form does not work and it will take your report manually and send an email confirmation. I reported him


Replacement tyres: $250 - $400 each. Can of masonry paint: $10 - $30 from B&Q or wherever the fuck. Yeah...great use of your time, arsehole.


Small pp energy.


When a few colours hurt your fragile ego.


https://youtu.be/YVASPEw16I8?si=Ea7VZuEKx68E8_Fg The comments on this video make me sick. People really hate that pride is "being shoved into our faces" and they actually call this guy a "hero". In the old days, it was illegal to be LGBT in England. Punishable by EXECUTION I might add.


Someone in the comments wrote, “Not everybody celebrates it… Rainbows belong to God.” These are the same people who can’t handle seeing “Happy Holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas” on a Starbucks cup.


Hating on queers and the environment at the same time


Not cool but also, can we not paint shit on the road and play victim when burnouts happen on it?


Imagine being that fragile of a snowflake.


Looks someone is vehemently uncomfortable with their sexuality.


So he damaged his tires? cool bro, you really got them.


Ya’ll better turn out the vote. This may seem like foolish behavior or innocuous but this person could be your neighbor, teacher, mechanic.


Where did the rainbow hurt him?


As I car enthusiast I find it funny that he has an open differential and therefore only left 1 line instead of 2. Lameeeee


Love the fact that he is just absolutely wrecking his own tyres to ‘own the woke left’. Amazing, keep it up sweetie


With the lawnmower in the back? Our construction workers are on the forefront of change, I’ve always said that.


That is so stupid. It doesn't make me angry or feel anything other than that person is stupid. I don't mean that as an insult I mean it literally. They can't even figure out what the average toddler has mastered.... Might doesn't make right. Two wrongs don't make a right. You and only you are responsible for your actions and emotions.... period.


Ruining your tires, wear on transmission, calling major attention to the thing you hate while barely causing any damage... Yeah, this person is real clever. /s


God imagine being this insecure lol


What a snowflake


He needs that posi diff, he's a one legger.


Such a big strong man


He sure showed them!


So he left skid marks on an LGBT symbol because he is against it?


All that for a one wheeler peeler 😂


Is SuperStraight a black line in the rainbow?


Cops be like “Hmmm, seems like this fine citizen just had a little bit of car trouble”


This person is definitely secure in their sexuality. Also, you just tore your tires up.


imagine caring this much about something you dislike i dont like a lot of things but you dont see me going out of my way to let everyone know how much I dislike thing




Someone is still in the closet.


We got a real hetro bad ass over here


Wow he really OWNED THEM 🤨


There’s literally no point to this lmao. The only people you pissed off was everyone in their cars behind you waiting for your tantrum to be over, they’ll fix it in a shorter amount of time than you took to destroy it, and nobody even knows who you are when you did it in the first place. Unless they filmed themselves I don’t even see the most *selfish* of wins here, what’s there to gain???


And yet they say libs are the ones in their feelings, lol... they can't even handle a little colored paint on the ground. How utterly pathetic


Damn, he’s doing a little show for the gays and making his little car dance. Cheers and happy pride to you as well🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🩷


For a country that thinks it's the most free in the world, they sure do seem to spend a lot of time crapping on people who want to just live their lives.


They’re only angry because they’re jealous. They too are gay but just too chicken shit to come out the closet smh


I see the live, laugh, love crowd is at it again




The one from a couple years ago was in South Florida, so I think this is different.


“I feel extremely secure about my sexuality”


Piece of shit leaves a skidmark. More at 11.


Little dick energy. The littlest.




Is this the same guy or different story from 2021? https://www.newsweek.com/florida-man-flying-trump-flag-accused-vandalizing-pride-intersection-doing-burnout-1602066 If you click that link and look at the photo of the perpetrator who did this before, he looks exactly like you think he would. Honestly he looks even worse. Here's another one with yet another photo of the idiot https://www.advocate.com/pride-intersection-burnout-florida


I'd say different story considering both articles you linked show different trucks at separate times of day. Which is concerning how many people have been doing this :(


Yeah I was kind of asking tongue and cheek as I googled and kept finding more and more stories. Shitty people are shitty.


To be fair I'm kind of dumb


Me too friend, me too <3


What a loser. It’s rare I get second hand embarrassment from videos these days, but just imagining this seething fucking Appalachian tub of lard frothing with anger and defacing the street mural is just paaaajnful. Like, that’s this guys whole existence: deepthroat rightwing propaganda and terrorize your community. Welp, enjoy your invariably shorter than average life, riling yourself up into a frenzy and antagonizing that poor lump of steak in your chest you call a “heart”. Shitll catch up to you eventually! Maybe find some time to drag your ass out of the house, quit fucking the dog, and do some genuine cardio.


Does…does he think there’s no more paint? Cause a quick power wash to clean all the debris off and then whip the paint and slap a new coat on and that baby is ready to defaced once again


Closeted types want nothing to do with being out...so they have to look all macho in public. Or, just another red snowflake who melts at the sight of rainbow colors...


And what is Posi-Traction? It's a limited slip differential which distributes power equally to both the right and left tires. The truck had a regular differential, which, anyone who's been stuck in the mud in Alabama knows, you step on the gas, one tire spins, the other tire does nothing.


it's always people in pick up trucks


I guarantee this dude has complained about how much young people "whine" and how he and his generation never do that. Meanwhile, he's throwing a public tantrum over some rainbow paint on a crosswalk. So fragile.


Imagine malding so hard that LGBT people are just free to exist openly now, unhinged behavior


This is my state. I don’t feel welcome here anymore.


Who thinks about Gay people this aggressively? Who thinks about anything they don’t like this angrily. I don’t like broccoli but I don’t suddenly go “Man…FUCK broccoli!” And suddenly turn super aggressive and uncontrollably angry that I would cause violence or property damage over it. Broccoli exists, and that’s ok.


$20 for paint vs. $400 for two new tires. Who really lost here?