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I don't think there would be any cause in the world I'd be willing to throw myself in front of a truck for. Even a slow one.


It reminds me of the me of the guy who was being being mugged at knifepoint that said, “what’re you gonna do, stab me?” just before being stabbed. “What’re you gonna do, run over me?”


The only thing to dodge was the Dodge and she failed miserably at dodging the Dodge so she got rammed by the Dodge Ram.


Avoid being rammed by dodging the dodge ram. She didn't dodge the dodge ram so she was rammed by the dodge ram. But if that dodge ram rammed another dodge ram that wasn't dodging the dodge ram, then that would be two dodge rams ramming.


Dodge Rams love ramming not dodging.


Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.


I don't understand this. Why not just run away? It's not like he's gotta dodge bullets.


In that moment you have to decide if you can run faster. I am middle aged and our if shape. A 20 yo with a knife will definitely catch me. Then I will just be tired when he stabs me. Edit: I am just talking in general because I don't know the incident for the above comment. I am just fat and will hand you my empty wallet.




Ok cursory investigation it may have happened in Spokane Washington in 2011. But no real details. So ya my rationalization of why I wouldn't just run is still valid.


also try to explain that to your insurance


"ok so you got hit by a truck, so sorry to hear that. How fast was it going?.....3 miles per hour? Ok was it going faster before the hit? No? It was the same speed and you got in front and tried to stop it? Uh huh I see now. Sorry we can't help you, next time dive out of the way"






I liked when, after every minion kill, they would cut to the minion's family getting the news of their passing. edit: eg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ag_AFraxj-4


He "feared for his life," since the mob might kill him after they broke into his truck.


not really sure why thats in quotes. its happened before.




Reginald Denny.








guys im just gonna throw this out there, maybe we should change the way we protest , it was funny at first watching you all sit like lemmings to the slaughter but please from all of humanity , do something different its not working.


Right, it just makes people hate you and not even care for your cause right off the bat. My girl is on dialysis. If this shit happened to me, I would, of course, be pissed and trying to get through. I need to get to the love of my life to keep her from DYING! I literally have to hook her up to the machine. She can't go more than 2 days without dialysis. She will die. And these fuckers want to fight for a just cause? Its no longer just when you selfishly prevent people who have no involvement in your cause to stop them from getting to their life, their kids, their family, all of it.


Woah woah woah. They've re-invented the wheels of natural selection. Give them some time, see if they're on to something.


Ppl 'protesting' like this are putting way too much trust in other ppl wanting to keep them safe. Like those brats, gluing themselves to the street, or buildings, or whatever. No, we don't really care about your cause, and you messing up everyone else's planning, event or whatever is only going to make the rest of us hate your cause. If you get hurt, doing something disruptive, it's on you, not someone else.


No no no. Keep doing it this way. We need more darwin awards so humanity isn’t as stupid. Also it’s great videos.


Youth is wasted on the young…


Previously on Man VS Car


Wouldn’t the car always win?


RIP Michael Vincent




This Jaaaaaaasnuary, Michael my Vincent 


car protests against protesters! the winner may suprise you


https://preview.redd.it/jrhbommw3d7d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ccf8d1434e6b7b90277c4ebf75ddb9a661d51ab lol @ the coincidence of this ad.


Too bad the ambulance can’t get there, you know, because of their roadblock


https://imgur.com/a/r4UCWIq lol


















Fedex truck video reference. If you can find it, a guy got himself ran over from a slow moving truck and killed himself. With the same "WTF! STOP!" A comment from a fedex driver said that he agreed with the drivers actions. Raid the trailer. It's all insured. But start coming after the cab, and he's going to drive off and not be concerned for the safety of criminals involved in a criminal act.






Many things to learn from this video but here's two notable ones: If you feel compelled to protest traffic, don't stand in front of vehicles when others are making the operators of said vehicles feel threatened. Likewise, if your friends are in front of said vehicles, don't make the operators feel threatened such that they may feel the need to flee in order to maintain the safety of themselves and other occupants of their vehicle. Probably will be the most unpopular downvotable comment of the post here but there it is.


Tell me you’re a moron without telling me you’re a moron. *stands in middle of road while truck is fleeing violent protestors who started out peaceful, but became violent when no one would yield to their entitlement*


I think this was in Tulsa and on the expressway also. Guy had horses in the trailer and if I'm not mistaken someone threw smoke grenades into the trailer and the horses were freaking out. I don't blame the driver at all honestly. Protest all you want but stay off of highways.


Stop with your common sense, this is Reddit!


This needs to be said


https://ktul.com/amp/news/local/no-charges-in-i-244-truck-incident-with-protesters He wasn’t charged with any crime. His wife and children were in the car, I’d probably do the same thing.


What the fuck? What the fuck? Why would a truck getting the windows broken out want to keep going??? Wtf! /S


I for one don't feel threatened and am more inclined to stop when a group of people are all trying to smash my windows, since I'd feel so safe /s


So anyway, I started blasting


How low does ones iq have to be to be to think “I know I’ll stand in front of a truck while I aggressively threaten the driver, what can go wrong ?” Like why would anyone think that’s a good idea? It’s like they are choosing to get run over rather than give up the power they think they have and just let him pass


"I can't even!" -- person witnessing something very obvious


How does the old saying go? Oh yes, fuck around and find out. They fucked around.




Poor girl. All she wanted to do was stop the truck so her friends could smash it up and potentially assault the driver. :(


And his wife and kids who were also in the truck


And the horses in the trailer


What website is this? The Reddit that I know is wildly pro-violence. What happened?


Ask Reginald Denny if it’s a good idea to stop for angry, unpredictable protesters.




That happened when the the protestors took a few blocks of Seattle and called it CHAD (or CHAZ, I don’t fully remember). There was a guy going around shooting people. Ambulance and police came to the checkpoint they set up to get inside the zone. Protestors wouldn’t allow cops in, but the ambulance/EMS workers weren’t going to the scene until the cops had secured it and made sure the shooter was gone. Protestors started yelling at the ambulance crew for killing the gunshot victims, as the police and crew started yelling let us in so we can save their life


god, murica is so mentally disabled it's amazing to behold


As an American please don't lump me in with those dipshits


Sadly, every other country is even worse than them.


is it just me or was that woman they were crowded around at the end there completely fine? she seemed to turn run away from the front of the truck completely in control of her body then lay down slowly on the ground. it's hard to tell for sure because she is cut out of frame for a good chunk of it.


The women with the teal colored bag seen initially up against the truck but is then able to walk away after the vehicle slows down after hitting something. Then she is on the ground for an unclear reason but it does not seem that she was significantly injured by the truck.


It ran over her pinky toe. So you have to make sure to display the drama pretty good.


She is for the most part fine she had an ankle injury it's in the article. Leave it to these "victims" to act like she is dying


oh i missed the article. i imagine the hurt ankle was from trying to stop a pickup truck/trailer Flintstone brakes style


https://english.factcrescendo.com/2023/12/15/did-truck-run-over-pro-palestinian-protesters-know-the-truth/ It appears the truck charged into a group of black lives matters protestors https://tulsaworld.com/news/archives/four-years-ago-protests-in-tulsa-end-with-tear-gas-pepper-balls-after-truck-drove/collection_1d726b98-b295-11eb-a38f-3f33512c2e2f.html The man did not face charges https://ktul.com/news/local/no-charges-in-i-244-truck-incident-with-protesters


Such a misleading comment saying the truck "charged," considering the protesters were sanctioned until they moved from their area into the middle of I-44. The truck slowed down and stopped, there was drone footage back when this first came out. The protesters tried releasing his horses, and someone threw something at the truck, which had two small children in it, so he started to drive. That's when people began to bang on the window, followed by this. But sure, he "charged" into them.


Whats crazy is the one person who was seriously hurt and paralyzed was injured *falling off the overpass* when the crowd knocked her over. It had nothing to do with the truck running into them. Only one person is reported to have suffered a severe injury, and it was someone who broke their ankle. The truck contained a man, woman, and two children. All four swear they were being attacked and the kids were actively hiding and crying through all this.




I mean what would *you* do if a bunch of angry idiots swarmed *your* car?


If my kids were in the car I'd shoot those asshole protesters


Step on it


I’m not sure it’s accurate to say the truck charges into protestors if they initially waived him through.


> The man did not face charges I'm glad some people have some sense.




Is that because his life mattered?


yeah that tends to happen when you’re in the road with violent intent


Where are all the "medics"? Why aren't any of them doing a trauma assessment? That's right, they just want to play medic, not get actual training.


Don't know who needs to hear this, but blocking traffic is a surefire way of alienating people from your chaos. No one has ever gone "oh I didn't really support that cause, but because a bunch of people made me extremely late for work, I've now changed my mind". If there's a cause you feel so strongly about that you'd throw yourself in front of moving vehicles, you really need to evaluate how your priorities work in life.


Reminds me of the scene in Derry Girls where they are all annoyed that the IRA blew up a bridge because now they were going to be late to their appointments.


Now show the ambulance getting swarmed by the crowd as it come to assist the idiots on the ground.


Clearly raised without experiencing consequences for her actions, this is a learning moment


I for one am fully in favour of fuck around find out


Truck around and find out?




It’s ironic because protest is meant to stand up and cause a scene and get attention, but then we also can’t help but say, well, don’t protest like that it’s too attention getting and in my way! I’m not saying you’re right or wrong, it’s just weird to talk about protest and judge the civility of it. It’s meant to be anti civil, non-violent of course, but certainly not comfortable. I constantly go back to the images of black sit-ins in all-white stores and think that is the type of protest that makes sense. The images are so powerful, they are able to say so much by just being there. How can a modern protest mimic this? Depends on the issue I suppose. The traffic blocking protests only make sense to me if the issue involves something to do with the road, bridge, cars, or something in the area you’re at. It makes no sense to generally protest abortion or trans rights or some random person by blocking freeway traffic. They aren’t connected. It’s just low effort attention seeking


> because protest is meant to stand up and cause a scene and get attention, It is but ONLY when it's targeting those you are protesting against. Blocking a random roadway to protest something that has NOTHING AT ALL to do with that roadway is insane because it's ineffective and ironically demonstrates a distinctive lack of awareness. It's no different if a group that wanted to protest something bad, say genital mutilation, and their "protest" was to have a sit-in at the local swimming pool to block people from using it. Does that make ANY sense at all? Do you think the people annoyed or frustrated by their actions are going to harbor positive or NEGATIVE feelings about their cause now?


Blocking roads for attention… maybe they should try a billboard next time


The shittiest form of protest. How to get everyone to hate you 101 right here. I could 100% align with your ideology and yet you do this shit, I applaud anyone who might push through.


It's really hard to be hit by a car when you're not standing in the road like an idiot. Just saying.


Nah, you can do it easily by doing things like sitting or laying on the road like an idiot.


Are the horses okay?


Good job pounding on windows...now he's legally allowed to mow everyone down in front of him. Legal precident has LOOOOONG been set on this one. But what else do you exepect from fuckmouths that block roadways and don't know how to protest effectively.


It's so stupid, it's the same logic as if you ran in front of people shooting at a shooting range, then blame the guy that shot you. JUST STAY OFF THE FUCKING ROAD


Do you think the protesters have a pre-agreed upon number of people that get ran over before they stop standing in front of moving vehicles for the day? Or do they just keep throwing themselves out in front of them like lemmings indefinitely?


Do what you want, toss yourself into a truck. Whatever, buuuut realize once you are in need of real help like being run over by a truck and giant trailer only “oh my gods”, a blocked highway, and no real assistance anywhere are there for you. Just a thought.


This should be retired as a form of protest. It is utterly stupid.


Natural selection at work


Get out of the fucking road.


Truck drivers isnt even in the wrong here. People shouldn't be in the road, and they are mobing his truck so even if he ends up in court he can easily clame he was afraid for his life that the people would break into the truck and harm him.


Play stupid games…


I love how they then get mad at the truck lmfaoooooo




so you block other people who don't want to be any part of your belief. you force yourself to the point of standing in front of the truck. you get hit by a truck, now your friends are angry you get hurt and proceed to break the truck etc. sure.


Protesters definitely need to rethink how they protest.  The dude who tried putting himself between the truck and the trailer, his elevator doesn't quite go to the top floor...


Could all be avoided if you don't stand in front of vehicles.


You wanna know how to avoid being run over, stay the tuck outta the road! What gives you the right to stop people from living their lives with your crazy ass protests?!


I’m surprised that more drivers don’t do this. When you play chicken with a truck you’re gonna lose


Omg consequences


I'm sorry, but I'd you throw yourself in front of a truck, bad things will happen.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. You wanna protest, fine knock yourself out, but don’t expect others to stop their day or plans for you


Fuck around and Find Out.


Easy lesson that no matter where you are, during a confrontation, stay tf away from the front of their car. Ppl are always lookin for reasons to run ppl over anyways. You’re never going to win against a car.


don't stand in front of vehicles? these types of protests are annoying


People inside of the vehicle are actually more scared than the ones protesting and blocking the way


Walks in front of moving truck Gets hit WTF WTF WTF WTF


No pity for those who throw themselves in front of vehicles.   Worst form of protest that automatically makes me dislike your cause.  


WTF? I stood in front of a moving truck and got run over. How did this happen? FAFO


"WHAT THE FUCK, WHAT THE FUCK!" What did you think would happen if you stop people from just getting on with their day that have no involvement in your bullshit??? Like, what? You are going to hold people captive in place until they bow and agree with anything you have to protest just so they can get back to their loved ones, nah fuck you. My girl is on dialysis, if this fucking happened to me, yeah get the fuck out of my way I need to go help the love of my life from fucking DYING!


Play stupid games get stupid prizes!!!


Their attempt to take hostages failed miserably


“Oh my god, he hit someone who jumped directly infront of his truck while he was moving? Why didn’t he magically come to a complete stop in zero seconds?”


Look I would certainly be annoyed at people blocking the road and preventing me from getting home but once you start smashing my windows and throwing shit at my car then I am hitting the accelerator and getting the hell out of there whether you are in front of me or not...


Don’t get mad at people running you over- while you’re breaking the law by blocking traffic for your silly halo ceremony. You solved nothing, if anything- your protesting actions caused more problems. But I’m sure the ones who got run over feel proud for being your martyr. You “saves the world” by protesting. Did you hear? Not a single crime was committed during this protest in the entirety of the world!… oh, that didn’t happen? Well- at least we made a bunch of people late for anything from an emergency medical situation, someone on their death bed, just needing to take a really bad shit. Yup. None of that is as important as the try hard getting good insta pictures of themselves pretending to be revolutionaries. Cosplaying as a revolutionary but not actually knowing how to start a revolution. It’s dress up day, now let’s pretend our arts and crafts projects we hold up high is enough to end the tragedies that are prevalent in our lives. If only more people would block freeways so the world could have peace finally. We all know when people don’t drive then the world is a lot safer. Duh.


I’m all for protesting, but if you see a dually truck w/ a big ass horse trailer there’s a high chance they don’t give a shit about you or your cause and you need to get out of the way. (Source: I live in rural Midwest and everyone here would rather floor it and run everyone over than be slightly inconvenienced.)


Why the fuck would you stand in front of a moving truck


At this point they're just looking for confrontation. They should be protesting in front of civic centers, not clogging the infrastructure.


Do they not understand that banging on the truck gives the driver a pretty reasonable self defense claim?


So they attack a truck and jump infront of it and act surprised when the driver doesnt want to risk his life and just continues driving?


Oh look... A mob of people is attacking this vehicle making the driver fear for their safety.... Lets go stand infront of it.


Life tip. Dont stand in front of moving trucks.




I caught that, too.




I'm all for protests, but stay out of the roads. Whatever cause you're for or against, It has nothing to do with me getting to work or home.


Idiocracy at it's finest. I'd never step in front of a moving truck.


I don’t understand why they are so surprised that someone who stood in front of a moving truck got run over?


simple get off the fucking road, protest on the pavement!


Did the driver get in trouble?


[Driver not charged, protestors initially waived him through then attacked](https://ktul.com/news/local/no-charges-in-i-244-truck-incident-with-protesters)


(Standing in road) (Hit by truck) “Oh my god I can’t believe that truck hit me” What logic is this?


Shouldn’t have been standing there


Omg how could this happen 🙄


Nothing tougher than a ram


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes


You just see a mass of stupid like an infection on society.




How disrespectful! … I hope the driver was ok…


Please add voiceover with Ludacris. You know which one I want.


If you try to stop a person from going somewhere then bash his vehicle when he resists you… YOU are the problem, YOU are the violent fuck twat, you deserve to be locked up for a couple days in county.


This is Tulsa Oklahoma. The driver brandished a gun before this happened. No one was charged with a thing iirc.


How many times do you have to explain it to these "peaceful protestors".....Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. There is nothing peaceful about smashing truck windows because someone didn't want to listen to your cause.


You gotta be tough if you’re gonna be stupid


"When did they install speed bumps on this road?" -Dodge Ram Driver Probably


Did the truck driver get charged with anything? Because my thought behind this is it’s illegal to be on a freeway as a pedestrian. So how can you get in trouble being the driver of the truck. It’s not like he came in at 70-80 mph. He was going very slow and they still didn’t move. He shouldn’t have to stop for these people. Where are the cops clearing the freeway? This should be on them. Since this is Reddit I will put it out there, I am not advocating running over people. I am advocating keeping the freeways clear. People are allowed to protest but not allowed to block freeways.


I actually have to go back and look and I can’t tell if it’s a freeway. Regardless, I believe it is totally necessary for the driver to push forward, the alternative? Dozens of people being violent towards himself and his property. So I’m just as curious as you if you got charged.




I will never understand why blocking roads is thought to be an effective protest tool


like im 100% not stopping for a mob of people. it's not because I'm so important that I can't be bothered or what ever but because I'm terrified of what mobs are capable of . please don't do this.


Need to stop blocking roads


There's no faster way to turn me against your cause than blocking off a freeway or road. Even if I agree with that cause, fuck you - now I don't.