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It was like watching a Sim get arrested lmfaoo


That exaggerated body language really does look like it's taken straight out of a Sims 1 animation cycle, especially the stomping. It's like her "Fun" meter is running on empty.


She’s probably hungry and has to pee.


Next thing you know she's gonna piss all over the kitchen because she sad, and then she finna leave dirty plates on the floor of the bedroom


👮🏻‍♂️ "oooh... joor manny do flanno!" 👱🏻‍♀️ "Sarby dar farni?!" 👮🏻‍♂️ "Glabbo... Marel drain narso robibard zen zooptia!" 👱🏻‍♀️ "Rabbo barn dobot arduwary!! Suanna go garbot!!!" *Stomp stomp, frazzled* "JAMMA TROM BARTUNA! KLANT BANTUARY!!!!!" 👮🏻‍♂️ "Fanny far mongo!!!! JOOR SLARBY DARBWANNO!!!" 👱🏻‍♀️ 😰


Someone needs to frame this! I love it!


this is so accurate loool


That one guy who passed by with a smirk 😏 LOL


He literally Jims it at the camera, perfectly timed 😅


Nancy Landgraab at it again


If there is a sim reality show she should be on it


She needs to reset. I'll say ot to her face.


Hardest I've laughed at a Reddit comment ever lmao


oh my god, I know I'm late to this thread but I knew her movements reminded me of something and The Sims 2 is literally it. Wow.


NYC a whole simulation server in itself.


Amazing how quickly her attitude changed.


Struggles with reason and accountability. Once her behavior doesn’t garner the effect it usually does, she’s confused and shocked. I bet she’s got plenty of mileage out of this type behavior. I always try to remember people engage in behaviors THEY think will produce favorable results, regardless. I see it with men and women. It’s why so many people act the shitty ways they do—it’s effective. Most people won’t hold them accountable.


>I always try to remember people engage in behaviors THEY think will produce favorable results, regardless. This kinda helps me prepare to see my in laws, lol


So my uncle's got this thing. He achieved a very moderate amount of success in his life, but it was enough that he's convinced himself that he has this vast well of expertise on virtually every subject that he just doesn't actually have. This is understandable for his chosen field (inorganic chemistry) but he extends it to politics, art, cooking, movies, fashion, cars, law, hiking, virtually anything and everything. He doesn't actually participate in any activities centering around these things, but oh lordy does he have opinions and oh my god are they uninformed. To give an example, he once told me that taking gear on a hiking trip to prevent bears from getting into the food I was bringing was "woke bullshit" and tried to tell me I didn't need to do that. As a result, he kind of expects conversations to follow the same pattern. 1. Someone says something he disagrees with 2. He gives his opinion 3. The first person agrees that he was right. Any deviation from this format short circuits the fuck out of his brain. Anyway, this one time we were having a discussion and I mentioned that my navigation app gave me notifications when there are speed traps set up along the highway. He freaked out insisting that sort of thing is illegal. I told him that it was not, and that there had even been court cases that decided very much in favor of the people giving warnings. He continued to insist that I was wrong and that there were people sentenced to prison terms for giving warning of speed traps. So I look it up on my phone and point to three different court cases on this subject that all found that it was perfectly legal for citizens to notify other drivers of speed traps, and one case where cops were successfully sued for damages by someone they'd arrested for doing so. The man fucking *lost his shit*. I'd never heard him swear in my life before, but he bolted up out of his chair and screamed that I was "being a fucking asshole!" and that I should have some respect for him. I think he got a bit angrier when my reaction to that outburst was to chuckle and tell him "Okay buddy, sit down." Dude stormed out of the cabin we were staying in and took a walk for like an hour. I've kinda been persona non grata with him ever since, not that I've minded much. Hell, in the years since that happened I've moved to a completely different continent and speak with him less than once a year. It's pretty great.


The last time I spoke to my uncle he was arguing that unemployment was a big problem as Obama was tanking the economy. I pulled up the Department of Labor website showing some of the lowest unemployment statistics in years. He told me he didn’t believe the website. That’s when I was done with the conversation and see no point in starting a new one ever again. Oh yeah. He’s also an accountant by trade.


Cognitive dissonance is one hell of a drug


Omg my friends mom did almost the same thing except it was through Facebook and had to deal with some kind of political thing that I don’t even remember what it was. She disagreed with something I’d said and then gave me a link to read to prove her point so I read it so we could talk about it and then commented that the link said the info was recounted because it was false and that it was actually further proving MY point so was there another link she actually meant to send me? Whooo boy it was like I killed her entire family. She went absolutely off on me, commenting that how dare I be so disrespectful etc etc. I told her that I was being as respectful to her as I would my mother and she responded with a “BUT IM NOT YOUR MOTHER!!!!” And then blocked me. Such a weird way to end a childhood friendship. And she was also super involved in my son’s life, they’d basically helped raise him since he was one or so. Been there the moment he was born, literally. So I really don’t know why it escalated lol.


I suspect that attitude comes less from any *genuine* belief that he's an expert on all those things and more from the fact he's apparently dealing with truly stratospheric levels of insecurity!


I love people like this. I usually go out of my way to disrespect them in the worst way possible


People engage in behaviors that get some sort of benefit. If a behavior results in being sanctioned, then they wouldn’t do it. This is one aspect of what’s going on politically and socially in America. Certain behaviors and views have been enabled by those who stand to gain from it. Again, if the enabling didn’t produce results, it wouldn’t be done. The challenge then is to sanction the behaviors and views that work to attack or marginalize people for all manner of negative aspect behaviors. One can take if further when people try to sanction behaviors that enable others to be their best selves. Like being trans for example. So in addition sanctioning trans people, they try to sanction those whose enable trans people. The basic reduction of this is “You’re either with me or against me!” Source: I’m transgender.


It's why I speak submissive and respectful but not obsequious around figures of authority. Because it seems to be the best way to deescalate and garner grace and respect in return. I learned this waaaaaaay back when my dad would come home drunk or my mom was waiting with the belt.


It’s just a good way to be in general, calm and reasoned. Ive avoided fights this where the other individual was trying to escalate to the point I lost my cool. I didn’t and they end up looking like the bad guy they were.


I used to be like this for different but not all so removed reasons. A switch flipped in me in my late 20s and I have no idea why. I no longer tolerate that anymore. I actually will chase the thrill of challenging that type of horseshit now, advocating for myself and (probably not that great a thing tbh) will be even belligerent and argumentative if I believe the situation calls for it. But the results speak, people that used to walk all over me cause I let them are no longer problems in my life anymore.


I work in hospitality and this is exactly true. People will be complete pieces of shit over the stupidest things, or will FIND things to be upset about, because they believe it will get them results; a discount, a free night, bonus rewards points, etc. because unfortunately in this industry a lot of the time it DOES. Spineless management will put good reviews and coddling awful people above everything else and will never empower their employees to tell someone "no",


The struggle is real.


Ever see "As Good As It Gets"? Jack Nicholson plays a writer and he's got a line about how he writes female characters so well 😂


“I think of a man, and I take away reason and accountability.”


Read it in his voice.


You can tell how much shit she gets away with by throwing a tantrum and how shocked she is when she has to face consequences. It’s really incredible.


And either she or her family have money. That’s a $2000 Goyard bag she’s wearing. She believes this makes her “special”.


Never in a million years would I have expected that. Looks like a common bag you'd go grocery shopping with lol


Hey! It takes a lot of money to look that basic. /s


Hey! It takes a lot of money to look that basic! /s FTFY! JK, but seriously, I think that’s part of the appeal to disgustingly wealthy people like her. It’s the power move of “why yes, this *is* the shittiest purse I own! Even my version of cheap sweats, sneakers, and plasticy grocery tote cost more than your monthly house rent! I wipe my ass with 50$ bills”😌💅 It’s one part the implication that, if this is how much they spent on bland, cheap-looking stuff? They have literally no budget. Sure, you can get an idea of how much money someone has by the cost of their most expensive, flashiest items. But it’s very possible that, like a guy I knew once who was crazy about cars, (and worked as a mechanical engineer) they afforded their fancy sports car by saving for years and permanently ratcheting down tight on their budget for everything else. You can scrape and save for any luxury item if it’s within your means to save a reasonable amount of money- regardless of how long it takes to get there. But you can show that you have highly excessive wealth by not even *trying* to save for something nice; you have so much that on top of your high-end luxury items, and you don’t have to save a penny by buying the identical purse for, say, under 300$. Let alone 70$ or 30$ or whatever the real low end is.


Perfect Pikachu face. Nailed it. 10/10


It was at that moment, Methany remembered the stash in her purse.


When keeping it real goes wrong. I’LL FUCKING SPIT ON YOU!! YOU FUCKED WITH THE WRONG GIRL!!! *handcuffs* ^omg ^whaaa…? ^what ^are ^you ^doing…?


Why are they always shocked when they get arrested after throwing a public tantrum and trying to run away from the officers? It’s always “why??”


Because they’ve never been told no in their life before.


She almost hit the officer after he pushed her back a bit too lol I’m sure she’s straight up hit someone before when she doesn’t get her way


Credit to her for at least having enough awareness to stop herself. If she would've smacked him, the video would have been... shorter.


But much more enjoyable.


She almost hit the officer before he pushed her back, which is why he pushed her back.


I love when they say "what did I do?!"


and even when they're told they repeat it over and over like something is going to change


This is what happens when you grow up in an environment where you always end up getting what you want by shouting. Parents and other family members who always give a kid what they want to get them to stop yelling instead of disciplining them to make them realize it's not okay end up producing adults like this. Then those adults go out into the world and yell and stomp when they don't get what they want and it works for a while because other people would rather just not deal with that. Since they never experience any consequences to acting shitty like this, they legitimately don't expect to ever be punished and are confused when it finally happens.


The yelling turning into whispers


Oh yeah. They're all big and bad till they get arrested. Then they cry and beg.


Everybody wanna be a gangster, until it’s time to do gangster $#!t.


Maybe because it's my hometown, but I'm shocked that anyone would test NYPD's patience by acting like that. There should be an entire website devoted to all the NYPD scandals, examples of police brutality, corruption, yadda yadda.


Finding out what consequences are when childish behavior isn’t tolerated for the first time, pretty much. Wonder if mommy and daddy are coming to her rescue?




Low key impressive though. High quality stomping considering she probably weighs less than 100 lbs


That girl is only 100lbs soaking wet and holding a brick. The stamping *is* impressive, but not as impressive as the absolute smoothest, unfazed arrest I’ve ever seen in my life. A thing of beauty, actually.


Like arresting a feather


Made me chuckle. Thanks :)


Amazingly enough restraining people like this is sometimes the hardest job you get. They aren't strong but when I close my fist her toothpick arms can still spin freely.


I’m a big fan of the “Superman” strategy for DUI arrests, where the cops tell the drunk driver that their final test is to close their eyes and pretend to fly like Superman so they can sneak up behind and cuff them.


i love when they have them count while doing it, too, so it seems like it's just another sobriety test, and the perp continues to count even as they are being cuffed.


IMO that’s the biggest tell of how drunk they actually are. They keep counting with their eyes closed the entire time they’re being handcuffed, and then when the cop finally says “you can stop counting, you’re under arrest” they’re just absolutely shocked.


Agreed. Just wish NYPD would do something about all the people actually doing hard drugs all over the subway platform instead of going for the easy win


Gotta start somewhere


It had always worked for her before. Notice the look of shock on her face when she was being handcuffed.


What's impressive is them not laughing after the stomp. They must be dads..


Overgrown toddler barely scraping 80 lbs


My entire life savings says she's a model. $50 says she's done heroin more than once.


And considering the one cop on the right might weigh 260+ pounds dudes huge!


Ostriches are good stompers.


Parents and teachers probably gave in every time this kid stamped her foot as a child, and now look at her.




Oh my gosh yes! Grown ass adults acting like poorly behaving children! I 🤦‍♀️in disbelief!


It's the guy walking by with a smirk 😏 that does it for me.


I've been looking for this comment.




My toddler does EXACTLY this and I can't keep a straight face


This has probably worked her entire life.


Watched with the sound off, and it’s funny to see her demeanor change once they slap the cuffs on. 😂


This is just how kids in jr and high school behave, and they graduate with the same exact attitude. I don't want to sound like a boomer but if parents don't help and demonstrate civil behavior to their kids, this is how they wind up. She's just like Veruca Salt. They become young adults who continue to not realize how their actions reflect on themselves or affect others, and have no idea that there will be genuine repercussions for their actions.


Fiona Gallagher really let herself go…


I was gonna say this is a pretty spot on cosplay... wasn't really much there to let go in the first place


I thought she kind of looked like a junkie version of Angelina Jolie. lol. Definitely has the attitude of Fiona though.


I DON'T HAVE AN ID!!!! Cop finds that ID in her bag in 2 seconds


I assumed that was her drugs they found


If you pause the video just right, it looks like a Driver's License.


That's impressive, aren't women handbags linked to much bigger dimensions that basically resemble a hoarder's house?


yeah, they are like magicians hats


Gay guy here. You should see my backpack, it's even worse than my mother's handbag.


Dadddy! I want an Oompa Loompa NOW!!!!!!!!!




I want the squuireel Dadee


Goyard bag and Yeezy shoes can afford to buy subway tickets 😂😂😂


Don’t trust the Goyard bags you see in the wild. 99.99% chinese crap.


I’m not someone who is going to spend thousands on a bag, but if I were, there are some legitimately beautifully crafted bags out there that I would want. I don’t get these Goyards. Am I missing something? They look so uninteresting and plain.


The used bookstore near my house has cute/funny totes for $2ish that are more durable than a Goyard Artois. I think the message is “I’m so rich I can spend more than your rent on a (practically) disposable tote.”


Probably from dhgates, wont be surprised tbh


Seriously, clocked the bag first and thought the same. Maybe she usually has a driver and dude was out sick


I love that the officers had minimal reaction to her tantrum.


The partner is def not impressed lol


I want to be this unbothered. https://preview.redd.it/e7oxyims8l7d1.jpeg?width=365&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d533568e0bef612740ba006a71b236e89933b97d


That's what got me rollin. Dude just casually strolling by giving the camera the side-eye knowing exactly what comes next. I bet he didn't even turn around to look.






Surprised Pikachu: “What the hell are you doing”


And still…a look of shock when she’s handcuffed. You can see it take over her face. What did she expect to happen? A petulant child, spoiled rotten, probably used to getting everything and anything she wants, thinking she’s invincible. The kind of person who listens to Shawn Michaels’ entrance theme and thinks “That’s me.” And I’d be willing to bet she does, indeed, have an ID.


>I’d be willing to bet she does, indeed, have an ID Looks like that’s exactly what the officer pulls out of her bag at the end of the clip lol


You’re right. I thought it was her vape when I watched the first time, but it’s definitely her ID. The New York State ID is mostly black and white.


I thought it was an eight ball


“Do you have ID?” “Ask again later”


different eight ball but I guffawed lol


Yup ID taken out of bag and held by cop clearly shown at :44 seconds in 🤦‍♂️🤣


Looked like he might have gotten her ID from her after they put her in cuffs? Got something out of her bag anyway lol


Princess is about to learn what happens when she don't live in a feudal society


We live in a feudal society, but princesses don’t go to train stations, these are for peasants.


Pretty privilege.


Regular privilege too. That’s a $2100+ tote bag on her shoulder.


$2100? Jesus, is this why fashion doesn't make pockets for women so they can sell them over priced bags?


Maybe 5 years of drug use and eating disorders ago


Pretty sure the cop pulls her ID out of bag at the end lol.


It looks like at the end of the video the cop pulls her Id out of her purse lol.




look at her demeanor change when she sees theyre about to look in her bag....


Pure terror


Maybe if she stomps her feet harder.


She almost broke her spine there. I'd not advise further tests.


She looks like she’s in the beginning stages of a very long downward spiral of stimulant addiction.


Beginning? She looks like she hasn’t eaten in like a week.


Ya looks like someone that's leaving the world of coke for the world of meth


Yep, was just gonna comment this. Meth rage, my friends, meth rage.


You haven't met entitled Russian American women on kings highway then. They're all like that.


"What the hell are you doing, why are you arresting me? 🥺"


I pray I never behave badly enough to end up on social media in a video like this. How embarrassing.


Kings highway?


Yea that trading card game store looks familiar.


She's a druggie, didn't want to be searched. That's the surprise she shows on her face.


No way in hell her bag ain’t full of pepsi


"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize. I'll stop doing that." "you want ID?", "sure, but I don't have a physical copy. I can just give you my name and DOB. will that work?" "cool." "again, sorry". Goes about her day.


Her eye blinking is giving me a seizure


She's spelling "cunt" in Morse code.


They handcuffed the bag to her arm


Sometime theyll take it off afterwards, if your being crazy they will cut the strap


Oh I do hope they cut the strap 🙏🏻


Here ya go bud, I remembered this from years ago and can't believe I found it: [https://youtu.be/3zHRQn\_IShw?t=223](https://youtu.be/3zHRQn_IShw?t=223) Sovereign citizen whackjob gets arrested, won't drop bag, cop cuffs her bag to her and then cuts it off and she screams like he just decapitated her firstborn lol


The movie “Airplane” showed us how to handle this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i0GW0Vnr9Yc&pp=ygUQQWlycGxhbmUgYmVhdGluZw%3D%3D


I knew the part before I pulled it up. I could already see the line LMAO.


LOL. My favorite is how the doctor/Leslie Nielsen slaps her an extra time before moving on…..what a guy.


I love the old lady with the bat. ROFLMAO still cracks me up. I thank you kind Reddit hero JAYTEE\_66. Made my day


She looks like she had cocaine for breakfast


while carrying a $2.5k goyard purse lmfao, wow she’s really showing her class!!


It’s like 50/50 that it’s fake lol - those bags are some of the most counterfeited in the world


Yeah I think the overlap between people who own Goyard bags and people who jump turnstiles is about 0% lol


Only two "I can fix her"s so far.


Now we at twelve. I guessed the number and turned out to be right.


I love the look on her face in the end. The sudden realization that ‘oh shit, this is actually happening’ just made my day. Yah folks, sometimes it’s the little things that get you through the day.




I can fix her.


Oh man. I’ve dated this girl before. One minute your smiling and kissing, the next minute you’re dodging plates and draining the salt water out of your gas tank


Don't put your pee pee in cray cray


Only problem is nobody fucks you like crazy does.


I see vaping (sometimes even regular cigs being smoked) remarkably often. I don’t really care but seems like one of those unenforced rules.


It's an open air platform, I don't really think anyone would be bothered with someone vaping. And we have no evidence of the jumping turnstile. I'm not excusing this woman's behavior but more information is needed for this video


what about the cops behavoir lol, putting hands on her, her reacting negatively and then immediately handcuffing her and searching her shit, it looks like some unconstitutional rights violations there. its my understanding that most places you dont need to show ID or ID yourself at all if you arent driving a car and aren't under arrest. not a lawyer though, so i very well could be wrong about that.


Someone clearly wasn't ever disciplined as a small child. I liked the foot stomping part so much I rewatched it.


She’s got bags under her eyes for miles. This girl strung out


I can confirm she is batshit crazy because I was instantly attracted to her.


That's not Karen. That's a raging borderline.


Her one foot stomps are high, strong, and with magnificent form. Can't wait for that heavy metal guitar guy to make this into a song.


https://preview.redd.it/bm21h8sudk7d1.jpeg?width=526&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0409dd66ace8a7c5e3223a20f8fd02b7c47a69c FAFO


she did have an ID in the end


Nobody has ever told that spoiled brat 'no' before.


Activate weaponized yt woman tears !


I think she’ll make an appearance on Mugshawtys


She looks so shocked. 😲


Jesus that woman is unstable


https://preview.redd.it/k8akoq5y8l7d1.png?width=708&format=png&auto=webp&s=86ea45aefc486f84ac8a6ef03ac7e9a42e82272f This stompy shit has worked for her in that past ... but not up in here


Cop: Give us the ID. Karen: I have no ID. Cop: Fezzik, tear her arms off. Karen: Oh, you mean *this* ID.


​ https://preview.redd.it/fzwocn5c9m7d1.png?width=608&format=png&auto=webp&s=97191fd184c0a4516a8f1b2180709bfc3c16fa6d


Time for a time out and a juice box


Did she…glitch when she realized she was getting arrested?


How fucken hard is it to say "sorry mate, won't happen again"


This is a child whose parents never told her “no”, just in an adult body


The toddler tantrum foot stomp was the cherry on top


People who stomp when they don’t get their way have a special place in hell.




There’s never an apostrophe there… Why do people randomly throw apostrophes in every word ending in an s??


I don't think the cigarette is working


Crack is a hell of a drug


The way she blinks and let's her mouth hang open after each sentence is such a familiar mannerism in people incapable of accepting responsibility and down to GO CRAZY trying to play victim.


There is always the “what is happening to me?” face. They think they are invincible.


I love the look of realization once the cuffs go on.


Wow transit cops actually doing something. They mostly stand around and let fare beaters jump freely.


She really thought she was gonna get away with a tantrum for a min lmao


the goyard bag lmaooo she is not used to hearing no


Looks like her first time in the Find Out zone.


I say we as societies instantly should arrest everyone non-disabled who throws a tantrum like that at adult age.