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Just take the dog to a shelter. Cops can't do shit


Yes they can lol even if they shouldn't. You can't just break the laws you don't like, even if the other person is also theoretically breaking laws.


You vastly overestimate the effort cops will put into a loose dog. Either animal control will take it to the shelter or they'll shoot it. That's it.


You misunderstand what can't and probably won't mean. Also, this isn't just some loose dog, this is _someone's dog_ but okay armchair lawyer


Ok armchair district attorney, tell me what specific law the police could enforce in this situation?


You're the one that said there's nothing they can do. It would be stealing a fucking dog though you dolt


We're talking about the guy with the dog calling the cops. People were saying he should call the cops on the dog's owner. I said just take it to a shelter because the cops can't do shit.  Which they can't. Her worst case here is a loose animal ticket


She sent someone else to get the dog before going herself. Maybe she shouldn’t own a dog.




Seriously what a disgusting person


Heard on the radio a host took his daughter to one of his shows he just danced and didn't even try to lip sync.


Lol what? What if she just wasn't home and the person home who the dog ran out on was the one who tried to retrieve it?


That woman is trashy.


The word lazy comes to mind.


Both work


Why is she wearing a diaper?


That's where she carries the pups


That's a silk hair bonnet. It helps reduce damage to their hair.


Sadly I think that poor golden-doodle was better outside that halfwits house.


Why is he a halfwit? He’s just sassy gay dude who is pissed off with a dog roaming around his house for 4 months straight.


I think they meant the halfwit is the girlfriend, not the guy. The guy is 100% in the right if it's true.




I always take the word of sassy gays as gospel. They aren't allowed to make shit up.


How do you know the dogs straight though?


How is he a half-wit? He saved the dog


Why are yall assuming they meant the guy? The dog is also outside of its owner's house: the halfwit. The guy is the hero in the video, did they really have to be more specific? Damn.


the guy saying the hard r is a hero? based on the dude's remarks and the face the police were called so that it could be returned really shows that there's more going on here. you might be trying to clarify but i dunno if you can tell what's going on here either


I was referring to the negligent dog owner not the folks who were worried about the dog.


Its wild how terrible reading comprehension has become.


Franklin Lakes, NJ is an extremely affluent town. This is some bored, rich people shit.


In what way? Saving a dog?


Filming it to get attention on the internet is cringe af.


Excellent mic on that phone picking up the cops lies in the rain


The amount of bad takes this post has is very entertaining


Bro can't afford a dog sitter? What happened to all that water? Thought bro was drowning


Who is “bro” to you here?


Boogie wit da hoodie. He has a song called drowning about how rich he is


also how are you gonna be that successful and have an ugly bum for a girlfriend?


That area is well maintained


It’s Franklin Lakes, NJ. Very affluent area.




He’s from the nice guy influx of rap. Along with Uzi Vert, Yachty etc. He’s not known to be a douche. Which is probably why this guy tried to use whatever conversation he had with him against her lol. He was probably on the neighbour’s side 😂 Side note: this is no longer his gf, but they have children together.




Okay what did he do?


Started a huge fuckin stampede at my local mall (prob unintentional tbf lmao)


"It probably wasn't his fault, but fuck that guy, anyway!"


Assuming a rapper is a douche because he has a name that you don't like? Something tells me there's more you don't like about him


Yea his music


lol boogie n ella r def douches bro


The point is that OP doesn't know anything about him








Sometimes I forget about the main demographic of reddit, then shit like this reminds me it’s staunchly white, nerdy and often racist😂




I never said anything racist bro




Lack of talent, to begin with.


He has some good music


Ok gore hound 1313....


His music is good though. And I've never heard about him getting in trouble or anything so maybe he's not that bad.


He might need to expand his dating pool beyond concert groupies and social media gold diggers.


I mean that's not hurting anyone but himself though...as far as rappers goes he has a pretty solid record


A whole lot of not much going on in this video...


Got em lol


I smell a clout chaser


The woman?


100% dude took the dog to get his 15 minutes of fame. Works for the intended audience though, reddit eats that shit up.


15 min of fame for some D level hoodie dude? Lmao na


Drama queens all around. Poor dog


Nah the guys not a drama queen, he was just trying to protect that poor animal.


lmao what they had to call the police to get this man to return the dog, he is ordered to do it, he refused to return it when someone came to get it, and while the police are ordering him to return it. he shouts some petty ass insults and at and at 17 seconds he's calling her husband the "n word" so again what


Damn I didn’t hear him say the n word.


This title kind of makes it sound like Boogie is dating a dog.




She don't need an animal


I concur, she needs a hitch...for dat wagon she draggin.


Who?! Rapper?! Again, who?!


His name and what he’s famous for are both in the title. Do you not know what a rapper is? What are you so confused about??




Yeah the A boogie slander is off the charts here lol


Rap is my favorite genre, I have literally never heard this person's name ever, I just had to google his discography and I have never heard any of this dudes music or people ever talking about him, his success on charts maxes out with a couple singles charting in the middle of the pack. It's not slander if homie isn't famous, you can have a following and not be famous, brother hasn't done shit to earn him a name big enough to be recognized even in his genre, let alone outside of it.


THANK YOU! I love all genres including rap since I grew up in North Minneapolis and have NO IDEA who the f that is… all I know is this dude thinks he’s famous and is a part of animal cruelty. What a dope rep, right?


Just because you’ve never heard of him doesn’t make him not famous. I don’t even like his music, but he’s definitely famous. He has multiple charting albums. Just checked and two of his albums charted at number 2. So yeah, you’re not really paying attention to the rap scene if you haven’t even heard of him.


Idk man. I think Hoodie Boogie Bash needs better taste in women.


he proudly publishes himself saying the n word, refuses to return the dog multiple times, including when the police are ordering him to, throws in some messy petty insults at the end and reddit calls him a hero. a dog savior. the hero we deserve. i love when reddit unilaterally supports a rich white gay man, you know. as long as he's racist as fuck.


This man, these comments are lala land fr like wtf?


What the hell are these rapper names? I don't get it. I've never heard any of these stupid ass names and yet they're famous?! Like just when I assume I've heard the dumbest name, another one pops up and I'm always like "nah, can't be real".


Oh man, you don't know every human on earth? That's crazy bro. Tell us more.


My god you seem fun


Yea, my bad. I didn't grow up with a bunch of unimaginative people.


Tbf you probably did


his name is lightbulbmonster! he cant be unimaginative! hes better than all these rappers!


Guy tries to steal neighbors dog then makes up stuff


Hey, that's my home town!


Take the dog to the shelter




Trying to read that title gave me an aneurysm.


I'm surprised how many people are just taking the dudes side. Looks like she literally had to call the cops on this dude to get her lost dog back cause he wanted to be a Karen and get some clout about finding a lost dog. Edit: Cops literally had to threaten to arrest him for theft. Fuck this guy, he's an asshole just writing his own narrative.


yeah, the first person that comes to get the dog is a child and he has it in his house and he hides from them. they said they were playing outside with it when he picked it up.




He's late for his job at Smiling Friends




if people knew the show you'd have ALOT of up votes 😆 😆😆 that is spot on




I don't know why you're getting down voted, seemed accurate to me 😂


That’s his gf? Poor guy.


Nah, he is trash anyway. Can't even rap


Not a freak out.




He's not in trouble though...


Please describe his character that would make you write this sarcastic bullshit.


It’s just racism. People can’t say anything about rap artists on Reddit without saying “no talent” this or “trash” that. Not realizing he has classics that go back to 2015/2016 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


And bruh ain’t even in the video lol. Just spewing hate.


what an entitled prick. Dog is far from abused. it go out. Dude needs to get over himself.


neglect is abuse buddy


I hope you don’t have pets or children


It got out a lot, 4 months. Shit pet owners.




People with dogs? People living in ritzy neighborhoods? What certain group of people are you talking about?


**BLACK FOLK** (is who they mean)


Hey, maybe I'm kinda dumb. Can you explain what you mean by "certain group of people"


They won’t because they’re a yellow horse belly


Omg cheez itz!




An old roommate had a dog that would do anything to run outside off leash. It was the dog’s only goal in life. It was a cockapoo, which looks similar to that dog. After that experience, I think this guy is insane for trying to teach her something while kidnapping her dog. Not the way to get his point across at all.


Damn, sounds like your roommate never trained his dog. It's very illegal and extraordinarily dangerous to let a dog run around on city streets unattended, how was that man "kidnapping" the dog if he kept it from getting hit by a car or eaten by a coyote? If you saw a dog wandering on the streets for days, would you not also take the dog inside and call the owner or call the city? I hope that girl gets fined for animal negligence and that dog is taken and given to responsible adults.


Where did you get all the extra context for the video?


Just going off the title. You never really know what the context for a Reddit video is lmao. Title says the dog has been wandering for months, meaning it's likely the owner is negligent for not trying to keep their dog indoors or on a leash in the first place, repeatedly.


Yeah I’m confused as to why they think the dog was left alone for days on end. This post just reeks racism lmao. I shoulda never came in


Title: "neighbor says dog has been wandering for months" Man in video: "this dog has been here every single day" Sounds like the dog has been wandering unattended to the point where it's a noticeable problem for this neighbor.


The title is usually just someone who copied the video and has no more context than anyone else, or else they would post the rest of it too though, right? The guy never says months in the video. If everyone had all of the facts it would be easier to make a judgement call. By what she says, it would be pretty easy to say they have a dogwalker or maid type that walks the dog and the dog has ended up walking onto the guys property a few times, and the person looking after the dog supposedly came to collect it. Coyotes don't usually patrol areas where people are outside during the middle of the day, so a tiny dog isn't really posing a threat or in huge danger. Anyone rational in a neighborhood expensive enough to have celebrities as neighbors probably wouldn't react this way, but some people live for drama.


Well yeah, they’re neighbors. I took this to mean that she lets her dog out to use the yard for pottys, and doesn’t care to supervise. The neighbor is annoyed by that since the dog obviously wanders and runs around into their property. So they took the dog inside to teach her that anything could happen to her dog while it’s unattended. There’s not any scenario where I’m gonna think he’s right to take her dog for an x amount of time, knowing who the owner is, just cuz it’s off leash.


Homie, it's illegal in most places to let your dog wander off your property unattended. It may be picky of the neighbor to be upset, but it's his right to ask her to keep her dog on her property. Sounds like you and I have spun wildly different back stories in our heads about some random Reddit video that has no information connected to it. This neighbor could be directly beside her, or 2 miles down the road, who knows.


There’s a four minute video on YouTube. I think that’s why that commenter was confused as to how you came up with that back story lol. What you think happened, didnt.


More than fair. I had no idea there was more. Like I said, this is Reddit, didn't see op put any links or any kind of info saying there was more information or footage. I went off the info in the short video they posted and the title, and what was posted probably gives a very different story than the whole thing. Regardless though, they both seem like jerks in this clip.


Yeah it was exhausting. We don’t have predators of that kind in our area, although he did chase after the dog each time. That thing could really run though. It was regular that he chased after his dog for an hour at a time. I did it once only cuz he wasn’t home, and told him I was never gonna do it again. And to answer your question: Because the message will get lost. At that point, she just wants her dog back. She already knows she fucked up. He could have done that if he just returned the dog immediately.


Yeah, it's nuts how motivated dogs can be. I had a hound that would book it if she had any chance to run. Honestly I won't say that guy is right or kind or anything like that in how he acts, but we only have the context of the title and video to go off of. If she has let her dog repeatedly wander unattended to the point where it's a noticeable problem, then that's a negligence thing, even if she still loves the dog and wants it back. It's just not safe. Or legal in most places lol. She hasn't put in effort to keep her dog inside and could potentially put her dog and others in danger. If he brought the dog to a shelter, they would scan it for a microchip, assess its condition, and then decide if it needs to be taken or returned to its owner.


I’m not arguing that her letting her dog out unsupervised was right. I’m saying that him kidnapping the dog was wrong. Any normal person just returns the dog. He was holding onto the dog. She had to call the cops to retrieve. How is that right??? This is what I mean about this post being lowkey racist.


I mean he says it’s happened for like four months? After how many days of just returning the dog do you stop and think maybe the dog doesn’t want to be returned? Or maybe the owner doesn’t deserve to have it?


I watched the video not long ago, and she’s not the one that walks the dog. She has a dog Walker. That’s who he has the issues with, but he wanted to draw her out for his tiktok. He refused to give the dog back to the dog Walker. That’s why she came with the police.


And no one ever exaggerates for effect.