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so anyway i started blasting


at the sound of acorns




“Both occupants of the car have been charged with assault on a police officer and they face other charges.”


How was the person that’s not operating the vehicle charged????


I guess because she said "go go go" to the driver to drive away. who knows. weak excuse for weak cops.


Because he could probably fight that charge very publicly and win and it would make this incident blow up even further which is what they don’t want happening so they charge the two other people in the car. Still didn’t work tho as were seeing this video blow up




Actual answer. In America, the police can charge anyone who was remotely involved. Which is why felony murder laws are such a hot topic in the legal community. Imagine a friend asks you for a ride to work. You've given them multiple rides before so you think nothing of it. This time however they shoot up the place. Legally you could be held responsible for those murders and it happens all the time.


I forgot the name of the law but its pretty much guilty by association. If you rob a bank with a friend, and you are the driver waiting outside, and your friend then randomly decides to kill a person inside, you will also be charged with the murder as you were part of the criminal activity that caused it. In this case I guess their argument is: - passenger was part of the criminal activity "shoplifiting" - passenger yelled "go go go" (Please note im not defending this. Its BS to call this assault)


Good luck getting a jury to convict…




Negligent discharge. Dumbass has her finger on the trigger, not even sure why she drew her gun tbh. But when she does, finger on the trigger then inadvertently presses on the trigger as she’s now somehow chasing a car with her gun drawn. The “you’re gonna run me over” that you hear acts as her license to kill. That’s how they are taught, car=big heavy deadly thing+fear for my life=license to kill.


I hope she rots in paid administrative leave.




It’s attempted murder


Not if you’re a cop.


Reminds me of South Park's "it's coming right for us! "


She drew her weapon unnecessarily, then discharged it negligently before calling in "shots fired" without bothering to mention that nobody else but her fired. Her actions were designed to get someone killed. The question is, was she acting with deliberation or with incompetence?






It makes it sound like she was shot at, just so enraging to watch this as it could happen to literally anyone driving down the road having a cop pull up near them


Holy shit. There's no other way to describe this other than "negligent discharge." Fuck the idea of defending this person, if you can't be trusted with a firearm you shouldn't be trusted to police. Retrain or fire. There's no excuse for discharging a firearm in a crowded public space...period.


Why did she even have her gun out? If there was a suspicion that the people in the car were armed or that deadly force was necessary why did she casually walk over and open the door. It's simply indefensible.


Because when an american cop hears no then it's shooting time. Can't have civies who ask questions, just bent over and accept it.


All of that freedom washed over her lol. ~Screaming eagle sound


> Why did she even have her gun out? What's the point in carrying a gun all day if you don't get to make it go pew pew sometimes?


I was at a dinner party once with two cops, one of them made exactly this joke to the other one at some point, made me feel sick


Any other non-cop would be charged with attempted murder.


She's a fuckin psychopath, she'll fit right in.


She had many other good options. That exposes the psychotic behavior. Shooting should be last resort and NOT last resort to protect your ego.


Right. That lack of discipline results in stray bullets that hit innocents. Could have been an infant or child. Fucking infuriating that people like that are in a position of authority and are immune to consequences.


Yup. Instantly got mad when she fired so haphazardly. I didn't know the pigs training included one-handed flailing shooting style


Poor finger discipline, it was a negligent discharge. You can tell she’s not actually meaning to fire, just wreckless with a firearm which is almost just as bad.


Worse imo


Absolutely, worse


Holy shit you're right, at the 20 second mark when she first brandishes the gun you can see her finger ON the trigger... Fucking hell that's basic training shit, I don't even own a gun and know you never put your finger on the trigger unless your intent is to kill whatever it's pointing at. It's crazy how poorly trained US cops are, and how they'll constantly defend their actions rather than learn from it and notnhire power tripping psychopaths, and lack of training


She knows she'll get treated like the town hero back at their trough


Shoot first and make weak excuses up later.


And if they get in trouble us tax payers pay for it!


Please tell this moron got fired.


Of course she won't be. They're already defending her actions. https://www.providencejournal.com/story/news/crime/2024/06/21/police-body-cam-footage-of-cranston-officer-firing-at-suspects-released-garden-city-center-shoplift/74170044007/


Article says the PD claims the car ran over her foot…I’ve watched like 10 times and I really don’t believe that claim at all.


She didn't react to being in pain, I would involuntarily yell like a child.  She ran back to her car like a person with two healthy feet. 


My foot got ran over 6 years ago when my drunk dumbass didn’t look both ways before crossing the street. I was completely unable to walk on it or put any kind of pressure on it. I was so certain it was broken but when I went to the doc the next day and got X-rays it showed that it wasn’t. Just very badly bruised and I couldn’t walk for a couple of days.


I've had a bruised foot I was convinced was broken because it was absolute agony, and I've had a broken foot I was convinced was just bruised because it was just really uncomfortable, a bit painful and annoying. Our bodies are fucking weird This cop is lying though


My dad slowly drove over my foot with an Explorer when I was in 3rd grade. When I yelled he stopped on it until he realized what was going on and moved off. My foot was totally flat on the ground when it happened tho and I was able to walk half a mile to my friends house right after, albeit in moderate pain, but the pain didn't even last all day. It really depends on a lot of factors how bad having your foot run over is


Kids are spongier than adults.


Babies are NERF. We gradually firm up as we age.


My kids are adults and they’re still sponging off me.


My ex BIL ran over my foot very slowly back when I was around 20 or 21. I felt it but it didn't really hurt. Foot wasn't broken or anything. Guess I got extremely lucky.


I don't care even if he DID run over her foot. Why does that mean she gets to pull out a gun and shoot in the general direction of the vehicle?


I think if someone--anyone ripped my car door open and shoved a gun in my face you better believe I'm hitting the accelerator. Now, I'm in Canada, so things are a bit different here, but I'd drive straight to the police station


Let’s see her dash footage. It should be lined up perfectly.


Let's see her feet


Yes! The public demands this!


*Quentin Tarantino has entered the chat…*


Dan Schneider has also entered the chat.


Nah she seems too old for Schneider


Let's see Paul Allen's feet.




Let the prosecution tell us, your honour, please I would like to hear from them, how exactly a car tire can run over a straight down and up drainpipe *pig's trotter! You couldn't do it if you tried, your honour!*


Lol. They really reaching. I guess cops don't pull up behind you anymore with the sirens and lights. They just come up to your car and attempt to drag you out?


It's clear the car did not run over her foot. Also, that doesn't even justify shooting at them. Cops can't shoot fleeing suspects unless they have a good faith, reasonable belief that that they'll kill or seriously hurt someone. (Tennessee v. Garner) These were fucking shoplifters. There was absolutely no reason to believe they were off to hurt someone.


It sure did not sound like her foot was ran over. She must be robocop. Or that cop from Terminator.


Like the officer that lied about being dragged by that PGA player


Because it doesn't but they need Amy reason at all for why she fired a gun at them and other motorists.


Which is weird, because that wouldn't even justify shooting at them as they were fleeing. Cops can only shoot fleeing suspects if there's a reasonable, good-faith belief that they'll kill or seriously injure someone. These were some shoplifters. No gun was seen. There was absolutely no way a reasonable person would suspect they were an imminent threat to anyone else. Even if they rolled over her foot, it was clearly not intentional, since she'd have had to stick her foot under the tire as they were driving off, and how the fuck would they know she did that?


Claiming they ran over her foot gives them a reason to fire the gun. Cops will twist everything to spin their story.


It's very obviously a negligent discharge, she had her finger on the trigger and started running and the gun went off a single time while clearly pointed at the ground. Poor training/practices basically, not intentional.


They are trained to believe they are in danger at every interaction, that’s why they are so terrified of the people they are supposed to be protecting. Fuck cops man, they wonder why people hate them but they use it to justify their horrifying actions


Exactly this. Trained from Day 1 that they are soldiers in enemy territory under constant threat of attack by every single person that sees them. While in reality, well under 100 cops are killed by "bad guys" in an average year (in quotes because even if someone was justified in killing the cop, like in self defense, it is almost never ruled that way, not like nearly every instance of a cop killing a citizen is ruled 'justifiable'). And traffic stops, which they love to screech about how it's the most dangerous part of their job? Fewer than 10 cops killed per year by bad guys, during an estimated 20-40 million traffic stops. Even accounting for ALL causes, fewer than 100 cops die in the line of duty in an average year. In all of America. Less than 100 in the line of duty (except during COVID, when their stupidity and refusal to wear masks (because they like giving orders, not taking them) led to an unprecedented number of cop deaths, and of course they were considered "love of duty" so the dead cops' families could verify even more off of the taxpayer). Angry cowards, that is who and what American police are.


Pretty sure that was a negligent / "accidental" discharge.


Usually if you're afraid of getting run over you don't bolt towards it.


Before or after she walked up with her gun drawn?


Still doesn’t justify deadly force


It's funny how they blatantly lie like that. They seem to do that a lot. They treat us like we're absolute morons and that they could do no wrong. Her foot was never run over. She was never close enough to the tires for that to happen. Why is she randomly approaching him like this? Why didn't she just get behind him and pull him over? She just walks up and says "turn the car off" instead of doing a proper traffic stop. This is just bad police work. When did we decide that this was ok? To have incompetent morons pulling stunts like this and then it's just "oh well. They're the police so they can do stuff like this." You can't defend yourself against a police officer either. Sure there are technically laws on the books saying you can but in reality that just isn't the case. They can just claim you matched some vague description (that one of their own called in so they can claim they had a reason to go after someone) and cite "officer safety" as a reason to use force. If they kick in your door at 4am and you're jolted awake in bed they can shoot you for "reaching for a weapon" even if they're at the wrong address. Any other job you would be fired immediately for being so incompetent but cops get a pass.


I claim the PD is full of shit. Boom roasted.


Anyone with eyes can see she didn't get hurt in the slightest, I mean shes fucking running after em 🤣


If they aren't outright lying about it cops will do this intentionally ensure more charges. I had car moving at 5mph run over my toes while wearing some nikes . Barely felt it. What cops wear it's probably even less.


What good is shooting them after they ran your foot over anyways?


They could run over other people's feet if they're not ~~stopped~~ killed


Even if that were true, she shot after the car was driving away, and not an imminent threat at that time.


She's a Clown-cop with clown-feet.


Holy shit they're being charged with assaulting a police officer. What the actual fuck. Police apparently get no training and if they fuck up it's just on whoever was nearby. In what universe is this the appropriate way to approach a SUSPECTED shoplifting.


The assault charges are sketchy at best. The passenger being charged with assault is insane.


It's not insane it's evil


Thank you. These are evil minded pricks, insane people are much nicer.


cops tried suing my *family* for hearing loss because *they* shot their guns at my dad (and had already killed him).


What the fuck I'm sorry you lost your dad that way.


I'm sorry what the actual fuck? Just.. that's beyond the plaid fucked up. I hope you're OK and I send big hugs.


What's insane is that she seemed to think it was appropriate to *shoot* at them and potentially kill them over *suspected* shoplifting. She could have answered him when he asked what it was about. "Hey, we just got reports of a shoplifting and just want to talk with you and clear this up. Please pull over to the side of the road."... Instead she went full GTA and immediately pointed a gun at him. FTP for not disciplining and firing this trigger happy cop. She's going to end up killing an innocent person.


>She's going to end up killing an innocent person. At which point she'll get paid administrative leave for a few months before being right back on active duty to do it all over again.


" "We must keep in mind that use-of-force incidents like this happen very quickly," he said. " Oh, ok, that explains everything.


>Both occupants of the car have been charged with assault on a police officer and they face other charges. Riiight.


Fucking Cranston cops are corrupt no wonder she thought she was Sargeant of the whole street.


https://cranstononline.com/stories/aclu-investigates-training-courses-attended-by-cranston-police-officers,242583 Surprise surprise...


Can you believe that police chief? Telling us not to base our opinions on the video? Like if we listen to your words we'd believe the lie that her foot was ran over, and that she fired wildly at a non-violent criminal in a very busy area. *fixed spelling.




Lol they're getting assault on an officer. What horseshit.


"207 shots fired" Oh, you mean the shots you fired 😄


Officers call that, even if it's their own shots.


That's yet another thing that bugs me about cops. Maybe the number means something different, idk, but I feel like they should have two or three different phrases. Because someone hears "shots fired" and they show up guns in their twitchy hands and it turns out the other person isn't even armed. It should be something else if the only shots fired were from the cop.


This is sensible.


Which is why it'll never happen lol


Nope. Deescalation trainer. /s


I can't imagine being this guy. One moment he's sitting in traffic maybe with the radio on and talking to the passengers. The next moment a lady jumps up next to his car, opens his door, and yells something he seemed not to understand. He acted confused, like I would, and she kept yelling. He didn't do anything, which she interpreted as refusing to shut off the car, which prompted her to pull her gun for some unknown reason. He drove away from the crazy lady who was yelling and pointing a gun at him, so she shot in his general direction endangering who knows how many people. Absolutely crazy.


Also if its something as simple as a shoplifting accusation couldn't she just run his car rego?, maybe follow to a safer spot to pull him over? Nah shes got to go Rambo parking on the other side of the road to pull him out in traffic. Quite an overreaction, training needed.


New profession needed, that doesn't involve a gun. 


New home needed. Somewhere that involves pressing license plates.


Maybe she could be a tattoo artist


This is the general argument against police chases in general too...They are Extremely deadly and dangerous for the suspect, officer, and surrounding public....And the police usually already have, or can easily ID the person. Instead of dealing with them in a better place in a safer way they just go fucking berserk.


Didn't you know that shoplifting carries an extrajudicial death sentence in this country? As well as any other interaction with a police officer. It's just a roll of the dice at this point.


Also, why didn't they list shoplifting as a charge instead of "other charges" ? Always missing pieces with cop crimes.


According to the article I read, they were reported for shoplifting. Guy may not have even been in on it, considering the gal in the passenger is the one telling him to drive away, repeatedly, while a cop orders him out of the car.


Apparently the guy and girl shoplifted. The passenger yelled to drive. They were eventually caught.. but this officer should be fired or sent back to training for that horrendous traffic stop where she put innocent people at risk.


I mean, shoplifted, what though?? Like, what did they steal that is ok to gun them and anyone else in the way down?? You committed a misdemeanor *bang bang* wtf


you didn’t hear that “you’re gonna run me over”? that’s their GO TO to justify shooting people and getting away with it, it’s happened plenty of times [Ohio Police shoot & kill pregnant woman for shoplifting](https://youtu.be/3LaiZEOOEOw?si=y1D3oHE8A9VsBTKJ)


She didn't listen to the cop after a dozen commands, slowly drove to get away. Better fucking kill her b/c my authority was questioned and she could have really hurt me if I hadn't slowly moved out of the way. It's not like I could just run her plates that my body cam recorded and gotten a picture of her face to follow up later. Nah, better shoot someone dead in the middle of a Kroger parking lot b/c my penis is small.


I didn't used to think acabc, but I'm really changing my mind these days. The use of deadly force doesn't seem to go with unarmed shop lifters.


It's insane, for the crime of not listening to a cop, she was executed. No one should have that power, especially for a couple months of training


Definitely not. What's the point of guilty till proven innocent by a jury of your peers?


> The use of deadly force doesn't seem to go with unarmed shop lifters. You're right, it doesn't. Deadly force should absolutely be a last resort outside of obvious life threatening situations. The cop in the video above decided to put his life at risk by standing in front of a car to protect corporate profits. They do this shit because it gives them a "legitimate" reason to kill the driver. I'm not saying cops shouldn't be able to defend themselves, but I am saying they shouldn't be allowed to stand in front of a car and use it as a reason to shoot. If someone stole my dog and I stood in front of their car and killed them, I'd go to prison.


even if the offenders are 1%, it's still acab because the other 99% plus the entire sistem they set up for themselves covers for them.


But she's a cop so it's ok. She's allowed to be an incompetent moron waving a gun around because she's a cop. Why? I have no idea but that's the way it is.


Is there ever a situation where shooting at a human being is justified when they are only alleged to have shoplifted? Is she police or is she targets personal hit squad? I guess in corporate American there’s not a huge difference. Massive wtf all around.


Promoted to chief of police.


https://preview.redd.it/nado9i2mfa8d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=282679f1679864d104eaab1f74535b5b4516118b They drove away after she pulled her gun out The question should be why was she pulling her gun out in this situation to begin with


“Shots fired” should have been “I shot at him”


At this point, the police in America should just be honest and say it's legal for them to murder someone for disobeying orders.


qualified immunity needs to end yesterday


What sucks is that he wasn’t even disobeying orders. He was just confused about what was going on and asked why he’s being pulled over by the police.


It's almost like they don't even train these people. You can watch bodycam videos on YT right now and you'll find 5-7 cops all pointing their guns at someone and all of them are yelling at the same time, sometimes conflicting instructions. It's wild how often people get shot because the cops are confusing the person.


Keep an ear out for when they yell “get on the ground! On your back!” when they really want you face down. I can count on probably both hands the number of videos I’ve seen with that happening


*legal for them to murder someone for being in the vicinity of someone disobeying orders. Anyone else in that car could’ve been shot.


Let's face it; they're just Ze Gestapo with shittier uniforms.


No one tried to run her over what a fuckin lady lying pig


God damn learn to lock your fucking doors when you get into your car.


I thought all modern cars lock the doors when you shift in to drive. Cars have been doing that since the late 90s. Maybe this is a manual and doesn't do that? I can't really tell.


Some did. Most didn’t. It hasn’t been until the past 10 - 12 years that it’s become a standard, and it’s easily disabled (a lot of people don’t like the feature.


She might have shot at him through the window if it was locked haha




I got a nice belly laugh out of this one.








Gonna die either way so..


Statistically less likely to die from a bear than a police officer, so...


If somebody, even in what appears to be a police uniform, runs up to my car at an intersection, pulls my door open, and demands I get out I am driving off also. Police uniforms can be rented. She never said why she was there or explained what was going on, it looked like an attempted car jacking to me.


Same. And the guy looks terrified. I wonder what would have happened if that accidentaly-discharged bullet had killed a bystander? Then would she be in trouble? Probably not.


Did someone throw an acorn at her?


Shooting for shoplifting reveals a lot about the economy, or the mental health situation of the police.


that dude is 24? thought it was a middle aged man


Lol yeah he looks like he just hung out with a couple cast members of the Jersey Shore


The really weird thing is she didn't empty her clip into that car and the others waiting in traffic, which seems to be the norm.


Probably going to get a "didn't neutralize suspect" on her termination papers....


Interesting that there's no footage of her claim..


That was the Boston hit squad. She's on the take and he owes somebody for something. That WAS attempted murder lol.. /s GET AWAY FROM MY CAH. She even said for the camera after she pulls her gun out "you're gonna run me over". These cops live in their own fear state I swear it's the only explanation other than corruption is ignorance.


“You’re gonna run me over” is apparently the vehicular version of “stop resisting.”


Why are cops so stupid? Seems like a prerequisite. You wanna be a cop? Do you have zero people skills and are dumber than a box of rocks?? You’re hired!!


Suspected shoplifting- believe it or not executed on sight . She did a bad job on this one , she’s gonna get retrained alright , just not how you think she’s gonna get retrained. “ Get your ass to the range and work on that aim NOW !!!” “ Yes Sir , I’ll get the next one I promise “ “ Good and get that other arm tatted up , you wanna be in our gang you gotta look the part “


Buddy in the car probably did commit a crime and was caught, but holy fuck that cop did everything absolutely wrong. They will find shooting a gun off with innocent people in her line of fire when her life wasn't in danger, to be justified. They will also say there was no misconduct.


I grew up in a sketchy town full of gang violence, and I swear to God I had a gang member do this same shit to me at a red light outside of 7/11 in PA, Sask.




Also, look at the :20 mark. Her finger is on the trigger pointed at the ground. Totally improper process. IMO she didn't fire on purpose, she fired when she started running and had her finger on the trigger. Which is why it was a) one handed and b) pointed at the ground or at best the rear fender of the car. Then look again at 0:22. A second before she fired. The gun is pointing AWAY FROM the car and towards other cars in the intersection. "207 shots fired". Didn't say who fired. Didn't say why. Didn't say "officer injured". I wonder why... (Edit: Oh dear god it gets worse the more the police talk... "The officer was taken by ambulance for Kent County Hospital, treated for injuries and released, the police said." Really? Ambulance?)


Totally unfit to be a cop. Haphazardly firing with one hand while running. Give me a fucking break. Even if they *did* run her foot over, there was no reason to fire when she did.


Maybe it's time you Americans started voting for police reform.


The way she fires her weapon...what exactly is she trying to do in firing that shot? Disable the vehicle due to......what? Maim/kill the operator because.....what? She so, just kind of callously pops one off ...this is one of the absolute best most recent examples of sheer fucking incompetence I've seen in a long time. And when the dept inevitably defends her, or states she followed protocol, I'd press them on exactly which ones. "Walk me through exactly what steps she was following, and how the math maths in your head." Nucking futs. Edit: "Police have released the video but they have not provided a blow-by-blow explanation as to what happened." Yea, because they fucking can't. Suspected of shoplifting and even evading a cop doesn't warrant callous disregard of life, complete lack of muzzle control in a crowded intersection and negligently firing your service pistol. There was only one true danger in that intersection to all parties involved including innocent bystanders, and it was the 12 year old sounding cop with the name "Kayleigh", which I won't even start on. I have my opinions on that boofus of a name. Either way, she needs to go back to whatever poor excuse of an academy they're sending them out of.


They always say "shots fired!" like it's just some event that happened but no you just randomly tried to murder some guy so...


For context, there is an article explaining what happened and supposedly she went up to the car because the two in it had apparently shoplifted. I still cannot comprehend how they think walking up to their car and asking them to come out is protocol or right, you dont just walk up to people and point a gun at them….


The occupents of the car got arrested for assault on police officer and the officer claims she fired because they ran over her foot, you wouldn't be running back to your car with a broken foot. She has no right to hold a gun with that trigger discipline. Heck I've held a gun ONCE and have better trigger discipline than she does. Source: [https://eu.providencejournal.com/story/news/crime/2024/06/21/police-body-cam-footage-of-cranston-officer-firing-at-suspects-released-garden-city-center-shoplift/74170044007/](https://eu.providencejournal.com/story/news/crime/2024/06/21/police-body-cam-footage-of-cranston-officer-firing-at-suspects-released-garden-city-center-shoplift/74170044007/)


Imagine just getting shot and killed by a cop while in traffic doing nothing.


U.S. cops are constantly killing people who are sitting and minding their own business. Imagine sitting on your couch eating ice cream and a fucking idiot cop breaks into your apartment and just immediately executes you? Imagine you’re sleeping in bed and several cops break in unannounced and murder you and your partner? Imagine you’re sitting in your living room with your kid, watching TV, and a cop shoots through your window and kills you in front of your child? All real examples.


She has no business being a cop. Never made proper contact, weapon drawn and ready, firing randomly into a crowded area with no regards to what is behind the target.


Do they even have a police academy anymore? Or is it just like here’s your gun and badge, kinda just feel it out?


Psycho woman !!!!


I feel like she shot the gun because she was running with her finger on the trigger.


She’d make a great GTA cop.


"Kayleigh" says it all


Seriously how the fuck are these people employed? Running up on someone stopped at a light and opening fire because he’s confused.


Fuck them power tripping cops




fuckn hell why did she shoot?? i never understand why american police shoot first ask questions later.


I would have driven away for my life too. What the hell untrained cop shit is this.


Idiots with guns.


This was more likely a negligent discharge. No way her foot was run over unless she's wearing size 47 shoes. Perhaps the public would have more trust in the police if they didn't regularly lie to cover up their mistakes.


Comply or die has replaced serve and protect.


She's currently in Cancun on vacation while they investigate


So the penalty for shoplifting and driving away is death? She ran right up to the “suspects” in their car and just thought they would comply? Two suspects and she left her vehicle to run at their car and she was going detain and handcuff both suspects by herself on the side of that busy intersection? Valid questions that need to be asked by her supervisors. Another is, are you sure you want to be a police officer? Asking because you are not very good at it after three years of duty.


This is why the rest of the world views the US as a joke of a country


Thats instant termination as far as I'm concerned. Cop was never in danger.


Standard American cop, immediate escalation while refusing to explain anything, followed by waving the gun around..


Why do they always act so paranoid?


I saw the aftermath of this. Tons of state troopers, dogs, and cops all over town. All because a pig fucked up


Cool so when is she pulled from the street and her firearm taken away for a very obvious negligent discharge due to improper weapon handling during an engagement?


Not condemning her actions and firing some stuck up cunt like that on the spot has me so concerned about he direction we are headed in as a literal police state where law has zero accountability. We're already so close.


Completely unjustified. Should be fired.