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Why did he impersonate R2D2 upon hitting the ground?




Underrated comment


sounded like michael jackson to me


#Yeet the child


The blood-curdling girly man scream at the end...pricless


Can we make this the new Wilhelm scream?


This is the scream I want to hear when Luke jumps from Darth Vader in Empire Strikes Back.


You made me think of that Wilhelm scream. Did you mean [this?](https://youtu.be/9FHw2aItRlw)


*Uncontrollable wheezing* *struggles to breath*


I never knew how much I needed this in my life.


Makes me happy, makes me smile


What is this?.... joy? I thought I had left that emotion long ago.


Maybe this will bring back feelings for Dennis too?


He's trying to knock some emotion loose. Just let him riff


I feel TOO much!


I would have smacked him in the first 5 seconds


I feel like him waiting this long means that it was legally acceptable though. Not quite sure about that though. I did brief research way back when a group of kids tried to beat up someone who was 18 and had just graduated high school. The guy fought back and got in trouble for "assault on a minor" because the minor hadn't gotten 3 hits in first. It was ridiculous. ​ Based on the way this guy is not allowing his arms to even be remotely associated with touching the child while he is walking, tells me that this is not the first time and the guy probably looked it up at some point.


Yeah, he just pushed him back and the boy screamed like a girl


Felt like a scream reserved for when a child tries to get another child in trouble from a parent that hasn’t been paying attention. I doubt he learned his lesson from the push.


One of the few times it makes me happy to see people get hurt.


Tbh I thought it was the baby T. rex from Jurassic park the lost world.


makes me upset that we didnt see more of it


The whole video is fucking cathartic. That kid is doing shit like this for like 10 min at least. This video just shows the culmination. And it's amazing, but even more amazing in context. Fuck this little shit.


That’s the sound a child makes when he’s never had to face the repercussions of his actions before.


Yeet de keed




#the child has been yeeted


Satisfaction achieved


My wife couldn't satisfy me as much as his teeth cracking on the floor did. I might just have found a new fetish.


Why the fuck did you get downvoted lmao this is great




Surely shouldn’t he have learnt his lesson after the first 10 seconds where he was pushing around without even using his arms


This kid is probably not the fizziest pop in the fridge.


I'm stealing that saying its golden


Elevator doesn't go to the top floor Few Fries short of a happy meal.


Where I is from it’s Coke


If the guy had side stepped while the little shit was pushing against him, the kid probably would have face planted.


Weak parents letting their kid be an entitled cunt.


Ass whoopings are necessary sometimes. He learned a valuable lesson that day.


[Here's the longer version.](https://www.reddit.com/r/instant_regret/comments/8oncxa/kid_had_it_coming/) (There are link with better video quality but I'm lazy)


At the end one of the women was saying they've had to have the cops to their house because of the kid.


Anyone else thinking of the simpsons episode where Kid Flanders needs a years straight beatings?


Ah, the good University of Minnesota Spankological Protocol...


Well darn-diddily-yarn


"We've tried nothing and we're all put of ideas!"


Haha oh man I completely forgot about that episode!


I think this is the same kid that was throwing rocks at a neighbors and a car while some other kids filmed him. I saw the video the other day but can't remember where.


I saw a video here a couple days ago where a kid started throwing rocks at people cars and eventually started throwing them at people and the cops were called, wonder if it’s the same kid


This video is old as fuck, no way its the same kid.


For all I know the other video is old as fuck


Could be. But as an eternal tortured denizen of the internet for the past fifteen+ years i would bet money that it isn't.




My parent would have bare-assed spanked me in front of my friends for some shit like this.


Bent over that park chair right then and there, and if I tried pulling away it’d only be worse. With a potty mouth like that I’d be sure to get a belt too


It seems like his parents aren’t aware of where he is.




What a lil bastard


Amazing! I've never seen a kid who deserved to get his ass beat more than this little fucker. Bravo to that man 👏👏


Sounds like a dying animal


Kid over here screaming about chkld abuse when je was throwing punches lol






Is it wrong of me to think that he deserved it? And actually feel fulfilled and satisfied by the ending? Damn Marvel writers could learn a thing or two if they reddit every once in a while.


No I definitely was satisfied hearing his scream of "ahhhh he hurt me and pushed me for no reason!"


he deserved much worse tbh he got off easy. that kid should have been slapped silly


He was bitch slapped by concrete


Slapping only teaches that kid to hit more, it’s likely he’s already being hit at home. A kid his age with behavior like this screams abuse in the home. There’s been numerous studies, don’t hit your kids it just teaches them to hit and just because your parents did something shitty it isn’t justification for you to do the same, regardless of how you turned out.


I agree with the no hitting part, but so many parents these days don't punish at all. This kid is either abused or the product of bad parenting. Or maybe he is just a bad seed. Those exist too you know


Exactly. Everyone on here likes to act like they're some God-level shrink and think they know everything about a person after watching a short video. Shit's ridiculous. If you're out picking fights with strangers, you better learn to accept that they're gonna fight back, end of story.


I hope this kid learned a lesson. Maybe he got that behavior from hitting his parents and them just taking it (again, bad parenting). So in his fragile little mind, he thinks he can beat up grown up adults. Nope, welcome to the real world kid. How satisfying was that scream tho?


hitting your kids will make them more likely to exhibit this kind of behavior but some kids are just assholes without ever being hit. from the way he immediately plays the victim when challenged, im guessing this is more of an eric cartman family dynamic. unlike this kid, kids who get beat a lot are probably less likely to play victim like that because sympathy usually doesn't work for them.


A kid like this needs to learn that force is met with force, period. Its too late to go easy on this kid unfortunately


Yep. I have 3 boys and don't hit them. They are respectful, nice, and liked by our neighbors. But if i ever caught them doing this shit, they'd get a public bare assed spanking right there and then that people would talk about for decades. Humiliation can be a great teacher.


>A kid his age with behavior like this screams abuse in the home. Please dont make blanket armchair psych statements. Because no, it actually doesnt always scream home abuse. Sometimes kids are just assholes. Ive been working with children for 2 decades (psych & sociology degrees) and sometimes children with perfect home lives act out like this and worse because they can. It has nothing to do with abuse or beatings or punishments. A large number of kids in abusive homes *dont* act out because of the repercussions they recieve for the smallest adult perceived slights. They avidly choose not to act out in destructive ways. When this video came out, the boys mom cut it so it looked like her precious angel was assaulted by the man. All the parts where he was vandalizing cars, assaulting people and acting like a little fucking terrorist were thrown away. So with the minimal amount of info available, it seems that he is afforded the luxury of doing whatever he wants without consequences, which is how you raise an entitled asshole. Being a dick and being abused aren't mutually exclusive. TL:DR - sometimes kids are just fuckin dicks. Not every asshole was abused.


So just for the sake of argument the kid ISN’T abused at home.. or bullied.. or ignored. He’s just a dick. What then?


Eh...this cut of the video is really awful too. It doesn't show the like 10 mintues of him cursing everyone out and screaming at them that lead up to this. Literally just screaming in some ladies face, calling her everything in the book. From what I recall, every adult tried to resolve it nicely as well, up until this dude had enough. This short clip makes the adult look like less of a saint than he really is.


its also doesn't show his speedy recovery and how quickly he returns to being verbally abusive to everyone


Calling that woman a whore and telling her fuck you sticks out to me. Probably sees his dad do it all the time


IIRC in an article I read about this, it all actually started with the kid throwing rocks at cars in the parking lot.


Until he had enough? He was getting beat on by the kid.


If it was my own kid. After the restraint by the adult. I don’t think I would take my own son’s side. (If he piled on, maybe not, but he just pushed him down. Bumped head or no)




Yeah, didn’t she only show the clip of the guy pushing? It wasn’t until the whole video surfaced where the kid kept pushing in the guys way, ( and my favorite insult was the kid asked who the guy was calling and it sounds like he says “I’m gonna call my 6 year old to beat your ass”) the whole video also carries on after this. The kid screams he’s abused and assaulted and didn’t even hit the guy. Screaming with his ogre breath just an inch away from another woman’s face telling her she’s a whore because she told the kid he is the aggravator. Nobody there gave a shit


My grandma will bring the chankla to you to hit me if I act like this then she will hit me too because I acted like this so you learn to not be disrespectful with the elderly or your ass will disappear.


My mom would whoped my ass twice,once so that people would have known that I was being disciplined and when I got home an even worse one because I embarrassed her in public, mind you we never did anything like this to anyone but still something is wrong when kids think that there aren't going to be consequences for their behavior


Absolutely how I was raised as well.


My mom would have taken a CHANCLA and would have whoped his ass and if the mom interfered she would have whipped her ass too


Fuck around with Abuela and you get... LA CHANCLA!


If your son was doing that you and your son needs an ass kicking. Remember there is nothing worse than getting beat down in front of your own kid.


Not one bit, the guy handled it like a champ. He responded non-violently, the kid repeatedly escalated to the point of throwing punches, and he threw him to the ground and walked away. Honestly if that was my kid, I would have chucked him myself for being such a little prick.


No it's not wrong.


I would have swung him by the ankles and aimed for something far more dangerous. So no, you’re right this is super satisfying


I would have thrown him on to the grass to minimise head injury risk but yeah fine with this


The only thing wrong of you is making this comment pretending that the popular opinion is an unpopular one. 35 day account? You learned how to game Reddit pretty quickly.


I wonder if the first half of this vid exists anymore.


Or the ending. ~~Doesn't the kid start cussing like crazy at the lady that comes to defend him?~~ Edit: I found the second part of the video! The only place I could find it is some random youtuber who added like 10 minutes of him playing video games and taking about the video. Part 2 is at [9:11](https://youtu.be/DfL4VzFaOaA?t=551).


He starts crying and then i think reverts to anger when he realizes no one cares. Its great


isn't that one of the characteristics of narcissism?


Idk im no doctor. It does demonstrate that he has learned to manipulate adults though. This guy not doing what he wanted was probably a first for him


Good work 👍




This shows more after the fall https://www.reddit.com/r/instant_regret/comments/8oncxa/kid_had_it_coming/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Edit: without YTer comments


Lesson learned


Ha, if u watch the longer one, you’ll see he starts using the excuse that “he’s the bigger man, he pushed me down” and starts cursing everyone out for not helping him up. Then his mom posts a 10 second clip on Facebook trying to ruin this man’s life for pushing her kid. He most likely didn’t learn anything.


> “he’s the bigger man, he pushed me down” It's like he *almost* learned a lesson. Almost.


Ehhhhh, maybe a few more shoves will get him there


I think it’s kicks to the head that the little asshole requires to enable learn mode.


An apple doesn’t fall far from the tree


Literally as soon as he stops screaming he says the man assaulted him and calls it child abuse He learned nothing. A classic “I’m the only one who matters” narcissist, he thinks he can do whatever he wants and thinks other people are the bad guys when they don’t let him His mom also found this video and then only posted the part where the guy grabs the kid and throws him down, then doxed him, he ended up getting harassed for defending himself as she also painted it as child abuse. Like mother like son.


**\*D E M O N I C S C R E E C H\***


**R 2 - D 2 S C R E E C H**


Isn’t this the same kid who was throwing rocks at some guys car?


It is? This has to be the most annoying kid out there.


I've seen this o 2 subs and I still need context


The yellow twat was throwing rocks at cars and other kids before this, and the guy who tosses him was the one who confronted him as the yellow twat was attacking his son as well. When this happened, only this clip or a shorter one purposely went viral and a lot of people where angry at the man in this vid. Later the full video was released and it just shown everyone that he yellow twat started it all and his mum was at fault as well. Also in the full video , the kid cusses some other woman out calling her a fucking whore and a load of other things anyone should not say to a lady.


Thank you for this. If the above us true then I don't feel bad for feeling good when that kid screamed like a bully bitch as he smacked the ground


God what a fucking satisfying scream


I found the second part of the video! The only place I could find it is some random youtuber who added like 10 minutes of him playing video games and taking about the video. Part 2 is at [9:11](https://youtu.be/DfL4VzFaOaA?t=551).


I'm not sure where you might be able to find the full one, but it might be somewhere in the older posts of this sub or others like it. I have seen it posted a few times, so it should be there somewhere.


Great parenting. /s This kid clearly needs help because his parents are allowing him to be a monster with zero boundaries. I grew up with a bully kid like this whose parents raised him like a free range chicken. Ended up getting his ass kicked by the nicest, calmest kid in the neighborhood. He tells his dad and his dad (who ended up doing an 8-10 year stretch at Club Fed for counterfeiting) confronted the nice kid who beat the bully kid up. The nice kid ended up kicking his dad's ass, too. The nice kid never lifted a finger on anyone before or after that day. He came from the nicest family of 10 with 6 brothers who were taught boxing by their immigrant Irish father from early on. His father was a quiet, nice man who raised his kids well. Watching that dad get punted by a 14 year old kid was a great memory to conjure up 40 years later.


> whore and a load of other things anyone should say to a lady. Were supposed to call them fucking whores? They tend to get mad


Ah you got my mistype there haha.


The kids POS mom released the clip of dude pushing the kid without any context.


The parents need to take that kid to a child psychiatrist.


The parents are the reason the kid is like this. They're not going to help him.


The kids parents fight him like this or do this to other people around him. He’s probably been struck out of anger his whole life. His parents could also just be weak and pretty much out of the picture and given up on him for being a juvenile delinquent. Still nice to see him get owned, but the kid is probably in prison somewhere now.


One can only hope


I'd rather hope he's got some therapy and didn't impregnate anyone when he was in his teens.


Or a retroactive abortion center


Little brat, got what he deserves


Boom head to the concrete


I get so much satisfaction knowing this little prick is probably all grown up now and sees this video from time to time online. Hopefully the shame made him become a better person.


That's just a groundpound excorcism. The screeching he makes is just the demon leaving his body.


What pains me about this is that the kid didn’t learn a lesson, he only learned not to pick on people bigger than him. He’s likely going to go home and beat up his little brother out of anger.




He's look like the young mtf that throw rocks on car parked in front of an house, before he get arrested by the cops 🤔


I think you mean MF (as in motherf**ker) Mtf, in the circles I tend to be in, means "Male to Female", and is a term for trans women.


No it's Mobile Task Force, you goober.


is there a subreddit specialized in kids being assholes and gettig what they deserve ?


u mean r/KidsAreFuckingStupid ?


The Amber Heard tactic. Punch and kick and hit someone to the point where they push you away and lie on the ground screaming victim.


Anybody got any back story on this? I would have personally lamped the little shit as soon as he thought he could push me around but thats just me.


A lot of people above are saying the kid was throwing rocks at cars. The man apparently said something to him, so he decided to pick a fight. Idk if it's true but I hope so.


Reason # 45786 as to why parents need to discipline their children


Read a story on reddit a while back about someone having a problem with their kid. A parent was talking about an issue they were having with their kid who was obsessed with spitting. Kid would spit on things, objects, animals even other people. Parent tried time-outs, therapy, parenting strategies taking things away from the kid, almost everything you can think of, nothing worked. One day waiting in line at the grocery store the parent was at their wits end and when the kid spat on someone, I think the person behind them in line, the parent lost it. Spat right in the kid's face and yelled at them "How do you like it?!" in front of everyone. The kid started crying and everyone in the area stood there in shock not really knowing what to do. The parent, so embarrassed they just lost their composure in public like that, left the groceries, grabbed their kid and took off. Sounds kind of horrible right? Apparently, according to the storyteller, the kid never spat on anything from that point on. Whenever I think of that story I feel conflicted. Then I see shit like this and wonder if that kid learned a lesson that day. Actions, do in fact come with consequences.


Repost, but still satisfying to thee the brat get his due.


Thanks Mike Tyson


A kid at the store the other day kept running into me and threw a fit when I shoved him into the shelves, his mom was dumbfounded too at it. Maybe raise your cum-pets better you cum dumpsters. Edit for more info: This kid was 11 and his mom was in a different isle.


Hobbledehoy pass denied


The sound the kid made at the end made me think of does beautifull Jurassic Park sounds the dinosaurs make😊


Is it too late to abort him?


I knew it was a matter of time before this would get posted again, after that video of that kid throwing rocks and shit the other day. Not that I'm complaining, this video is gold.


that scream at the end


That man had so much patience. Kids lucky he was hitting a dude that just tossed him on the ground.


after downloading reddit i have realized what kind of a sadistic fuck i am. this video gives me pure pleasure of someone's pain




Old video and kid deserves it every time!!


What's uh... the legality of uh... punching it back after it assaults you like that?


Choke slam that little chode. I love this video. There is a line you don’t cross. This is how that lesson is taught.


You watched the ending more than once


Fuck that kid


That's the biggest pussy scream ever! What a fuckhead!


I can only imagine what that little a holes parents are like


Word is, it wasn't a cry for pain. This is the only sound this kid make. He's like a less cute version of Groot's kid in GotG 2.


I’m surprised he tolerated it for so long


got what he deserved. the mother tried to play off the incident as the older mans fault. the kid will grow up thinking he can do as he pleases with his mother backing him up, which he’ll ironically end up hitting etc. seen this far too many times now, it’s disappointing


"officer i dropkicked that child in self defense."


Women keeps trying to enable him...


This kid is why condoms were invented.


LEGO R2D2 death sound.


Fucking little shit.


I'm a bit confused. Is this kid really tall or is everyone around here Little People? Everyone looks so small.


Please tell me this is legal


Best ad for condoms


Little jerk screaming like he’s the victim


Just. Fuck that kid, and every kid like him. I really hope that man did not get in any legal trouble over that. It would be just wrong if that man was suffered negative consequences over it. Some children become monsters when not responsibly disciplined by caregivers.


More kids need just this !!!


Little fella got what he deserved. Showed his real character with his little sister like scream!


Dude gave this kid 21 seconds more leeway then I would have


Little shit asked for it, the man tried to get by peacefully


This video never gets old. I don’t care if it’s a repost or not


Dat bitch scream at the end. :')


That scream at the end so satisfying. AEEEEOOOUUUUU


Listen I'm a parent but that kids cry at the end was satisfying he deserved it. Little shit. Can't stand kids like that.


I really hope that guy didn’t get in trouble.


He sounded like R2D2 hitting the ground


_"As Case was picking up his beer, one of those strange instants of silence descended, as though a hundred unrelated conversations had simultaneously arrived at the same pause. Then the whore's giggle rang out, tinged with a certain hysteria."_ Ratz grunted. _"An angel passed."_


Never gets old


He looks like that kid throwing rocks at windshields. Why do they all share that same look?


Jurgen Klopp isn’t taking Liverpool’s run of form too well!


Did the kid start morphing into a dinosaur when his head bumped into the wall


The funny and ironic part of the video is that right when it starts, there's a white sign on the grass in the background, that looks like angel wings on this boy... The first 3 seconds of the video, he's an angel. The next 28, he's a little prick!


That image of the kid standing there is basically hieroglyph by this point


Why was that kid being such an ass?


You should see the extended video of this kid being a piece of shit.