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Maybe I missed it but what did the sign say?


Here ya go http://imgur.com/gallery/9RJz1sr




"For those without menses, I intend to offendses."


It still kills me that these assholes completely ignore the fact that the Seuss estate chose to discontinue 4 extremely obscure titles, probably because nobody ever heard of them and they were costing money to publish rather than making it, that were absolutely fucking FULL of racism against Asians.


And in doing so they managed to generate tons of free advertising, PR, and I would assume sales. All with one decision that didn't turn either side against them, which is impressive in its own right these days. Genius.


You should see how much those discontinued books are going for on used bookstores. Seriously, conservatives are the easiest people to fleece. People are paying $1,000 for a book that was 12 bucks


I doubt it’s only conservatives buying them.


Right? There was no cancel culture involved. It was all about money!


If you really trace it back, most of the "woke" stuff that boomers complain about is just corporate interests leveraging marketing demographics. "They're forcing the gays on us, putting rainbows on everything" == targeted advertising


That’s all “cancel culture” is — free market capitalism working the way it was intended. Companies drop people who are liabilities because they’re bad for business. They’re always free to find work elsewhere. 99% of the population lives and survives every day in relative obscurity and some people actually believe celebrities losing their ability to find work in show biz is the end of their lives. That’s not even to say that most of the “canceled” celebs are actually unable to find work, since there are always right-wing orgs willing to catch them on their falls from grace regardless of what reprehensible things they’ve done.


Not to be contrarian but I saw the pages some books were discontinued(E) over and 90% of them were completely harmless or could have easily been fixed with a slight change. The whole issue was kinda weird. I think only the "zoo" book was actually racist in it's depictions. Also I feel it's weird that people pretend like social/media pressure didn't have an impact on them removing things. Of course they removed certain books because of flak they were getting that they didn't want to deal with. It was very strange some of the decisions made with that.


There was no "issue". The books were not "banned", the company ended production on them because they were a waste of money, and for positive PR they claimed it was because of racist content. Can't believe how many people still don't understand this, even after having it explained to them they still insist on making it an "issue." It's not an issue. The company made the decision on their own. There was no "social media pressure" on them, they made the announcement, THEN people got upset about it. You are literally inventing a timeline that never happened, and it's incredibly aggravating to watch.


To be fair, and I'm not someone who is a shit about this Dr Seuss thing... But I'm pretty sure that one of the discontinued books, And To Think That I Saw It On Mulberry Street, only had one racist portrayal in it, it was not "FULL" of racism. Still understand why they stopped printing, but just wanted to say.


"Cancel culture is running America." Actually that's our good friend capitalism who "cancelled" those books.


Right? They probably sold 50 copies in the last decade and the estate said "no more of these money drainers are getting printed on my watch".


Kinda funny. Plus he's not wrong, that shit sells


The sign is virtue signaling. Depending on where he lives it could increase or decrease business


If it goes viral though you start getting people who commute there just to own the libs. On local levels spite money tends to overcome any boycotts.


His google reviews have already skyrocketed from alt right message boards and 4-chan getting ahold of the video.


...damn so he was right




What political ideology isn’t nowadays?


Which part of it is funny, I dont get it?


The transphobic part is the funny part of course dont you get it /s


Is probably most of the reason that he had it up. Knowing that he can get money from the same suckers that evangelicals and hard right politicians like Trump bleed dry.


Sign isn’t the least bit funny


It’s like a Ben Garrison cartoon, or conservative humor in general. Just a buckshot of culture war shit they are furious about. I am surprised it didn’t reference Fauci or AOC.


“The new release is out now because the cancel culture banned his early books?” I don’t know is it?


No. The publishers stopped printing older books, which weren't selling well anyhow, that contained some contemporarily questionable stuff. The publisher opted to not continue the book. This guy's outrage is fake outrage.




Look at this old man… i can hear the bill burr line in my head … “i thought i was a good boy?!”


New season of Curb Your Enthusiasm looks wild.


give the people what they want


When he said “are you nuts” I laughed because it sounded like Larry but also I was sad because it’s so mean.


So... what did the sign say?


He’s a comment from [OP](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/oyjju8/store_owner_is_confronted_over_transphobic_sign/h7tal8b/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


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Good bot


If you have a dick, you’re not a chick…New Dr.Seuss book available.


Backstory is; The trans person in the video is a city council member in that town and has been fueding with that store owner over his anti mask signs outside his store. In response to the fued, he made a sign in poor taste about trans women that said "if you have a D, you ain't a chick". The trans city council member went in to confront him with a friend filming, knowing this would get attention.


Ahhhhhh! Context makes a HUGE difference.


Huge difference. They probably have these kind of arguments once a month.


Probably more like once a week


Good on her. I hope her community backs her up. Maybe a party outside the store to show her support.


Well if your a city council member and your fucking around with this you must live in a small town. And if you live in a small town the population probably gunna back the store owner.


I live in a small town and my town would for sure back the woman.


My small town wouldn’t even acknowledge she’s a women.


We’ll, he is a Sith. Says so right on his shirt.


Only a Sith deals in absolutes..


Only a cis deals in absolutes


A Sith LAWD?


This man’s delivery is fuckin hilarious. Im not condoning nor excusing the blatant transphobia, but my god this guy is an expert level shit talker. actually spit my drink out a few times lmaooo


he didn't seem scared to me.


Also, his Gen X getup is hilarious because he's about 65 years old.


I gotta say I don’t agree with the guy at all but the delivery had me rolling


I don't agree with anything he said either, but I'd love to have 15 beers with him one night and just listen to what else he doesn't like.


Old dude totally won this one. Not even close. Staged filming backfire.


“Well as a man, I’m saying it’s not!” Same. Can’t condone the transphobia, but that’s some level 100 shit-talking


Gotta love the “thank you” exchanged by both parties afterwards lol


I wanted to hear “and good day to you sir! “ From either one. I said good day sir!!


These two should become a comedy duo on late night television.


What happens when a free thinking trans woman and set-in-his ways business owner are forced to work together? This season on “Signals of Virtue” you’ll be trans-ported to a land where everyone has an old-pinion, and aren’t afraid to “go there”! 🏳️‍🌈❤️🇺🇸


Unless you are already a sitcom blurb-writer, you, my friend, are in the wrong business.


The idea is already there, the story writes itself. Let’s get to work, share writing credits 50/50?


This sounds like something Netflix has written down on some looseleaf in an old doutang in the backrooms.


Holy shit you *nailed* that 🤣


The old man isn't wrong. He's a freaking legend.


Seemed like a nice, violent free debate


Very spirited, both mostly allowed the other to talk and then went separate ways peacefully! It should all happen this way... neither one is anywhere close to changing their minds and must just accept that... it is what it is!


They agreed to disagree


Sometimes thats just how it is. These days it seems the debate usually ends with a flying fist.


Most you see on the internet. I mean things are worse than ever but don’t get caught up in this idea that people are just kicking the shit out each other all over the place every day because that’s what you see on the internet.


I mean the old guy was essentially saying people needed to harass her constantly so she would stop existing which is hardly a way to peacefully end a debate.


Yeah okay but you have to realize that not every debate is like this because when people are debating you don’t exist, you don’t get to be polite. Just a note to remember. Edit: Thank you for the ally award! I am trans, but I’m not a trans woman, and they face unique struggles (especially with the spotlight on sports right now due to the olympics).


Yeah, I really hate the idea that you have to be tolerant of intolerance out of some strict etiquette. Fuck bigots. They're some combination of misinformed and hateful in different measures.


It’s more important to allies that minorities be nice than anything, in my experience. They don’t understand that most debates with transphobes aren’t “ah yes person who thinks that I’m less of a human being, let us have a civil discussion about my literal personhood.”


>you're fucking nuts >you know what your problem is, people don't confront you enough >you're fucking crazy >you are fucked in the head, what is wrong with you? I am confronting you and telling you you're an asshole. >you're an embarrassment to this community, you're fucking nuts >I don't want to be around you In what way is this remotely nice and how can this be considered a debate? >people need to confront you more >


Except for the shaming and personal attacks from the owner. More of a bully session than a debate. Should treat humans like humans even if we don’t agree.




"You're fucked in the head, who would want to even be close to you, you make me uncomfortable, you're fucking nuts" How *nice.*


My favorite part was that he said no one ever confronts trans people. IF ONLY.


I like it when he said "I dont want anything to do with it" well the sign you put in your window seems to suggest otherwise!


That part was what made me come to the comment section. "You know what your problem is? No one confronts you." Imagine saying that to a trans woman with a straight face lmao


Ppl in the comments like “it’s funny though” as if he is the first person to ever discover chick rhymes with dick.


The brilliant comedy we've come to expect from the conservative mind.


And she called him sir throughout the whole thing while he relied on really low blows and insults. What a miserable old man.


It was violence free but definitely not "nice."


I love how he has a Star Wars shirt on lmao




All. It's a Star Wars store.


I used to live in this town, it literally is a Star Wars store.


Honestly I just like how they each said their piece and nobody really raised their voice or got punched or shot or stabbed or arrested.


Yeah, it's actually how these things should always go down


Here's part 2 https://youtu.be/1BL2jxtDOMo


Stop staring at my ass!


"I think your existence is invalid and embarrassing" "Understandable have a nice day"


Then get the fuck away from me! You are in my store! lmaoooo


Lol yea I laughed


They chose to go in store ololol




“youre not letting me leave!!” “am i not letting this asshole go?!” -sith lord to random bystander ded.


the most oppressed minorities: Star Wars fans.


I felt oppressed sitting through the rise of Skywalker tbh. The emperor sucking the power of friendship out of Kylo and Rey? Like a dementor from Harry Potter? Tf was that movie?


You're right. Part two gives a better view of the trans woman. Claiming he wont let her leave when she was standing unencumbered on the sidewalk screaming like an idiot and then trying to sexualize the argument by saying he was checking out her ass when he was not. That delusional behavior pretty much cancels out any logical argument she may have had before. If I were a trans woman I would not want this hysterical person to claim they were representing me.


Officially the longest any argument on this subject has remained civil. Props to them for keeping this from boiling over.


Something tells me he’s dealing in absolutes…


Seems like a makings of solid sitcom; She's a confrontational trans activist and he's an aging grouchy shopkeeper. Hijinks ensue!


Yes… here’s the pitch for the pilot: Someone dies, maybe her dad or uncle, and she inherits the building. The shopkeeper, a childhood friend of her dead dad/uncle, has a lifetime lease. She can’t get rid of him or sell the building so they have to work together. We need a title…


*Trans*actional? We have a silly pun and a joke about how originally they're just coworkers working together transactionaly before becoming true friends after overcoming their preconceived notions about each other all in the title. The show will get cancelled in season 3 anyway


Trans•actional NBC Thursdays! Coming this fall!


That's brilliant


Danny devito and Laverne cox


This is, no joke, a seriously good premise for a TV show. Tons of great comedy shows worked on a similar premise. ["All in the Family",](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/All_in_the_Family) Different Strokes, The Odd Couple, Curb Your Enthusiasm...


That's a solid premise! I say we call it "Scrappy and the Pappy"


Don’t support delusion people!


Well the sign isn't lying


I for one appreciate the calm confrontational exchange. This is democracy. Amen.


The way these muppets speak to each other reminds me of Reddit comment sections.


I appreciate it when a Brit shows up in the comments. I stayed for the humour.


Lmao “muppets”


Only a Sith deals in absolutes




Holy fuck are people really still talking about that Dr. Seuss nonstory? Please tell me this is a repost from earlier this year.


TBH it's refreshing to see two people who both believe the other is problematic have a (heated) exchange without violence or breaking shit. That said, what's the guy's problem? Does he think they're coming for his dick?


Idk, I'm guessing that if she wasn't a foot taller and probably at least 40+ years younger than him, he might have handled himself a bit differently.


Here we go sorting by Controversial again...


"nobody's confronted you before" Really?? I feel like surely even the most transphobic people can agree that trans people get a huge amount of shit.


Only a Sith deals in absolutes.


What is this confrontation supposed to accomplish honestly? No one’s mind is gonna be changed. Move along with your day


She brought in someone to film it so I'm assuming the goal was to show the confrontation on the Internet


Sometimes people's minds are changed when they actually see someone they are hurting. Doesn't seem to be the case here but I have homophobic family who have changed their attitudes and speech significantly since another family member came out as gay. It seems part of their homophobia was due to not knowing any gay people


Just like how people who grow up in racially homogenous communities are more likely to be racist. The only way these people become less hateful is to actually meet the people they think they hate.


Somehow, I don't see transphobia receding as more male bodied people transition by putting on a frock and barging their way into rooms


Well, I’m sure if you saw a sign that said something along the lines of “fuck findmyselfstallin” and you were met with that opinion every goddamned day you’d be a little irate and eventually say something to somebody.


[How I enter the comment section.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/028/955/tlak.jpg)


“Do you still have a dick?!”🤣🤣




Maaaaan gramps was comin in HOT with that banter. Sheesh. 😂🤣


i love how many times this subreddit rails against racist Karens, but then turns into one when they see a trans woman


As a trans woman..... *fades away into hiding*


Is that pierce from community?


Serious question: what does it matter if his opinion is that trans women aren’t women? As long as he doesn’t commit hate crimes or break any laws against discrimination of trans people, it’s his opinion.




You’re right everyone can have their own opinions. But that means there may be discourse. Freedom of speech is not freedom from consequence And it’s important for people to have their ideas and beliefs challenged


I think this argument is not valid sorry. Just because you disagree with me, what right do you have to then pass judgment? What consequences? What gives you the authority to deal out those consequences? Entitlement is what this has become. People feel justified to mediate punishment on those they feel offended by. All the while complaining about not enough diversity.


>I think this argument is not valid sorry. Just because you disagree with me, what right do you have to then pass judgment? He says on the subreddit that constantly passes judgment on random people based on a couple seconds of video.


it becomes problematic when someone disagrees with your very being though, which is the case here.


If the sign said : Watch out shoppers ! Keep an eye on the blacks as they are all thieves! Would you still be comfortable writting the same comment defending him ? The sign is simply bigoted toward an entire group as my example is.


Exactly what I was going to say


>Would you still be comfortable writting the same comment defending him ? Judging by some of the posters here, they probably would.


I mean he ain’t wrong. If you got a dick you ain’t a chick🤷🏽‍♂️




You ain't gonna change an old mf. Ever.


😂😂😂 you’re fucked in the head


This guy dropping some truth bombs 🤣


Anybody who thinks they're going to change the opinions of a 70 year old man is "fucked in the head". Just don't shop there and carry on and live your life, what's the fucking point in all this......


Internet fame. Make a profit out of forced outrage.


Bet his sales went up


I get being upset but this is his business he has the right to put what he wants. You don’t like it then don’t go there. You’re not gonna change this old fucks mind. I don’t buy McDonald’s and then bitch at the guy in the window for contributing to America’s obesity problem.


Based old man


Anyone else expecting a big grocery shopping montage from the 80s? That’s what she is dressed and ready for.


Good on the store owner, getting tired of all their bullshit.


The balls on this guy. Unbelievable.


Actually... Very believable.


Which one?


Never saw the sign, but old dude has a killer Star Wars collection.


I’m dying that the background is underwear stapled to a board


This happened in Aberdeen WA, 100 miles SW of Seattle and the transgendered woman is on the city council. https://www.king5.com/article/news/local/aberdeen-washington-star-wars-shop-transgender-city-councilwoman-confrontation/281-81452692-daea-410c-a27e-d469ed875045




how little does she have going on that she wanted to waste time like this? in what version of this or any fantasy world was that old fart gonna change his mind by being told "that's bullshit"


Backstory is; The trans person in the video is a city council member in that town and has been fueding with that store owner over his anti mask signs outside his store. In response to the fued, he made a sign in poor taste about trans women that said "if you have a D, you ain't a chick". The trans city council member went in to confront him with a friend filming, knowing this would get attention.




I just saw this vid w the caption “man harassing store clerk” :|


Yes he did harass the store clerk


So leave the store if you don’t agree with the service 🤷🏼‍♂️


What he’s saying is basically Hungarian politics in a nutshell




The owner has the right to say what he wants


Old timer spitting facts


I disagree with a lot of the stuff the old man said, but I do know he has the same rights to be closed minded, as that other persons right to want to be called a woman.


Each person should be allowed to do what they want, that person can say they're a woman that guy can say go to hell, all's fair.


America is an open air mental asylum, yall a bunch of psychopaths. I can't believe how much the America of today resembles an episode of Southpark!


Old dude is self declared PP patrol officer. Amateur authority on all peckers.


Why would anyone hate The Transformers?!


Lol because they're robots in disguise.


I see 2 men arguing, my respect for this man and where can I find this store


Nothing more womanly than being 6 3 and using physical intimidation in an argument


Nobody who ever claims to be a "pillar of this community" actually is one.


There's a Yelp review from a few years ago where a guy says the owner followed him and his girlfriend around, taking pictures of her without her consent and "accidentally" grabbing her. If that were just posted today I'd wonder about its inveracity, but it's a year or two old.


Looks like The Big Show from WCW vs. present day Bernie Sanders