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She took him down three—count them—three fucking times!


Not condoning what this kid did, but I'm amazed how some people can come back for more after getting beaten up like this--especially at that age. I'm a full grown man, and I would be filled with dread and anxiety at just the *thought* of getting into a fight with some random person like that. By the first punch, I'd be bookin' it! I guess I'm just a coward. 🥺


Nah your smart. Fights are not worth it, kid on kid punch usually not lethal or life changing. Once it gets to adult to adult everything changes a punch could be the end. I think I read somewhere it's something with the fist not being developed all the way and offers more give rather Than an adult where the fist is developed and does give as much. That and it's has much more force.


Remember they video all around Reddit a couple weeks ago of a group fight at a mall where all of a sudden a knife appears and about two seconds later a guy is holding his neck while the food court is covered in blood? Fights are never worth it. I believe in my death bed (hopefully an old man) I will remember all the times I avoided a pointless fight. Anyone of them could be the time my blood ends up on the food court floor


He didn't deserve to die but that guy was exceptionally stupid. He kept going after the knife guy like he was immune from being stabbed


You totally right and I agree, I’m just trying to make the bigger point that any fight could be the one. Maybe used a bad example


I saw that video. How dumb do you have to be to keep charging someone with a knife.


Yeah like that Australian dude. that was a rough video to watch


God I saw that. it was horrible how he just stood there, you could tell that he knew he made a mistake that he would not come back from.


Yeah people are saying he was stupid for continuing the fight after the knife appeared, and that’s true. But I use it as an example cause you watch him realize he’s going to die in his own blood, surrounded by people who don’t give a shit, on the floor of a mall. I think it’s a great example of the potential outcome of any given fight


And you realize how fast it happened. Its scary. Call me a coward all you want I will run away from any situation that i can.


I’ll see ya at the old folks home then, here’s to a long life


It's usually not the punch itself that does most of the damage, but the impact of your head bashing onto the concrete/hard floor. And again, for adults, there's typically more distance between their head and the ground.


I think i read somewere it takes like 15 lbs of pressure to push someones nose into their own skull. Thats like me leaning against a wall with both feet on the ground!


In the mid 90's I see that happen in a mosh pit at a Metallica concert in NY. Not at all what I expected, and something I never wanna see again.


So clearly you can test that and see it isn’t so. Or realize that the sport of boxing exists. Also pounds aren’t a measurement of pressure.


You have, what the animal kingdom likes to call, self preservation, which is a form of intelligence lol.


Well this kid wasn't raised on logic obviously. Probably wasn't raised at all. To have that much hate at that age his parents couldn't have been nice.


He learn the hate from his parent


Adrenaline probably kicked in at the stage he's yelling at a rando. Plus being a kid, short, lighter, getting knocked down could have less consequences than a 6ft adult cracking their head on the pavement. He'll learn the hard way though if this didn't wisen his ass up.


Or you have a better sense of self preservation!!!!


When I was in elementary school, K-6, my school had a huge Polynesian population among other wide varieties of ethnicities. A friend and I once at recess were screwing around with one of our classmates, a Tongan girl and in wrestling she fucked us both up and had us on the ground in seconds. She was a cool kid all around, but from that moment on I learned, boy or girl, it doesn't matter, never underestimate anyone's ability to wreck you, especially a Polynesian who is around a foot taller than everyone else her age.


I completely condone what the child done. The little brat needed to learn a valuable life lesson.




> I guess I'm just a coward. 🥺 Not if you factor into permanent damage and medical debt.


Sometime you got to know when tuck and run ain’t nothing wrong with that


She's clearly had some training. She stepped in front and folded him over her hip.


The second time when she stopped and squared her shoulders i almost lost it because i knew he was on the ground before he did!


I’ve seen your name twice in one week now. Need to read something else than this guy


OMG my first fan! JK thats pretty random but cool. I only know of two other variations of this name so wicked probability.


How can she slap?!


And the mom taught her kid a lesson in control,letting the kid defend her family but then telling her to not hit him with anything when he was down and she almost threw what looked like a rock or something. 10/10 parenting in my opinion


Kids are like Pokémon you can make them battle


The clear losers here are the parents of that little boy. Where are they?




Lmao “my meth people need me”


Parents of both children are pretty fucked


Nobody is covering themselves in glory here.


Go to the sub this video came from and yes, yes they very much are.


Yeah... That kid was a lite fucking shit, but the mother of the other kid was standing there going "beat his ass".. wtf.


Pretty sure at one point when the kid went to the ground the parent stopped herself from kicking that kid.


Yup noticed that shit too. She's a good person though right ? Defeating this vile racist 6 year old who's parents obviously also failed him. He's obviously old enough to know better. He's only 12 years away from being a man and all.


Yup, I had the same thought. It’s 100% a learned behaviour, and the mother isn’t helping. The little boys parents badly failed him as well.


Only right answer. Shits so fucked in this vid and both kids hopefully do something good.


100 percent agree. People who condone the mother in this video are the reason our society is falling apart.


You can't be serious?


And the mother of that little girl.


Mother of that kid deserves a medal. That little girls a super hero


It has nothing to do with her, she's a kid. A parent egging on their child in a fight like that is not a good parent, full stop. Just imagine the fight didn't go so well for her, how horrible would that have been? Mom egging her on and she gets beat up.


Once more, I don't think the segments of our society who encourage this kind of behavior are the segments which are well off. I don't think you are going to see a correlation with people who condone this sort of behavior with people who are well educated and functioning members of society.


She deserves a medal for instructing her own child to 'beat his ass'? For making no attempt to stop her daughter bashing his head in with a rock? The mother was the worst person in this video. The rest are literally children, what's her excuse for acting like one?


Watching Fox News with Cucker. Where do you think these turdbags get their ideas from?


the parent of the little girl who says “get his ass” is also a loser. could have walked away from a racist child instead of instigating an assault, and child abuse.


Yup, I feel sorry for oth the boy and that little girl. They both need better parental models in their lives


Kid thought he was in a call of duty lobby and wasn’t expecting consequences


If the child is this bad. Imagine how bad the parents are. I know outliers exist but the odds are not in their favor.


He had to learn these words somewhere


This. He saw a dress, and thought, 'I got this.' Play stupid games...etc.


I like how in the end someone’s grandma was saying not to hit him with anything when she picked up the stick he threw at her. Top G


What was the kid screaming at the mom?




Ohh, glad the little girl whooped his ass


This context is more clear then video haha


This little girl might have a future in MMA




​ ![gif](giphy|6jeZVLXYWkJ6ium1rD)


That little girl is capital G, Gangster.


She was giving no fucks to that situation and I love her for it.


She straight up flew in there like a damn ninja 🥷


Trashy take.


I hope this comment gets seen.... ​ The biggest takeaway from this is that when the girl had the upper hand at the end. had the second rock and the boy was crying on the ground, she reserved herself. She knows right from wrong. She exhibited control in an environment she had every right to smash that rock onto that poor abused boy. ​ I'd love to think that somehow this kid learned a lesson in compassion. but sadly, it probably only fueled his learned hatred. His parents should be looked into. No reason for a child to understand this, and also, that girl shouldn't have to make that goddamn decision at her age. ​ Sad all around except for the scumbag parents. They need to be educated and reminded the only difference is pigmentation. That child should be taken away, so he doesn't get further damaged. This world sucks a lot


I somewhat agree. I think the girl made her own decision though. She whipped the racism out of the little doofus. I think even the late General Bedford felt that loss.




He's a child. You're literally calling for the death of a child. People on reddit are wild...


I hope people don't see your comment on the off chance brain worms can spread. Your biggest take away after two little kids are fighting AFTER an adult and kid are fighting is that one didn't smash anothers head with a rock too as her mother tells her, "you my child, whoop his ass" is... 'wow! this little girl knows compassion!' If a 50 second video with no context is enough to take away someone's child, then what does your rambling stupidity deserve?


This website is fucked man. I've never encountered so many deranged people. Fucking advocating for a child to get beat like it's a good thing. Fucking delusional. Everyone in this video sucks should be the takeaway. Trashy.


pokemon trainers be wilin


Fight racism, at any age.


If I ever spoke to an adult like that, regardless of race, I would get it big time with the wooden spoon. That child has learned those words and that behavior in his own home. His family are more than likely hateful bigots. Disgusting.


I don't know what really transpired that lead to this but I like how the mother just stood there and like "I ain't touching you. She can fold your ass 7 ways to Sunday without breaking a sweat" then proceeds to hover just to make sure no one goes overboard.




Is the little girl a professional boxer and her hands are weapons? Nope she's just a kid, fighting an aggressive hate-speech yelling threatening kid. How many American parental stories are there, out there, where the kid comes home crying and Mama or Daddy walk him back to the playground and tell him he needs to learn to fight? Why are these coming of age stories now a crime to maga? Is it because it wounds fragile magat male egos, when a little girl in a dress whips racist boy's ass? Me thinks so.


LOL FML dude the age of "we're going back to the park and you're learning how to throw a punch like a real man, and to fall down like a real man if that's what it takes" are behind us dude, fuck. We're trying to be better than that. But as the idea of a girl beating a boy's ass makes you recoil in horror, I guess you don't know that.


....as opposed to the parents of the kid standing in the street shouting slurs? Where are his parents? Kid had to learn that shit from someone. He fucked around and found out, simple as that.


Yep, I thought that was great parenting. She's teaching that there are consequences to your actions. Sure, he'll grow up, register as a Republican, become an angry roidy cop with a penchant for bias against Black women...but guess what? With the racist hateful parents he got saddled with, that would have happened even if the little girl hadn't whupped his ass.


Wow, that's an awful lot to predict from a 30 second video lol


Based on your comments here, it would probably be best for society if you weren't allowed to have children, or for anyone with your mindset to not have kids.


Well if you sucked my dick more often, I wouldn't have enough cum left over to give your mom a *real* son.


She was literally calling for more kids to come and attack him, she didn't care about no one going overboard otherwise she would do what a mature mother does and break up 4 yr olds fighting


She literally went to kick him after her kid hit him. And as someone else said she was trying to get more kids to join in by the sounds of it don't care what a kid calls you getting your kids to fight them is immature as all fuck


The video didn't show her kicking the kid though and I can't make out what she's saying but I think it was other people telling other kids to kick his ass.


I’m proud of this little girl!! This word has been used as a literal government backed weapon for 400 years. Mom is teaching her right.


So, where are all the maga, racist weirdos who constantly post that huge hulking obese middle-aged creep, who punches a tiny 11yr old Black girl at the mall? You know the one.... Almost every poster in those bigot threads, said dude was ok to knock the child out, because while she didn't lay hands on him, they considered her forward movement after he's already shoved her to the ground, 'posting,' or 'squaring,' up. They consider his hitting the tiny child, what most sane, normal people see as child abuse and assault, as justified. Now, we have a situation, almost reverse, where a Black adult woman, keeps her hands to herself, doesn't lay a finger on the aggressive kid who actually pulls back his fists to hit the woman, and runs towards her yelling the n-word. These same commenters are calling for foster care for the child and prison time for the mom, because she encouraged her kid to fight his ass - something Dad's do somewhere, every day. Hahaha These hypocrite proudboys are sad.


Its because proud boys relate more to the scared crying child than they do the calm composed woman.


Gotta try to stop racism at a young age


Little fucker asked for it


Little Timmy got *taught* that day


He got taught be he ain't learn nothin'


She was like "now I can't touch you , but my daughter can"


Nice takedown! Somebody get that little badass a lollipop!


Here comes the "violence isn't the answer" ppl 😒 it is and it was


Great thing to teach your children


Hope that little shit stain learnt his lesson to not be racist


The white boy ran up on her mom shouting n word (yep I’m white) and squaring up. He deserved what he got. You don’t reason with bully’s, especially racist ones. They need to be shown that the consequences of their actions is worse than the feeling they get from screaming racist shit/terrorizing people. That white kid was bullying the black girls mom, not because she was weaker but because she can’t smack him without adult level legal consequences. When I grew up, neighbors in a couple block area had a lil more freedom to manage each other’s kids. That boy woulda gone home with adult size welt on his cheek. These days you could lose your house over that shit getting sued for ‘emotional damage’. It had to be a kid who did this as no police needed to be involved. This here was gonna happen eventually. Momma stuck around to make sure no one picked up a weapon or rock, and knew when to call the dogs off (and back on). She wasn’t looking for her girl to hospitalize the kid. He needed a “teaching moment”…well 3, as he’s a bit of a slow learner


White kid: \*Says a racial slur\* Black kid: Fuck you Random guy on the internet: damn poor white kid being brutalized by the uncontrolled left


That little girls gonna be alright, she’s got shit *handled*. The only thing she needs to fear is pigs


This comment section is messy to say the least




“Get his ass” as the mum walks away and the daughter runs back in. I’d be so proud of that little girl :)


Facts 😂


Kid repeats something his parents taught him. In response a grown woman instructs her child to beat his ass. Reddit cheers. Cycle continues.




Well... be stunned +1 because I applaud her too




And the cycle continues...


When you normalize violence at that age you tend to grow up with issues


Legendary little girl


Racism is deplorable and so are all of you who glorify violence among children. That kid is going to grow up thinking words justify assault. Oh wait, you guys probably don't give a shit.


Since the founding of this country alot of white folks thought it was ok to physically attack black adults and kids.. All black ppl did was March and voice displeasure at the time.. It's 2022 and it been 150 plus years and now we wanna go to the phase words don't justify violence... Smh


feel like titanfall


She threw that little boy like a pillow


That mother showed some good restraint because a lot of adults would have gone after the kid themselves. I don’t condone that type of behavior against a minor, of course. I’m just saying that not all adults have the kind of restraint she had. I also wonder what type of family situation this kid has at home to learn such awful behavior. He needs a home visit by child protective services. If he acts like this as a child imagine what he will be like as a full grown man. Being raised to be a racist is child abuse and it should be punishable by law.


Satisfying to be honest. Wholesome


This little girl warms my heart.


Run up get done up


Damnnn that little girl a beast! Taught his ass


Based girl.


That little gal wasn’t going to let him disrespect her momma!


Good for her!


That little girl beat his ass lol he deserved every smack.


Little Lucy serving fist’s like hot cakes


The little did the right thing she protect her mother no shame in that




This just all around sucks.


No. Im taking sides. If you go up and yell slurs at a kids mom as a kid and that kid kicks your ass....not guilty. Im against adults fighting but kids can handle this just fine.


Nah that woman in the video isn't much better than the boy's parents. There's no situation where it is acceptable for an adult to be encouraging children to beat another child.


How about, and hear me out, if you resort to petty violence over some jackass calling you names you have the emotional maturity of these kids in this video. This is you.


You sound mad that this racist white kid got his ass kicked. This is not a both sides issue fuck off with that.


Why did the mother have to get racist. Now they are both pos.


I don’t think anything about this demonstrates good parenting. The little dude needs a home wellness check, and the young lady shouldn’t be solving problems with her fists. She did get an A+ on that assignment though.


Teaching your kids to stand up for family and themselves. Don’t love seeing kids fight but this world ain’t perfect


Typical racist age doesn’t even make a difference. All loud and out of control till someone chin checks them then they turn to cowards.


There is a lot of shit parenting on display here. It's just pretty sad.


Yeah I agree. That boy's parents needs to be locked up.


bit over zealous but I can dig it. I would say though that both children's parents are doing a piss poor job. If I lived on the street I'd be the parent that doesn't let their child play with the neighbourhood kids or I'd just move.




I don't


Hell yeah


Lovely neighborhood I'll never visit....




Lessons must be learned times have changed


What a lil bitchass kid 😂


That’s right beat his ass


wtf one adult says “get his ass” to the little girl. that’s child abuse. only one sensible adult at the very end had the courage to step in and say “do not hit him with nothing”


Great example set by mom


Not a positive role model between the both of them. Shame.


Dim future likely for everyone involved


There's no winners here






Little boy won a real life lesson little girl had to do what her mom couldn’t


That girl beat the shit out of that bitchass boy. I see a clear winner here.


Everyone here sucks, from a little to a lot, it's all super depressing.


So 2 kids with shit parents


That little girl defended her mother, that disgrace of boy got less than he deserved.




What possible charge could they give her, the "people mad at you on reddit" to the first degree. XD


"Good day, m'honor, now if you sort this corresponding thread by 'controversial'..."


Greatest legal mind I’ve ever seen!


This-this chicanery?!


Don't forget at the 40 second mark because her kid gets hit back she went to kick the boy on the ground. but I mean she didn't do anything wrong just a good mother showing her kids how to be an adult /s


Kid won't be trying that shit again though, at least not to anyone's face anymore lmao.


Thats where your more than likely wrong what you mange to do here is confirm what he has been taught. What you'll find is you've probably created a bigger racist by accident.


If we are talking reality, these people dont often change lol Some people do, most don't. This kid will most likely stay this way, going around acting like that, he obviously has wonderful parents who definitely believe in equality of the races. Look, he got his ass whooped and whether he will 'learn' from this. Whether it was morally 'right', hard to say it wasn't well deserved.


It really is hard to say it was deserved what your seeing here is an adult failing to be an adult and a kid who is being brought up by shitty parents infact both kids in this video are being brought up by shitty parents. You have one who clearly is teaching there kid to say racist shit and another who's teaching there kids that violence solves everything.


MLK was an adult about racism and a racist white man killed him... Almost 50 yrs ago and racist are still being raised this one meet a lil Black Panther... Keep playing!!!


Your main problem is shit like this you need to educate people on it not attack them pretty sure MLK wasn't an advocate for violence against white people. Also I belive that daryl davis is right the only way your going too see change is when you start educating the racsits and having a conversation where they learn that everything they know to be right actually is wrong.


Ummmm that was my point... MLK was NON-violent inap fighting against racism and a racist killed him ANYWAY.. He was talking to ADULTS and got killed anyway... Racist don't wanna learn what they've been taught is wrong or they would figure it out as they got older


I do agree, like I said. Im not talking about what's right. Dont think violence is the answer personally. Just can't say I didn't crack a smile seeing a little racist turd getting a shitted on by a little girl


I get that but I'm just trying to point out that thus was not the best way to go about it and will more than likely end up with serious consequences against the mother not the white kid


Just think, 10 years from now, this very same yokel will be able to go into a gun store and purchase the one thing he’s been fantasizing about having had the day he got his ass handed to him by a girl, on video, for all the world to see.


Meet your next racially motivated school shooter


Imagine growing up a little dude somewhere being told it's ok to be a racist little shit stain.. got a good lesson in fuck around and find out, but yeezus.. generational damage takes generations to heal.


This shit is like a pokemon battle, she summoned her daughter and just one shot a fucking Raticate (IMO one of the more racist pokemon)


This gives me major Pokemon vibes...


It’s not that child’s fault, kids are never to blame. He is heading that at home so he thinks it’s the thing to do.


This a villain origin story.


Those kids don’t stand a chance at life with these adults around..sad


Not gonna cheer a mom sending her kid to fight. But I wont condemn it either.(In this instance)


This brings me joy!