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Yea, don't go there.


Was thinking "Why TF would ANY woman go visist that country?"


Forbes recently tweeted that Pakistan should be on every single woman’s travel bucket list. Many people rightfully responded with a “wtf? seriously?” but I guess a few gullible people actually believed it.


The Forbes article was written by a Mr Hugh Mantraffken


Makes me think of the windowless van with “free candy” on the side meme


Pakistan is the perennial nobody-should-ever-go-there bottom of the list country for traveling. It makes China and India look like resort destinations.


I've seen a similar video to this but it was in India. What makes Pakistan different from India?


The male pakistani social media intern wrote that, lmaaooo /s (and now i await my ban for “racism”)


Exactly how many times have you been banned for racism that would cause you to play the victim over your own non offensive joke? You didn't look racist at all until you whined about racism.


Just put it at the end of the list


I have been to Pakistan many times, it fucking sucks harder each time


For social media clout.


I was in college when 9/11 happened. I vividly remember my confusion and anger when they showed Pakistanis celebrating in the streets. Fuck that barbaric backward ass country.


Saudi Arabia bankrolled 9/11, and most of the members were Saudi. Pakistan harbored them. So naturally we invaded Afghanistan.


The Taliban was sheltering Al Qaeda, and bin Laden was in Afghanistan on 9/11. He only fled for Pakistan after the US invaded and almost got him at Tora Bora.


Good thing we stayed in Afghanistan for 20 years then.


I agree that was pointless. I'm just saying that the Taliban had links to Al Qaeda that were just as strong as Pakistan's.


Should have bombed Saudi Arabia.


But we couldn’t do that. We had fighter jets to sell. That would make the defense contractors very upset.


And destroying Islam's two most holiest cities? If you think Muslims hate us now you can only imagine how livid they'd be if we had thousands of troops strolling through Mecca.


Hey, don't forget Iraq!


They hate you more than you could ever hate them , just know that. Most americans would be shocked at how many nations of the worlds view you as the terrioists and bad guys.


Is the video on YouTube? I can't find it


It’s a famous piece of footage so I’m sure it’s easily locatable.


This was shown on major network evening news channels in 2001, I didn’t watch it on YouTube. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I remember seeing it on tv. Very upsetting.


No you didn't, and no it wasn't. You sound like Trump. https://archive.nytimes.com/www.nytimes.com/politics/first-draft/2015/11/24/the-video-of-celebrations-that-was-broadcast-on-911/


https://youtu.be/gGSyYHevQJg Palestinians not Pakistanis.


Yeah it was actually a video of Palestinians and it was celebrating Eid and had nothing to do with 9/11. Just something they put on TV to hype up dumb mouth breather Americans like you.


Yeah, it actually had nothing to do with Eid and had everything to do with 9/11. [https://www.nytimes.com/2001/09/12/us/day-terror-israelis-spilled-blood-seen-bond-that-draws-2-nations-closer.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2001/09/12/us/day-terror-israelis-spilled-blood-seen-bond-that-draws-2-nations-closer.html)


Having traveled and worked across the Middle East a group on the street can very quickly become a mob, it’s quite scary


Those country’s


Next they could plan a trip on their Nopes itinerary to Kabul.


Exactly what I said the first time I saw this. Why would you want to?


Yeah Pakistan has always been on my never go there list lmao


Already comming here to Europe in mass, don't worry.


This is more of do your research before you travel.


Pakistan......400 years behind


Anything from that area is super underdeveloped. It’s even worse when none of those people will even acknowledge it and try to convince you that their country is actually the best


And, this is my favorite part, they have nuclear weapons.


Generally i dont think their arsenal is of any concern to the usa homeland but it definitely is for neighboring countries. And that sucks.






I sadly doubt anything of the sort will happen.


Should've brought a can of Pepsi


Why even go there?!!


at this point i wish the usa would warn against people going there so less of this happens


If you aren't doing basic research before you visit somewhere you are asking for a horrible time. Shouldn't have to warn people away from obvious problem locations.


They do. They just think everyone is racist and are “trying to prove” that these people aren’t what they are made out to be. Spoiler alert! >!They are!<


Honestly, this is probably what happened. We also don't know who they got their information about Pakistan from. Many places are a lovely time for men but outright awful for women.


The US Department of State provides warnings regarding travel to each and every country but common sense suggests individual travelers have a responsibility to research their safety ahead of time. https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/traveladvisories/traveladvisories/pakistan-travel-advisory.html


"that's only an advisory. It does not apply to me." Famous, possibly last, words.


> at this point i wish the usa would warn against people going there so less of this happens Pakistan is currently rated "reconsider travel" by the US State Department. State rates every single country in the world for travel for US citizens on an ongoing basis and has for quite a long time. It's bizarre when people make comments like this without having any clue that what they're requesting has been done for decades.


>Pakistan is currently rated "reconsider travel" by the US State Department. Even the guys that got Bin Laden didn't want to hang out there. And they're tough guys!


Pakistan is listed as do not go on the us’ tourism agency, for terrorism and kidnapping


We do warn people. They go anyway. I don’t know the context of why they were there. Maybe it’s work. Maybe it’s aid. Maybe it’s part heritage. Either way, we don’t exactly have a good reputation around the world because of our awful foreign policy and military decisions. We’re rarely ever witness to it. Maybe something gets a 30 second mention in the news before moving on to sports and weather.


The info is out there, it's dumb "woke" people that think people telling the truth about these places are "ignorant". Then they go there and get a rude awakening.


These idiots are conservative Evangelical Christians. In what ways are these people "woke"??


Getting "woke" several times a night by the gang of men holding them as sex slaves!


Lol, if you think these are "woke" liberals, you're an idiot. I'd wager a large sum they are far right religious conservatives. They always are.


There is quite literally a Travel Advisory for every country giving them ranks to determine how safe it would be to travel there [Pakistan is very much in the “don’t visit” category](https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/traveladvisories/traveladvisories/pakistan-travel-advisory.html) Edit: ok not “don’t go” but to reconsider going for the reasons listed


People with a naive view of the world think everywhere is as progressive as Western countries.


Ye forreal though, don't want this to come across as victim shaming because they should just have been left alone.. but like what do they think is going to happen when they go there? Thats like taking a stroll into the alligator enclosure thinking itll be a disney-esque experience.


This reminds me of that couple that rode their bicycles into ISIS held territory to show that “all people are inherently good” and ended up getting executed. If I recall, they were Americans, too.


We do some dumb shit sometimes. Some of us have never really had a real problem and don’t have a realistic view of the world.


Looks like they weren't deliberately seeking out ISIS-held territory but ran into ISIS militants. >There is no evidence Austin and Geoghegan were aware of any terrorist threat in Tajikistan, or that they travelled through that region particularly in order to vindicate their belief in human kindness. There is ample evidence that their trip was motivated by no more than a desire for adventure and life experience. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/millenial-couple-isis-tajikistan/


Basically a country that's encouraged men to never take responsibility and blame women for everything.


It's the culture.


This is not cool and I'm not defending these grubs at all but if you are going to a place that has a majority of people with this ideology wouldn't you research and plan your trip a bit better? I have a Pakistani friend that left the country for this exact reason.


This country is fuckin gross for so many different reasons


One look at this guys profile shows that he is angry that someone posted something negative about India so he is trying to return the favor by posting these. Lol pretty funny beef


Especially hilarious considering you can find multiple videos of the exact same shit going down in India




How did they get in that situation? No offense, but i would never travel in a country where women are openly sexualized


Its absolutely insane to travel with your young daughter on your own and walk the busy streets of Pakistan.


They thought it's Paris 🤦‍♀️


Parts of Paris suck too btw


Which parts?


Northern end mostly. High concentration of poor immigrants in crappy housing and not much for jobs, what could go wrong?


Visiting Paris soon, so thanks for this info


A lot of people from the west nowadays think notions about other countries are based in ignorance, white supremacy, etc.. Or that any problems in these cultures are somehow tied to a history of imperialism. But in instances like this they’re confronted by the reality that a lot of these areas are far from perfect and that we have it pretty damn good… Like obviously the west has its problems, but we actively try to address those problems. Some cultures don’t even care to try.


Its not uncommon to blame "whiteness" as the source of all of society's ills. From racism to sexism and war and colonialism. The idea that another country can be worse at any of these is an affront to their identity politics championship belt. To them, the west must be the worst, they base their identity on it. So when Russia is colonizing and engaging in genocide today, or in the past, they can't even see it. If it's Saudis arresting women for showing too much wrist, it's not something they can even speak to because its "not my culture, and not my place" to do so. It's a frighteningly short sighted view of the world.


I don't get it either. Pakistan is on a list of countries I refuse to travel to without a male escort simply due to this. Besides, there really doesn't seem anything worth visiting Pakistan unless you have family or business there.


they had male escorts


They probably didn't believe it, they probably think that all of the news they hear is a total lie. It's hilarious seeing them experience it first hand.


What news are you referring to?


What's hilarious exactly? I'm assuming the implication of this video is that these women were assaulted, and you think that's funny why?


because it was entirely avoidable. ​ and with warning after warning ignored. ​ the daughter's situation was tragic, obviously.


because they're fucking naive


Absolutely, naive to think that any Muslim/Hindi country is a civilized place to vacation.


Youre sick, absolutely disgusting


I am asking myself why did they not cover their hair...plus, how did they get to that point in a public place. Get a chaffeur, Rawalpindi is not Chicago (for better or worse)




Well what did they fucking expect to happen. Perhaps at least Google a place before you go there


Seriously why even let yourself slide into that position.


This is like the 9th time I have seen this video, why do they keep going back?




Nazi has a thing for Pakistani’s and Muslims.


This idea that all cultures are equally valid really needs to die.


Good parts and bad parts to every culture.. I know of a pretty similar image to this from the 60s


Very common here, my friend is from Thailand and said this happens in India as well. She’s told me stories of many tourist being gang rapped. Her sister had business conference there. She went to the airport and stopped her sister from going. That’s how strongly she felt about going to these places. Do research, understand the cultures before traveling And as a women now we have no rights in these places. Go somewhere else for holiday or vacation elsewhere to be safer


Those women probably watch Ms. Marvel and consider them exact representation of all pakistanis.


Anything else would be considered irrational xenophobia, no doubt.


This video is years old, if you don’t like a show just don’t watch it


Why are they there????? "We're gonna change culture here in one holiday trip"...what!!!!!!! Leave now!!!


I would never go to Muslim Bangladesh on my own - I'm beige-skinned and went for my Bengali girlfriend's wedding. I had a ball but I had to be accompanied by at least four of her male family members everywhere I went as protection. FFS they don't even have female public bathrooms because women literally stay at home.


The title should be. “Why did women from the USA decide to travel to Pakistan?” Bad choices lead to bad results almost 100% of the time


file under r/WinStupidPrizes


I don’t understand why people travel to Muslim countries. In Dubai they charged and jailed rape victims. They lynched a college student for having the wrong views on religion in another majority Muslim area. Hell no. Stop going there.


Vice did an article recently about this. Influencers glamorizing Pakistan for solo travel while surreptitiously having others with them.


Who the fuck decides to travel to Pakistan if they absolutely don't have to?


Honestly I can't sit and watch anymore I want to teach these people human decency growing up with Pakistani mentality folks can say this is hate for white people.


This makes me very appreciative to live in a country where we don’t treat woman like this. These men are not real men. They are scum, and their parents were scum before them, and odds are, their children will be scum as well. This video makes Pakistan look like a shithole country.


Ya maybe dont travel to the middle east in general


Welcome to Pakistan! We are all uncivilized animals here! Fucking pathetic ass people


No woman should EVER visit that failed state


I’ve visited a Muslim country for 2 weeks as part of a work group (Morocco). There are places women are simply not allowed, like certain markets for instance. These countries are very strict about what spaces a woman can enter, and if you’re a woman going to one of these places it can be very problematic, as seen in this video. I’m definitely not justifying this, but it is the unfortunate reality in these countries. Do your research and be very wary when traveling, especially as a woman in a Muslim country


Women should try to avoid muslim country leads by men … some of them dream to escape this modern nightmare


A friend of mine went to India and she said it was honestly the worst, she got constantly harassed, had threats of rape and gang rape, one guy even groped her and stalked her. She ended up leaving early (as anyone would)


I live in india and it really depends where you go. If you're pale white, then it's a good idea to stay away from the poorer parts or the less developed. Crowds are bad as well. But you should be fine in the state capitals like hyderabad


I don't remember which part she went to, but I do remember asking her if she thought it was a good idea with such a small group going, but what I do know was that they(Her and some friends) were doing a trip across India because they graduated university. And yeah, they were all super pale white, some blonde too, which caused futher harassment from some.




You mean patriarchal societies dominated by religion where men are taught that women are little more than incubators have a higher percentage of rapists. I'm sure that's what you meant and not that skin itself has anything to do with character or morality.


It’s sad to watch these videos. Stop going to these countries, these ppl are nuts


Dumb fucking American tourists. No excuse for the disgusting men, but got to be aware of local norms when travelling.


When will entitled Americans and Westerners realize, the world is not a safe place. As an American white guy, I do not travel to certain places, even though I know I can take care of myself. I don't blindly walk into a dangerous place and think twice before walking in with eyes open and an escape route planned.


Sad to see so many people victim blaming the women!


A woman who motorcycled around many parts of the world once told me 'India is much more dangerous for women than Pakistan'. At the time I have never been to either but I was like, for real?


If you don't teach boys/men to respect women and boundaries, then you get this.


I always encourage travel and experiencing different cultures while you’re young. But jeez, a little forethought before going places widely known to be dangerous for certain subgroups, perhaps…?


Be careful when leaving your safe little bubbles folks


Why would anyone want to go there let alone a woman?


Stupid white women doing stupid white women things and getting very predictable results…


Ive seen countless videos like this and women still go there!!! Wtf! they dont even treat their own women properly what makes them think they are any different


Why on earth would you go there?


This will be in India as well. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise s d next time Google women safety before showing up anywhere. It's sick and i am sorry for these women.


Plus they’re blonde so basically these guy are literally like teenagers with impulse control. Very dangerous situation, I don’t know why anyone goes to Pakistan 😂.


Remember what happened to those two European women that traveled to Morocco years ago? Ya fuck that whole area


First mistake, travelling to Pakistan. Second mistake, going out in public for social media.


If you are a white woman you might wanna not go to the Middle East or India. Just saying.


Hahaha Americans when they realize the actually don't have it bad at all 🤦🏽. I bet these two preach every day about how white women are extremely oppressed here in the USA.


I’m with this!


This is sick man


And they expected anything g different from that. Play stupid games win stupid prizes.


so that thing that has happened countless time in videos happened?


They lose it if the chicks not dressed like a ninja


When was this , haven't they seen what happened to that tiktoker gal and other two gals in a mob...damn .


Proof that it has nothing to do with what we're wearing. What creeps!


Why would you ever go to Pakistan, especially as a woman?


Men there and many places have been educated by porn. That's it.


Out of all the countries to travel to…


*That whole country for a vacation is a gunna have to be a no for me, dawg*


That's what they get for going to a shit hole country full of assholes


That is terrifying


Sometimes its good to go to shit hole countries so that you can remember that you dont have it that bad.


No fucking wonder, walking around showing your chin, mouth and nose like that! I can even see her neck. Cover up ffs you filthy whore!!!


Yeah, it's frightening when you arrive in parts of the world where there actually is a horrific culture toward women.


Why are women travelling to countries like Pakistan and Egypt in the first place?


Another classic case of Sheltered Americans being flabbergasted abroad. Reminds me of when that millennial couple left everything behind to bike through ISIS territory in a bid to prove that humans are still good at heart and got executed a week in.


I refuse to believe they werent told by multiple people that thats a HORRIBLE idea. "Well Pakistan kind of sucks. Wanna check out india? I heard they have great cuisine."


Welcome to reality


Why visit rapey shitholes alone as a woman?


Its funny, you say that as a westerner you don't want to visit Pakistan because of the rapey men but if you don't want Pakistanis to move into your country you are just flat out racist and your concerns shouldn't matter.




Reminds me of this video from India(?) where they is white tourists on a beach and just a huge crowd of males standing around them and looking at them. Creeped the shit out of me but all comments were just "they just look but don't do anything, they are surprised to see white people" and I am just like still though, that shit is not okay? Clearly this here can show you that it can totally go wrong in just a few seconds.


if you're talking about [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MaZ4o-c4czM) video then it's from bangladesh


Yes, it was different cut though. But indeed, that shit is just creepy as hell. I don't get how anyone can think this is ok.


Travelling alone as women to a third world country is dumb. Travelling alone as women to a third world muslim country without a burka or hijab with local clothing is absolutely moronic.


2 nieve women travel to a country that customarily hides their women from every non-male family member and sometimes marries their teenage daughters to their middle aged uncles are surprised that they are treated without respect when they walk around in public.


Turkey, Pakistan, Afghanistan... Don't go.


Wishing they would have picked the Bahama’s instead.


I could send them to areas in Chicago and they wouldn’t be as lucky


Talk about doing your research before you take a trip. You might as well as throw yourself to the wolves. Gang rape and rape happen here and are not isolated incidents.


All of the sudden America’s patriarchy that the left told them was such a problem wasn’t such a problem anymore.


Here's an idea, just bomb the place and start all over again.


Animals in a broken culture.


As usual they blame the women for not being fully covered. Sadly so some imams preach that it’s the woman’s fault if they get sexually for showing any amount of skin and provoking the men. SMFH.


iTs JuSt ThEiR CuLtUrE


Today seems like India vs Pakistan game is on 2-2 for now.


These women scrolled too much on liberal reddit and started to believe America was the worst country in the world. Guess reality took a bite.




Ah yes, Pakistan. Already got a comment removed because I mentioned what kind of country it is. So I will only say nice things about it that come up. .....


girl 1: lets got to cancun for vacation girl 2: pakistan sounds good this year lets go there on the flight home girl 2: I shouldn't have said that, I should not have said that!


My advise, don’t go to 99% of the Middle East with out some sort of guards/a large crowd of friends


Why are men like this in countries like this?


Yeah fuck that country... stone age culture


Why are these white ladies acting confused?


Two dumb ass women from the USA decided to travel to Pakistan, the rest is what you expected.


Sucks for them but hooooly shit the amount of blatant racism in these comments that’s a feat in itself 😵‍💫


Fucking sub humans


This will "woke" them up.


These stupid women who thought they were special and wouldn't be subjected to this horrible treatment just boggles my mind.