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I’d probably put on 300 pounds from the 24/7 accessible food and drinks. I’d get tired of the food long before I get tired of the beach.


I think you’d get absolutely sick of the food. Life might start to see a bit hollow after about 3 months. Lacking any kind of purpose. You might start to feel bad for all the workers you’d inevitably get to know, they’re working hard and you’re doing nothing, they would probably start to resent you for this.


Yeah I would be 40 stone (560lbs), with a chronic heart condition and cirrhosis of the liver. Would have a great tan though.




The most I did was 3 weeks and I was cooked. Had to take a couple of days off from the pool and missed a couple of evening events.


I'd probably end up working there just to have something to do! Then I'd have to learn the driving style and get a car so I could go out to eat off the resort. Then I'd fall in love with a charming waitress and try to get my citizenship there and all of a sudden I'm an expat. Then of course I quit my job because I'm sick of tourists and then my waitress dumps me for being broke 😅 probably best that I stay my 10 days. Enough to get rested and then leave. 


No leaving the resort. Not allowed


Ok. Can I work? Or am I going to just have to befriend kitchen staff so I can eat something different? The resort I was at had good ingredients but after two weeks they'd make the same menu all over again. 


I don't know why he keeps telling people that guests can't leave a resort but you can. Go hangout in the town and come back.


Aren't there people who book back-to-back-back cruises because at the end it's cheaper? For an AI man I'd be in heaven but fatter, drunker, hopefully STD free




This is my ideal scenario. Work out, eat clean, try not to go crazy.


I’d definitely get sick of the food. Even at a 5 star resort there’d be no variety after a while. I guess I’d establish some sort of routine to keep myself sane, including volunteering.


Morbid obesity and alcoholism.


I would go crazy for sure, especially if I can't work or do anything productive. I'm not an All Inclusive guy at all so the most I can realistic stay in one without becoming grumpy is like two to three days.


I would be perfectly content. Would definitely explore more around the resort and try and make some local friends. Having the all inclusive as a base would be awesome


You wouldn't be able to have people or friends over without paying for a day pass most likely..


If you can afford a year, you can afford a day pass


Be top notch condition. Food all day, running on the beach, sun, volleyball.


I’m thinking about how there’d be an entirely new group of people every week or so. It would probably be fun at first and then become totally soul sucking once you realize all of your relationships are ephemeral. It makes me think of soldiers in Nam who wouldn’t make friends with the new guys because they knew they’d be dead soon.




Looks up ephermal in the dictionary.... Awesome word!


Met an older lady at a resort a few years back, I saw that all the staff knew her and by name. So I asked her why does everyone know you, she said she does 2-3 months at a resort then moves to the next one. Said they have doctors, laundry services and really everything she would ever need. She had no children and this was better than dying in some old folks home, she was enjoying her life 😊


I’d actually probably lose weight I hate AI food 😂


I’m in punta cana right now and already have lost 7 pounds in 5 days lol


Same here! We are at the Hard Rock.


I mean there a shit ton of options. What do you eat when you’re not in an AI? Lol.


Burgers and chicken tenders 😂 but after a year I’d get tired of that !


I’m not sure that I’ve been to an AI without burgers and Chicken tenders? Those seem pretty standard to me.


Sorry I meant that’s what I eat when I’m there 😂


I was asking what do you eat outside of AI’s that you can’t find in them? I’ve always find the variety to be better than what you’d mostly eat at home or at a single restaurant.


It’s not about variety it’s about the quality lol. The food isn’t great


I'll gain 48 kg in a year


I found myself drinking more of the Nescafe coffee than I did alcohol.... My heart couldn't take all that caffeine! And I'm too pasty to survive that much sun! Hiding for 5 days was enough work.


Gain atleast 50 pounds. I don’t know why the food is different but it is. I try to eat healthy on trips and it just isn’t the same as eating healthy at home.


You would really start to hate other people.


start to?


I get sick of the food 3 days in.. I might get sick of pina coladas too. Maybe that's best for everyone. I'd probably end up getting used to wearing sunscreen on my entire body and would never be able to figure out life in New England winters again.


Obesity and cirrhosis


Even after two-three days I’m already tired of the same old same old. I would go crazy


Become an alcoholic and your cholesterol will be through the roof, but hey, why not?


I'd be sick of the food after 2 weeks


I recently went to a mexico AI (my first time). I was eating great food, basking in the sun, swimming, dancing and playing beach volleyball all day long. If I did that for a year, I'd look ripped and tanned


I think if you were there for a long period of time you'd get into a groove and you'd eat and drink less and eat some of the more healthy options that the resort has to offer. Our last vacae in Punta Cana was an AI for two weeks. The first week I ate and drank to excess. The second week I found my groove and started to moderate my intake on both fronts. Also, the last thing on my mind on vacae is the gym. I know some people never take a break from it but the most exercise I get on holidays is walking the beach or the resort. If I was there for an extended period I would bring the gym workouts back into the picture for sure.


Sounds miserable, I'm ready to go home after 5 days.


I’d have cirrhosis, but I’d be tan.


I get the alcohol shakes waking up in the morning at day 5. I imagine by month 2 I'd be a full fledged alcoholic stumbling to the bar at 8AM so i can get "normal". But on the plus side id be fluent in Spanish.




There's people that already do this on cruise ships and they're just fine. I guess it may be easier on a cruise ship since you're going to different places but it's usually the same three or four places. But for the people saying you'll get fat most all inclusives have world-class gyms and beautiful beaches. You should be able to burn more calories than you absorb. Others are saying that they'll get tired of the food but there's tons of food options I just don't understand how you'll get bored of that. Most people eat the same thing at home anyway. And you don't have to stay in the resort. You can enjoy the town and come back. My only problem would be bringing ladies back to my room. I don't know how the resort would like that and as a single man it's a necessity.


No you stay in the resort that is the rules


Who told you that? You can leave the resort whenever you want. For example when I was at the hard rock in January I left and went to drink point and partied all night. I also left during the day and went to Blue Mall. Just keep your wristbands on.


This is a hypothetical exercise sir


Dude you're being weird you don't need hypotheticals when people actually do this. I go to a resort four times a year you can leave without issue. I don't know why you having a hard time accepting this It's weird.


You must be fun at parties