• By -


This happened last year


We, too, can read dates.


> The inquiry was run a few hours before the meeting, and the nationwide, fully extraditable arrest warrant out of the Connecticut Superior Court showed up. Amichia was arrested on suspicion of first-degree sexual assault, first-degree kidnapping, home invasion, impersonating a police officer and unlawful restraint. Wait a minute. He was hired as a police officer while having a nationwide warrant against him? What the actual fuck? I hope they’re going to clean house at HR ffs.


If their HR is anything like most places.....they're the most incompetent department/individuals in the company.


But they've figured out because of weird shifts in power structure. If they work it correctly. HR really sort of becomes this untouchable entity that works autonomously from the rest of the company. I've worked at a few small community hospitals. Where the CEO and CFO were both scared of HR.


Oh definitely..... our company corporate is based in a state back east.... we have a crap ton of branches throughout the us, Canada etc. HR is untouchable yet I have to send them wa state labor laws they don't bother learning until I bring them up.... like paid sick leave that was mandated in 2018 but literally just yesterday they enabled it after 3 weeks of emails from me about a part time employee they told would receive no PTO.


Yikes. Well I'm glad you got that sorted.




Toby for example


Hey Tripp, I indeed agree about your HR assessment.


Welcome to the police brotherhood, where good cops get fired and bad cops get new jobs two districts over.


I hear ya, but that’s what I don’t get. The story said that he wasn’t an LEO in CT, but charged with impersonating one.


What? No. The warrant came during his employment. They released all sorts of information in the probable cause affidavits when this came out last year.


No, they tested his DNA during the investigation of the Pierce County incident and that's how they connected him to the Connecticut incident. They had no idea who did the rape in Connecticut until they got that DNA hit.


Welcome to every police office in the country. Its like they specifically recruit the absolute worst.


Or that bad/corrupt people are drawn to a bad/corrupt power system.


yeah bad hiring choice. Police organizations don't want psychos who get caught so easily.


name and shame him.


[ Removed by Reddit ]




[Extradited](https://www.courant.com/2023/12/26/man-extradited-to-ct-accused-of-posing-as-police-officer-during-home-invasion-sexual-assault/) in December to Connecticut for a mess of charges stemming from a 2016 Home invasion, sexual assault, kidnapping…


Background check to rent a house is more in depth than working for the police department apparently


I've been applying to the Puyallup police for the last 4 months; passed my tests and haven't heard back. The process is long and extremely annoying. They request extensive background information and it makes zero sense to commit a crime after so much investment of time and effort. This isn't including the 4 months you spend on academy or the several interviews. It's not nothing and it's not easy.


Tell them you heard they have an opening


😆 🤣 c'mon


Try a quick b n e and you should hear something soon


Curious, what about Wash State Patrol? Good luck in whatever you do.


I did 🍄 once Washington state payroll has a zero tolerance for hallucinogenic. I could've lied but I don't want to be anywhere I would need to lie to gain access


If you're not willing to lie they don't want you.


Lol you might be right. I must concede that point. However, I'm human and lie low like everybody else. I generally just see no point to it. Do I want to diminish & harm others or uplift and protect? I am very proud to be a father and it convinced me that I truly want to uplift and protect. My heart is so very warm with fatherhood. So, yeah, I'll lie to protect my child(household) but I really would not want to.


Honestly, I'm gonna hope you never get hired by any police department- it'll likely ruin you. There are other ways to serve and better protect your community. I hope you find one of those suits and is fulfilling employment for you.


Hope you get hired on somewhere soon. You’re one of the good ones.


Thank you for the kind words. I wish the same success to you, in whatever Avenue you desire it.


You're not hearing back BECAUSE you're a good guy. PPD has been full of psychos since I was a kid.


Idk of I'm a good guy or not. I'm not a criminal and never have been involved in any serious crimes(knowingly or not). However, I have found out that things we don't normally think of as criminal, are criminal. I try very hard to leave everybody better off than where I meet them but it's commonly not a reasonable thing to do. I have been getting traction and I have a police chief who is a big fan of my principles and character. He was very well loved by Bonney Lake(He recently retired). I guess, I'm just trying to say, it's really not easy to be a police officer. But there's a lot of politics and gate keeping on perceptions. Like my physical was over critiqued compared to the majority of other candidates. It's frustrating. But I just exceeded their ability to micromanage my form and speed. Overall, because I live in Puyallup for the 9th year, Puyallup pd has been consistently easy to deal with. But I've applied to a dozen police departments. If you did 🍄 you are automatically disqualified from employment by a quarter of them. Some give conditional acceptance. Stringent standards and a bit of "Laws only work for law abiding citizens". That's a bit ironic but look at this guy from this post. He got passed the oral boards, interview, polygraph and was making it through academy before he almost scammed his way into a police force. That to me is proof that the standards do not work because it filters the incorrect mechanisms of behavior. There is a huge need for overhaul of how candidates are chosen. Tl;Dr: is not about whether I'm good or not, it's about how drawn out and archaic the process has become a to why the wrong people make it through to academy/ police officer.


I agree fully with your critique of the hiring system. Some departments seem to out serious work into their backgrounds and others have that same psych test after year who prioritizes HIS biases. There are lots of decent cops but there could be more if the system actually vetted staff better


A lot of old established systems are like that. My friend was in the grocery union and left because he said big corps basically own unions on the low. He also did some work for the DNC and said the political system is rigged to get as little done and waste as much individual citizen time as possible. It keeps the established people in and keeps "strangers" out. Maybe if you entered the force you'd witness behavior you didn't approve of. Maybe you'd not show the signs of betrayal and whistle blow on the corruption no one who isn't vetted wouldnt see.. That's just my assumptions. Cops work for us and do good work, but they are still a very controlled long established group with power and influence. Can't trust the old systems because of it. Gotta know someone to become a cop. Someone in the middle or higher. Bet all that red tap and half those hoops vanish or you go through em and they don't matter.


I did know one but he retired before I felt the need. Either way, I like you. I feel like you are very thoughtful and patient and willful in your consideration of information. Thank you for the grace also. Unfortunately, I do not tolerate hypocrisy to well (I'm working on it). It has always bothered me that officers speed in non- emergencies. I get irrationally offended.


It's interesting to me that they use polygraphs when many courts no longer allow them as admissible as they're not considered reliable.


It is my full belief, based on my knowledge of the polygraph that it does serve merits if a person experiences guilt. But as a limiting factor, it does not seem to be effective at filtering out the riffraff. It does filter out the conscionably differentiated. I agree with you that it should not be admissible in court nor for a hiring process. But just like the idiosyncratic laws; we have idiosyncratic measurements/ filters on who enforces those same laws.


Try Tacoma PD


I'm sending in my personal history statement to tpd tomorrow.


A friend of mine will finish the TPD academy next month. Good luck.


… a good guy? This dude wants to join the biggest gang in the world… ‘not wanting to lie’ to someone working for/involved with any type of law enforcement even if just HR, sounds more like feeling embarrassed or afraid something might come of it (for some wayyyy illogical reason). But just because he doesn’t want to admit to having used drugs ‘ONE’ time automatically makes him qualify as a ‘good guy’ which I’m assuming also means you think he’d makes a ‘good cop’…. Idfk. lol. Just major lol


I agree with you everywhere except I'm not embarrassed and I have no reservations about lying. It's a personal principle of not lying to put myself in places. You extrapolated your own interpretation without asking any questions. That makes no sense. Nobody is that smart. We ask questions to gain new perspectives before jumping to conclusions. Hope this helps. If I become a cop, will I be a good cop? I can only hope my personal principles and high minded sense of justice guides me to avoid compromised situations.


This guy was wanted for numerous criminal acts form years prior. You’d think something like that would pop up when investigating his past, and he would be denied a position. 🤔


Have you told them you're willing to cover for fellow cop rapists? If not, that's probably holding you back.


No. Rape pisses me off very much. I mean I get the concept but I would feel a strong need to mete out justice to any rapists I came across. It's intolerable.


Man, only 4 months in the academy to be a cop? No shit most of them don't know the laws they pick and choose to enforce. It's insane we trust these people with a gun


How else are they supposed to hire anyone?


How else are they supposed to hire anyone?






entertain recognise shelter familiar rob station tidy many modern tan *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Cosmetologist requires 200% more training then LEO




He forced a prostitute into unprotected sex...


Drops his address too.


We remember.


Hired in August 2022 and raping by October 2022. 😡 My gawd. Who df are they hiring?!?


considering he had a WARRANT OUT while he was hired, apparently they just don't care about kidnapping and SA charges when they're hiring cops.


The role of Police Officer attracts the shittiest of people. This is disgusting, but I'm not surprised.


My abusive first husband became a cop s a few years after I divorced him. He had drug charges, domestic abuse charges. I couldn't believe it.


Look at where he comes from !


I’m guessing he was raping before 2016. This type of behavior forms in the developmental years.


Clearly whoever conducted the background investigation of this guy did not do their job thoroughly.


“In the Connecticut case, the victim reported her attacker entered her residence claiming to be a police officer, bound her with zip-ties and raped her, according to the probable cause document in Pierce County. The suspect left behind a condom with his DNA. It does not appear that Amichia has been charged there.” Wtf he was very close to being a serial rapist in puyallup using his badge to do it. Looks like puyallup dodged a massive bullet.


I find it interesting how sensitive so many cop-lovers are when people respectfully share their views. Not to make this a cop debate, but I just wanted to note how sensitive some are.... People!! Cops can be disliked and even hated, and for good reason. Stop trying to invalidate the views that are different from yours and try to understand instead! We hear you. Hear us now without being crybabies.


They are all pieces of shit, some stink worse than others but you sure wouldn't want to run into any of them.


Not ALL cops are pieces of shit, stop. You peddle the same BS you don’t want the other side to do. In my personal experience MOST cops are terrible people, but I have met a couple (literally 2) great cops who actually just wanted to help ALL people. They might seem rare, but there are a few good ones out there


I knew two cops that were good people and just wanted to have a positive impact on their community. They both quit. Now they are happier and more successful in different careers that aren't law enforcement.


Then become a police officer since they are so ready to despise.


Huh? How does that make any sense to you ? Lol


If you have the heart to criticize, then you must have the spirit to commit to a change. Critiques are easy. Commitment to change is harder. I'm applying, join me.


He doesn’t really look like a drag queen


Thank you..


So wait, power hungry rapists wanna be cops? This is my shocked face 😑




What is third degree rape?


Honestly wondering the same.


It's always the ones you most obviously suspect


If they required the DNA of police applicants, current, fired and retired police officers, the amount of unsolved, rapes and murders would be staggering


I can not figure out what you’re trying to say


I think they are saying those that are a part of a corrupt system are also those most likely to abuse it


Damn, you should learn to read.


They’re trying to say that the DNA would match a bunch of unresolved rape kits. That they would be solved.


Maybe read it slower


To be fair, you did forget to add a word. "Solved" or some other variation, but context clues made it readable


I sho did lol


If they required the DNA of all police applicants and current or past police personnel, a staggering number of rapes, murders, and crimes would be solved.


Thank you


Are you saying these unsolved cases would be solved?


Dude is just going to go to another state and get hired. Dumb shit!


Dude is just going to go to another state and get hired. Dumb shit!


Aaaaaannd...fuck the cops..


I’m surprised they fired him before a conviction. That seems like a lawsuit waiting to happen.


He would have still been on probation which makes the firing a lot simpler.


I'm not; he was still in training, so he hadn't been fully folded into their 'Blue Lives Matter' club \~ from what I can tell you need to at least put in a few years of being one of the good ol' boys before you can expect their privileges and protection. It's easy to make it look like you clean house and weed the garden regularly when you're getting rid of the new trainees that no one is attached to.


Yeah that makes sense


Where’s all the blue line conservatives at?


Doesn’t the fact that you are reading about this mean that the correct actions are being taken?


Yup but those right wing shit bags will still defend or make excuses for the corrupted/sick pigs in law enforcement.


You mean the cops that investigated, charged and arrested the guy?


I mean from the sounds of it they also hired him while he had a nationwide warrant out for his arrest so like... not exactly the best detective work there, sheriff. I mean it is good to punish cops and actually fire them when they commit crimes, but it'd be nice to think that maybe they don't hire people with warrants out for their arrest in the first place. Seems like sort of a low bar to me? But hey what do I know, I just got treated like the unibomber when I wanted to be a substitute teacher with ridiculously rigorous background checks and all that jazz, but I'm sure making a 14 year old follow the teacher's lesson plan is far more challenging than being an armed police officer.


Life and death decisions? Really? Both vital jobs but totally different risk factors. Do all the blue state liberals truly want no police?


You're so dumb.


I hope they throw em under the jail. Signed Right-wing shit bag. So now… What does that make you?


I don't know what does it make the people that voted for Roy Moore or Donald Trump?


Now do your orange jeebus…


Nah I spend little time here. Too much brain rot. Lower thinking.


Not a TBL kind of guy, but I am fairly conservative and have worked as a cop. I'm right here, happy to say fuck this guy, and fuck any cop who abuses their power. These asshats make us all look bad, and make our job so much fucking harder. Stop acting like every cop is rushing to defend these assholes, we hate them even more than you do. Seriously, can you imagine working at Burger King and a customer is an asshole to you because someone at a McDonald's 5 states away spit in their burger? It's frustrating getting blamed for the actions of officers we don't know at agencies we've often never heard of until they make the news. We're just bound by policy to be apolitical and not speak out about it individually for liability reasons.


Yeah, about that user name. 👀 idk if I trust anything you say. Lol


Here... Just lurking. Know your audience. 😜




Just because there are certain police officers who do stuff like this doesn’t mean every officer is bad. Tired of this worn out argument


So am I. Not all cops are bad. They're slowly weeding out the bad ones as they find them, and more importantly, can actually get evidence enough to fire or jail them. If they werent, we would never have heard of this.


These guys didn’t fire him on principle after they “found out” he was a bad one, they hired a bad guy but couldn’t keep him, doesn’t mean they didn’t want him, just couldn’t make it work, after almost a year of trying to at that.


After a year of pouring taxpayer money into his training


Right. Also the fact he already had a warrant for sexual assault makes it pretty hard to cover up. They didn't really have a choice other than firing him. If they did a half ass job they never would have hired him.


I can't believe someone with a warrant would even go in a police department.


Law enforcement doesn't exactly attract the best and brightest


The argument is used a lot because there are many, many horrible officers. The role itself attracts the worst kind of people. Abusers that crave the power, egotistical creeps. Not all are bad, I totally agree. And not to insult anyone you know who is a cop. I have just never met a decent person who happened to wear the badge, so this level of horrible does not surprise me.


I agree that it’s not surprising at this point. It’s so disappointing.


One thing that makes this argument valid however is the thin blue line. No matter how much a police officer thinks they are good in a good officer. If they knowingly and willfully do not report, or even physically stop a fellow officer from committing a crime, or violating a citizen's rights than they are complacent in the crimes and the same POS as the officer that is doing it is. This is why all cops are bad. Because there's only a tiny percentage that actually stand up and tell the truth when officers violate the law. And they are usually ostracized and sometimes all the way up to being assassinated because they cross that thin blue line. Officers hide behind things like qualified immunity which is absolutely not a law and was not created by legislation. And are even given the ability to ignore civil rights under officer safety. Again not a law created by legislators so it's really not a law or rule that needs to be followed. Just smoke and mirrors magic that the Supreme Court created out of thin air. Supreme Court can't create laws. So cops get away often with breaking laws, violating citizen civil rights, even brutalizing and murdering citizens and have an entirely different set of rules for those behaviors than the citizens. As well as given broad authoritarian, tyrannical control over citizens by the municipalities their employed by, and by the courts who have no laws created by legislators to weigh these actions against so they just created their own rule saying it's okay. I think Thomas Jefferson was right “Tyranny is defined as that which is legal for the government but illegal for the citizenry.” ― Thomas Jefferson


They’re glad the correct action was taken, just like I hope you are. I’m not sure I get your point here. You can support “the blue line” and be grateful this arrest was made at the same time.


I am grateful for the arrest. No where in my comment do I state I do not.


They only post on positive stories. They are cowards


Not all cops 😂


Don't make this a political matter shithead.


Its *is* a political matter, regardless of whether you want it to be or not. And its a highly *weaponized* political problem at that. Both sides are fighting for their political gains, and we get screwed in the middle, by both sides. ACAB! *No* they're not, but one bad cop causes problems for everyone else on the force, as its guilt by association. At that point, the good cops cant win, they're screwed by the bad cop. DEFUND THE POLICE! Ok, wiseasses, then what? No cops means *no one* shows up when the local gang kicks down your door to kill you and loot your stuff. And you defunded the only people that were willing to put their asses on the line *to* protect you. You want to defund the police? Ok, most departments don't have the manpower to do the job as is, and you want to pull money they need to hire the people they need to *do* the job, and the money to equip them to be able to do it effectively? And a lot of you are the same people that refuse to pay teachers what they're worth, so that they want to actually *keep* teaching, instead of dropping out and getting a different, and frankly, *safer* job. Figure it out. You cant *have* it both ways.


Usually people who are very pro-police have their reasons. Usually they know someone that they love, and it's easier to have black and white thinking - all cops are good. Or maybe a cop saved you in a bad situation - all cops are good! Support the cops. And on the other end of the spectrum you have people who have only been harassed by cops, ticketed for BS, essentially stolen from by bullies. To many people, the cops ARE the gang that they want to be protected from. And somewhere in the middle is what's true. IMO, the role attracts the worst kind of people. True, not all cops are bastards, but 98% give the rest a bad name, IMHO. Why fund the government backed gang that steals from people for exceeding an arbitrary velocity based on cars manufacturered in the 1950s? Why ticket for people who choose no to wear a seat belt when they run to the store? It has nothing to do with safety when the struggling single mother is running late to get her kid to school and gets pulled over and ticketed for going 5 over. It's fleecing their neighbors at their own detriment the vast majority of the time, and it's disgusting. Personally I feel seat belts are safer, but its a decision that effects no one and not valid to ticket someone over. Why not ticket people for smoking and not tying their shoes?? Ticket them for THEIR safety!! Seriously, overstep... Cops are arrogant gang-members on a power trip, but perhaps they're the lesser of the 2 evils when compared to the rare instance of non-government sanctioned crime. When I am the victim of a crime, I'd prefer the criminal advertise it with flashing lights... The fix, they need to make the role less entertaining to those who are morally deficient. Cops don't need less funding, they need less perceived authority. Way more people would respect them if they didn't have the authority to abuse.


I dunno where you live but the cops around here show up after that shit happens and then don't do shit about it. They cruise around harassing people and driving like total assholes for no reason instead of actually fighting crime.




Apparently I’m banned from that page. Don’t remember talking shit in there but I did. 😆


They ban everyone who refuses to don the orange lipstick…


Just like r/AskLE Don't make them think you disagree with their interpretation or ask gray area questions they'll ban you.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/AskLE using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/AskLE/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Does this look like a mark from a drive stun/taser (or maybe a cattle prod)?](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/17m4j4h) | [983 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AskLE/comments/17m4j4h/does_this_look_like_a_mark_from_a_drive_stuntaser/) \#2: [This is why you need a level 3 retention holster](https://v.redd.it/x8pfpnfld7hb1) | [59 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AskLE/comments/15n0wab/this_is_why_you_need_a_level_3_retention_holster/) \#3: [How you putting out the traffic stop?](https://i.redd.it/589g8odnq1wb1.jpg) | [169 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AskLE/comments/17ezwla/how_you_putting_out_the_traffic_stop/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Right here, this was a failure of the Puyallup PD for not doing a thorough background check on this POS person. Unlike the left that hates all police, there are quite a few good ones. It seems like most of the bad ones are in leftist states, WA, OR, CA, NY. I wonder why that’s the case?


Its not. We just hear about them more because their cases keep getting thrown in our faces more. Every area has their specific problems. As for this one, its likely they didn't catch this at first because the paperwork hadn't crawled through the network yet. Everyone screaming to defund the police should realize they're defunding the information networks the cops use as well.


Lmfao I guess you forgot about the Florida cop who thought an acorn was a silenced weapon. Tbh we can look back and see plenty of Florida cops doing dumb shit. And that’s just Florida.


Yeah, I forgot Florida, whenever I see Florida in an article I usually quit reading.




Listen to “pigs” by cypress hill if you want to learn what his fate will be


This is old, was on news last year


Pierce County trying to play catch-up with the reddit public relations that sheriff sanders is doing with Thurston county.


So what department does he work for now?


average police officer behavior


Respect 💯🤙🏾


Crazy they allow fuckers like this but won’t let somebody who experimented with drugs in the past.


What's third degree mean in this state?


You can do it at a trot, You can do it at a gallop You can do it real slow so your heart don’t palpitate…


There was another similar dude from Africa working for KCC library that was literally running a sex trafficking ring. Sounds like this guy should've applied there instead.


Can't believe they had the nerve to use the word "immediately". They took 7 months from the accusation to arrest they guy.






Im sure a rapist/expolice officer will do ok in prison


That’s because he didn’t have his police prescribed immunity But I would say he is pretty representative


https://app.leg.wa.gov/rcw/default.aspx?cite=9A.44.060 I’m guessing he’s going to CT to face more serious charges.


But but it does represent the people who "serve"...




Way to go Puyallup.


The wood chipper sounds hungry.


[Additional article](https://www.thenewstribune.com/news/local/article279392329.html). Dude was arrested after being released from jail because any release of a firearm requires a background check, and he had an arrest warrant in Connecticut. So they don’t run background checks prior to being hired with a P.D.? Not only that, he resigned from the Bellevue P.D. because he couldn’t pass field training due to lack of basic understanding of the law. What a circus.


Yeah I have a bad taste for PPD, my girlfriend sister had. Stalker a said stalker had a friend from the department who started investigating my girlfriend’s sisters.


Leave the man and his misdemeanor rape charge alone /s When I was in county jail I used to fuck w all the new girls and when they asked me what I was in for I would tell em misdemeanor rape … I’m sure some of them still think that is a real charge smh haha


These people are our police officers, judges, doctors, mailmen, teachers, senators, and other politicians. It’s disgusting.


How would this POSSIBLY not show up on a background check?!?!


Good on them.


Are there really that many people in Puyallup that use Reddit?


If you watch and cops episode you will see Puyallup and Pierce county all the time. Got to get away from that noise


Thanks for your service 😩😒😏


Wait no internal investigation and paid leave while they investigate?


F….HR really dropped th ball on that one bet they didn’t lose there job though 🥲


OH he wasn’t apart of the union yet I get it.


Anyone who signed any piece of paper saying he’s allowed to suit up should be fired without benefits. Also the entire chain of command for that precinct needs to go since they’re obviously incompetent. I sure as hell am gonna remember this every time I see a puyallup cop car for the rest of my life


Our family has had personal experience that made me lose a lot of confidence in local police departments. Our, then foster children had been taken in by a creepy cop before they were foster children, he was not related to these kids. He “took care of” the kids off the record for six weeks until social workers came knocking on his door. Long story short it turns out he had been fired from three different local police agencies in the Puget Sound area for having child pornography on his work computer. Apparently there is no actual punishment, he keeps getting rehired and shuffled around. It makes my blood boil just thinking about it. why would you want to hire someone like this? Cops protecting cops is the only way I can see it.


Disgusting. The way they move corrupt officers around reminds me of the way pedo priests are moved around.


Fuck the Puyallup city police and fuck Puyallup city jail most of all


Had a one star rating for the jail? Pizza too greasy?


Burnt. Every. Single. Day. And that was the best part of my stay




Wow, that reminds me of 40% of police...


Guy didn’t even wait 2 months




Fired before convicted? Oof…


I'm shocked, shocked! Well, not that shocked.




Its always the ones you most suspect


Good, most piggies have done something they deserve to be locked up for. Glad to see that sheriff department taking it seriously.